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New in SubEthaEdit 2.5:

Broad AppleScriptability
Nearly every aspect of editing text is scriptable. In addition collaborative features like Sharing, Announcing, Access Control, etc. are also scriptable. Always wanted to extend SubEthaEdit with your own scripts? The AppleScript menu now enables you to do exactly that. To learn more about scripting SubEthaEdit click here.

Plethora of new mode features and fixes
Many errors in built-in modes have been corrected. Some of them now feature mode specific functionality that can be found in the "Mode" menu. Some examples are "Run" and "Check syntax" commands for scripts, "Close Last Tag" for XML (and HTML) and "Insert/Edit HTML Color" and "Make a Link" that uses the contents of the clipboard if it contains an URL for HTML.

AppleScript in Modes
You can use AppleScript (and by proxy any other script language) to add functionality to modes. It's even possible to add in your own toolbar icons and context menu commands. To learn more, check our updated mode documentation and our scripting notes.

Mode installation
Modes can be installed by double-clicking for all or the current user. Additionally it's now possible to reload modes, which is of great use for mode developers.

Opening hidden files
To view hidden files in the "Open" dialog, just check the appropriate checkbox at the bottom of the dialog.

New mode triggers
Modes can be triggered by an extension, a special file name (e.g. Makefile) or even by the content of the beginning of a file. This means that script language modes now can be triggered upon encountering a shebang (e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl). For more on modes visit the mode development page.

Line endings assistance
SubEthaEdit tries to help you and others to keep consistent line endings in your files. Upon opening files with mixed line endings SubEthaEdit will alert you to the fact and offer to fix your line endings. While editing SubEthaEdit highlights line endings that don't match the current setting in red.

Dock Icon Badge
SubEthaEdit displays waiting invitations in its icon.

Other features of SubEthaEdit you might not know about:

Regular expression search and replace
Find and replace with the power of regular expressions. Choose between eight different regex flavor ranging from POSIX to Perl and Ruby. Use the all new Find All functions to show a list-of-found that also can be refreshed.
Learn more about regular expressions

Now you don't have to wait anymore for others to join your documents. If you need help, invite them by dragging them onto your document. It's as easy as 1-2-3.

Read only access for shared documents
If you don't want people to change your text but give them a glimpse at it, set them to read only. Like that they can see your text, but can't change it.

Efficient next generation network protocol
The network protocol of SubEthaEdit 2.x brings new features, faster data transfer and better scalability.

Split your windows for twice the editing fun!

Like most features printing is customizable per mode in the preferences, so you can have different setting for C-code than for plain text. You also can customize your print-out in the SubEthaEdit pane of the print dialogue. Beside standard features like adding header details (date, filename), margins and font/color preferences you can also specify to print-out collaborative metadata, including a list of participants, annotated authorship information and background coloring for color prints.

HTML Export
HTML Export is available in two ways. You can either export a whole document to HTML to save that collaborative session including the authorship metadata or use the "Edit/Copy as XHTML" feature to convert a selected code snippet, including color and indention, to HTML and paste it on your website.

Authenticated open and save
SubEthaEdit 2.1 and later allow you to authenticate as Administrator to edit files you don't have permission to edit otherwise. (like e.g. /etc/httpd/httpd.conf)

Syntax Styles
Syntax Styles give you the power to customize colors, fonts and font style of any mode to your likings. You can even export your style and share it with your friends or community. Customizing is done in SubEthaEdit/Preferences/Styles in a nice and convenient WYSIWYG fashion.

Command Line Tool
The new command line tool is the perfect companion to anyone who tends to work with more often than not. It supports piping, waiting and resuming so you can do all sorts of nifty stuff like e.g. curl | see -m HTML, or setting SubEthaEdit as your $EDITOR to use it to write e.g. commit logs. (export EDITOR='see -wr') For a detailed description of all features, type man see at the command line.