Align Objects

For organizational purposes, objects can be arranged within the page. To align objects, select more than one object and choose Align Objects from the Page Menu.

When you choose Align Objects from the Page menu the following options are available:

Align Top Align objects by top edges.
Align Left Align objects by left edges.
Align Right Align objects by right edges.
Align Bottom Align objects by bottom edges.

Align Vertical Centers Align objects by vertical centers only.
Align Horizontal Centers Align objects by horizontal centers only.

Space Evenly Across All selected objects will have the exact same height and width so that they fill the page horizontally.
Space Evenly Down All selected objects will have the exact same height and width so that they fill the page vertically.

Make Width Same All selected objects will have the exact same height and width so that they fill the page horizontally.
Make Height Same All the objects will be sized to have the same height as the "lowest" object selected.

Note: This feature is disabled if objects are locked.

See Also: