Axes Options Tab

The Axes Options tab allows you to select which columns are plotted and how they are scaled.



Enter or change the y-axis label.

Y-Axis Columns

Check the columns you want plotted on the y-axis.

Log Axis

Plots the Log of the values of the column it traces. Each major tick of the y-axis axis is a power of 10.


The scaling option controls the limits of the graph for both the x-axis and the y-axis:

Autoscale Larger (Default) Similar to Autoscale except the graph limits will never be made smaller.
Autoscale The software will choose limits for the graph that will just show all the data points.
Autoscale from 0 Similar to Autoscale except that the origin (0,0) will always be included.
Manual Change the high and low values for the axis. Enter the values for the y-axis in the Top and Bottom boxes.

Right Y-Axis

Check Right Y-Axis to add a y-axis to the right side of the graph. The second y-axis can have different scaling from the y-axis on the left side of the graph. You may want to do this if you have two columns with very different data ranges. For example, pH data between 4 and 7 and temperature data between 30 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

The same axis options are available for the right y-axis as are available for the left y-axis. Assign a Label, choose which Columns you want plotted, and select Scaling.



Choose the column you want plotted on the x-axis.

Rotate Tick Labels

You can rotate the x-axis tick labels (numbers or names) for easier viewing. This is useful when the labels are long and require extra space. The default tick labels along the x-axis are horizontal (0 degrees). You may choose 0, 30, 45, or 90 degrees.

Make All Values Major Ticks

Check Make All Values Major Ticks to place a vertical line and assign an x-axis label to each data point on the graph. This makes it easy to identify the x-coordinates of your data.

Log Axis

Plots the Log of the values of the column it traces. Each major tick of the y-axis axis is a power of 10.


The scaling option controls the limits of the graph for both the x-axis and the y-axis:

Autoscale Larger (Default) Similar to Autoscale except the graph limits will never be made smaller.
Autoscale The software will choose limits for the graph that will just show all the data points.
Autoscale from 0 Similar to Autoscale except that the origin (0,0) will always be included.
Manual Change the high and low values for the axis. Enter the values for the x-axis in the Left and Right boxes.
Strip Chart (x-axis only) This option adds each new data point to the rightmost edge of the chart during data collection, and older points scroll off the left edge. The width of the graph in data units is set in the Axis Options tab. This mode mimics a paper strip chart recorder.

See Also: