Interarchy IconInterarchy

Complex Transfers Simplified - Only With A Mac


The Interarchy menu contains menu items relating to the Interarchy application as a whole.

The About Interarchy command in the Interarchy menu displays the About Interarchy window.

The Purchase Interarchy command in the Interarchy menu lets you purchase Interarchy online.

The Register Interarchy command in the Interarchy menu displays the serial number entry window allowing you to enter your username (email address) and serial number. Make sure you enter them exactly as sent to you.

The Preferences command in the Interarchy menu displays the Preferences window.

The Services command in the Interarchy menu is used to perform Mac OS X Services which are shared functions available across multiple applications. You can learn more about Mac OS X Services from your Mac OS X documentation, and you can install new services which will work with Interarchy. Interarchy includes full support for Services, so relevant Services on your system are available in Interarchy.

Interarchy provides two system wide services.

The Upload File service lets you upload a file by selecting a file (in the Finder for example) and then choose the service from the Services menu to display the Connect to Server window with the Upload action and file already selected.

The Get URL service lets you get a URL with Interarchy by selecting a URL (in a Services enabled application like BBEdit for example) and then choose the service from the Services menu to download the URL.

The Hide Interarchy command in the Interarchy menu will hide the Interarchy application and all its windows. Click on Interarchy's Dock icon or choose Show All to show Interarchy again.

The Hide Others command in the Interarchy menu will hide all other applications. Choose Show All to show them again.

The Show All command in the Interarchy menu will show all hidden applications.

The Quit Interarchy command in the Interarchy menu will Quit Interarchy. Any transfers in progress will be stopped (after you confirm this). Any scheduled transfers will not happen until you next launch Interarchy.

The File menu is where you get started with most actions, as well as where you control documents or windows (for example saving or printing).

The Connect to Server command in the File menu is where you start most activities. It opens the Connect to Server window and allows you to select the desired protocol (FTP, SFTP, WebDAV for example), the desired action (List, Mirror, New Net Disk, New Directory, and so forth), and then enter the specific information (such as server, path, username and password).

The Net sub-menu in the File menu is where you get started with network utility actions.

The Network Host Info command in the Net sub-menu in the File menu displays the Network Host Info window which lets you find out information about a machine on the Internet such as its IP address, MX or Registrar information.

The Trace Route command in the Net sub-menu in the File menu lets you enter an IP address or host name and then displays the Trace Route window which shows the route IP packets take to get from your Mac to the specified machine.

The Port Scan command in the Net sub-menu in the File menu displays the Port Scan window which lets you find out about open ports on any machine on the Internet. Initially the display shows your Mac which is useful for checking for open services. Checking the local Mac is very fast, but checking a remote machine is relatively slow as Interarchy only checks about thirty ports per second to ensure the tests are not too invasive. You should never use this on a machine you do not control.

The Connections command in the Net sub-menu in the File menu displays the Network Connections window which shows you all the TCP and UDP connections on your Mac.

The Status command in the Net sub-menu in the File menu displays the Network Status window which shows you a summary of the traffic on your network interface, including a graph of network bandwidth. You can use this to monitor your network usage.

The Traffic command in the Net sub-menu in the File menu displays the Network Traffic window which lets you watch TCP and UDP traffic on your network interface. You can use this to monitor your network traffic and debug networking problems.

The Complete Installation command in the Net sub-menu in the File menu requests your administrator password and then completes the installation of Interarchy, enabling the various network features that require root access (Ping, Trace Route, Network Traffic). No files are installed in your system, nor are any files in your system modified, only files inside the Interarchy 8 Support.bundle are affected. Once completed, this menu item disappears.

The New Window command in the File menu displays a Listing window which lets you enter a URL directly. You can use this to get started if you have a complete URL.

The New Tab command in the File menu adds a new tab to a Listing window.

The New Queue command in the File menu creates a new Queue window into which you can drag items to be downloaded at a later time.

The Open File command in the File menu allows you to open a local file, such as a bookmark file or resume document.

The Open Recent sub-menu in the File menu allows you to open recently accessed documents.

The Clear Menu command in the Open Recent sub-menu in the File menu clears the recent items from the Open Recent sub-menu in the File menu.

The Open Location command in the File menu selects the address field of a Listing window to allow you to enter a URL directly.

The Close Window command in the File menu closes the front window.

The Close All command in the File menu closes all open windows. Hold the option key down while selecting this menu.

The Close Tab command in the File menu closes the current tab.

The Save command in the File menu saves a document (typically a text file with information similar to that which would be printed).

The Save As command in the File menu saves a document (typically a text file with information similar to that which would be printed).

The Save As Droplet command in the File menu saves a listing as a droplet. After that, you can drop files onto the droplet and Interarchy will upload them for you.

The Page Setup command in the File menu lets you configure the printer page information.

The Print command in the File menu lets you print the front window.

The Print One Copy command in the File menu lets you a single copy of the front window. Hold the option key down while selecting this menu.

The Print Preview command in the File menu lets you preview the front window as a PDF document. Hold the control key down while selecting this menu.

The Edit menu contains menu items relating to text and selections.

The Undo command in the Edit menu undoes the previous command. Most operations in Interarchy cannot be undone, so use caution.

The Cut command in the Edit menu copies the current selection to the clipboard and then deletes the selection.

The Copy command in the Edit menu copies the current selection to the clipboard.

The Copy URL command in the Edit menu copies the current selection as a URL to the clipboard. Hold the option key down while selecting this menu.

The Paste command in the Edit menu pastes the clipboard into the current selection.

The Clear command in the Edit menu deletes the current selection.

The Select All command in the Edit menu selects all text or items.

The Find command in the Edit menu lets you search for the specified text. It can search forward or backwards and optionally select all matching entries.

The Find Backwards command in the Edit menu lets you search for the specified text, preselected to search backwards. It can search forward or backwards and optionally select all matching entries. Hold the option key down while selecting this menu.

The Find Again command in the Edit menu lets you repeat a search.

The Find Again Backwards command in the Edit menu lets you repeat a search going backwards. Hold the option key down while selecting this menu.

The View menu contains menu items relating to view or display settings.

The as Icons command in the View menu lets you view a Listing window as icons. You can then reorganize the icons just as you would in the Finder and Interarchy will remember where you put them.

The as List command in the View menu lets you view a Listing window as a list. You can open nested folders by clicking on the triangles to the left of their name.

The as Columns command in the View menu lets you view a Listing window as columns.

The Clean Up command in the View menu lets you clean up the icons in Icon View.

The Arrange command in the View menu lets you arrange icons in Icon View by Name, Date, Size or Kind.

The Show Toolbar command in the View menu shows the toolbar at the top of the window.

The Hide Toolbar command in the View menu hides the toolbar at the top of the window.

The Customize Toolbar command in the View menu allows you to customize the toolbar at the top of the window.

The Show Bookmarks Bar command in the View menu shows the Bookmarks Bar at the top of listing windows.

The Hide Bookmarks Bar command in the View menu hides the Bookmarks Bar at the top of listing windows.

The Show Status Bar command in the View menu shows the status bar at the bottom of the window.

The Hide Status Bar command in the View menu hides the status bar at the bottom of the window.

The Show View Options command in the View menu shows the View Options window.

The History menu contains menu items relating to the locations you have visited and actions you have performed. As you perform actions, Interarchy records their locations. Use this menu to quickly return to previous locations.

The Back command in the History menu returns to a page you opened earlier.

The Forward command in the History menu returns to a page you opened later after you have used the Back command in the History menu or toolbar Back button.

The Show History command in the History menu displays the History window.

The History Items command in the History menu lists the locations and actions you have performed recently.

The Clear History command in the History menu clears all your history locations and actions. Alternatively, you can open the History window and select individual items and choose Clear from the Edit menu to delete sets of actions.

The Bookmarks menu contains menu items relating to your Bookmarks.

The Show All Bookmarks command in the Bookmarks menu displays the Bookmarks window.

The Add Bookmark command in the Bookmarks menu adds the currently selected location to your Bookmarks. Type in the name of the bookmark when prompted. Hold the shift key down while selecting this menu to use the default name without being asked.

The Add Bookmark Folder command in the Bookmarks menu adds a folder to your Bookmarks. Type in the name of the folder when prompted.

The Address Book command in the Bookmarks menu lists the locations stored in your Address Book.

The Bonjour command in the Bookmarks menu lists the locations available via Bonjour.

The Bookmark Items command in the Bookmarks menu lists the locations and actions you have stored in your Bookmarks.

The Open in Tabs command in the Bookmarks menu opens all the menu entries in the same menu listing as separate Tabs in a single Listing window.

There is an Open in Tabs menu item in each hierarchical menu representing each bookmark folder you create, and it will open all the listing bookmarks in the same menu (this is a bit confusing, but it is the way Safari works). So for example the Open in Tabs will open all the listing bookmarks at the top level of your Bookmarks collection.

The Listing menu contains menu items relating to the Listing window. Use this menu to directly perform various actions on the remote directory.

The Download command in the Listing menu downloads the currently selected item. Alternatively, you can usually just double-click the entry, or drag the entry to a particular folder in the Finder or a local listing folder in Interarchy. The download will happen in Text or Binary mode as appropriate for the file's extension and as configured in your “Transfer files” preference in the Transfer panel of the Preferences window.

See also the Transfer Mode section.

The View With Editor command in the Listing menu lets you download a file and immediately view it. You can configure the default viewer application in the “Default view with application” preference in the Advanced panel of the Preferences window, and you can configure the viewer for a particular file extension by selecting an example file and choose Get Info from the Listing menu to display the Get Info window.

The Edit With Editor command in the Listing menu lets you edit a remote file directly. The file will be downloaded, then opened in your selected editor, and when you save in the editor the file will be uploaded back to your remote site transparently. You can configure the default editor application in the “Default edit with application” preference in the Advanced panel of the Preferences window, and you can configure the viewer for a particular file extension by selecting an example file and choose Get Info from the Listing menu to display the Get Info window.

The Get Info command in the Listing menu displays the Get Info window which allows you to see and change the information on a selected file. This lets you see the exact file site, location, and modification date, as well as configure the file name and extension, file type, post processing, viewing and editing applications, as well as the double-click action and permissions.

The Upload command in the Listing menu lets you upload a file directly. Alternatively, you can drag a file from the Finder or a local listing folder in Interarchy. The upload will happen in Text, or Binary mode as appropriate for the file's extension and as configured in your “Transfer files” preference in the Transfer panel of the Preferences window.

See also the Transfer Mode section.

The Rename command in the Listing menu lets you rename a file or directory. Usually you can just click-rename, but this allows you to rename in Column View, and also allows you to rename a file to a different directory if desired.

The New File command in the Listing menu creates a new empty file.

The New Directory command in the Listing menu creates a new empty directory.

The Duplicate command in the Listing menu duplicates a file or folder on the remote site by downloading it and then uploading a copy.

The Delete command in the Listing menu deletes a file or folder. Since deleting a remote file is not undoable, you will be prompted to confirm this action. You can avoid the prompt by holding the command key down, or for directories, the command and option key will force a recursive delete. Alternatively, you can drag the file or folder to the Trash icon in the Dock.

The Reload command in the Listing menu refreshes the current listing. This allows you to pick up any remote changes that Interarchy did not induce.

The Open Parent command in the Listing menu open a listing of the parent directory.

The Set Upload Permissions command in the Listing menu set the default upload permissions.

For FTP, this, a non-standard FTP command (SITE UMASK) is used and may not always work as expected. Also, the permissions of an uploaded file are controlled largely by the FTP server, so you may either need to set the permissions after uploading or change the configuration of the FTP server.

For SFTP, this should work as expected.

For Amazon S3, one of the four Canned Access Policies (Private, Public Read, Public Read/Write, and Authenticated Read) will be used (the default is Private).

The Send Raw FTP Command command in the Listing menu sends a raw FTP command.

The Transfer Mode sub-menu in the Listing menu contains menu items relating to the the current file transfer mode. Use this menu to set the current transfer mode. Note that the “Transfer files” preference in the Transfer panel of the Preferences window configures the default transfer mode that is used when you start Interarchy, whereas the menu configures the current transfer mode that is used until you next change it or quit Interarchy.

See also the Transfer Mode section.

The by File Mapping command in the Transfer Mode sub-menu in the Listing menu sets the current transfer mode to automatically be determined based on the extension of the file. Interarchy no longer uses Internet Config to make this determination which means that other programs can no longer mess up your file transfers. You can configure the file mappings for a given extension by selecting an example file with that extension and choose Get Info from the Listing menu.

See also the File Mappings section.

The as Text command in the Transfer Mode sub-menu in the Listing menu sets the current transfer mode to Text. Files transferred as Text will have their line endings changed to match the destination. The Translation panel of the Preferences window controls what translation takes place. Note that binary files like compressed files or disk images will almost certainly be destroyed if transferred in Text mode.

The as Binary command in the Transfer Mode sub-menu in the Listing menu sets the current transfer mode to Binary. Files transferred in Binary mode will not have any line endings changed. Generally this is safe even for Text files.

When the “Dry Run” preference in the Mirroring panel of the Preferences window is enabled, the Dry Run menu appears. While in Dry Run mode, all Interarchy mirrors (including Net Disks) will perform no actions, instead they will simply report the actions that would be taken. The Dry Run menu shows either as ‘Dry Run’ or ‘Live’ so that you know which state you are in.

Once the Dry Run menu appears (by enabling the “Dry Run” preference in the Mirroring panel of the Preferences window), you can toggle Dry Run mode using the Dry Run Mirrors command in the Dry Run menu (the menu title will change to ‘Live’ rather than disappearing again.

The Window menu contains menu items relating to windows.

The Minimize Window command in the Window menu minimizes the front window to the Dock. You can display it again by clicking on its icon in the Dock or selecting it from the Window menu.

The Zoom command in the Window menu zooms the front window to its optimum size (or returns it to its previous size if already zoomed).

The Minimize All Windows command in the Window menu minimizes all windows to the Dock. Hold the option key down while selecting this menu.

The Select Next Tab command in the Window menu selects the next tab in a Listing window.

The Select Previous Tab command in the Window menu selects the next tab in a Listing window.

The Transcript command in the Window menu displays the Transcript window which shows a details view of the network traffic for connections, listings and file transfers.

The Transfers command in the Window menu displays the Transfers window which shows the current transfers which are in progress.

The Bring All to Front command in the Window menu brings all Interarchy windows to the front.

The Arrange in Front command in the Window menu brings all Interarchy windows to the front and arranges them. Hold the option key down while selecting this menu.

The Open Windows command in the Window menu list the currently open windows. Select an entry to bring that window to the front (unminimizing it first if necessary).

The Help menu contains menu items relating to Help.

The Interarchy Help command in the Help menu takes you to the Help Viewer and displays the documentation that ships with Interarchy.

The Interarchy Readme command in the Help menu displays the Readme file for this version of Interarchy.

The Interarchy Web Site command in the Help menu takes you to

The Interarchy Support command in the Help menu takes you to support section of the Interarchy website.

The Interarchy AppleScripts command in the Help menu displays the example AppleScripts folder containing a variety of scripts to help you better script Interarchy.

The Interarchy Widgets command in the Help menu displays the Interarchy Dashboard Widgets and lets you install them.

The Mirror Place Holder command in the Help menu creates a Mirror Place Holder file used to avoid mirroring a remote file or folder with a matching name and location.

The KeepIdle Startup Item command in the Help menu displays a folder containing the KeepIdle Startup Item and installation instructions. KeepIdle may help if you are having problems transferring long files across a NAT or other router/firewall that is forgetting the route to your Mac for the FTP control connection.

The Third Party Licenses command in the Help menu displays a folder containing the Licenses for various pieces of code used by Interarchy.

See also the Licenses section.

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