SubEthaEdit Icon   General keyboard shortcuts

Autocomplete is activated by pressing ⌥⎋ (alt-escape) or F5

Hold options and select text, or select text and press ⇧⌘B, to activate blockediting.

Press ⎋ (escape) to stop blockediting.

Press ⌘R to show a live HTML preview.

Press ⌘E to use a selection for find and press ⌥⌘F to open a "Find All" window for this search.

Show invisible characters by pressing ⇧⌘I

Open a URL the cursor currently is in with ⇧⌘U

Pipe the selection through a shell command with ⌃⌥⌘P

Open a Terminal window at the file's location with ⇧⌘T

  SubEthaEdit Icon   HTML mode

Close the last open tag with ⌥⌘.

Add a link with ⇧⌘L. Will use contents of the clipboard if it contains a url and the current selection for the link text.

  SubEthaEdit Icon   Objective-C mode

Insert a NSLog containing the current function/method name with ⇧⌘L

Open corresponding .h or .m file with ⇧⌘O

Open a file mentioned in the current line with ⇧⌥⌘O

Open corresponding Xcode project with ⇧⌘X

Build using Xcode with ⌘B

Comment or uncomment with ⌘/

Lookup current selection using AppKiDo with ⇧⌘H

  SubEthaEdit Icon   Perl mode

Check syntax with ⇧⌘B

Run script in Terminal with ⌃⌘R

Lookup current selection using with ⇧⌘H

  SubEthaEdit Icon   PHP mode

Check syntax with ⇧⌘B

Add a link with ⇧⌘L. Will use contents of the clipboard if it contains a url and the current selection for the link text.

Lookup current selection using with ⇧⌘H

  SubEthaEdit Icon   Python mode

Check syntax with ⇧⌘B

Run script in Terminal with ⌃⌘R

Lookup current selection using with ⇧⌘H

  SubEthaEdit Icon   Ruby mode

Check syntax with ⇧⌘B

Run script in Terminal with ⌃⌘R

  SubEthaEdit Icon   XML mode

Close the last open tag with ⌥⌘.

Check well formedness with ⇧⌘B