Change Units

You can quickly and easily change the units of measurement for sensors. For example, if you are currently measuring temperature in degrees Celsius, you can switch the readings to degrees Fahrenheit and vice versa.

Change units of measure by choosing Change Units from the Experiment menu. You can also change units within the sensor or interface dialog.

Changing units will change values in columns, reset graph, gauge, and thermometer ranges, and change displayed units for calculated columns that depend on the sensor column that has been changed. You cannot change units during data collection, but when data collection is complete, you can change the data you just collected to a different unit.

Note: Changing units does not change the calibration of the sensor. Changing calibrations is more drastic and will not change existing values in columns. Rather, it will store runs (if there are data) and create new columns in the new units.

Spectrometer Users

Choose Change Units from the Experiment menu to change the type of measurement being made by the Spectrometer. Measurement options include: %Transmittance, Intensity, and Fluorescence (405 or 500 nm), and Absorbance.