Data Table

The data table displays data in data sets. If the data table window is too small to display all the columns, use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the window. Data from the most recent data set is displayed on the left side of the data table. To move through the rows of data, use the vertical scroll bar.

Selecting and Copying Data

You can select data by clicking and dragging the mouse pointer across ranges of cells. You can select entire columns by clicking on the title of the column. You can select an entire row of data by clicking on the row numbers. You can copy the data to move data to the clipboard and then into other programs.

Columns that are not present in the table can be dragged from the Data Browser to the table for viewing and editing. You can also change which columns are displayed in the table using the Table Options dialog.

Renaming a Data Column

To change the data labels, double-click the title at the top of the column, or select Column Options from the Data Menu, then enter the names in the Column Definition dialog box.

Renaming a Data Set

To change the data set label, double-click the title at the top of the Data Set, then enter the name of the data set in the dialog box.

See Also: