Experiment Menu

The Experiment menu contains options that control the collection and storing of data.

Start Collection Starts data collection.
Store Latest Run Saves the most recently collected data in memory allowing you to collect another data set without losing the first.
Clear Latest Run Deletes the data from the most recently collected data run.
Keep Stores one data point at a time in the Events with Entry and Selected Events data-collection modes.
Extend Collection Increases the duration of the data-collection period by 50%.

Connect Interface Confirm or change the interfaces detected by Logger Pro.
Remove Interface Remove any or all interfaces from Logger Pro.
Set Up Sensors Manually set up Logger Pro for a particular sensor.
Add Offline Interface Allows you to design experiments and save files even when you don't have the interfaces or sensors plugged in.
Data Collection Modify data collection settings for your experiment, including data-collection mode and sampling rate.

Remote Prepares device for data collection away from the computer.

Change Units Change the units of measurement for sensors such as a Motion Detector or a Temperature Probe.
Calibrate Calibrate the sensor(s) connected to the interface or computer.
Zero Resets the reported value of a sensor (such as a Force Probe) to zero without otherwise changing the calibration.

Live Readouts Select Live Readouts to display the unit and current reading at the top of the screen.