Helper Objects

Helper Objects provide additional information regarding your data. They are linked to data on the graph and can be applied to multiple data runs on a graph and multiple graphs on a page.

Helper objects are available for the following tools: Examine, Tangent, Statistics, Integral, Linear Fit, and Curve Fit. They are displayed automatically when the tool is turned on. There is also a "Legend" helper object, which can be added by choosing Legend from the Analyze menu.

Moving and Updating Helper Objects

The helper objects for Tangent, Statistics, Integral, Linear Fit, and Curve Fit, are connected by a line to the data over which the tool has been applied. Helper objects can be moved anywhere on a page and the connecting line will remain linked to the graph. If changes to the data range over which a tool is applied are made, the help object will be updated. For example, if Statistics are calculated from 2 seconds to 5 seconds and you click and drag the right-hand bracket of the data range to extend the data range to 8 seconds, the helper object will automatically update.

Formatting Helper Objects

Double-click a helper object to change various attributes such as text size, font, displayed precision, etc. The options available depend upon the analysis feature.

Deleting a Helper Object

Helper Objects may be removed by clicking the X in the upper corner of the helper object or by selecting the helper object and choosing Delete from the Edit menu. The Examine helper object may also be deleted by clicking the Examine button in the toolbar.

Grouping Helper Objects

Helper objects are always considered part of the graph they are attached to. If you delete the graph, the helper object goes away. If you copy or group the graph, the helper object is copied or grouped as well.

Printing the Helper Objects

Helper objects will print when the page or the graph is printed.

See Also: