Selected Events Mode

Choose Data Collection from the Data menu to set up Selected Events mode. In Selected Events mode, you determine which data values are collected by clicking on the toolbar (or choosing Keep from the Experiment menu) when a desired value is reached. When you start collection, the current reading is shown as a point symbol moving across the graph window. The point symbol color and shape can be changed in the Column Options dialog.

Use Time Column

Check Use Time Column to use the elapsed time for the X values.

Column Name

If you elect not to use the time column, you can create your own. Enter the Column Name, Short Name (used when the space is too small for the Column Name), and Units. You can include special symbols (including subscripts and superscripts) in the entries using the drop-down menu. Each time you click Keep during data collection, the X column value is increased by 1.

Use 10 s Average

If you check Use 10 s Average, Logger Pro will collect data for 10 seconds after Keep is clicked, and then display the average reading over that time period. This can be helpful when data values are not completely stable.

See Also: