User Preferences

The Preferences dialog box contains several options that pertain to the general operation of the software. Choose Preferences from the File menu (Windows/Mac Pre OS X) or Logger Pro menu (Mac OS X). The preferences you set will be stored and will apply every time Logger Pro is launched.

Startup File

Check Startup File to choose a file that will be opened whenever Logger Pro is launched or New is chosen from the File menu. Click Browse to locate the file you want to use.

Deselect Open Startup File as Template or Open Startup File on File:New to change these options.

Default Folder

Click Browse to change the Default Folder, the folder that will be opened when you choose Open from the File menu.

Allow Automatic Curve Fit

Check Allow Automatic Curve Fit to allow automatic curve fits to data. If this is unchecked, only manual fits will be allowed.

Default Precision

You can select the Default Precision that curve fit and linear fit objects will use when displaying coefficients, RMSE, and other values. The precision can be set as Decimal Places (the number of digits after a decimal point) or Significant Figures (the numbers beside the placeholding zeros of a decimal point).


Display Larger Text on Screen

For easier viewing, you can display larger text (axis labels, etc.) for many objects.

Note: You can also change the appearance of the text as it appears in Text and Text Annotation objects, including the font, the justification, and the color by double-clicking on the object. Additional editing commands for Text and Text Annotation objects are located in the Edit menu.

Thick Graph Trace Lines

Check Thick Graph Trace Lines to have data plotted with thicker lines.

Graph Spectrum as Narrow Strip

When Graph Spectrum as Narrow Strip is checked, the visible spectrum "rainbow" will be displayed as a strip across the bottom of the graph. When it is unchecked, the visible spectrum "rainbow" will cover the graph from top to bottom. Note: The visible spectrum will only be displayed when Draw Visible Spectrum is checked on the Graph Options tab.

Large Toolbar Buttons

When Large Toolbar Buttons is checked, a subset of the Toolbar buttons(examine, statistics, etc.) will appear larger for easier viewing.

Color Options for Data Sets

To make the appearance of all data sets for a single sensor consistent, select Use Color Family for Same Sensor. To make each data set distinct in appearance, select Use One Color Per Data Set

Update Screen Objects When Sensors Change

The Logger Pro screen reflects the sensor setup. For example, when you connect a Force Probe while Logger Pro is running, the graph will update to display units of force, in Newtons. If you then connect a Motion Detector, new graphs of Distance, Velocity and Acceleration will be added to your page.

You have an option to disable the automatic update when sensors are changed. This enables your customized page to remain intact, whether you choose New or Open.

Check For New Files if you want the page to update when opening a new file. Deselect For New Files if you do not want the page to update when a new file is opened.

Check For Opened Files if you want the page to update when previously saved files are opened. Deselect For Opened Files if you do not want the page to update when previously saved files are opened.

Move Table Selection After Enter

When you are manually entering data, you can select whether the next active cell is below or to the right of the cell that is currently active if you press Enter/Return.


Enable Motion Detector Live Readouts

Check Enable Motion Detector Live Readouts to allow the meter to show the current reading when you have a Motion Detector connected, even between data collection. If you dislike the clicking sound of an operating Motion Detector, deselect this option. The meter reading will be incorrect between runs when Live Readouts are turned off.

Show Most Recent Files

Check Show Most Recent Files to include a list of the most recently used experiment files in the File menu for quick access.

New Data Sets have (X,Y)

Check New Data Sets have (X,Y) so new data sets will contain columns labeled X and Y. Otherwise, new data sets will be copies of the first data set.


When Auto-backup is checked, Logger Pro will automatically make a backup copy of the current Logger Pro setup, including all data. The backup copy is updated at the end of each data collection run regardless of duration, and every 5 minutes during long data collection periods. If Logger Pro crashes or closes for some other reason, such as a power loss, the backup copy will be detected the next time Logger Pro is launched, and you will be offered a chance to save the file normally. Backup files created by the auto-backup feature are deleted when Logger Pro is exited normally.

Writing a file to the disk every 5 minutes generates some noise and prevents your hard disk from going to sleep. If you want your computer to be able to sleep after a period of inactivity, turn off auto-backup.

Automatically Store Runs

By default, Logger Pro will ask you if you want to overwrite previous data when data collection is started (unless data were collected in time-based mode for less that 60 seconds). Check Automatically Store Runs to have Logger Pro automatically store previous data when you start data collection.

Undo Levels

Select the number of actions that will be kept in memory and can be undone. The higher this number, the more actions that can be undone, but the more memory that will be consumed. If you are low on memory, you may wish to set this to a low number (or even to 0, disabling undo entirely).