Retrieve Data

Logger Pro allows the LabQuest, LabPro, Go! Motion, or WDSS to be used remotely. In remote operation the interface stores data internally. When the interface is later reconnected to the computer, data are retrieved. You can also use this feature if you have data on a Garmin GPS.

The Retrieve Data feature is used to retrieve this remote data from a device to the computer. In all cases remote data are stored in new data sets and are graphed on existing graphs, if possible. If no existing graphs match the data units, then new graphs are created for the retrieved data.

For information on setting up an interface for remote data collection, see Remote Setup.

Retrieving Data from Your Device

The initial steps of remote data retrieval vary slightly with the device and connection type:

Devices with a USB Connection
(LabQuest, LabPro, Garmin GPS, or Go! Motion

  1. Connect the device to the computer by USB.
  2. Launch Logger Pro, if it is not already running.
  3. Logger Pro will detect the presence of remote data, and display the Remote Data Available dialog.

Devices with a Serial Connection - Windows Only

  1. Connect the device to the computer by serial cable.
  2. Launch Logger Pro, if it is not already running.
  3. Choose Remote > Retrieve (device name) > Com port number used from the Experiment menu, where Com port number used is the particular serial port used to connect the device.
  4. Logger Pro will detect the presence of remote data, and display the Remote Data Available dialog.

WDSS with Wireless Connection

  1. Launch Logger Pro, if it is not already running.
  2. Choose Remote > Retrieve Wireless from the Experiment menu. Then, select Scan for Wireless Device or the name of the particular WDSS unit if you have recently used this device with this computer.
  3. Logger Pro will detect the presence of remote data and display the Remote Data Available dialog.

Remote Data Available Dialog

When Logger Pro detects the presence of remote data, the Remote Data Available dialog will be displayed. The following options are available.

Yes If you choose Yes, choose from the following options in the Retrieve Remote Data dialog: Retrieve Remote Data into the Current File... The data will be retrieved into the current Logger Pro session. This option is useful when you have already prepared Logger Pro to display your data in a particular way.

Retrieve Remote Data into a Chosen File... Choose an existing experiment file into which the data will be placed. This option is useful if you have prepared a file to display your data, but it is not currently open.

Note: If you want to put the remote data onto two or more computers, check Make Data Available for Multiple Retrievals (This feature is not available for all devices.).
No Select No if you wish to proceed to live data collection.
Important Notes:
  • If you are using a LabPro or Go! Motion and live readouts are enabled, the data will be overwritten.
  • For other devices, live readouts or data collection will not affect the data on the device. Data will remain on the device and can be retrieved at a later time by choosing Remote from the Experiment menu.

Additional Instructions for WDSS and Garmin GPS


If you are retrieving data from a WDSS, you will see an additional dialog after selecting to retrieve the data into the Current File or a Chosen File.

This dialog displays the contents of the WDSS memory, including the number and type of data points.

In the dialog, choose to retrieve the data and/or delete it from the WDSS, on a run-by-run basis. Unless you want to keep data on the WDSS to retrieve again later, you will probably want to delete the runs as you retrieve them. Select OK to retrieve the data.

Garmin GPS

When retrieving remote GPS data you will see an additional dialog box after selecting to retrieve the data into the Current File or a Chosen File.

In the dialog, choose to retrieve selected Waypoints, a single Track, or a Route. Select one Data Type, then select the particular data to retrieve. Click OK to retrieve the data and store it in a new data set in Logger Pro. Note: Regardless of the current GPS setting, locations are downloaded in decimal Latitude/Longitude format.

See Also: