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Complex Transfers Simplified - Only With A Mac



You can save bookmarks for later use. In almost any window, or after selecting an item, choose Add Bookmark from the Bookmarks menu, enter a name and click the Add button to save the bookmark.

You can then open the bookmark from within the Bookmarks collection or via the Bookmarks menu.

See also the Bookmarks section.

Specific Features

For more information about a specific Interarchy feature consult the Interarchy Documentation, post a question to the Interarchy User Group, visit the Interarchy website or contact us.

Local Directory Listing

You can open up a local directory listing by dropping a folder on to Interarchy’s application (or Dock) icon or by choosing Connect to Server from the File menu and selecting the File protocol and List action.

You can use this if you want to mimic a side-by-side view of local and remote directories.

Open in Tabs

If you have a folder in your Bookmarks collection in the Bookmarks window, you can use the Bookmarks menu to select the Open in Tabs menu item from inside the hierarchical menu and Interarchy will open all the listings up in separate Tabs in a Listing window.

So for example, say you have a bookmark folder called “My Sites” containing three listing bookmarks. You can choose Open in Tabs from the My Sites sub-menu in the Bookmarks menu and all three listings will be opened (this is a little confusing, but it is the way Safari works).

This can be useful, for example, if you open both your FTP site using your username and your anonymous FTP site to upload a file and then double-check that a new upload worked correctly and is visible to everyone.

Resuming a Transfer

You can resume a transfer simply by retrying the initial transfer.

For downloads, you can also resume the transfer by double-clicking the partially downloaded file.

For uploads, if the file already exists, and if the “Always overwrite files when uploading” preference in the Transfers panel of the Preferences window is disabled, Interarchy will ask you if you want to resume the transfer.

Note that resuming an FTP transfer is highly dependent on non-standard support from the server, so it would be unwise to rely on a transfer being resumable unless you have verified the server is capable of resuming transfers.

Upload directly to a listing bookmark

If you have a listing bookmark in your Bookmarks window, you can upload files directly to the directory by dragging them from the Finder to the bookmark. Interarchy will upload them just as if you had opened the listing bookmark first, and then dropped the file into the Listing window.

You can use this to create effective ‘drop boxes’ to use without ever having to ‘log in’.

Using an Auto Upload with a Mirror or Net Disk

If you regularly use a Mirror or Net Disk, especially a Mirror Upload one, creating a matching Auto Upload can be very handy. That way, if you want to upload a single file, you can drop it onto Interarchy and Interarchy will upload it to the corresponding remote location (it will be treated as having been modified both locally and remotely when you next sync, but for Mirror Upload that will just mean it is uploaded one extra time).

When should I use Mirroring or Net Disks

The decision of whether to use a mirror or a Net Disk revolves primarily around how much control you need and your experience level.

A Net Disk gives you little control, but is very simple. A novice user can set up a Net Disk with the information given by their server administrator in a few minutes. If parts of the disk need not be mirrored, avoiding a few files or directories is easy (see the How do I avoid mirroring certain files or folders? section). After that, you can use the Net Disk exactly as you would use a local volume, mounting it when you need to work on it, making whatever changes you want and unmounting it. Interarchy will take care of everything else.

However, if you want to control exactly when a sync takes place, keep your local files in a particular location, or basically like to control exactly when things happen, then a mirror is more appropriate.

Both Net Disks and Mirroring sync files in exactly the same way, the difference is just in how the mirroring is driven - automaticvally by Interarchy for Net Disks, or explicitly by you with mirror bookmarks.

Per-Host Preferences

Although there is no user interface for setting preferences on a per-host basis, Interarchy does support this in its preferences. For example, instead of a boolean UsePassive preference, you can have a dictionary with keys “DEFAULT” or “protocol:host:user” that maps to a boolean and Interarchy will use the appropriate preference for each host. Protocols are typically “ftp”, “sftp”, “http” or “file”, and each field can be “*” instead. For example:

defaults write com.stairways.interarchy 'UsePassive' \
    -dict DEFAULT -bool YES
defaults write com.stairways.interarchy 'UsePassive' \
    -dict-add "ftp:passivehost:*" -bool YES
defaults write com.stairways.interarchy 'UsePassive' \
    -dict-add "*:porthost:*" -bool NO

Make sure you use exactly the correct types and exactly the correct formats!


If your server supports FTP over SSH, you can connect more securely by using FTP/SSH instead of FTP. To do this, all you have to do is add “;ssh” after the server name (for example “;ssh”).

Changing the period of the Network Status graph

If you click on the graph in the Network Status window it will change the period from last minute, 12 minutes, hour, 4 hours or day.

Interarchy remembers which interfaces you have looked at recently and tracks their data even while the Network Status window is not open, but only while Interarchy is running. You might want to make Interarchy open the window when you start up by opening the window, then choosing Add Bookmark from the Bookmarks menu, selecting Startup Items from the destination pop-up menu and clicking the Add button.

You can also install the Network Status widgets and display the graph on your dashboard.

Changing the displayed rates in the Transfers Window

Statistics about the current transfer are shown at the bottom of the transfer panel in the Transfers window. You can change what information is displayed by clicking on the various rates. So for example, you can choose to show the recent transfer rate and time remaining, or instead the overall transfer rate and estimated completion time.

Let us know your suggestions

Interarchy’s design is heavily influenced by suggestions from our customers. Interarchy 8 is build from hundreds of user suggestions.

So if you have suggestions, please do let us know. Whether the suggestion is for another Tip, for the documentation, for a specific feature or a way that Interarchy could work better, we want to hear about it.

Obviously, we cannot implement all the suggestions, but there is a much better chance if we know about it!

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