
The toolbar is displayed across the top of the application window, below the menu bar. The toolbar provides quick mouse access to many tools used in Logger Pro.

Some of the buttons will appear and disappear depending on the program state. For example, if the Events with Entry data-collection mode is being used, the Keep button will be displayed.

A New Page icon Create a new document. If you have made changes to the previous document, you will be prompted to save it before creating a new one.
Open icon Open an existing document. Logger Pro displays the Open dialog box, in which you can locate and open the desired file.
Save icon Save the active document or template with its current name. If you have not named the document, Logger Pro displays the Save As dialog box.
Print icon Print the screen as displayed on your monitor.
LeftArrow icon Display the previous page of the current document. Only enabled if a previous page exists.
ScrollBar icon Choose the page in a document you want to view.
RightArrow icon Display the next page of the current document. Only enabled if a next page exists.
DataBrowser icon Display the Data Browser window. The Data Browser can be used to view all data available to the current document.
ImportButton icon Import data from Texas Instruments calculator.
Autoscale icon Automatically scale the graph to include all data points.
ZoomIn icon Zoom in to the selected region of the graph.
ZoomOut icon Zoom out by a factor of two in both x- and y-directions.
Examine icon Turn on the Examine tool.
Tangent icon Turn on the Tangent tool.
Statistics icon Calculate statistics on selected data.
Integral icon Integrate selected data range.
LinearFit icon Apply a linear fit to the selected data.
CurveFit icon Perform a variety of curve fits, including quadratic or inverse.
TimingModesButton icon Set data collection parameters such as rate, experiment duration, and triggering.
CollectButton icon Start data collection. Click StopButton icon to end data collection.
ZeroButton icon (only appears if relevant) Click to set the current value of a sensor (such as a Force Probe) to zero.
KeepButton icon (only appears if relevant) Click to keep a data point. Used with Events with Entry and Selected Events data-collection modes.
TargetGraph icon (only appears if relevant) Generate a Graph Match. Click TargetGraph icon to generate a graph.
OOpticsIcon2 icon (only appears if relevant) Configure Spectrometer data collection.
HeatButton icon (only appears if relevant) Tells the heat pulser to generate a pulse.

Device Icons

The second line in the toolbar contains an icon for each connected device, followed by live readouts. When you click the icon, the sensor setup dialog will be displayed.

LabProButton icon Click to view the LabPro sensor setup dialog.
LabQuestButton icon Click to view the LabQuest or LabQuest Mini sensor setup dialog.
GoLinkButton icon Click to view the Go! Link sensor setup dialog.
GoMotionButton icon Click to view the Go! Motion dialog.
GoTempButton icon Click to view the Go! Temp dialog.
GCIcon icon Click to view the Gas Chromatograph dialog.
GPSButton icon Click to view the GPS dialog.
OHAUSButton icon Click to view the OHAUS balance dialog.
OOpticsIcon icon Click to view the Spectrometer calibration dialog.
WattsUp icon Click to view the Watts up? dialog.
WDSSToolbarButton icon Click to view the Wireless Dynamics Sensor System dialog.

Customize the Toolbar

Troubleshooting: No Live Readouts

If there is an icon for the interface but no live readouts, consider the following possibilities: