Collection Tab

Choose Data Collection from the Experiment menu to set the data-collection mode for your experiment. The following data-collection modes are available:

Time Based

In Time Based mode, you can set the data-collection rate as a function of time. You can also enable sampling at time zero, repeat mode, or oversampling.

Events With Entry

In Events With Entry mode, you can specify the name and units of up to 3 columns that will be collected simultaneoulsy when you click Keep to store a data point. After clicking Keep, you will enter a name or number to identify each point.

Selected Events

In Selected Events mode, click Keep to store a data point. Each time you click Keep, the data point stored. You will not enter a name for the point as you do in Events with Entry Mode.

Digital Events

In Digital Events mode, you can set data collection to run continuously (until the Stop button is clicked) or at a pre-determined number of events.

Full Spectrum

In Full Spectrum mode, you can use a Spectrometer to measure Intensity, Absorbance, Fluorescence, or Transmittance as a function of wavelength.

See Also: