// EVERY STRING MUST BEGIN WITH "IDSX" or it will be ignored. /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User Settings // Data Collection synchronization parameters (Spectrometers' calculated at run-time) IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_LABPRO "510" // Delay (in milliseconds) for this device to start collecting points after getting a start command IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_LABPRO_NRT "575" // LabPro in non-realtime mode takes a little longer to get started IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_GO_MOTION "180" IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_GO_LINK "0" IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_GO_TEMP "0" IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_CRASHTESTDUMMY "0" IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_OHAUS "500" IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_GPS "0" IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_SENSORDAQ "40" IDSX_SYNCHRONIZATION_LABQUEST "0" // Livereadout stuff IDSX_ENABLE_LIVEREADOUTS "ON" // Flag that will enable/disable livereadouts (For development) (ON ==> ENable, anything else ==> DISable) IDSX_LIVE_READOUT_AUTOID_INTERVAL_MS "600" // The interval in ms at which to check for new sensors while doing live readouts (note that we can only sample every 130 ms at minimum). IDSX_ENABLE_AUTOID_ON_DIGITAL_CHANNELS "yes" // set "yes" or "no" // Parameters for audio sound (Accessibility settings) IDSX_AUDIO_SETTINGS_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND "3 44100 22050 11025" // vector of samples/second (first # is count of remaining numbers) IDSX_AUDIO_SETTINGS_SAMPLES_INDEX "0" // 0-based index into above vector IDSX_AUDIO_SETTINGS_CHANNELS "2" // 1 (mono) or 2 (stero) IDSX_AUDIO_SETTINGS_BYTES_PER_SAMPLE "2" // 1 or 2 (1 sounds pretty lousy, but it halves the data rate needed) // Audio graph values IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_PLAYBACK_LENGTHS "9 1 3 5 10 20 40 60 90 120" // vector of lengths (in seconds) to offer user (first # is count of remaining numbers) IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_PLAYBACK_LENGTH_INDEX "3" // 0-based index into above vector IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_LOW_FREQ "220" // in Hz -- the lowest frequency we use -- will correspond to a traced value of GetTraceMin() IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_NUM_OCTAVES "2.0" // Number of octaves to use in audio graph tracing IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_NUM_STRIPS "100" // number of tones to generate IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_RANGE_LENGTH_MS "25" // Milliseocnds to sound the low and high ranges before pausing and sounding graph IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_PAUSE_LENGTH_MS "100" // Milliseconds to pause before and after sounding graph IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_END_CLICK_LENGTH_MS "10" Milliseconds to beep at end IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_POP_ON_GRID_LINES "yes" // "yes" to click as trace passes a grid line // Accessibilty Options IDSX_SHOW_STATISTICS_WAVELENGTH_COLOR "yes" // set to "yes" to show the wavelength color (e.g. "green") in the statisics helper object // Accessibility Dialog Feedback IDSX_ADF_FREQUENCY "500" // Frequency of beep to play for dialog feedback IDSX_ADF_LENGTH_MS "100" // Length (in ms) of beep // Generic Spectrometer UI min/max default values IDSX_SPECTROMETER_GENERIC_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/spectrometers/" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_BOXCARMIN = "0" // Wavelength Smoothing (in number of adjacent wavelengths) IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DEFAULTBOXCAR = "0" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_NUMSCANSMIN = "1" // Number of samples (over time) to average IDSX_SPECTROMETER_PEAKRANGEMIN = "0.85" // Calibration peak should be within this range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_PEAKRANGEMAX = "0.95" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_USE_INTENSITY_ADJUSTMENTS "no" // change to "yes" if you want to use the file SpectrometerIntensityAdjustments.txt (in Support folder) IDSX_SPECTROMETER_USE_DARK_PIXEL_CORRECTION "yes" // change to "no" to disable the OpticallyDark-Pixel-Correction algorithm IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DRAW_RAINBOW_AS_STRIP "no" // Obsolete, now has Pref in UI. Next 2 are NOT Obsolete: IDSX_STRIP_RAINBOW_PCT_OF_GRAPH "2.0" // These define the height of the rainbow strip IDSX_STRIP_RAINBOW_MIN_PCT_OF_SCREEN "1.0" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAVELENGTH_BAND_WIDTH "5.0" // we will use this to calculate the average value where the width is +- on either side of the specified wavelength IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CALIBRATE_USES_BOXCAR "yes" // Yes will use current boxcar smoothing setting during calibration IDSX_SPECTROMETER_LIVEREADOUTS_ALL_MODES "0" // != 0 will enable live readouts for spec sensors for all modes IDSX_SPECTROMETER_LIVEREADOUTS_NONSPECTRUM_MODES "1" // != 0 will enable live readouts for spec sensors when in EWE mode (aka Beer's law) // Ocean Optics-Spectrometer Specific min/max default values IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_VSPEC_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/v-spec/" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_SPRTVIS_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/sprt-vis/" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_USB2000_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/v-spec/" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_USB4000_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/sprt-uv-vis/" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_BOXCARMAX = "20" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_NUMSCANSMAX = "100" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_DEFAULTNUMSCANS = "10" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_SAMPLE_TIMEMIN = "1" // Exposure (Integration) time in Milliseconds IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_SAMPLE_TIMEMAX = "1000" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_DEFAULTSAMPLE_TIME = "32" // USB2000 series default MS IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_DEFAULTSAMPLE_TIME_4000 = "65" // USB4000 default MS IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_WAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "200" // Min/Max wavelngths to display IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_WAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "1100" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "380" // Default wavelength range IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "950" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMIN_UVVIS = "220" // Default wavelength range for UV VIS IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX_UVVIS = "860" IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_AUTORANGE1MIN_LOW = "300.0" // If the min value of the wavelength range is between low and high, set to high IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_AUTORANGE1MIN_HIGH = "380.0" // IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_AUTORANGE1MAX_LOW = "950.0" // If the max value of the wavelength range is between low and high, set to low IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_AUTORANGE1MAX_HIGH = "1050.0" // IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_AUTORANGE2MIN_LOW = "170.0" // If the min value of the wavelength range is between low and high, set to high IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_AUTORANGE2MIN_HIGH = "220.0" // IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_AUTORANGE2MAX_LOW = "860.0" // If the max value of the wavelength range is between low and high, set to low IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_AUTORANGE2MAX_HIGH = "900.0" // IDSX_OCEANOPTICS_WARMUP_TIME "90" // How many seconds to wait for lamp to warm up before enabling "Blank" button in calibration // CK SP-1 spectrometer (= SpectroVis) settings: IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/svis-pl/" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_BOXCARMAX = "10" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_NUMSCANSMAX = "20" // Same default but Independently modifiable IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_DEFAULTNUMSCANS = "3" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_SAMPLE_TIMEMAX = "100" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_SAMPLE_TIMEMIN = "10" // Exposure (Integration) time in Milliseconds IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_DEFAULTSAMPLE_TIME = "15" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_WAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "400" // Min/Max wavelngths to display IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_WAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "800" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "400" // Default wavelength range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "725" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_WARMUP_TIME = "90" // How many seconds to wait for lamp to warm up before enabling "Blank" button in calibration IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_LOW_BKGD_WAVELENGTH = "270.0" // 2 Ranges of pixels are used for Background Correction, IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_HIGH_BKGD_WAVELENGTH = "270.0" // But top range is no longer used. IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_NUM_BKGD_SAMPLES = "10" // The low and high background ranges each use this many wavelengths IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_TIMING_OVERHEAD_PCT = "17" // Allow this % extra time when estimating SpetroVis performance... IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/svis-pl/" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_BOXCARMAX = "10" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_DEFAULTBOXCAR = "1" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_NUMSCANSMAX = "20" // Same default but Independently modifiable IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_DEFAULTNUMSCANS = "6" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_SAMPLE_TIMEMAX = "1000" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_SAMPLE_TIMEMIN = "15" // Exposure (Integration) time in Milliseconds IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_DEFAULTSAMPLE_TIME = "50" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_WAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "380" // Min/Max wavelngths to display IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_WAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "950" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "380" // Default wavelength range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "900" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_WARMUP_TIME = "90" // How many seconds to wait for lamp to warm up before enabling "Blank" button in calibration IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_LOW_BKGD_WAVELENGTH = "80.0" // 2 Ranges of pixels are used for Background Correction, IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_HIGH_BKGD_WAVELENGTH = "270.0" // But top range is no longer used. IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_NUM_BKGD_SAMPLES = "20" // The low and high background ranges each use this many wavelengths IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_TIMING_OVERHEAD_PCT = "17" // Allow this % extra time when estimating SpetroVis performance... IDSX_SPECTROMETER_USE_CK_GAIN_SETTINGS "no" // Turn On/Off GAIN Doubling on CK spec for Intensity. IDSX_SPECTROMETER_FORCE_RECALIBRATION "no" // Set to "yes" to force re-calibration after File-New, File-Open, etc... IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_2NM_MODE "no" // Set to "yes" to operate the spec in 2nm mode, no will run the spec in 1nm mode. IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_PEAKRANGEMIN = "0.90" // Calibration peak should be within this range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_PEAKRANGEMAX = "0.95" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_RAWMODE = "no" // used to bypass unit conversion and normalization while leaving lamp on in intensity mode IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_DARKSAMPLETIME = "70" // used to bypass sampletime for SP2 IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP2_CALIBRATE_NUMBERSAMPLES = "15" // used to finetun calibration for SP2 IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP3_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/svis-pl/" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP3_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "950" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/vsp-uv/" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_BOXCARMAX = "10" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_DEFAULTBOXCAR = "1" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_NUMSCANSMAX = "20" // Same default but Independently modifiable IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_DEFAULTNUMSCANS = "6" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_SAMPLE_TIMEMAX = "1000" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_SAMPLE_TIMEMIN = "15" // Exposure (Integration) time in Milliseconds IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_DEFAULTSAMPLE_TIME = "50" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_WAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "220" // Min/Max wavelngths to display IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_WAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "900" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "240" // Default wavelength range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "850" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX_ABSORBANCE = "850" // Used to be 700; 725 gives >= 100 wavelengths in Absorbance IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_WARMUP_TIME = "90" // How many seconds to wait for lamp to warm up before enabling "Blank" button in calibration IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_LOW_BKGD_WAVELENGTH = "80.0" // 2 Ranges of pixels are used for Background Correction, IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_NUM_BKGD_SAMPLES = "20" // The low and high background ranges each use this many wavelengths IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_TIMING_OVERHEAD_PCT = "17" // Allow this % extra time when estimating SpetroVis performance... IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_2NM_MODE "no" // Set to "yes" to operate the spec in 2nm mode, no will run the spec in 1nm mode. IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_PEAKRANGEMIN = "0.90" // Calibration peak should be within this range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_PEAKRANGEMAX = "0.95" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_RAWMODE = "no" // used to bypass unit conversion and normalization while leaving lamp on in intensity mode IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_DARKSAMPLETIME = "70" // used to bypass sampletime for SP2 IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPUV_CALIBRATE_NUMBERSAMPLES = "15" // used to finetun calibration for SP2 IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/vsp-uv/" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_BOXCARMAX = "10" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_DEFAULTBOXCAR = "1" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_NUMSCANSMAX = "20" // Same default but Independently modifiable IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_DEFAULTNUMSCANS = "6" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_SAMPLE_TIMEMAX = "1000" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_SAMPLE_TIMEMIN = "15" // Exposure (Integration) time in Milliseconds IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_DEFAULTSAMPLE_TIME = "50" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_WAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "220" // Min/Max wavelngths to display IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_WAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "900" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "240" // Default wavelength range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "850" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX_ABSORBANCE = "850" // Used to be 700; 725 gives >= 100 wavelengths in Absorbance IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_WARMUP_TIME = "90" // How many seconds to wait for lamp to warm up before enabling "Blank" button in calibration IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_LOW_BKGD_WAVELENGTH = "80.0" // 2 Ranges of pixels are used for Background Correction, IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_NUM_BKGD_SAMPLES = "20" // The low and high background ranges each use this many wavelengths IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_TIMING_OVERHEAD_PCT = "17" // Allow this % extra time when estimating SpetroVis performance... IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_2NM_MODE "no" // Set to "yes" to operate the spec in 2nm mode, no will run the spec in 1nm mode. IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_PEAKRANGEMIN = "0.90" // Calibration peak should be within this range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_PEAKRANGEMAX = "0.95" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_RAWMODE = "no" // used to bypass unit conversion and normalization while leaving lamp on in intensity mode IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_DARKSAMPLETIME = "70" // used to bypass sampletime for SP2 IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPFL_CALIBRATE_NUMBERSAMPLES = "15" // used to finetun calibration for SP2 IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_SUPPORT_URL "http://www.vernier.com/s/vsp-em/" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_BOXCARMAX = "10" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_DEFAULTBOXCAR = "0" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_NUMSCANSMAX = "20" // Same default but Independently modifiable IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_DEFAULTNUMSCANS = "1" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_SAMPLE_TIMEMAX = "1000" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_SAMPLE_TIMEMIN = "15" // Exposure (Integration) time in Milliseconds IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_DEFAULTSAMPLE_TIME = "15" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_WAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "350" // Min/Max wavelngths to display IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_WAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "900" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMIN = "350" // Default wavelength range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX = "900" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_DEFAULTWAVELENGTHRANGEMAX_ABSORBANCE = "900" // Used to be 700; 725 gives >= 100 wavelengths in Absorbance IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_WARMUP_TIME = "0" // How many seconds to wait for lamp to warm up before enabling "Blank" button in calibration IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_LOW_BKGD_WAVELENGTH = "80.0" // 2 Ranges of pixels are used for Background Correction, IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_NUM_BKGD_SAMPLES = "20" // The low and high background ranges each use this many wavelengths IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_TIMING_OVERHEAD_PCT = "17" // Allow this % extra time when estimating SpetroVis performance... IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_2NM_MODE "no" // Set to "yes" to operate the spec in 2nm mode, no will run the spec in 1nm mode. IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_PEAKRANGEMIN = "0.90" // Calibration peak should be within this range IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_PEAKRANGEMAX = "0.95" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_RAWMODE = "no" // used to bypass unit conversion and normalization while leaving lamp on in intensity mode IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_DARKSAMPLETIME = "70" // used to bypass sampletime for SP2 IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SPEM_CALIBRATE_NUMBERSAMPLES = "15" // used to finetun calibration for SP2 // Crash test dummy default values IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_DEFAULT_FORCE "on" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_DEFAULT_ACCX "on" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_DEFAULT_ACCY "on" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_DEFAULT_ACCZ "on" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_DEFAULT_ALTIMETER "off" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_OPEN_ON_INIT_AND_CONNECT "1.0" // 1.0 ==> scan for Bluetooth devices on initandconnect so that we can automatically open WDSS devices at launch IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_ALWAYS_USE_MAC_SYSTEM_DEVICE_PICKER "0" // Set to 1 to always use the OS bluetooth dialog. // Watts Up default "sensor channels". Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_WATTS "on" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_VOLTS "on" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_AMPS "on" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_WATTHOURS "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_COST "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_WATTHOURSPERMONTH "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_COSTPERMONTH "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_WATTSMAX "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_VOLTSMAX "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_AMPSMAX "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_WATTSMIN "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_VOLTSMIN "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_AMPSMIN "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_POWERFACTOR "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_DUTYCYCLE "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_POWERCYCLE "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_LINEFREQ "off" IDSX_WU_DEFAULT_VOLTAMPS "on" // GOOGLE maps min/max wavelength settings to draw line IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_DRAW_LINE_WAVELENGTH_MIN "400" // minimum value to use for graduated line (defualt 400) in nanometers IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_DRAW_LINE_WAVELENGTH_MAX "700" // maximum value to use for graduated line (default 700) // LabQuest built-in sensors on/off IDSX_LABQUEST_DEFAULT_BUILTIN_TEMP "off" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_LABQUEST_DEFAULT_BUILTIN_AUDIO "off" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) // LQ Viewer Warning IDSX_LABQUEST_SHOW_VIEWER_WARNING "on" // "on" = warn if a LQ2 in Viewer mode is detected, anything else = don't warn // LQ File Browser IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_ROOT_FOLDER "/home/share/" // Default starting folder IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_DATA_FOLDER "data/" // LQ experiments folder (off the "root") IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_LQ_ABSTRACT_ROOT "LabQuestData" // Abstract name of above folder (for user consumption) IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_EXTERNAL_DRIVES_FOLDER "/media/" // Folder for all external drives IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_EXTERNAL_DRIVES_NAME "usbflash" // name that all external drives will start with IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_LQ_ABSTRACT_EXTERNAL_DRIVE_NAME "ExternalDrive" // Abstract name of external drives IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_REMOTE_FOLDER "remote/" // Folder where remote data files reside IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_REMOTE_RETRIEVAL_NAME "remoteretrieve.qmbl" // FileName of remote data to retrieve -- i.e. written by the LabQuest app IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_REMOTE_SETUP_NAME "remotesetup.qmbl" // FileName of remote setup -- i.e. written by LoggerPro IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_SYSTEM_FOLDER "System/" // Folder name where settings controlled by LoggerPro are written to the LabQuest (should be hidden) IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_SYSTEM_BUILTIN "BuiltInSensors/" // Will have subfolders corresponding to the enabled built-in sensors (e.g. "TMP") IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_SYSTEM_DEVICEID "DeviceID/" // Will have a subfolder with a "unique" device ID // Should we allow user to upgrade the LabQuest firmware? IDSX_LABQUEST_ALLOW_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE "no" // Set to anything but "yes" to prevent // LQ Drop Counter parameters IDSX_LABQUEST_DROP_COUNTER_DELTA "0.02" // Set delta for analog sensors (slow enough that MD could keep up without trouble) // LQ Fastest period with > 1 analog sensor IDSX_LABQUEST_FATSEST_MULTI_SENSOR_PERIOD "0.0001" // default to period ==> 10 kHz rate // LQ max number of points at high speeds, and whjat that high speed is IDSX_LABQUEST_MAX_HIGH_SPEED_POINTS "2000" // default 2000 -- this is dependent on the buffer size in the DAQ IDSX_LABQUEST_HIGH_SPEED_DELTA_RESTRICTION "0.00001" // 0.00001 period ==> 100 kHz rate (so this will never restrict the LQ) // LQ Stream - Bluetooth data rate limits IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_MAX_PTS_SEC_INTEGER "10000" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_TOO_MANY_HIGHSPEED_POINTS_INTEGER "4001" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_TOO_FAST_TRIGGERING_ONE_SENSOR_INTEGER "5000" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_TOO_FAST_TRIGGERING_MANY_SENSORS_INTEGER "1000" // LabQuest battery status IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_STATUS_CMD "/bin/cat" // Command-line command to get battery status IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_STATUS_PARAMETERS " /sys/bus/platform/devices/lq-apm/battery_status" // parameters to above command IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_STATUS_PARSE " (" // response should be something like: "battery level = 1898: 4.15V (95%) [full charge: 1911: 4.20V] calibrate_offset = 37 342 minutes remain (driver version 1.5)", parse to percent charge IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_OK_CUTTOFF "20" // Percent below this where we should tell user battery is "LOW" IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_CRITICAL_CUTTOFF "2" // Percent below this where we should tell user critical (unused in current LP code) IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_CHARGE_PARAMETERS " /sys/bus/platform/devices/lq-apm/charger_status" // parameters to above command to get status of charging or not IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_CHARGING "STAT1:STAT2 0x01" // response should be something like: "STAT1:STAT2 0x01 [fast-charging] ACPG:USBPG 0x02" (0x01 IS plugged in) IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_NOT_CHARGING "STAT1:STAT2 0x03" // response should be something like: "STAT1:STAT2 0x03 [sleep-mode] ACPG:USBPG 0x00" (0x03 is NOT plugged in) // LabQuest base column name for selected events and events with entry. Used to replace this column name with the "right" name in logger pro during remote retrieval IDSX_LABQUEST_EVENT_BASE_COLUMN_NAME "Event" // List of browsers (';'-delimited) to look for under linux (since I can't find the default!) IDSX_LINUX_BROWSERS "firefox;Konqueror" // Set to "yes" to allow each toolbar item to be its own width. Anything else makes them all the same width (very wide) IDSX_LINUX_TOOLBAR_SETNONHOMOGENEOUS "yes" // See Gtk::Window docs - GTK cannot give us this height - it must be window mgr dependent IDSX_LINUX_WINDOW_DECORATION_VOFFSET "0" // 22 works better on laptop, other dev machines! IDSX_LINUX_WINDOW_DECORATION_HOFFSET "3" // Linux debug NGIO output level IDSX_NGIO_TRACE_SEVERITY "high" // "lowest" "low" medium" "high" verbose --> silent // bitmap buttons in sensor setup dialogs in Linux need a hard-coded offset IDSX_LINUX_SENSORSITE_BITMAP_OFFSET "12" // On Linux, we have to make sure non-drawing threads have a chance to operate -- set a tiomeout (in milliseconds) so drawing doesn't happen back-to-back IDSX_LINUX_DRAW_TIMEOUT "10" // default 10ms // Defualt selection color on Linux (cannot seem to coax it out programatically) IDSX_LINUX_SEL_COLOR_RED "65278" IDSX_LINUX_SEL_COLOR_GREEN "55753" IDSX_LINUX_SEL_COLOR_BLUE "39819" // URL to get Support files for vstusb.ko IDSX_LINUX_SUPPORT_URL "http://www2.vernier.com/lp-linux/linux_vstusb.tar.gz" // Manual Sensor Configuration (Turning this one will disable several automatic behaviors of Logger Pro). IDSX_MANUAL_SENSOR_CONFIG "0" // 1: Manual Sensor Configuration enabled, 0: Manual Sensor Configuration. // GPS IDSX_GPS_DEFAULT_LATITUDE "on" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_GPS_DEFAULT_LONGTITUDE "on" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_GPS_DEFAULT_ALTITUDE "on" // Should this sensor be enabled by default? "on" if so (anything else not -- case matters!) IDSX_GPS_MIN_MEASUREMENT_PERIOD "1.0" // Change this to allow LP to collect at a rate > 1 hz. Important: first, your (serial) device must understand the Garmin A010 control protocol. Second, it must be capable of providing data at that rate. Third, since Logger Pro does not issue any device set up, you must be able to set up your device to collect at that rate manually. // GPS Signal Strength Indicator Cutoffs. These are in meters. IDSX_GPS_SIG_1_CUTOFF "200.0" IDSX_GPS_SIG_2_CUTOFF "100.0" IDSX_GPS_SIG_3_CUTOFF "35.0" IDSX_GPS_SIG_4_CUTOFF "10.0" // Center of axis is for scrolling, other ends will stretch. Set how much of the axis is reserved for scrolling IDSX_STRETCHY_AXIS_SCROLLING_PORTION "0.25" // MUST be > 0 and < 1 // File compression flags IDSX_FILE_USE_COMPRESSION "-1" // 0 for force no compression, 1 for force compression, anything else for 'auto compression' of large files while leaving small files alone IDSX_FILE_USE_COMPRESSION_THRESHHOLD "25000" // threshhold for auto compression (files less than this size (in number of column points) will not compress) //In memory compression IDSX_MOVIE_USE_INTERNAL_JPEG "1" //VIDEO CAPTURE: IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_DATASOURCE_LATENCY "0.0" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_CAMERA_LATENCY "0.200" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_REMOVE_WHITEFRAMES "0" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_DISPLAY_WIDTH_HINT "400" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_RECORD_SOUND "1" // Set to 0 to force sound NOT to record IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_WARNING_THRESHHOLD_MD "100" // movies bigger than this warning in the capture dialog OK IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MIN_DURATION "2.0" // smallest allowable duration IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MIN_CAPTURE_INTERVAL "5.0" // in seconds IDSX_DIRECTX_MIN_VERSION "801" // corresponds to 8.1 b IDSX_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_DIRECTX_PATH "Software\Microsoft\DirectX" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_GRAB_IMAGE_EXTENSION ".jpg" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_GRAB_IMAGE_QT_EXPORT_TAG "JPEG" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_GRAB_IMAGE_QT_EXPORT_SETTINGS_DIALOG "0" // Set to "1" to show compression settings dialog for Take Picture. IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_RESOLUTION_FOR_DV "720" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_WIN_DVCOMPRESSOR "DV Video Encoder" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MAC_DVCOMPRESSOR "DV/DVCPRO - NTSC" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL01 "5" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL02 "6" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL03 "10" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL04 "15" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL05 "20" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL06 "25" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL07 "30" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL08 "40" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL09 "50" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL10 "60" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SECOND_INTERVAL_LAST "" //Place holder to get last selection IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL01 "1" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL02 "2" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL03 "3" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL04 "4" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL05 "5" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL06 "6" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL07 "10" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL08 "15" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL09 "20" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL10 "25" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL11 "30" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL12 "40" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL13 "45" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL14 "50" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL15 "60" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MINUTE_INTERVAL_LAST "" //Place holder to get last selection IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL01 "1" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL02 "2" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL03 "3" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL04 "4" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL05 "5" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL06 "6" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL07 "10" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL08 "12" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL09 "24" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL10 "48" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HOUR_INTERVAL_LAST "" //Place holder to get last selection // The number of bytes per pixel IDSX_VIDEO_BYTES_PER_PIXEL "3" // GEL ANALYSIS IDSX_GEL_ANALYSIS_DISTANCE_COLUMN_WIDTH ".6" // Distance column widths for gel analysis (smaller than normal) IDSX_GEL_ANALYSIS_BP_COLUMN_WIDTH ".6" IDSX_MIN_LABPRO_OS_VERSION_FOR_FAST_RMS "40.0" // The version of LabPro firmware that can handle RMS collection > 6 samples per ms. IDSX_LABPRO_SERIAL_MS_TIMEOUT "64" // Mow many milliseconds to wait after each command to LabPro on serial connection IDSX_FORCE_APP_REQUIREMENTS "1" // Change to "0" to launch the app on earlier OS versions. IDSX_FORCE_DEBUG_UPGRADE "no" // if "yes" will ask user to upgrade even if the OS version is the same // Values to use for Motion Detector adjustments (so everything will match LabQuest) IDSX_LABPRO_MD_ADJUST "0.0458" // meters to add to returned value for LabPro (in live readouts and slow collections only! cmd-9 returns "calibrated" values which must be adjusted) IDSX_CYCLOPS_ADJUST "0.027" // meters to add to returned value for Cyclops (Go!Motion) // These strings are used to help us auto arrange the simple case for Gel Analysis (Picture, table and graph) IDSX_GEL_ANNALYSIS_MAX_TABLE_HEIGHT_RATIO "0.65" IDSX_GEL_ANNALYSIS_MAX_PHOTO_HEIGHT_RATIO "0.67" IDSX_GEL_ANNALYSIS_MAX_PHOTO_WIDTH_RATIO "0.60" // Number of "9" commands to average during Zero IDSX_AVERAGE_9_COMMANDS_ZERO "15" // Must be >= 1 and shouldn't be too big (< 20?) because otherwise it will take too long IDSX_AVERAGE_9_COMMANDS_LIVEREADOUT "3" // ditto IDSX_AVERAGE_9_COMMANDS_CALIBRATION "15" // ditto // Photogate constants IDSX_VPG_DEFAULT_DISTANCE "0.05" // Used to set the default distance when the user parameter is created -- should match vernier picket fence IDSX_VPG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT "0.001" // Default amount to vary above constant when using parameter controls // For the following parameters -- they are NOT error checked. If you change them, you are responsible for making sure they make sense! // Used to set how many points are used in livereadouts ... IDSX_SKIP_LIVEREADOUTS_PERIOD "0.020" // Skip period (in seconds) MUST be greater than or equal to 0.005 IDSX_SKIP_LIVEREADOUTS_NUM_POINTS "5" // Number of points to average for each reported point -- MUST be between 1 and 150 IDSX_GOTEMP_LIVEREADOUTS_PERIOD "0.5" // Period in seconds. IDSX_CYCLOPS_LIVEREADOUTS_PERIOD "0.05" // Cyclops period (in seconds) MUST be greater than or equal to 0.020 (RM3779, RM3708) JK 091007. IDSX_CYCLOPS_LIVEREADOUTS_NUM_POINTS "5" // Number of points to average for each reported point -- MUST be between 1 and 150 IDSX_LABQUEST_LIVEREADOUTS_PERIOD "0.02" // Period (in seconds) MUST be greater than or equal to 0.005 (default 0.02 -- MD shouldn;t go faster than that) IDSX_LABQUEST_LIVEREADOUTS_NUM_POINTS "10" // Number of points to average for each reported point -- MUST be between 1 and 150 (default 10) IDSX_FASTEST_LIVEREADOUT_MD_DELTA "0.25" // Delta for Motion Detectors on LabQuest -- should be slowish -- otherwise it's very annoying IDSX_LABQUEST_ZERO_PERIOD "0.02" // The delta for doing a zero (default 0.02 -- MD shouldn;t go faster than that) IDSX_LABQUEST_ZERO_NUM_POINTS "100" // Number of points to avearge for zero IDSX_LABQUEST_LIVEREADOUTS_PERIOD_AUDIO ".000125" // Minimum period for internal microphone. IDSX_SKIP_DISCONNECT_DURING_COLLECT_TIMEOUT_MS "3000" // On linux, we don't get an "event" when a device is unplugged and so during collection we have to time the last valid collected point IDSX_LABQUEST_MD_NEVER_UNDERSAMPLES "0.0" // Set to "1.0" to prevent Motion Detectors attached to LabQuests from undersampling (i.e. they will attempt to collect at specified rate). // Used to set parameters for time-based collections for skip IDSX_SKIP_COLLECTION_OVERSAMPLE_CUTOFF_PERIOD "0.5" // If the collection has a period equal to or greater than this, do oversampling IDSX_SKIP_COLLECTION_OVERSAMPLE_PERIOD "0.02" // When oversampling, use this period IDSX_SKIP_COLLECTION_OVERSAMPLE_NUM_POINTS "9" // When oversampling, average this many points around each sample -- Make sure this number will leave enough samples given the above values! // Used to set parameters for time-based collections for Cyclops IDSX_CYCLOPS_COLLECTION_HOST_COMPUTER_TIMEBASE_THRESHOLD_PERIOD "1.0" // If the collection has a period equal to or greater than this, do use the host computer clock to control the sampling rate. IDSX_CYCLOPS_TRIGGER_CHECK_DELAY "2.0" //If the user stops the collection by pressing the trigger button, then we cancel the collection after this delay. // Used to set the wait period for checking a WDSS when it may have overflowed IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_WAIT_BEFORE_OVERFLOW_CHECK "5.0" // seconds (+ delta) to wait without getting data before stopping a WDSS device during colection IDSX_EVENTS_SAMPLE_PERIOD "0.1" // Set the delta for LabPro, SensorDAQ, and other sources IDSX_EVENTS_OVERSAMPLE "101" // MUST be an integer >= 1! Number of actual points to collect for each reported point (so actual delta is divided by this number - 1) IDSX_EVENTS_OVERSAMPLE_MD "2" // We need a smaller number than normal oversample as 101 will make us collect faster than we are able. // Used to set the collection period for Events with Entry and Selected events. The above collection oversampling parameters apply. IDSX_SKIP_EVENTS_PERIOD "0.1" // Collect with this period when doing EWE IDSX_CYCLOPS_EVENTS_PERIOD "0.1" // Collect with this period when doing EWE IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_EVENTS_PERIOD "0.1" // Collect with this period when doing EWE // Used to set parameters for slow collection averaging IDSX_SLOW_COLLECTION_PERIOD_CO2 "4" // Switch to slow collect handler if period is greater than or equal to this (in seconds) ONLY if there are CO2 sensors present on the source IDSX_SLOW_COLLECTION_PERIOD "0.5" // Switch to slow collect handler if period is greater than or equal to this (in seconds) AND no CO2 sensors are present on source IDSX_LABPRO_OVERSAMPLE_PERIOD_CO2 "0.01" // must be a real number >= 0.001 IDSX_LABPRO_OVERSAMPLE_NUM_POINTS_CO2 "200" // Must be larger than 0 (CO2 needs it to be a value causing an integral collection length!) IDSX_LABPRO_OVERSAMPLE_PERIOD "0.001" // must be a real number >= 0.001 IDSX_LABPRO_OVERSAMPLE_NUM_POINTS "100" // Must be larger than 0 IDSX_LABQUEST_OVERSAMPLE_PERIOD_CO2 "0.01" // must be a real number >= 0.001 IDSX_LABQUEST_OVERSAMPLE_NUM_POINTS_CO2 "200" // Must be larger than 0 (CO2 needs it to be a value causing an integral collection length!) IDSX_LABQUEST_OVERSAMPLE_PERIOD_MD "0.02" // must be a real number >= 0.02 IDSX_LABQUEST_OVERSAMPLE_NUM_POINTS_MD "10" // Must be larger than 0 IDSX_LABQUEST_OVERSAMPLE_PERIOD "0.001" // must be a real number >= 0.001 IDSX_LABQUEST_OVERSAMPLE_NUM_POINTS "50" // Must be larger than 0 IDSX_DISPLAY_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS_WARNING "yes" // set to something other than "yes" to prevent the exclusive access warning message // Control the automatic sensor polling that happens during live readouts IDSX_SENSOR_POLLING_ALLOWED "1" // Set this to anything but 1 to turn off live sensor polling IDSX_MIN_LABPRO_OS_VERSION_FOR_SENSOR_POLLING "6.28" IDSX_SENSOR_POLLING_BAD_SENSOR1 "DCU" IDSX_SENSOR_POLLING_BAD_SENSOR2 "RMS" IDSX_SENSOR_POLLING_BAD_SENSOR3 "LPS" IDSX_SENSOR_POLLING_BAD_SENSOR4 "RRMV" IDSX_SENSOR_POLLING_BAD_SENSOR5 "ENC" IDSX_SENSOR_POLLING_LAST_BAD_SENSOR "" // not displayed -- to control above loop // DCU constants IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT1_DEFAULT "1" IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT2_DEFAULT "1" IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT3_DEFAULT "1" IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_STEP_VALUE ".1" // BLOOD PRESSURE CONSTANTS IDSX_BP_DELAY_FROM_MAX "4" // How much after the max pressure (after pumping up) should we delay before finding peaks? (in seconds) IDSX_BP_DIASTOLIC_PEAK_FRACTION "0.74" // should be between 0.74 and 0.82 IDSX_BP_SYSTOLIC_PEAK_FRACTION "0.57" // should be between 0.45 and 0.57 IDSX_BP_SUBSAMPLE_FLATTEN_SIZE "200" // how many sub samples to flatten at a time (avoid problems with curve in data) IDSX_BP_LOW_THRESHOLD "0.5" // (0.0 - 1.0) Thresholds for peak selection -- low must always be less than high IDSX_BP_HIGH_THRESHOLD "0.65" // (0.0 - 1.0) IDSX_BP_HIGH_OUTLIER_PEAK_INDEX_THRESHOLD "1.8" // If a peak is this much greater than the peak before, throw it out IDSX_BP_ERROR_DROP "2.0" // If pressure drops this much across n samples, stop -- user probably removed cuff IDSX_BP_ERROR_DROP_NUM "4" // number of samples for error drop test IDSX_BP_NOISE "0.1" // subsamples whose max - min is less than this will not be scanned for peaks (noise) IDSX_BP_MIN_PEAKS "15" // If we find fewer peaks than this, don't report anything IDSX_BP_MIN_EXPERIMENT_LENGTH "40" // If length of data is less than this (in seconds), don't show anything IDSX_BP_LOW_PRESSURE_END "50" // when pressure drops below this value (mm Hg), stop the algorithm // Rotation angles for tick lables IDSX_XTICK_START_ROTATION "" // Onyl used to tell the start IDSX_XTICK_ROTATION_0 "0" // Must have a zero option IDSX_XTICK_ROTATION_30 "30" IDSX_XTICK_ROTATION_45 "45" IDSX_XTICK_ROTATION_90 "90" IDSX_XTICK_LAST_ROTATION "" // Only used to tell the last roattion angle in the loop // Margins for printing (in inches) (should always be >= 0.0) IDSX_PRINT_MARGIN_LEFT "0.5" IDSX_PRINT_MARGIN_TOP "0.5" IDSX_PRINT_MARGIN_RIGHT "0.5" IDSX_PRINT_MARGIN_BOTTOM "0.5" // Spectrometer Flags IDSX_SPECTROMETER_MAX_WAVELENGTHS_NO_WARNING "10" // if user selects more wavelengths (or wavelength groups) than this, warn them IDSX_SPECTROMETER_TOLERANCE_PCT "0.8" // Throw out all wavelengths where the "blank" reading is less than this percentage of the Maximum Intensity value (default = 0.8 %) IDSX_SPECTROMETER_TOLERANCE "32" // **obsoleted 3.5** Throw out all wavelengths where the "blank" reading is less than this IDSX_SPECTROMETER_TIME_COLLECTION_LENGTH "200" // seconds IDSX_SPECTROMETER_TIME_COLLECTION_DELTA "1" // 1 second per point IDSX_SPECTROMETER_EWE_GRAPH_BASE_MIN "0.0" // Graph range for EWE (Abs. vs. Concentration) collections IDSX_SPECTROMETER_EWE_GRAPH_BASE_MAX "1.0" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_FULL_SPECTRUM_GRAPH_BASE_MIN "350.0" // Graph range for Full Spectrum collections IDSX_SPECTROMETER_FULL_SPECTRUM_GRAPH_BASE_MAX "1000.0" // Graph range for Full Spectrum collections // Flags that tell us which type of tool we should create. (currently GoLink or GoTemp IDSX_CALIBRATE_TOOL_GOLINK "1" // yes we want to create the golink calibration tool IDSX_CALIBRATE_TOOL_GOTEMP "0" // set this to one for GOTEMP // When intializing the battery status timer, use this many minutes between checks IDSX_BATTERY_STATUS_TIMER_MIN "15.0" // Must be > 0! IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_TOPCONTROL_FONT_SIZE "8" // specifies font size for top control on windows IDSX_HELPER_MIN_FONT_SIZE_FOR_LARGE_TEXT "16" // default = 16, minimum size for text in Helper objects when Use Large Text is checked, "0" will cause helper objects to ignore "Use Larger Text" totally IDSX_GAUGE_INNER_ARC_PORPORTION "0.75" // Between 1 and 0 exclusive. How close the gauge "arc" is to the outer circle (1.0 would be on the outer circle, 0 would fill the whole gauge) IDSX_OHAUS_MAX_NUM_UNITS "10" //Spcifies the max number of units on any ohaus scale so that the change calibration can loop through them. IDSX_OHAUS_SCOUT_PRO_VERSION "Sr:" IDSX_OHAUS_ADVENTURER_PRO_VERSION "AdventurerPro Sr" IDSX_OHAUS_SCOUT_SKX_VERSION "Sr" IDSX_OHAUS_SCOUT_SKX_MOLAR_MASS "Mole" IDSX_OHAUS_ZERO_TIMEOUT_MS "1200" // How long LP will sleep after issuing the Zero command. This applies to "software zeroing" (e.g. pressing zero button on the toolbar) only. If you find that pressing the Tare/Zero button on the balance itself is causing disconnect, then try increasing the read timeout: IDSX_OHAUS_READ_TIMEOUT_MS IDSX_OHAUS_READ_TIMEOUT_MS "4400" // How long LP will wait for a response from the balance after issuing a command to it. Be aware that if you increase this value, it will take LP longer to discover that a device has been disconnected. It might interfere also with Watts Up device discovery. // Font Names IDSX_DEFAULT_FONT_WINDOWS "Arial" // This font is assumed to be linked to the Unicode font (windows registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink) IDSX_DEFAULT_FONT_WINDOWS_BACKUP "Calibri" // A font which can be used in case the main defualt font is missing. IDSX_DEFAULT_FONT_MAC "Helvetica" IDSX_DEFAULT_FONT_LINUX "Sans" IDSX_DEFAULT_NUMERIC_FONT_WINDOWS "Courier" IDSX_DEFAULT_NUMERIC_FONT_MAC "Monaco" IDSX_DEFAULT_NUMERIC_FONT_LINUX "Monospace" IDSX_LARGE_TEXT_SCALE_FACTOR "1.25" IDSX_EMBOSSING_FONT "Braille29 ASCII" IDSX_EMBOSSING_SCALE_FACTOR "3.125" // Statistics dialog options IDSX_IGNORE_STATISTICS_OPTIONS "0" //Make it "1" if you want to change the Statistics dialog options via this file IDSX_STATISTICS_OPTIONS_DLG_PRECISION "3" //The Precision value must be between and including 0-9 IDSX_STATISTICS_OPTIONS_DLG_IS_DECIMAL "1" //Make it "0" if you want sig figs // Right Y Axis orientation IDSX_RIGHTYAXIS_LABEL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP "1" //Make it a 0 if Right Y Axis Label should read from Top to Bottom // Auto Point protectors IDSX_NORMAL_PT_PROTECTORS_PER_GRAPH "8" // When AUTO Point Protectors are used, optimum number on 1 graph // Default font facename and size to use when displaying insert symbol combo boxes on Windows -- these are NOW primarily used for performing string display metrics. IDSX_WINDOWS_UNICODE_FONTFACE = "Lucida Sans Unicode" IDSX_WINDOWS_UNICODE_FONT_SIZE = "20" // must be an integer > 4 and < 50 IDSX_WINDOWS_SECONDARY_UNICODE_FONTFACE = "Doulos SIL" IDSX_WINDOWS_DOULOS_FONTFILE = "Doulos SIL Regular.ttf" // Enable/Disable auto-id for digital channels on sources during livereadouts. Used to prevent annoying "clicking" by Pasco Motion Detector IDSX_TURN_OFF_LABPRO_AUTOID "0" // Set to "1" to make LabPro stop auto-id'ing. // Change the number of places that are written to files when numbers are written out. Higher ==> more time/space, lower ==> less accuracy IDSX_FILE_IO_PRECISION "12" // Must be >= 0 and <= 15? 20? IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_LOWERFRAMERATE "1" // Windows only: 1 = 15fps capture rate -- 0 = 30fps capture rate(many systems can't handle this setting) IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_STREAMING_DURING_CAPTURE "1" // Windows only: 1 == stream during capture-- 0 = don't stream to preview (helps performance on some machines if turned off) IDSX_REMOTE_ALLOW_GRAPH_CREATION "1.0" // Set to something other than "1.0" to disallow graphs being created in remote retrieval IDSX_CURVEFIT_TIME_OFFSET_ENABLED "1.0" // Set to 1.0 to enable time offsets (part of curve fit), anything else to disable IDSX_CURVEFIT_MAX_FINAL_ITERATIONS "200" // max number of final fit iterations IDSX_CURVEFIT_NUM_TRIAL_VECTORS "100" // number of different trial vectors we will start with to get final coefficient set for curvefitting. IDSX_CURVEFIT_NUM_TRIAL_ITERATIONS "20" // number of iterations of fitting algorithm to use on each trial vector. IDSX_CURVEFIT_TRIALVECTOR_DATA_THRESHOLD "300" // Base number of points, greater than that we reduce the data for trial vectors, less than that we add more IDSX_CURVEFIT_MINCHANGE_FOR_IMPROVEMENT "1e-5" // minimum change of chisqr during fit of trial vectors to be considered relevant (should we stop) IDSX_CURVEFIT_TRIAL_MAX_NUMBER_NOCHANGE_ITERATIONS "4" // max number of no change iterations (after intial 10, we will go with no change for trial vectors only) IDSX_CURVEFIT_TRIAL_MAX_CHISQR "1e10" // During the trial vector calculations if we ever get ChiSqr greater than this, we might as well bail as we rarely if ever get a decent set of trial vectors IDSX_NUM_POINTS_TO_DISPLAY_FILESAVE_MONITOR "2500.0" // If the total number of column points is >= this number (default 2,500), then display a progress monitor when saving files IDSX_NUM_POINTS_TO_DISPLAY_AUTOSAVE_MONITOR "100000.0" // If the total number of column points is >= this number (default 100,000), then display a progress monitor when AUTOsaving files IDSX_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL_MINUTES = "1" // How often the autosave file is written (in minutes) IDSX_DATA_SHARE_FILE_VERIFICATION = "1" // should we verify the files request are valid (for security do no change this) IDSX_GRAPH_TRACE_SPECIAL_FEATURE = "0" // Set to "5734" to draw cool stuff on Mac. IDSX_GRAPH_USE_OLD_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = "0" // Set to 1 to turn on <= 3.8.3 graph defaults (min=0, max=100, point protectors=off, connect lines=on). IDSX_PP_SIZE_SIZE0 "0.15" // PP size in logical inches IDSX_PP_SIZE_SIZE1 "0.125" IDSX_PP_SIZE_SIZE2 "0.1" IDSX_PP_SIZE_SIZE3 "0.075" IDSX_PP_SIZE_SIZE4 "0.05" // MUST be as many sizes as PP text size options (5) IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_RMSE_PRECISION = "3" // The number of decimal places for the RMSE that happens during a graph match IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_MINIMUM_SECTION_LENGTH = "1" // The minimum length of a graph match section in base units IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_MAXIMUM_SECTION_LENGTH = "3" // The maximum length of a graph match section in base units IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_SECTION_VARIATION = ".2" // The maximum amount that any two sections can differ. Stored as the percentage (in decimal form) of one section width. IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_POINTS_FOR_LONG_CALCULATION = "5000" // The number of points that need to be generated in order to bring up a warning that it might take too long IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_TOP_AND_BOTTOM_BOUNDS = ".1" // The boundaries in which the graph match must be generated. Must be in decimal form and should be >= 0 and < .5. IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_BASE_PRECISION = "2" // Number of decimal places for base column of graph match IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_TRACE_PRECISION = "3" // Number of decimal places for the trace columns generated by graph match IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_MINIMUM_TRACE_DIFFERENCE = ".1" // Amount of the trace axis (in decimal form) that each section must vary during graph matching IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_DEFAULT_AXIS_MIN "0.5" // The default axis min when generating graph match data if no other suitable values can be found IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_DEFAULT_AXIS_MAX "2.5" // The default axis max when generating graph match data if no other suitable values can be found IDSX_BITMAP_DPI "300" // How many dots-per-inch should bitmaps copied to the clipboard use? (should be no lower than 72 and probably no higher than 300 -- can cause very large bitmaps!) IDSX_FFT_WINDOW_TYPE "Hann" // Set to "Hann", "Bartlett", or "Welch". IDSX_CONTINUOUS_NUM_POINT_THRESHOLD "10000" // (default 10,000) The number of points we should collect in continuous mode before cutting the number of points and the collection rate in half IDSX_TRANSPARENT_COLOR_RED "2543" //These are RGB values for transparent bitmaps on windows. The goal is to have a unique color that IDSX_TRANSPARENT_COLOR_GREEN "11209" // isn't used by anything else. IDSX_TRANSPARENT_COLOR_BLUE "743" // Movie Playback settings // choose from these settings // 0 Low quality // 1 High quality single field // 2 high quality IDSX_MOVIE_PLAYBACK_HINT "2" IDSX_MOVIE_DEINTERLACED_PLAYBACK_HINT "1" // Movie/Picture settings IDSX_MOVEIMAGE_MAX_WIDTH "800" // Max width for inserted pictures/movies (can be resized bigger if desired) IDSX_TAB_STOP_WIDTH "0.5" // Tab stop width in inches (normally 0.5). Must be > 0! // Force Graph Size (pixel height and width) IDSX_FORCE_GRAPH_SIZE_HEIGHT "500" // Must be larger than 0!! IDSX_FORCE_GRAPH_SIZE_WIDTH "800" IDSX_FILESIZE_CUTOFF_FOR_ERROR_FILE "50000" // Read files this size (in bytes) and smaller for error reporting IDSX_WARN_WHEN_LOADING_NEWER_FILE "on" // default = "on", set to "off" to suppress the warning when loading a file created by a newer version of LP // We do not allow the suppression loading files with versions less than the value // We do not allow the suppression of the waring for loading LP files in LL IDSX_DATA_COLLECTION_ASK_TO_STORE "60" // number of seconds worth of data that must exist before annoying message appears on collect IDSX_LABQUEST_SUPPORT "yes" // set to anything but "yes" to disable labquest support // Average data over x seconds (Selected Events and Events with Entry) IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_AVERAGE_DATA_SECONDS "10" // MUST be larger than 0, and an integer IDSX_FASTEST_TABLE_SCROLLING_PERIOD "0.1" // During data collection, don't bother trying to scroll table if period is smaller than this IDSX_MIN_MAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH "320" // Min horizontal size of main window in pixels IDSX_MIN_MAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT "334" // Min vertical size of main window in pixels (includes menu and toolbar etc.) IDSX_SHOW_NETWORK_WARNING "yes" // if "yes", will warn user when we can't find LabPro drivers //////////// // Minimum Required Firmware Versions IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SP1_REQUIRED_FW_VERSION "1.01" IDSX_LABPRO_REQUIRED_FW_VERSION "6.0626" IDSX_LABQUEST_REQUIRED_FW_VERSION "0.01" // // LabQuest Updating Stuff -- change this stuff at your own risk! Your LabQuest may stop working. No, I'm serious about this! // IDSX_NGI_UMBRELLA_VERSION_DEFAULT "" IDSX_NGI_UMBRELLA_VERSION_REQUIRED "" IDSX_NGI_UMBRELLA_VERSION_PATH "/etc/update-log" IDSX_NGI_FORCE_UPDATE_ON_DOWNGRADE_UMBRELLA_VERSION "1" // Must be set to "1" in order to force version check (default). Set to "0" in order to use LabQuest 1.0. Warning: not all features may be supported (radiation, internal mic, rotary motion, etc.). If you are using LabQuest 1.0, and you experience difficulty, you really should update. IDSX_NGI_UMBRELLA_VERSION_PATH2 "/etc/version" IDSX_NGI_UMBRELLA_VERSION_1_0_BUILD_NUMBER_MAX "3208" IDSX_NGI_UMBRELLA_VERSION_1_0_NEXT_VERSION_HIGHER "" IDSX_NGI_BAD_VERSION "Unknown" IDSX_NGI_MAC_UPDATER_ID "com.vernier.lq.updater1_1_0" IDSX_LQ_FGEN_MIN_VERSION "" // Minimum version of LabQuest that supports the Function Generator. IDSX_THERMOMETER_TO_GRAPH_LINK_LENIENCY ".05" // Distance (in inches) that a graph can go outside the normal vertical thermometer bounds without unlinking the thermometer IDSX_QA_TEST_OVERRIDE_PREVENT_SLEEP "0" // Warning! Danger! Set to 1 to allow Standby Anytime! IDSX_DISALLOWED_FILENAME_REPLACEMENT "." // This is for auto generated file names, such as video capture files. (#19241) JK 20071018. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Time of Day / Date and Time Tick Mark Spacing / Labeling Stuff // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // *** WARNING *** Do not muck with the IDSX_ILT_xyz values unless you know what you're doing. You could permanently disable // time of day tickmarks. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The interval lookup table is composed of entries, each defined by a key-value pair. Each entry is labeled IDSX_ILT_ENTRY###, where // ### is a number starting from 0. These must be ordered from largest span (starting with 0) to smallest. IDSX_ILT_ENTRY_COUNT must // correspond exactly to the number of entries defined here, or else you will get an error. // // The value portion of each IDSX_ILT_ENTRY### contains tag='value' components. You may include single quote literals (') in the // body of the value, where appropriate, by escaping it with back-slash: \', for example "fmt='Today\'s Time'" // // The recognized tags in each entry, and the values they may contain are as follows: // // span -- year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second // spanx -- a number // maj -- year, month, week, day, hour, minutes, second, ms // majx -- a number // minorcount -- a number // align -- year, month, week, day, hour, halfhour, quarterhour, fiveminutes, minute, halfminute, quarterminute, fiveseconds, second, fraction10, fraction100, fraction1000, fraction10000, fraction100000, fraction1000000 // fmt, fmtx -- a string (see VSTDate.h) // // The method for determining tick intervals and labels is as follows: // // if axis-span > (span * spanx) then // major ticks happen ever maj * majx // there will be minorcount minor ticks drawn between major ticks // major ticks will align themselves on align // labels will use fmt format. // fmtx will be used as an ancilliary description of the represented time span (will appear in the Time column title) // else // continue with next entry in table. // // fmt and fmtx strings will be composed of one or more of the following tags: // // date_s -- short date format, e.g. 07/04/08 // date_m -- medium date: Feb 11, 1982 (i.e. abbreviated month) // date_l -- long date: March 25, 1995 // date_f -- full date: Thursday, August 28, 2008 // time_s -- short time: 6:23 AM // time_l -- long time: 06:23:56 AM // time24_s -- short 24 hour time: 19:30 // time24_l -- long 24 hour time: 19:30:41 // year_2 -- two digit year: 08 // year_4 -- 4 digit year: 2008 // month_s -- 1 digit month abbreviation: A // month_m -- 3 digit month abbreviation: Apr // month_l -- Full month: April // day_s -- 1 digit day of week: W // day_m -- Abbreviate day of week: Wed // day_l -- full day of week: Wednesday // // day -- day of month, padded: 28 // month -- numeric month, padded: 08 // // hour -- hour, padded: 05 // ampm -- hour part of day: AM/PM // hour_24 -- hour, 24 hour clock: 23 // min -- minute, padded: 44 // sec -- second, padded: 01 // // sec_f1 -- 1/10s of seconds // sec_f2 -- 1/100s of seconds // sec_f3 -- 1/1000s of seconds // sec_f4 -- 1/10 of ms. // sec_f5 -- 1/100 of ms. // sec_f6 -- 1/1000 of ms. // // // For instance: "date_f time_l" would yield something like "Wednesday, August 27th 4:22:43 PM" // "date_s time_24_l.sec_f6" would yield "8/27/08 4:25:66.434123" // // These tags will automatically be converted to locale specific representations as appropriate, i.e. "Dienstag, 26. August 2008" // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDSX_ILT_ENTRY_COUNT "29" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDSX_ILT_ENTRY0 "span='year' spanx='10' maj='year' majx='1' minorcount='5' align='year' fmt='year_2' fmtx='year_4'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY1 "span='year' spanx='2' maj='year' majx='1' minorcount='5' align='year' fmt='year_4' fmtx='month_m year_4'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY2 "span='year' spanx='1' maj='month' majx='1' minorcount='11' align='month' fmt='month_s year_2' fmtx='month_m year_4'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY3 "span='month' spanx='3' maj='month' majx='1' minorcount='3' align='month' fmt='month_l' fmtx='month_m year_4'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY4 "span='week' spanx='5' maj='month' majx='1' minorcount='3' align='month' fmt='month_l' fmtx='month_m year_4'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY5 "span='week' spanx='2' maj='week' majx='1' minorcount='6' align='week' fmt='day_m date_s' fmtx='date_s'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY6 "span='week' spanx='1' maj='day' majx='1' minorcount='11' align='day' fmt='day_l' fmtx='date_s'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY7 "span='day' spanx='3' maj='day' majx='1' minorcount='1' align='day' fmt='day_m time24_s' fmtx='date_s'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY8 "span='day' spanx='2' maj='day' majx='1' minorcount='3' align='day' fmt='day_m time24_s' fmtx='date_s'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY9 "span='day' spanx='1' maj='hour' majx='6' minorcount='5' align='hour' fmt='day_m time24_s' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY10 "span='hour' spanx='12' maj='hour' majx='2' minorcount='1' align='hour' fmt='time24_s' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY11 "span='hour' spanx='4' maj='hour' majx='1' minorcount='3' align='hour' fmt='time24_s' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY12 "span='hour' spanx='3' maj='minute' majx='30' minorcount='2' align='halfhour' fmt='time24_s' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY13 "span='minute' spanx='30' maj='minute' majx='15' minorcount='2' align='quarterhour' fmt='time24_s' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY14 "span='minute' spanx='8' maj='minute' majx='5' minorcount='4' align='fiveminutes' fmt='time24_l' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY15 "span='minute' spanx='2' maj='minute' majx='1' minorcount='1' align='minute' fmt='time24_l' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY16 "span='minute' spanx='1' maj='second' majx='15' minorcount='2' align='minute' fmt='time24_l' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY17 "span='second' spanx='30' maj='second' majx='15' minorcount='14' align='quarterminute' fmt='time24_l' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY18 "span='second' spanx='8' maj='second' majx='5' minorcount='4' align='quarterminute' fmt='time24_l' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY19 "span='second' spanx='5' maj='second' majx='1' minorcount='1' align='second' fmt='time24_l' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY20 "span='second' spanx='2' maj='second' majx='1' minorcount='3' align='second' fmt='time24_l.sec_f1' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY21 "span='second' spanx='0.5' maj='ms' majx='500' minorcount='4' align='second' fmt='time24_l.sec_f1' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY22 "span='second' spanx='0.05' maj='ms' majx='100' minorcount='9' align='fraction10' fmt='time24_l.sec_f1' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY23 "span='second' spanx='0.005'maj='ms' majx='10' minorcount='9' align='fraction100' fmt='time24_l.sec_f2' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY24 "span='second' spanx='0.0005' maj='ms' majx='1' minorcount='9' align='fraction1000' fmt='time24_l.sec_f3' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY25 "span='second' spanx='0.00005' maj='ms' majx='0.1' minorcount='9' align='fraction10000' fmt='time24_l.sec_f4' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY26 "span='second' spanx='0.000005' maj='ms' majx='0.01' minorcount='9' align='fraction100000' fmt='time24_l.sec_f5' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY27 "span='second' spanx='0.0000005' maj='ms' majx='0.001' minorcount='9' align='fraction1000000' fmt='time24_l.sec_f6' fmtx='day_m date_l'" IDSX_ILT_ENTRY28 "span='second' spanx='0' maj='ms' majx='0.0001' minorcount='9' align='fraction1000' fmt='time24_l.sec_f3' fmtx='day_m date_l'" // Display text Right-To-Left IDSX_RTL_TEXT "false" // Use "right" and "no" for RTL reading languages such as Arabic, otherwise use "left" and "yes" IDSX_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_DEFAULT "left" // "left", "center", or "right" (left justification will be chosen if text is none of these) IDSX_FORCE_DOULOUS_SIL "yes" // "yes" will force non-"unicode" characters to be replaced with Doulous Sil IDSX_FORCE_DOULOUS_SIL_FOR_NUMERALS "no" // "yes" will force digits ('0', '1', ..., '9') to use Doulous Sil (regardless of the above setting). (Use this for Arabic) // RTL Layout is used to, for example, make menus start at the right and go towards the left IDSX_RTL_LAYOUT_FOR_MAINFRAME "false" // Controls menu and main toolbar layout (Assume false if not equal to "true") IDSX_RTL_LAYOUT_FOR_LIVEREADOUT_BAR "false" IDSX_RTL_LAYOUT_FOR_PAGE "false" // This is the scale factor applied when objects on the LP page are copied to the clipboard. IDSX_MAC_COPY_PAGE_ITEMS_TO_CLIPBOARD_SCALE_FACTOR "4.0" IDSX_FILTER_PASS_RIPPLE "0.5" //////////////// End user settings