Movie Options

Access the Movie Options dialog by choosing Movie Options from the Options menu.

Supported movie formats include .mp4, .mpg, and .mpeg files.

Movie Option Dialog

Use the Movie Options dialog to can control aspects of how the movie plays and appears on the screen.

File Name

Indicates where the movie is saved and allows you to change the movie.


Enter a value greater than 1 to speed up the movie when it is playing or less than 1 to slow it down.

Restore Movie To Default Size

All page objects can be resized. This may affect the quality or resolution of a movie. Check Restore Movie To Default Size to have the movie return to its original size.

Show Movie Time Control

Check Show Movie Time Control to show/hide the top movie control element with frame count, examine position and movie time.

Restore Vertical Y-axis

While analyzing your movie, you can tilt the y-axis in your movie. Check Restore Vertical Y-axis to reset the y-axis rotation to vertical.

Correct Aspect Ratio for DV Movies

Digital Video (DV) is a video format that has become one of the standards for consumer video production. Imported DV images may have incorrect aspect ratios. This can be fixed by checking Correct Aspect Ratio for DV Movies.

Deinterlace Movie

Check Deinterlace Movie to convert interlaced video (a sequence of fields) into a non-interlaced form (a sequence of frames). This is necessary for video analysis, where you track the movement of an object in a movie.

Interlaced video consists of two fields that are taken at slightly different times. The fields are combined to one frame. If objects are moving across the frame quickly, you will get obvious artifacts as the object is in different positions in each 1/2 frame. When combined, the object doesn't mesh together.

DV cameras create interlaced video. Web cameras typically don't, so this feature won't be necessary if you are using a web camera.

Override frame rate to XX fps

Override frame rate to the entered frame rate. Use this feature for videos that are marked with an altered frame rate. For example, videos from many high-speed cameras may be collected at 400 fps, but are designed to play at 30 fps in slow motion. Note that this override changes the time column data, unlike the Speed which just changes the playback rate.

Allow Multiple Points Per Frame

Check Allow Multiple Points Per Frame if you desire a higher degree of accuracy when analyzing your movie. When enabled, you can add as many points to a frame as you like. If not enabled, adding a point advances the frame.

First VA point defines movie time zero

If this option is checked, the clock time is set to zero for the earliest frame that contains a marked point. If a point is subsequently added prior to that frame, the entire time series will be reset to begin with the earlier frame.

Advance the movie X frame(s) after adding a new point.

If this option is set to a value greater than 1, Logger Pro will skip the indicated number of frames after a point is marked. This feature is useful if an object is moving slowly or if a video is very long, and the position every few frames is sufficient for analysis. If this feature is used, note that it is possible to return to a frame that does not contain a mark. If using the feature with Center of Mass calculations, use the single frame step tool to begin marking a new series on a frame that already holds a marked point.

See Also: