Gas Chromatograph

A Gas Chromatograph (CG) can be used to identify compounds.

Collecting Data with a Gas Chromatograph

  1. Connect the GC to the USB port on your computer and turn it on.
  2. Click Collect.
  3. Set the data-collection settings (see below for more information about the settings).
  4. Click Done to initiate warm up. Note: A message indicating that the GC is not ready will appear, and the LED on the GC will be red. The GC will take a few minutes to warm up. When the GC is ready for injection, the message will indicate that the GC is ready and the LED will turn green.
  5. Complete this step in quick succession: First, insert the needle into the injection port of the GC. Then, simultaneously click Collect and depress the syringe plunger. Finally, pull the needle out of the injection port.
  6. When data collection is complete, you can analyze your chromatogram using the peak integration feature.

Gas Chromatograph Data Collection Settings

Start Temp

The GC will warm to this temperature before you insert the sample.

Hold Time

The duration of time for which the starting temperature will be maintained.

Ramp Rate

The rate at which the GC heats up from the starting temperature to the final temperature.

Final Temp

The maximum temperature to which the GC is heated during this run.

Hold Time

The duration of time for which the final temperature will be maintained.

Total Duration

The duration of data collection.


The amount of pressure above ambient that is pushing the carrier gas through the GC.


If the signal you obtain using the Standard setting is not strong enough, change the Sensitivity setting to High.

See Also: