Create Mirror Place Holder - This script creates a Mirror Place Holder file. If Interarchy encounters a Mirror Place Holder file it will ignore the corresponding file or folder on the remote site. For example, if you create a Mirror Place Holder file named "logs" in your folder Interarchy will ignore the corresponding folder named "logs" when it mirrors rather than deleting all your log files. Download URLs - This script will open a text file with a list of URLs and download them. DropPut Example - Droplets are specialized AppleScript applets which are designed to process items dragged onto them. This script demonstrates how to write a droplet which you can drop files on to automatically upload to a specified destination. Modify the whereto property and save as an application to create a droplet. File-Open From FTP or SFTP Server - BBEdit lets you attach scripts to menu items. If you place this script in BBEdit's Menu Scripts folder BBEdit's Open from FTP/SFTP Server command will launch Interarchy. Misc Stuff - Example script showing basic commands such as mkdir, rename, remove, sendcommand as well as trivial examples of mirroring, web downloading, site downloading, and setting preferences. Open Finder window in Interarchy - This script will open the front Finder window in Interarchy. Parse Listing Example - This script demonstrates how to parse listings. Path Utilities - A collection of Sub-routines for working with paths. You can copy these sub-routines and paste them into your scripts. Set Permissions - This script will scan a folder and set permissions based on file extension. Set Use passive for host - Although there is no user interface for setting preferences on a per-host basis, Interarchy does support this in its preferences. This applescript demonstrates how to set the boolean UsePassive preference on a per-host basis. Speak the front window - This script will speak the name of the front window followed by the contents of the front window. Stack Windows - This script resizes and stacks the open Interarchy windows behind the front window. Tandem Windows - This script will move and resize the first and second Interarchy windows so that they are vertically adjacent at the bottom of the screen. Tile Windows - This script will move and resize the first and second Interarchy windows so that they are adjacent.