Data Browser

The Data Browser is a container for all the data in a Logger Pro file. In contrast, a given data table will not necessarily show all data columns. Note: The Table Options dialog allows you to set which columns and data sets are shown in a data table.

For basic use of Logger Pro, you will not need to use the Data Browser. By default, all new data columns are added to all data tables. However, for more complex Logger Pro sessions, you may find it useful to display only a subset of the possible columns in a particular data table, or no data table at all. In these cases, you can use the Data Browser to manipulate data columns and data sets.

Data Browser Features

To use the Data Browser, click the Data Browser button or choose Data Browser from the Data menu. In the Data Browser, you can:

Data Browser Buttons

Six Data Browser buttons provide shortcuts for document-wide data commands:

New Data Set Button Add a new data set.
New Manual Column Button Add a new manual column.
New Calculated Column Button Add a new calculated column.
Expand Collapse Button Expand or collapse the list of data in the Data Browser.
Select Same Button If you want to select all columns with the same name, select one column, then click this button. All columns with that same name will also be selected.
Delete Button Delete the selected objects.

All data browser actions can be undone by choosing Undo from the Edit menu.

See Also: