Y-Axis Options

The Axis Options dialog allows you to select which column is plotted and how it is scaled.


Enter a Label that will be displayed next to the y-axis.

Y-Axis Columns

Choose which column or columns are plotted on the y-axis.

Log Axis

Check Log Axis to plot the Log of the values of the column it traces. Each major tick of the y-axis axis is a power of 10.


The scaling options control how the limits of the graph are set. The following scaling options are available:

Autoscale Larger (Default): Similar to Autoscale except the graph limits will never be made smaller.

Autoscale: The software will choose an appropriate range for the axes, based on the data being plotted.

Autoscale From 0: Similar to Autoscale except that one of the endpoints of the axes will be at zero and the other will be set based on the data range.

Manual: In this mode, you can choose both endpoints of the axis. Enter the minimum and maximum values to plot in the text boxes under this option.

Top: Manually enter the maximum value you wish to show on your graph (disabled if autoscaling is chosen).

Bottom: Manually enter the minimum value you wish to show on your graph (disabled if autoscaling is chosen).

See Also: