
You can see an instant replay of your data collection displayed on a graph and data table. Replay is a very useful feature when combined with movies. See the help on movies to learn how to synchronize a movie with a data set and replay it.

You can choose Replay or Replay Latest from the Analyze menu. Choosing Replay Latest from the Analyze menu will replay the most recent experiment at the rate it was originally collected, or at a rate set in the Replay dialog. Choose Replay to access the Replay dialog and set the following options. Note: These settings will subsequently be applied when choosing Replay from the Analyze menu.

Data Set

Choose the Data Set you wish to replay.

Hide Data

Click Hide Data to conceal your collected data. The data table and graph objects will appear blank.


Changing the speed is useful for seeing details in high-speed experiments, or speeding up the action in very slow experiments. You can enter a rate or use the slider bar to set the replay speed.


Choosing Repeat, then clicking Start, will repeat replay of the data until you click Stop.

Start/Stop Buttons

After clicking the Start button to start a replay, the button turns to Stop. Click Stop at any time during a replay to end the replay.

Pause/Resume Buttons

The Pause button is only active after the replay has started. Use the Pause button to stop the replay at a desired data value. Once the replay is paused, the Pause button is relabeled Resume. Click Resume to continue replay at the selected speed.

See Also: