
A Meter displays the values of data columns on the screen. It is a convenient method of obtaining a visual representation of changing data. It is also a good way to present data to a large group.

You can add a new meter to your page by choosing Meter from the Insert menu.

Clicking and dragging a resize handle will resize the meter. Double-click the meter or chooseMeter Options from the Options menu to change the font or which column is to be displayed.

Types of Meters

Four different meter objects are available:

Digital Meter

Digital meters display data in large-sized numbers.


Gauges point to the current reading along a range you can set in the Gauge Options dialog. The display shows a black needle between Min and Max. When the value is outside the range, the needle is colored red and points outside the valid area. If column has no value, no needle is displayed.


Thermometers display changes in temperature in varying units of measurement. Note: Inserting a gauge or thermometer will automatically group it to the existing graph.

Animated Displays

Animated Displays display object consists of a single point, and up to three vectors bound to that point displayed in a two dimensional space.

See Also: