Edit Menu

The Edit menu allows you to undo or redo previous actions and provides editing functions such as copying, cutting, pasting and deleting. The actual commands depend on the active window in Logger Pro and the most recent action performed. For example, if the graph or the data table is the active window and data have been collected, you will be able to choose Undo Collect. If you have drawn a prediction, you will be able to choose Undo Draw Prediction.

Undo... Reverses the last action (when possible).
Redo... Will reverse the "undo" (if possible) or will read "Can't Redo".

Cut Deletes objects from the page and moves them to the clipboard.
Copy Copies the currently selected object to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes objects from the clipboard into the document.
Deletes the contents of the highlighted cells in the data table, leaving blank cells, if the data were manually entered.
Delete Deletes all selected objects.

Style Select bold, italic, or underline to change the appearance of the text. Available for text and text annotation boxes.
Text Color Change the color of text in text and text annotation boxes.
Text Size Change the size of text in text and text annotation boxes.
Insert Character Insert a character such as a degree symbol or super or subscripts into text and text annotation boxes.

Select All Selects all objects if nothing in the page is selected or selects all data in the data table if the data table is selected.
Select Next Selects one object at a time.
Select Previous Selects one object at a time.

Strike Through Data Cells Temporarily ignores the selected rows when graphing or analyzing data.
Restore Data Cells Restores all selected rows.