SubEthaEdit 2.5 =============== Additions/New Features: - Added an application-wide AppleScript menu. - AppleScripts can be bundled per mode. They show up in the mode menu and optionally in the toolbar and context menu. - Scriptability: Modes are exposed as AppleScript objects. - Scriptability: Added selection properties to the application, document, and window classes. - Scriptability: Added detailed properties to most text classes. - Scriptability: Added web preview base url property to the document class. - Scriptability: Added colums and rows properties to the window class. - Scriptability: Added undo grouping commands. - Scriptability: Added clear change marks command. - Dock icon badge indicating pending users and invitations. - Modes can be reloaded without restarting the application. - Hidden files can be shown in open and save dialogs. - Click on line number selects line. - Installation support for modes. - Line endings not matching the document's setting are highlighted. - Mode guessing also considers file name and content of file. - Added toolbar item for "Show Invisible Characters". Changes: - Moved several mode settings from a mode's Info.plist to ModeSettings.xml. - "Export to HTML" creates an image folder called '_images'. - Scriptability: Document objects return id-based specifier. - Scriptability: Removed the text document class. Use the document class. Fixes: - Privileged operations are authorized per document. - Fixed an issue where "Replace & Next" skipped occurrences. - Fixed a bug that caused the syntax highlighter to mix up order of more than eight keyword groups. - Improved load performance of documents. - Fixed an issue where the "Wrap line" setting was ignored when applying it to open documents. - Fixed a bug where windows weren't resized correctly on apply to open documents when wrap is disabled in a document with long lines. - Improved autoscrolling for blockedit. - Fixed a bug where option-click during blockediting didn't behave as expected. - Fixed a bug where the specified window size wasn't respected by the see tool. - Fixed an issue were the see tool didn't handle empty input correctly. - Remote document paths are displayed when a document is edited via an FTP client. - Fixed a crash which can be caused by broken modes. - Improved line endings support by optionally enforcing the document's setting. - Fixed a bug which enabled scripters to change access control of joined documents. - Fixed a bug where the size of the web preview wasn't remembered correctly. - Fixed an issue where the "Editor uses tabs" preference didn't work properly. - Fixed an issue where an image folder was created during export even when it wasn't necessary. - Fixed a bug where the window title wasn't set correctly when the see tool was invoked with the title option. - Prevents overwriting directories. - Fixed a bug with syntax highlighter when inserting newlines. - Fixed a bug where "Replace" didn't respect the document's file encoding. - Fixed broken find keyboard shortcuts in find panel. - Export dialog now clearly states its purpose. - Improved feedback when nothing was found in the selection scope. - Improved syntax highlighter performance when there are states with no plain text strings. - Improved modes: bash, C, C++, CSS, HTML, Java, Lua, Objective-C, Perl, PHP-HTML, Python, Ruby, SQL, XML. SubEthaEdit 2.3 =============== Additions/New Features: - New built-in Mode for .diff files and patches. - Added "Close All" and "Save All" commands to the File menu. - User Interface refresh. - Quick access to Mode, Tabbing, Line Ending, File Encodings and Wrapping via popup menus in the Bottom Status Bar as well as shortcuts (Ctrl-4 through Ctrl-7). - Position Field: Center current selection on single click, double click opens goto line panel. - Window Zoom Button: Shift-click now goes to fullscreen again, normal click still keeps the width. - Saving an associated CSS files now updates a HTML file's web preview. - The number of files listed in the "Open Recent" submenu is now customizable. Changes: - Autocomplete can now complete natural language words. Enabled in Default and Conference Mode. - Replace all now preserves selection in both scopes. - Adjusted synthesised bold fonts for dark backgrounds (synthesised bold fonts actually looked thinner). - More sophisticated checks on mode loading to help mode authors. - Collaboration metadata is disabled by default in the print preferences. - Document URLs now refer to the Bonjour name if a local IP is detected or a public IP if available. - Disabled autocomplete in Find/Replace window. - Hide Changes and Show Changes in the view menu are now a checkmark item. Fixes: - Vastly improved speed of autocompletion. - Disabling Syntax Highlighting in "Export as HTML" now works again. - Fixed an issue where documents joined over network where hidden by the dock. - Fixed a bug which printed white on white text in certain cases. - Fixed issues with FileVault accounts. - Fixed a bug where the Internet Browser showed the wrong status while connecting. - Inherited attributes of a mode weren't updated on "Apply to Open Documents". - Fixed a bug which didn't displayed the last line number if this line was empty. - Drag and dropping from Safari onto the SubEthaEdit icon does not retain background color and links anymore. - Fixed an issue where changes to the editing preferences were not correctly applied to open documents. - Unicode promotion dialog is not shown while composing characters. - Fixed an issue where user attribute changes did not propagate and redraw correctly while networking. - Fixed an issue where Internet and Bonjour browser didn't reflect a change of name. - Fixed a bug on Tiger where tabbing in the Find/Replace panel was broken when regular expression were activated. - Multiple path components are shown correctly in the window title. - Hard links are preserved upon saving. - Fixed a crash which occurred while converting line endings to PSEP or LSEP. - Fixed an issue where bordereless paper formats would result in an empty header when printing. - Autocompletion delimiters can now be specified within a mode file. - Improved the following modes by various means: ActionScript, C++, C, CSS, Conference, HTML, Javascript, Lua, Objective-C, PHP-HTML, Pascal, Perl, Python, Ruby. - "End blockedit selection" is validated correctly in Edit menu. SubEthaEdit 2.2 =============== Additions/New Features: - Universal Binary - SubEthaEdit now runs on Intel Macs natively. - Dragging text on app icon creates new document with dragged text. - Extensions of untitled documents are guessed by using their mode. - "Find All" results can now be used to navigate in the document. - Selected lines can now be copied from a "Find All" window. Changes: - Added more classes and constants to Objective-C.mode. - Improved PHP function recognition and added all PHP5 keywords. - Added autocompletion of Core-API, Std-Lib and rubyonrails classes and methods to the Ruby mode - Invitation windows are placed more prominently. Fixes: - Fixed a selection display/redraw bug that happened when collaborating on Tiger. - Fixed an issue where joined documents didn't get the input focus after the transfer has been completed. - Improved keyboard navigation in "Find All". - Fixed a bug in the syntax highlighter, where colors where not updated correctly while typing, but did appear correctly after reloading the file. - Fixed an issue where the context menu and action popup in the participants drawer weren't validated correctly. - Windows for new documents are no longer created under the dock. - Fixed a bug where files created with "File->New->Mode" weren't resized correctly, fixed the same issue when opening new files via see tool. - Fixed a bug where the see tool didn't set the correct modes when given multiple files. - Fixed the "Wrap/Wrap lines" functionality to retain its setting. - Fixed maximize button of document windows to behave according to HIG. - Fixed word boundaries for autocomplete and selection to include colon (which they didn't on Tiger). - Fixed an issue where a document wasn't joined automatically though it was addressed in a see:// URL. - Fixed mode guessing upon first save to work if initial save is canceled. - XHTML export and "Copy as XHTML" now export quotes as entities. - see tool now conforms to the mode's encoding preference. - see tool --mode parameter mode matching is case insensitive. - Improved speed of "Show Invisibles" significantly. - Fixed a bug in Perl.mode concerning POD comments. SubEthaEdit 2.1.2 =============== Additions/New Features: - Added Conference Kit. - Added alternate menu item for 'Switch Mode' called 'Show In Finder', which reveals the choosen mode in the Finder. - Added change logs to the mode bundles. - Added submenu to 'New', new files now can be created in a specific mode. Fixes: - Fixed several issues where bad Address Book entries caused crashes or exceptions at startup. - Improved overall protocol stability. - Fixed an issue where empty mode bundles caused an exception at startup, rendering SubEthaEdit unusable. - Fixed a bug in 'Save a Copy As...' where the selected encoding was not used to save the copy. - Fixed a bug where externally changed documents weren't set modified after choosing to keep the SubEthaEdit version. - Fixed an issue where the mode of documents created using see's pipe-in was not guessed on save. - Fixed a bug where the mode of documents created using the see tool was guessed again on save. - Fixed a bug where documents which can be opened via the Help menu were opened more than once. - Fixed a bug where the scope of a 'Find All' operation wasn't respected. - Fixed a bug where the matching brackets were only highlighted when moving the cursor using the arrow keys. - Fixed a bug where the 'Shift Left' command produced a crash when the editor used tabs and activated indenting new lines. - Fixed a bug where HTML Export didn't export style and weight if current font was synthesized. - Fixed an issue where the activiation of syntax highlighting in the print options also activated it in the editor. - Fixed various issues which occurred while using autocompletion in Blockedit mode. SubEthaEdit 2.1.1 =============== Changes: - Changed export dialog to disable according checkboxes, if "Participants" is not selected. Fixes: - Fixed a security issue where a user could receive permanent authorization for privileged SubEthaEdit operations after successfully aquiring authorization as an administrator in SubEthaEdit. - Printing panel now displays localized separators for margins. - Python mode now recognizes abbreviated class declarations. SubEthaEdit 2.1 =============== Additions/New Features: - Added preference pane for customizing the syntax highlighting style for modes. Syntax styles can also be imported and exported. - Documents can be exported to HTML files including collaboration metadata. - Documents can be printed with page headers, line numbers, highlighted syntax and collaboration annotations. - A selection of text can now be copied to the clipboard as XHTML. - A selection of text can now be copied to the clipboard while preserving font styles. - Added see command line tool for opening files in SubEthaEdit via the command line. - C++ mode adds .cc file extension to its list of supported extensions. - Added option to open and save panels for looking into bundles. - Added highlighting support for entities in XML and related modes. - Documents can be opened and saved using administrator permissions. - Non-commercial licensed copies embed watermarks into documents after 2 minutes of inactivity. They will disappear when SubEthaEdit is reactivated. - Added entab and detab feature for text. - Changes to the editing preferences can now be applied explicitly to open documents. - Added release notes document to the application. - AppleScript: Added encoding, mode, access control, announced status and URL properties to the text document class. - Added advanced preferences for screen fonts and for synthesising bold and italic font variants. - Added menu command and keyboard shortcut for blockedit. - Added several missing enums and constants to the Objective-C mode. - Added French and Korean localizations. Changes: - Moved font preferences to the new Style preference pane. - Used consistently the term "Highlight Syntax" instead of "Colorize Syntax". - "Copy Document URL" command now works only on announced documents. - Visibility setting is now sticky. - SubEthaEdit no longer listens for incoming connections when internet connections were prohibited and the status has been set to invisible. - Autocompletion now takes all open documents using the same mode into account. - AppleScript: Removed the attachments and size properties of the text class. - System encoding is used when a file can't be read using the specified encoding. - Display preferences for status bars are now sticky per mode. - Removed "#" image for pragma marks in Objective-C mode and for comment lines in PHP mode. - Removed out-of-date Dutch localization. - Updated OrgeKit. Fixes: - Fixed a bug where the mode of a document was reseted to its original value during a revert of the document. - Fixed a bug where the window width display in the bottom status bar wasn't correctly updated after a font change. - Fixed bug in Perl mode where an array counter was recognized as a comment. - Fixed a bug where a document lost its location after a revert. - Fixed a bug where a new document was opened when SubEthaEdit was launched via Xcode. - Fixed a bug where the setup consumed 100% CPU. - Fixed a bug where the user's initial colors weren't determined randomly. - Fixed a bug where an external application (e.g. FTP clients) invoking SubEthaEdit wasn't notified when SubEthaEdit was quitted. - Fixed several issues regarding highlighting of regular expressions in Perl mode. - Fixed several bugs where the location of a document couldn't be determined while trying to save it. - Fixed a bug where the status of a connection wasn't displayed correctly in the internet browser. - Fixed a bug where delayed web preview didn't work in modes without symbols. - Fixed a bug which could cause a crash when SubEthaEdit shared a document. - Fixed a bug which could cause a crash when the web preview was closed. - Fixed a bug where the web preview window title wasn't in sync with the corresponding document window title. - Fixed a bug which could prevent further display of changes when matching brackets where highlighted while blockediting. - Fixed "ID" symbol image in the symbol popup menu by adding transparency to the image. - Fixed a bug in LaTeX mode where highlighting failed when there were "{" or "}" characters in the argument of a command. - Fixed a bug which could result in inserting different sized tabs when using tabs while blockediting. - Fixed a bug where shift left or shift right didn't work correctly when tabs were activated - Fixed a bug where toolbar item labels where not displayed correctly. - Fixed a bug in Lua mode where symbols appared twice. - Fixed highlighting of variables in PHP mode. - Fixed a bug where participants seemed to have lost their connections but were still listed as participants. - Fixed a bug in LaTeX mode which could result in wrong highlighting of escaped comments. - Fixed a bug in Perl mode which could break syntax highlighting in regexp quote-like operators.