Interarchy IconInterarchy

Complex Transfers Simplified - Only With A Mac


Generally you should change your preferences using the Preferences window or for implicit preferences, by using Interarchy as you normally would.

However, you can change preferences using AppleScript or from the terminal using the defaults tool. For example to use Passive Mode, from AppleScript:

set contents of preference "UsePassive" to true

or from the terminal:

defaults write com.stairways.interarchy 'UsePassive' -bool YES

Note that the defaults tool reads and writes the com.stairways.interarchy.plist file directly, and so it should only be used while Interarchy is not running. If you make changes while Interarchy is running, the changes may take place at some later time or may be overwritten by Interarchy with the previous values.

Note also that while we are documenting these preferences and the details of the format, the preference format is subject to change with each minor version so use caution in relying on this information. Further, if you change preferences to illegal values, you may cause Interarchy to misbehave or even crash.

Writing preferences using AppleScript or the terminal has one potentially significant advantage in that you can write preferences that are specific to a particular protocol, server, user or sub-path.

Each preference in the plist file can be either just the preference value, or can be a dictionary mapping strings to values, with a default entry named “DEFAULT” and the other entries of a format “protocol:server:user:path” where each field can be a * or a value (there is no pattern matching, so do not try to use a form like *.com). Protocol can be any of the protocols Interarchy supports, eg ftp, sftp, http, webdav, or amazons3. Server can be any host name. User can be any username. Path can be any path prefix - it should usually end with slash otherwise it may match paths you do not expect.

For example, to use Passive Mode in general, but Port Mode for, from AppleScript do this:

set contents of preference "UsePassive" to true
set contents of preference "UsePassive:**:*" to false

or from the terminal while Interarchy is not running:

defaults write com.stairways.interarchy 'UsePassive' \
    -dict DEFAULT -bool YES
defaults write com.stairways.interarchy 'UsePassive' \
    -dict-add "**:*" -bool NO

And to set Interarchy to use the Backup file converter when accessing your Amazon S3 account in path “/mybucket/MyBackup”, you would do this:

set contents of preference "FileConverter:amazons3:*:*:/mybucket/MyBackup/" to "Backup"

What follows is a brief description of the various preferences you can set.

Key Type Default Description
UsePassive Boolean true if true, passive mode will be used for FTP transfers, otherwise port mode will be used
WarnAboutDirDownloads Boolean true if true, you will be warned when you try to download a directory from the FTP or SFTP input window
WarnAboutMirror Boolean true if true, you will be warned about the potential consequences when creating a mirror
WatchTrafficDefaultFilter String default filter when a Watch Traffic window is opened
WatchTrafficDisplayMode Number 0 default mode [1] Text, or [2] Binary, or [3] Automatic when a Watch Traffic window is opened
AddToKeychain Boolean true if true, passwords will be added to the kaychain when entered
BookmarkWindowSelectedCollection Number 1 Bookmark window selected collection
BookmarkWindowSplitViewCollapsed Boolean false if true, the split view is collapsed when the Bookmark window is opened
BookmarkWindowSplitViewValue Number 170 Bookmark window split view position
BookmarkInputMainSplitViewCollapsed Boolean false if true, the main split view is collapsed when the Bookmark input window is opened
BookmarkInputMainSplitViewValue Number 270 Bookmark input window secondary split view position
BookmarkInputSecondarySplitViewCollapsed Boolean false if true, the secondary split view is collapsed when the Bookmark input window is opened
BookmarkInputSecondarySplitViewValue Number 257 Bookmark input window secondary split view position
CheckWebWindowHideWarnings Boolean false if true, warnings are hidden when the Check Web window is opened
CheckWebWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when a Check Web window is opened
CheckWebWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, show the toolbar when the Check Web window window is opened
CheckWebWindowSplitViewValue Number 150 Check Web Window split view position
DefaultDirectoryPermission String 755 default directory permissions if unknown
AlwaysShowTabs Boolean true if true, tabs are always visible
AlwaysOpenFoldersInANewWindow Boolean false if true, folders are always opened in a new window when double clicked
AnonymousUsername String if set, the username/email address for anonymous FTP
AutoHideTransferProgress Boolean true if true, the transfer progress window will be hidden when a transfer successfully completes.
AutoRemountNetDisks Boolean true if true, remount Net Disks automatically when Interarchy launches
BookmarkSheetLastMenuItem Number 0 last menu item index selected in bookmark sheet
BookmarkSheetLastMenuTitle String last menu item title selected in bookmark sheet
BookmarksWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, show the toolbar when the Bookmarks window is opened
BookmarksWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the Bookmarks window is opened
DefaultFilePermission String 644 default file permissions if unknown
DefaultListingWindowProtocol Number 1 default protocol for listing windows. 1 = ftp, 2 = sftp, 3 = http.
DefaultStatusDevice String en0 default network status device
DefaultStatusTime Number 720 default network status period in seconds (60, 720, 3600, 14400, or 86400)
DefaultTrafficDevice String en0 default network traffic device
DefaultUploadPermission String 755 default upload permissions when Upload Permissions window is opened
DisplayMirrorReports Number 1 display mirror reports [0] always, [1] only for manual mirrors, [2] never
DontAskTogglePassive Boolean false if true, you will not be asked to toggle the Passive mode setting for suspicious failures
DontCheckSwitchICHelper Boolean false if true, you will not be asked to switch your Internet Config FTP helper on launch
DuplicateFileName String ^1 copy^2 Format for the name of a duplicated file (^1 is original base name, ^2 is extension, if any)
DuplicateFileNameWithIndex String ^1 copy ^3^2 Format for the name of a duplicated file with an index (^1 is original base name, ^2 is extension, if any, ^3 is index, must be present)
EditWithBinary Boolean true if true, Edit With will always use Binary mode to transfer files, otherwise the current transfer mode will be used
FixedBadHTMLFileMappings Boolean false if true, bad HTML file mappings have been fixed
FTPEnforceProxyUsername String if set, and the proxy FTP user is not set, this will be used
FTPEnforceProxyPassword String if set, and the proxy FTP password is not set, this will be used
FTPInitialLoginLine String if set, this command will be sent after login
ExtendedLogin Boolean false if true, you will be prompted for extra FTP commands when logging in
NetDiskCheckForTrashed Number 15 time between checks to see if the user has "put away" their Net Disk.
NetDiskMaximumTimeBetweenResyncs Number 3600 maximum time (seconds) between Net Disk resyncs.
NetDiskMinimumLocalIdleTimeBeforeResync Number 62 minimum idle time (seconds) before an Net Disk resync.
NetDiskRescanPeriod Number 16 time (seconds) between checks to see if an Net Disk resync is due.
FileConverter String The name (or full path) of a file conversion utilitity
FTPTLSNotForAnonymous Boolean true Anonymous FTP never uses FTP/SSL-TLS.
FTPUsesTLS Number 2 FTP uses SSL/TLS [1] never, or [2] if available, or [3] required (FTP will fail if the server does not support FTP/SSL-TLS).
FTPTLSSecures Number 3 FTP/SSL-TLS secures [1] Just the Username and Password (if the server supports CCC - NAT friendly, but less secure), [2] just the commands, [3] commands and if possible data, [4] commands and data.
FTPTLSVerifyCertificates Boolean false FTP/SSL-TLS verifies the server certificate and will not proceed unless it appears to be legitimate.
GenericInputRepeatTime Number 120 default repeat time (minutes) when Schedule window is opened
GenericInputScheduleTime Number 1380 default schedule time (minutes into day) when Schedule window is opened
GetInfoDisclosureState Number 1 default disclosure state when Get Info window is opened
HTTPUploadForceBinaryPattern String \.mac\.com(:\d+)?\Z Pattern match host to force binary HTTP (WebDAV) Uploads, and hence avoid chunking, and hence work with iDisk
HTTPSVerifyCertificates Boolean false HTTPS verifies the server certificate and will not proceed unless it appears to be legitimate.
IdleTimeout Number 90 idle time (seconds) until idle connections are closed
IgnoreInListings String multiline if files match this PCRE Regular Expression, do not display them in listings
IgnoreInTransfers String multiline if files match this PCRE Regular Expression, do not transfer them in folder downloads/uploads
IgnoreInMirrors String multiline if files match this PCRE Regular Expression, do not mirror them
IncludeAddressBookInBookmarksBar Boolean true Include Address Book in the Bookmarks Bar
IncludeRendezvousInBookmarksBar Boolean true Include Bonjour in the Bookmarks Bar
Installed6Bookmarks Boolean false have installed Interarchy 6 Bookmarks
LatestVersion String latest known Interarchy version
ListingWindowShowBookmarksBar Boolean true if true, the bookmarks bar is shown when a listing window is opened
ListingWindowShowColumns Number 15 Listing window displayed columns (bit mask)
ListingWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when a Listing window is opened
ListingWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar is shown when a Listing window is opened
LocalUnixLineEndings Boolean true if true, local files are created with unix (lf) line endings, otherwise with old Mac style (cr) line endings
HistoryWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the History window is opened
HistoryWindowhowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the History window is opened
HistoryWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar is shown when the History window is opened
MaximumRecentURLs Number 10 number of recent URLs to show in the History menu
MaximumSavedDataBrowsers Number 20 number of data browsers to cache information for
MaximumSavedWindows Number 20 number of window states to cache information for
MirrorDeleteFiles Boolean false if true, mirroring will delete a remote file before uploading a replacement
MirrorDryRun Boolean false if true, mirrors will perform no actions. Instead they will simply report the actions that would be taken.
MirrorReportWindowSplitViewValue Number 300 Mirror Report window split view position
MirrorReportShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when a Mirror Reports window is opened
MirrorReportShowToolbar Boolean true if true, show the toolbar when the Mirror Reports window is opened
MirrorReportMaximumMasterEntries Number 20 maximum number of entries to remember in the Mirror Reports window
NetworkConnectionsAskedBless Boolean false if true, you will not be asked to bless the network connection tool
NetworkConnectionsShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the Network Connections window is opened
NetworkHostInfoShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar bar is shown when the Network Host Info window is opened
NetworkHostInfoShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the Network Host Info window is opened
NetworkHostInfoDoDNS Boolean true if true, the network host info will look up dns by default
NetworkStatusActiveDevices Array network devices that are currently being monitored
OpenBookmarkFromApplications Number 1 open bookmarks from other applications. 1 = open in new window, 2 = open in new tab.
OpenBookmarkFromBookmarksMenu Number 0 open bookmarks from the Bookmarks menu. 0 = open in current window, 1 = open in new window, 2 = open in new tab.
OpenBookmarkFromBookmarksWindow Number 1 open bookmarks from the Bookmarks menu. 0 = open in current window, 1 = open in new window, 2 = open in new tab.
OverwriteFolder Number 1 if folder exists for folder upload, [1] ask for confirmation, [2] overwrite, [3] merge, [4] abort.
OverwriteApplyToAll Boolean false the setting for the ApplyToAll checkbox for Overwrite Query
OverwriteDownload Boolean true if true, downloads will move existing files or folders to the trash
PathInfoMaxPaths Number 100 maximum number of entries in path info
PlaySounds Boolean false if true, Interarchy will alert you with audio when a task completes in the background
PingWindowShowDrawer Boolean true if true, the statistics drawer will be visible when a Ping window is opened
PingWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the Ping window is opened
PingWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar bar is shown when the Ping window is opened
PortScanWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when a Post Scan window is opened
PortScanWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar is shown when a Post Scan window is opened
PreservePermissions Boolean true if true, permissions and modification dates are preserved when uploading/downloading
BookmarkInputShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar is shown when a Bookmark Input window is opened
BookmarkInputShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when then bookmark input window is opened
PostProcessFiles Boolean true if true, files will be post processed with the appropriate decoder after they are downloaded
QueueWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when a Queue window is opened
QueueWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar is shown when a Queue window is opened
RemoteSFTPLineEndings Number 2 text uploads via SFTP will use [1] old Mac (cr), or [2] unix (lf), or [3] DOS/Window/Network (crlf) line endings
SelectNewTabs Boolean false if true, new tabs are selected
SendLISTDashA Boolean false if true, send LIST -a for FTP listings
SendLISTDashR Boolean true if true, mirroring will send LIST -R
SerialNumber String your Interarchy serial number
SerialRegisterTo String your Interarchy registered to email address
SIVCFirstCheck Number 0 date of first SIVC check
SIVCLastCheckQuantum Number -123 quantum of last SIVC check
SIVCNeverPrompt Boolean false do not prompt when a new version is available
SSHVerbose Boolean false if true, ssh will print debugging messages about its process to stderr
SpotlightCompatibleCMMSelection Boolean true if true compatible with Spotlight Contextual Menu
TracerouteWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when a Trace Route window is opened
TracerouteWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar is shown when a Trace Route window is opened
TranscriptWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar bar is shown when a Transcript window is opened
TranscriptWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the Watch Traffic window is opened
TextDisplayFont String Monaco Font family for the text displays
TextDisplayFontSize Number 10 Font size for the text displays
TextDisplayFontOptions Number 16785760 Font options (ATSULineLayoutOptions) for the text displays
TransferMode Number 0 files transfers will use [0] automatic, or [1] Text, or [2] Binary
TransferProgressRateState Number 0 default display state of Rate field when Transfer Progress window is opened
TransferProgressTimeState Number 0 default display state of Time field when Transfer Progress window is opened
TransferProgressTransferredState Number 0 default display state of Transferred field when Transfer Progress window is opened
TransferProgressWindowShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the Transfer Progress window is opened
TransferProgressWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar bar is shown when the Transfer Progress window is opened
UploadsAlwaysOverwrite Boolean false if true uploads will always overwrite existing objects with the same name
WatchTrafficShowDrawer Boolean true if true, the configuration drawer will be visible when a Watch Traffic window is opened
WatchTrafficShowPacketDetail Boolean false default packet details settings when a Watch Traffic window is opened
WatchTrafficShowSpaces Boolean false default show spaces settings when a Watch Traffic window is opened
WatchTrafficShowStatusBar Boolean true if true, the status bar is shown when the Watch Traffic window is opened
WatchTrafficShowTimeStamp Boolean false default show time stamp settings when a Watch Traffic window is opened
WatchTrafficWindowShowToolbar Boolean true if true, the toolbar bar is shown when a Watch Traffic window is opened

For example, to display text windows in Monaco 9 without anti-aliasing:

defaults write com.stairways.interarchy TextDisplayFont "Monaco"
defaults write com.stairways.interarchy TextDisplayFontSize 9
defaults write com.stairways.interarchy TextDisplayFontOptions 16789856

See also the AppleScripting and Unix Scripting sections.

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