Page Menu

The Page menu allows you to create new pages within a document and move easily among them. Each page can be modified to your specifications.

Previous Page Move to the the previous page (if any) of the current document.
Next Page Move to the next page (if any) of the current document.
Go To Page View a dialog that lists all the pages in a document.

Add Page Add a new blank page.
Delete Page Delete the current page.
Page Options Choose background color or rename the page.

Group Graphs (X-Axes) Link two or more graphs with the same x-axis name so that the x-axis will always be at the same values.
Group Objects with Common Y-Axes Link graphs, thermometers, and gauge objects with the same y-axis name so that the y-axis will always be at the same values.
Ungroup Break up linked objects so their axes are independent.

Align Objects Arrange objects with respect to each other.
Layer Objects Place objects on top or under other page objects.
Lock Objects Hold selected objects positions so they cannot be moved or deleted.
Unlock Objects Free all locked objects so they can be individually moved or deleted.

Use Entire Window Arrange the objects on the page so that the objects fill the space after the aspect ratio of a window has been changed.

Auto Arrange Arrange all the objects on the page so that overlapping of objects is minimized.