Offline Setup

You can design and save experiment files without an interface or sensor attached. This is convenient for customizing and designing experiment files without having to collect all the materials you will use during the experiment.

  1. Choose Add Offline Interface from the Experiment menu and select the interface or sensor you wish to use.
  2. If you want to set up a sensor with your interface, set up your sensor. For example, if you want to collect data with a Temperature Probe connected to your LabQuest, set up a Temperature Probe.
  3. Set up the data collection parameters.
  4. Choose Save As from the File menu to save your file. Give your file a name and save it in a location that will be easy to find.

To use your file, choose Open from the File menu and navigate to the file. You can review or make changes to your setup by choosing Setup Sensors from the Experiment menu. You can delete your offline setup by choosing Remove Interface from the Experiment menu.

See Also: