Sensor Confirmation

The sensor confirmation dialog appears whenever Logger Pro cannot locate all the sensors specified in an experiment file. For example, if a file is set up for both a Current Probe and a Voltage Probe, but only Voltage Probe is detected, the dialog will be displayed when the file is opened. In this case, the dialog indicates that the Voltage Probe is Active (set up in the file and detected by Logger Pro) but that the Current Probe is Undetected.

Using Auto-ID Sensors

Connecting auto-ID versions of the missing sensors will cause the dialog to close. Logger Pro will then be ready for data collection. Note: Sensors that are connected but not called for in the file are ignored.

Click Continue Without Data Collection to ignore all sensors and close the dialog. No data collection will be possible, but you will be able to work with the contents of the file.

Using Non-Auto-ID Sensors

Logger Pro cannot detect sensors that are not auto-ID. If you are using a non-auto-ID sensor (usually one with an adapter) you will need to confirm the location of the sensor. Logger Pro will propose the most likely type and location of the sensor in the missing sensor section. Modify the choices in the drop-down menus as needed, and connect the non-auto-ID sensor as you have indicated. Click Connect. Once the last sensor is connected, the dialog will close.

Click Continue Without Data Collection to close the dialog. Data collection will not be possible, but you will be able to work with the contents of the file.

Using a WDSS

If the missing sensors are located on a WDSS (Wireless Dynamics Sensor System), click the Scan for WDSS button to locate a WDSS by Bluetooth.

Interfaces Connected with a Serial Cable

If you have a device connected to a Windows computer using a serial cable (a LabPro or OHAUS balance, for instance), which has been connected previously, Logger Pro should re-establish the connection. However if you have never connected this device, or Logger Pro has not found it, then you will need to click Continue Without Data Collection. Connect the interface to the correct serial port, then connect the interface using Connect Interface from the Experiment menu, and re-open the file.