// EVERY STRING MUST BEGIN WITH "IDSX" or it will be ignored. ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Localizable Strings // Set to something other than "_ENGLISH" if any translation at all has occurred! IDSX_LOCALIZED_LANGUAGE "_ENGLISH" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_WINDOWTITLE_NORMAL "Video Capture" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_WINDOWTITLE_GELPHOTO "Take Gel Photo" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_OPTIONSBUTTON_TITLE_NORMAL "Options..." IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_OPTIONSBUTTON_TITLE_GELPHOTO "Camera Settings..." IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_DRAW_LINE_MIN_ERROR "Min is not a valid number. Please re-enter." IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_DRAW_LINE_MAX_ERROR "Max is not a valid number. Please re-enter." IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_DRAW_LINE_MINMAX_ERROR "Min greater than or equal to Max. Please re-enter." IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_NO_POINTS_ERROR "No valid locations. Please choose new Latitude and/or Longitude columns." //EXPORT STRINGS //Note: Please do not translate string with DO_NOT_TRANSLATE text inside parenthesis. IDSX_CANT_FIND_HTML_EXPORT_FILE "Cannot find support file (\"HTML_FILE_NAME_DO_NOT_TRANSLATE\"). Check installation." IDSX_CANT_ACCESS_TEMP_FILE_FOR_REMOTE_SAVE "Cannot access the temporary cmbl file. It may be necessary to relaunch Logger Pro to attempt a Remote Save." //EXPORT STRINGS //Strings related to export menu items selection IDSX_CANT_EXPORT_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS "A new Remote Save operation cannot be started. Another operation is in progress." //EXPORT STRINGS //Strings related to the export user login options dialog IDSX_EXPORT_LOGIN_DLG_CAPTION_A "User account at" IDSX_EXPORT_LOGIN_DLG_CAPTION_B "User account" IDSX_EXPORT_ABOUT "About" IDSX_EXPORT_LOGIN_LABEL "Username" IDSX_EXPORT_PASSWORD_LABEL "Password" IDSX_EXPORT_EMAIL_LABEL "Email address" IDSX_INVALID_EXPORT_LOGIN_OPTS "Enter valid login information." IDSX_INVALID_EXPORT_DATA_NAME_OPT "Enter a name for the data." IDSX_REMOTE_TP_AUTHORIZATION_DLG_CAPTION_A "User Consent to Authorize Logger Pro Access to" IDSX_REMOTE_TP_AUTHORIZATION_DLG_CAPTION_B "User Consent to Authorize Logger Pro Access" IDSX_REMOTE_TP_AUTHORIZATION_INSTRUCTIONS_A "Enter an authorization code provided by" IDSX_REMOTE_TP_AUTHORIZATION_INSTRUCTIONS_B "Enter an authorization code" IDSX_REMOTE_TP_CHECK_BROWSER "(Hint: Check browser)" //EXPORT STRINGS for message boxes alert IDSX_EXPORT_FAILURE "Failure: " IDSX_EXPORT_ACTION "Action: " IDSX_EXPORT_ERROR_DETAIL "Error detail: " IDSX_EXPORT_URL_EMPTY "Could not prepare request to remote drive" IDSX_EXPORT_USER_LOGIN_FAILED "Invalid user login" IDSX_EXPORT_TOKEN_ACCESS_FAILED "No access token granted" IDSX_EXPORT_PACKAGING_ERROR "Could not prepare file to be remotely saved" IDSX_EXPORT_ENSURE_ACCOUNT_AT_THIRD_PARTY "Ensure that the user has an account at the remote drive." IDSX_EXPORT_USER_RETRY_INSTRUCTIONS "Please select the Remote Save As menu item to try again." IDSX_EXPORT_SENDING_PROBLEM_START_MESSAGE "Could not send the data to" IDSX_EXPORT_SUCCEEDED_BEG "The file" IDSX_EXPORT_SUCCEEDED_END "was successfully saved in the specified remote location." IDSX_EXPORT_HTTPS_REQUIRED "Https protocol is required for saving to remote drive." IDSX_EXPORT_CHECK_INSTALLATION " Please check installation." IDSX_EXPORT_CHECK_NETWORK_CONNECTION "Check your network connection." IDSX_EXPORT_CLOUD_DRIVE_401_MSG "User might have revoked access to the remote drive, or Logger Pro agent id has changed." //EXPORT STRINGS for export progress monitor IDSX_EXPORT_STRING_SUB "%s" IDSX_EXPORT_MAIN_MESSAGE "Remote saving to %s: " IDSX_EXPORT_AUTHENTICATING "Authenticating user..." IDSX_EXPORT_AUTHENTICATE_SUCCEEDED "User authenticated." IDSX_EXPORT_AUTHENTICATE_FAILED "User authentication failed." IDSX_EXPORT_AUTHORIZING "Obtaining user authorization..." IDSX_EXPORT_AUTHORIZATION_SUCCEEDED "Authorization obtained." IDSX_EXPORT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED "Authorization failed." IDSX_EXPORT_TOKENING "Obtaining access token..." IDSX_EXPORT_TOKENIZATION_SUCCEEDED "Access token obtained." IDSX_EXPORT_TOKENIZATION_FAILED "Failed to obtain access token." IDSX_EXPORT_PACKAGING "Packaging data..." IDSX_EXPORT_PACKAGING_SUCCEEDED "Packaging completed." IDSX_EXPORT_PACKAGING_FAILED "Packaging failed." IDSX_EXPORT_SENDING "Sending data package..." IDSX_EXPORT_SENDING_SUCCEEDED "Successfully sent data." IDSX_EXPORT_SENDING_FAILED "Sending data failed." IDSX_EXPORT_COMPLETED "Remote Save completed" IDSX_EXPORT_FAILED "Remote Save failed." // Colors for use in stats on a wavelenth dialog // special char to parse color names and wavelenths IDSX_COLOR_PARSING_AT_CHAR "@" // These colors and wavelengths came from a wikipedia article on color IDSX_COLOR_1 "violet@380@450" IDSX_COLOR_2 "blue@450@495" IDSX_COLOR_3 "green@495@570" IDSX_COLOR_4 "yellow@570@590" IDSX_COLOR_5 "orange@590@620" IDSX_COLOR_6 "red@620@750" // not a color, but it tells us that we're at the end of the list IDSX_COLOR_LAST "" // Audio Graph Options IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_CHOOSE_COLUMN_TITLE "Choose Columns or Fits" IDSX_AUDIO_GRAPH_CHOOSE_COLUMN "Choose any number of columns or curve fits. The graph will play tones that represent the data." // Accessibility Settings // Used if there's more than 1 graph IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_TRACE_STRING "%s (Graph %d)" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_TRACE_STRING_SUB_NAME "%s" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_TRACE_STRING_SUB_NUM "%d" // Audio Meters // This string will be displayed in the audio "choose meter(s)" dialog if the meter has no associated column IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_EMPTY_METER "Empty" // So user can turn it off IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_NONE "None" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_METER "Meter: %s" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_GAUGE "Gauge: %s" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_THERMOMETER "Thermometer: %s" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS_METER_SUB "%s" // Audio Timer (These MUST match ESound type) IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_SOUND_ALARM "Alarm" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_SOUND_APPLAUSE "Applause" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_SOUND_BABYCRY "Baby Crying" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_SOUND_CLICK "Click" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_SOUND_CHIME "Chime" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_SOUND_BARK "Bark" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_SOUND_CASHTILL "Cash Till" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_START "Start" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER_STOP "Stop" // Used to list curve fits for Audio dialog IDSX_FUNCTION_MODEL_DESCRIPTION "%s Fit for: %c %w" IDSX_FUNCTION_MODEL_DESCRIPTION_MODEL_SUB "%s" IDSX_FUNCTION_MODEL_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN_SUB "%c" IDSX_WEIGHT_SUB "%w" IDSX_WEIGHT "(Weight: %c)" IDSX_COLUMN_SUB "%c" // Handle error when connecting other sensors and an internal microphone on labquest. IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_SENSOR "You cannot use the %s at the same time as the LabQuest Internal Microphone. What would you like to do?" IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_SENSOR_SUB "%s" IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_SENSOR_BUTTON_DISCONNECT "Disconnect %s" IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_SENSOR_BUTTON_DISCONNECT_INTERNAL_MIC "Disconnect Internal Microphone" IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_SENSOR_TITLE "" IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_MICROPHONE "The LabQuest Internal Microphone cannot be used with other sensors. What would you like to do?" IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_MICROPHONE_BUTTON_DISCONNECT_OTHER "Disconnect other sensors" IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_MICROPHONE_BUTTON_DISCONNECT_INTERNAL_MIC "Disconnect Internal Microphone" IDSX_CANT_CONNECT_MICROPHONE_TITLE "" // For mouse position and delta on graph IDSX_MOUSE_POSITION_AND_DELTA "%p %q" IDSX_MOUSE_POSITION_AND_DELTA_POS_SUB "%p" IDSX_MOUSE_POSITION_AND_DELTA_DELTA_SUB "%q" IDSX_MOUSE_POSITION "(%x, %y)" IDSX_DELTA "(%d%a:%x %d%b:%y)" IDSX_X_NAME_SUB "%a" IDSX_DEFAULT_X_NAME "x" // value IDSX_X_SUB "%x" IDSX_Y_NAME_SUB "%b" IDSX_DEFAULT_Y_NAME "y" // value IDSX_Y_SUB "%y" // we use the platform-specific delta character IDSX_DELTA_SUB "%d" // for DeltaY in GUIHelperDataStatistics IDSX_HELPER_STAT_DELTA "%d%b: %y" // For handling "bad" dataset/column names that might end up empty IDSX_BLANK_NAME "Blank Name" // Application defined User Parameters (MUST match I D S X_*_ENGLISH strings in English) // must be first parameter IDSX_PI "pi" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME1 "PhotogateDistance1" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME2 "PhotogateDistance2" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME3 "PhotogateDistance3" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME4 "PhotogateDistance4" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME5 "PhotogateDistance5" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME6 "PhotogateDistance6" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME7 "PhotogateDistance7" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME8 "PhotogateDistance8" IDSX_D_USER_PARAMETER_NAME9 "PhotogateDistance9" // placeholder to find end of list IDSX_USER_PARAMETER_LAST "" IDSX_PHOTOGATE_DISTANCE_INFO "Your User Defined settings exactly match one of the Predefined settings. The Predefined setting will be used." IDSX_REPLACE_CALC_PARAMETER_INSTRUCTIONS "The User Parameter \"%s\" has been deleted or renamed. Choose a replacement parameter. \"Cancel\" will delete this column." IDSX_REPLACE_CALC_PARAMETER_INSTRUCTIONS_SUB "%s" IDSX_SET_DISTANCE_OR_LENGTH_UNITS_ERROR "You must specify units." // Strings for displaying file dates (used in QMBL FIle Settings) IDSX_QMBL_DATE "%m %d %y" IDSX_QMBL_DATE_YEAR_SUB "%y" IDSX_QMBL_DATE_MONTH_SUB "%m" IDSX_QMBL_DATE_DAY_SUB "%d" // String to use in equations (e.g. Variable Power and Nth Inverse) IDSX_CURVE_FIT_N "n" IDSX_JAWS_PAGE_OBJECTS "Page Objects: %v" IDSX_JAWS_PAGE_OBJECTS_SUB "%v" IDSX_JAWS_SENSORS "Sensors: %v" IDSX_JAWS_SENSORS_SUB "%v" IDSX_JAWS_NOT_READY "Not Ready" // User viewable function names. (There MUST be a corresponding I D S X_*_ENGLISH string defined in EnglishStrings.txt for each function) // this should always be first IDSX_sin "sin" IDSX_cos "cos" IDSX_tan "tan" IDSX_asin "asin" IDSX_acos "acos" IDSX_atan "atan" IDSX_atan2 "atan2" IDSX_sinh "sinh" IDSX_cosh "cosh" IDSX_tanh "tanh" IDSX_sqrt "sqrt" IDSX_abs "abs" IDSX_ln "ln" IDSX_exp "exp" IDSX_log "log" IDSX_ceil "ceiling" IDSX_floor "floor" IDSX_round "round" IDSX_collapse "collapse" IDSX_collapseIndirect "collapseIndirect" IDSX_sum "sum" IDSX_mean "mean" IDSX_median "median" IDSX_stddev "stddev" IDSX_modulo "modulo" IDSX_min2 "min2" IDSX_max2 "max2" IDSX_min "min" IDSX_max "max" IDSX_analysis "analysis" IDSX_dataSets "dataSets" IDSX_smoothAve "smoothAve" IDSX_delta "delta" IDSX_numRows "numRows" IDSX_randInt "randInt" IDSX_randReal "randReal" IDSX_subset "subset" IDSX_period "period" IDSX_amplitude "amplitude" // First special photogate function (will insert the "Time" and second gate if needed) Do NOT move these strings! (GCalcColumnSource) IDSX_BlockedToBlocked "BlockedToBlocked" IDSX_BlockedToUnblocked "BlockedToUnblocked" IDSX_UnblockedToBlocked "UnblockedToBlocked" IDSX_UnblockedToUnblocked "UnblockedToUnblocked" IDSX_BlockedMidTimes "BlockedMidTimes" IDSX_BlockedToUnblockedMidTimes "BlockedToUnblockedMidTimes" IDSX_UnblockedToBlockedMidTimes "UnblockedToBlockedMidTimes" // Last special photogate function IDSX_UnblockedMidTimes "UnblockedMidTimes" IDSX_PendulumPeriod "PendulumPeriod" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeX "CountEventsOverTimeX" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeY "CountEventsOverTimeY" // The following functions will all insert a second argument (the first column) automatically if not included. Do NOT move these strings! (GMathEngine) IDSX_smoothSG "smoothSG" IDSX_derivative "derivative" IDSX_derivativeSG "derivativeSG" IDSX_secondDerivative "secondDerivative" IDSX_secondDerivativeSG "secondDerivativeSG" IDSX_derivativeTimeShift "derivativeTimeShift" IDSX_secondDerivativeTimeShift "secondDerivativeTimeShift" IDSX_lowPassFilter "lowPassFilter" IDSX_highPassFilter "highPassFilter" IDSX_bandPassFilter "bandPassFilter" IDSX_bandStopFilter "bandStopFilter" IDSX_timeDecayFilter "timeDecayFilter" IDSX_interpolate "interpolate" IDSX_constant "constant" // last automatic-fill-in-the-first-argument function IDSX_integral "integral" IDSX_rate "rate" IDSX_beatsPerMinute "beatsPerMinute" IDSX_systolic "systolic" IDSX_diastolic "diastolic" IDSX_pulse "pulse" IDSX_meanArterialPressure "meanArterialPressure" IDSX_Oscillations "Oscillations" IDSX_OscillatoryPeaks "OscillatoryPeaks" IDSX_step "step" IDSX_stepColumnBased "stepColumnBased" IDSX_integer "integer" IDSX_AND "AND" IDSX_OR "OR" IDSX_NOT "NOT" IDSX_XOR "XOR" IDSX_ElectrophoresisInterpolate "ElectrophoresisInterpolate" IDSX_Value "Value" IDSX_GreatCircleDistance "GreatCircleDistance" IDSX_StraightLineDistance "StraightLineDistance" // GSPAM Include later IDSX_TTest "TTest" // this never gets displayed -- it's here only so we know where the functions end IDSX_last_function " " // Function descriptions. The strings with the function names must be identical to the actual function name (e.g. "sin(\"X..." must start with "sin(") // Also, the character "@" should not ever be changed or used in a function description -- it denotes the first line of a new function IDSX_sin_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_sin_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_sin_description2 "In a right triangle with angle between two sides 'x', sin(x) is the length of the opposite side divided by the hypotenuse." IDSX_cos_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_cos_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_cos_description2 "In a right triangle with angle between two sides 'x', cos(x) is the length of the adjacent side divided by the hypotenuse." IDSX_tan_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_tan_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_tan_description2 "In a right triangle with angle between two sides 'x', tan(x) is the length of the opposite side divided by the adjacent side." IDSX_asin_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_asin_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers between -1 and 1" IDSX_asin_description2 "asin(x) = the angle whose sine is x." IDSX_acos_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_acos_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers between -1 and 1" IDSX_acos_description2 "acos(x) = the angle whose cosine is x." IDSX_atan_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_atan_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_atan_description2 "atan(x) = the angle whose tangent is x. The result will be between -pi/2 and pi/2." IDSX_atan2_description "@(\"Y\",\"X\")" IDSX_atan2_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_atan2_description2 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_atan2_description3 "atan2(y,x) = the angle whose tangent is y/x. The sign of y and x are used to determine quadrant information. The result will be between -pi and pi." IDSX_sinh_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_sinh_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_sinh_description2 "Hyperbolic sine." IDSX_cosh_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_cosh_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_cosh_description2 "Hyperbolic cosine." IDSX_tanh_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_tanh_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_tanh_description2 "Hyperbolic tangent." IDSX_sqrt_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_sqrt_description1 "\"X\": A column of non-negative real numbers" IDSX_sqrt_description2 "Square root. If x is the square root of y, then x*x = y." IDSX_abs_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_abs_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_abs_description2 "Absolute value. if x less than 0, then abs(x) = -x. Otherwise, abs(x) = x." IDSX_ln_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_ln_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers larger than 0" IDSX_ln_description2 "Natural Logarithm. If b = ln(a) then e^b = a (Where e is the constant 2.17...)." IDSX_exp_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_exp_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_exp_description2 "exp(x) = e^x, where e is the natural log base (2.17...)." IDSX_log_description "@(\"X\"):" IDSX_log_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers larger than 0" IDSX_log_description2 "Base 10 logarithm. If b = log(a) then 10^b = a." IDSX_ceil_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_ceil_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_ceil_description2 "Ceiling. ceiling(x) = the smallest integer larger than or equal to x." IDSX_floor_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_floor_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_floor_description2 "Floor. floor(x) = the largest integer smaller than or equal to x." IDSX_round_description "@(\"X\"):" IDSX_round_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_round_description2 "Round. round(x) = the closest integer to x. (round(0.5) = 1)." IDSX_collapse_description "@(\"X\"):" IDSX_collapse_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_collapse_description2 "Collapse. collapse will return a column with all the invalid numerical cells (blanks and text) removed." IDSX_collapseIndirect_description "@(\"X\", \"Y\"):" IDSX_collapseIndirect_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_collapseIndirect_description2 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_collapseIndirect_description3 "CollapseIndirect. Returns a column of only the rows in \"X\" corresponding to rows in \"Y\" that have valid numerical cells." IDSX_sum_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_sum_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_sum_description2 "Sum returns a column whose n'th value is the sum of the values in \"X\" from row 1 to n." IDSX_mean_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_mean_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_mean_description2 "Arithmetic mean. Returns the sum of all the values in \"X\" divided by the number of values." IDSX_median_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_median_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_median_description2 "Median. If m = median(\"X\"), then half the numbers in \"X\" are greater than or equal to m, and half are less than or equal." IDSX_stddev_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_stddev_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_stddev_description2 "Standard Deviation. Returns a column representing the standard deviations of each of the numbers in \"X\"." IDSX_modulo_description "@(\"X\", y)" IDSX_modulo_description1 "\"X\": A column of integers" IDSX_modulo_description2 "y: A number larger than 0" IDSX_modulo_description3 "Modulo. Returns the remainder of each of the numbers in \"X\" when divided by y. modulo(x, y) = x - floor(x/y) * y, where floor(z) is the largest integer less than or equal to z." IDSX_min2_description "@(\"X\", \"Y\")" IDSX_min2_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_min2_description2 "\"Y\" or x: A column of real numbers or a single number." IDSX_min2_description3 "Minimum. Returns a column of the smaller of each row in \"X\" and \"Y\" or the smaller of each row in \"X\" and x." IDSX_max2_description "@(\"X\", \"Y\")" IDSX_max2_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_max2_description2 "\"Y\" or x: A column of real numbers or a single number." IDSX_max2_description3 "Maximum. Returns a column of the larger of each row in \"X\" and \"Y\" or the larger of each row in \"X\" and x." IDSX_min_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_min_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_min_description2 "Minimum. Returns the smallest value in \"X\"." IDSX_max_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_max_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_max_description2 "Maximum. Returns the largest value in \"X\"." IDSX_analysis_description "@(\"X\", startRow, endRow)" IDSX_analysis_description1 "\"X\": Will display data from all columns the same name as this column from all data sets" IDSX_analysis_description2 "startRow: The starting row to extract" IDSX_analysis_description3 "endRow: The ending row to extract (use 0 to extract all rows starting with startRow)" IDSX_analysis_description4 "analysis. Collects startRow to endRow from all columns named \"X\" and generates a single column of those values. Use with Datasets to collect data from multiple datasets in one place." IDSX_dataSets_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_dataSets_description1 "\"X\": Will display the data set names of all data sets that have a column the same name as this column" IDSX_dataSets_description2 "dataSets. Returns a column of the dataset names of all datasets with column \"X.\" Use with Analysis to collect data from multiple datasets in one place." IDSX_smoothAve_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_smoothAve_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_smoothAve_description2 "Smooth Average. Returns a column of weighted averages of the values in \"X\". The width of the \"window\" to use when averaging points can be set in File:Settings For..." IDSX_delta_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_delta_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_delta_description2 "Delta. Returns a column of values where the i'th value is the i'th value in \"X\" minus the (i-1)'th value in \"X\"." IDSX_numRows_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_numRows_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_numRows_description2 "Number of rows. Returns a single value -- the number of rows in \"X\"." IDSX_randInt_description "@(min, max, num)" IDSX_randInt_description1 "min: An integer" IDSX_randInt_description2 "max: An integer" IDSX_randInt_description3 "num: An integer or a column" IDSX_randInt_description4 "Random Integer. Returns a column of random integers between min and max (inclusive). The size of the returned column is num. If num is a column, then the size will be the number of rows in that column." IDSX_randReal_description "@(min, max, num)" IDSX_randReal_description1 "min: A real number" IDSX_randReal_description2 "max: A real number" IDSX_randReal_description3 "num: An integer or a column" IDSX_randReal_description4 "Random Real. Returns a column of random real numbers between min and max (inclusive). The size of the returned column is num. If num is a column, then the size will be the number of rows in that column." IDSX_subset_description "@(\"X\", startRow, step)" IDSX_subset_description1 "\"X\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_subset_description2 "startRow: An integer larger than 0" IDSX_subset_description3 "step: An integer larger than 0" IDSX_subset_description4 "Extract a subset. Returns a column extracted from \"X\" starting with 'startRow' by 'step'. For example, subset(\"X\", 1, 2) will get every second row of \"X\" starting with row 1." IDSX_BlockedToBlocked_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState 1\", \"GateState 2\")" IDSX_BlockedToBlocked_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_BlockedToBlocked_description2 "\"GateState 1\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_BlockedToBlocked_description3 "\"GateState 2\": Optional. A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_BlockedToBlocked_description4 "Returns a column of the times between successive blocked events in gate 1 and blocked events in gate 2. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one. If you don't enter \"GateState 2\", times used will be with events on \"GateState 1\"." IDSX_BlockedToUnblocked_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState 1\", \"GateState 2\")" IDSX_BlockedToUnblocked_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_BlockedToUnblocked_description2 "\"GateState 1\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_BlockedToUnblocked_description3 "\"GateState 2\": Optional. A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_BlockedToUnblocked_description4 "Returns a column of the times between successive blocked events in gate 1 and unblocked events in gate 2. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one. If you don't enter \"GateState 2\", times used will be with events on \"GateState 1\"." IDSX_UnblockedToBlocked_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState 1\", \"GateState 2\")" IDSX_UnblockedToBlocked_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_UnblockedToBlocked_description2 "\"GateState 1\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_UnblockedToBlocked_description3 "\"GateState 2\": Optional. A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_UnblockedToBlocked_description4 "Returns a column of the times between successive unblocked events in gate 1 and blocked events in gate 2. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one. If you don't enter \"GateState 2\", times used will be with events on \"GateState 1\"." IDSX_UnblockedToUnblocked_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState 1\", \"GateState 2\")" IDSX_UnblockedToUnblocked_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_UnblockedToUnblocked_description2 "\"GateState 1\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_UnblockedToUnblocked_description3 "\"GateState 2\": Optional. A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_UnblockedToUnblocked_description4 "Returns a column of the times between successive unblocked events in gate 1 and unblocked events in gate 2. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one. If you don't enter \"GateState 2\", times used will be with events on \"GateState 1\"." IDSX_BlockedMidTimes_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState 1\", \"GateState 2\")" IDSX_BlockedMidTimes_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_BlockedMidTimes_description2 "\"GateState 1\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_BlockedMidTimes_description3 "\"GateState 2\": Optional. A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_BlockedMidTimes_description4 "Calculate the average times between blocked events from Gate 1 to Gate 2. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one. If you don't enter \"GateState 2\", times used will be with events on \"GateState 1\"." IDSX_BlockedToUnblockedMidTimes_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState 1\", \"GateState 2\")" IDSX_BlockedToUnblockedMidTimes_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_BlockedToUnblockedMidTimes_description2 "\"GateState 1\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_BlockedToUnblockedMidTimes_description3 "\"GateState 2\": Optional. A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_BlockedToUnblockedMidTimes_description4 "Calculate the average times from a blocked event on Gate 1 to an unblocked event on Gate 2. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one. If you don't enter \"GateState 2\", times used will be with events on \"GateState 1\"." IDSX_UnblockedToBlockedMidTimes_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState 1\", \"GateState 2\")" IDSX_UnblockedToBlockedMidTimes_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_UnblockedToBlockedMidTimes_description2 "\"GateState 1\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_UnblockedToBlockedMidTimes_description3 "\"GateState 2\": Optional. A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_UnblockedToBlockedMidTimes_description4 "Calculate the average times from an unblocked event on Gate 1 to a blocked event on Gate 2. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one. If you don't enter \"GateState 2\", times used will be with events on \"GateState 1\"." IDSX_UnblockedMidTimes_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState 1\", \"GateState 2\")" IDSX_UnblockedMidTimes_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_UnblockedMidTimes_description2 "\"GateState 1\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_UnblockedMidTimes_description3 "\"GateState 2\": Optional. A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_UnblockedMidTimes_description4 "Calculate the average times between unblocked events from Gate 1 to Gate 2. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one. If you don't enter \"GateState 2\", times used will be with events on \"GateState 1\"." IDSX_PendulumPeriod_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState\")" IDSX_PendulumPeriod_description1 "\"Time\": Optional. A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_PendulumPeriod_description2 "\"GateState\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_PendulumPeriod_description3 "Calculate the time between every other blocked event. If you don't enter a \"Time\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeX_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState\", Interval)" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeX_description1 "\"Time\": A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeX_description2 "\"GateState\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeX_description3 "Interval: The time interval over which to count blocked events" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeX_description4 "Returns a column of the time intervals used in CountEventsOverTimeY." IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeY_description "@(\"Time\", \"GateState\", Interval)" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeY_description1 "\"Time\": A column of real numbers (the times of events)" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeY_description2 "\"GateState\": A column of photogate states (1's and 0's)" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeY_description3 "Interval: The time interval over which to count blocked events" IDSX_CountEventsOverTimeY_description4 "Counts the number of blocked events (1's) over each specified time interval. Use this function to do \"Radiation Counting\" with a photogate. Use with CountEventsOverTimeX to get a graphable pair of columns." IDSX_smoothSG_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_smoothSG_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers -- the values to smooth" IDSX_smoothSG_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_smoothSG_description4 "Savitsky-Goley Smoothing. Fits a polynomial to \"n\" points around each point and computes the value of the polynomial at that point. You can set \"n\" in File:Settings. If you don't supply an \"X\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_derivative_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_derivative_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_derivative_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_derivative_description4 "Numerical derivative of \"Y\" with respect to \"X\". The numerical derivative is the weighted average of the slope of \"n\" points around each point. You can set \"n\" in File:Settings. If you don't supply an \"X\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_derivativeSG_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_derivativeSG_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_derivativeSG_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_derivativeSG_description4 "Savitsky-Goley derivative of \"Y\" with respect to \"X\". Fits a polynomial to \"n\" points around each point and computes the derivative of the polynomial at that point. You can set \"n\" in File:Settings. If you don't supply an \"X\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_secondDerivative_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_secondDerivative_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_secondDerivative_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_secondDerivative_description4 "Numerical second derivative of \"Y\" with respect to \"X\". If you don't supply an \"X\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_secondDerivativeSG_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_secondDerivativeSG_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_secondDerivativeSG_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_secondDerivativeSG_description4 "Savitsky-Goley second derivative of \"Y\" with respect to \"X\". Fits a polynomial to \"n\" points around each point and computes the second derivative of the polynomial at that point. You can set \"n\" in File:Settings. If you don't supply an \"X\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_derivativeTimeShift_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_derivativeTimeShift_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_derivativeTimeShift_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_derivativeTimeShift_description4 "Numerical time-shifted derivative of \"Y\" with respect to \"X\". The values are shifted so that the derivatives are calculated at the midpoints between each two values. If you don't supply an \"X\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_secondDerivativeTimeShift_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_secondDerivativeTimeShift_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_secondDerivativeTimeShift_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_secondDerivativeTimeShift_description4 "Numerical time-shifted second derivative of \"Y\" with respect to \"X\". The values are shifted so that the derivatives are calculated at the midpoints between each two values. If you don't supply an \"X\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_constant_description "@(x, num)" IDSX_constant_description1 "x: A real number" IDSX_constant_description2 "num: A real number or a column" IDSX_constant_description4 "Constant. Generates a constant column filled with the value 'x'. The number of values in the returned column is num, or if a column was passed in, the size of the passed-in column." IDSX_integral_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_integral_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_integral_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_integral_description4 "Numerical integral. The numerical integral is the running sum of the areas of rectangles calculated by the midpoint rule. The i'th rectangle is (Yi - Y(i-1)) / (Xi - X(i-1)). If you don't supply an \"X\" column, the program will find one." IDSX_rate_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\", t, m1, m2, n, dt)" IDSX_rate_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_rate_description2 "\"X\": Optional. A column of real numbers" IDSX_rate_description3 "t: Optional. Time interval" IDSX_rate_description4 "m1: Optional. Minimum threshold" IDSX_rate_description5 "m2: Optional. Maximum threshold" IDSX_rate_description6 "n: Optional. Noise threshold" IDSX_rate_description7 "dt: Optional. Offset to start of next interval" IDSX_rate_description8 "Rate. Returns the rate of \"Y\" with respect to \"X\", where t is the time interval measured, m1 is min percentage threshold, m2 is max percentage threshold, n is noise threshold, and dt is the interval offset. \"X\", t, m1, m2, noise, and dt are all optional with default values \"X\" is time column, t = 1/10 the range, m1 = 40%, m2 = 60%, noise = 0, and dt = t." IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description "@(\"Signal\", \"Time\", t, m1, m2, n, dt)" IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description1 "\"Signal\": A column of real numbers" IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description2 "\"Time\": Optional. The Time Column" IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description3 "t: Optional. Time interval in seconds" IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description4 "m1: Optional. Minimum threshold" IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description5 "m2: Optional. Maximum threshold" IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description6 "n: Optional. Noise threshold" IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description7 "dt: Optional. Offset to start of next interval" IDSX_beatsPerMinute_description8 "beatsPerMinute. Returns the rate per minute of \"Signal\" with respect to \"Time\", where t is the seconds measured, m1 is min percentage threshold, m2 is max percentage threshold, n is noise threshold, and dt is the interval offset. \"Time\", t, m1, m2, noise, and dt are all optional. Their default values are: \"Time\" is the time column, t = 1/10 the range, m1 = 40%, m2 = 60%, noise = 0, and dt = t." IDSX_systolic_description "@(\"Pressure\", \"Time\") Returns the systolic of the blood pressure" IDSX_systolic_description1 "\"Pressure\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_systolic_description2 "\"Time\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_systolic_description3 "systolic. Returns the systolic (larger) number for blood pressure" IDSX_diastolic_description "@(\"Pressure\", \"Time\")" IDSX_diastolic_description1 "\"Pressure\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_diastolic_description2 "\"Time\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_diastolic_description3 "diastolic. Returns the smaller number of blood pressure" IDSX_pulse_description "@(\"Pressure\", \"Time\") Returns the rate of blood pressure vs. time -- in beats per minute" IDSX_pulse_description1 "\"Pressure\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_pulse_description2 "\"Time\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_pulse_description3 "pulse. Returns the pulse rate in beats per minute." IDSX_meanArterialPressure_description "@(\"Pressure\", \"Time\") Returns the pressure value at the max peak used for blood pressure calculations" IDSX_meanArterialPressure_description1 "\"Pressure\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_meanArterialPressure_description2 "\"Time\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_meanArterialPressure_description3 "meanArterialPressure. Returns the mean arterial pressure." IDSX_Oscillations_description "@(\"Pressure\", \"Time\") Returns the Oscillations of the peaks and valleys used to calculate systolic and other blood pressure values" IDSX_Oscillations_description1 "\"Pressure\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_Oscillations_description2 "\"Time\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_Oscillations_description3 "Oscillations. Returns the Oscillations of the peaks." IDSX_OscillatoryPeaks_description "@(\"Pressure\", \"Time\") Returns the peaks used to calculate systolic, diastolic, and pulse (the \"high\" values in \"Oscillations\"." IDSX_OscillatoryPeaks_description1 "\"Pressure\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_OscillatoryPeaks_description2 "\"Time\" A column of real numbers" IDSX_OscillatoryPeaks_description3 "OscillatoryPeaks. Returns the peaks." IDSX_lowPassFilter_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\", \"BPR\", \"freqCutoff\") Returns the signal with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency removed" IDSX_lowPassFilter_description1 "\"Y\" Y values" IDSX_lowPassFilter_description2 "\"X\" X values" IDSX_lowPassFilter_description3 "\"BPR\" Band-pass ripple" IDSX_lowPassFilter_description4 "\"freqCutoff\" cut off frequency for the filter" IDSX_highPassFilter_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\", \"BPR\", \"freqCutoff\") Returns the signal with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency removed" IDSX_highPassFilter_description1 "\"Y\" Y values" IDSX_highPassFilter_description2 "\"X\" X values" IDSX_highPassFilter_description3 "\"BPR\" Band-pass ripple" IDSX_highPassFilter_description4 "\"freqCutoff\" cut off frequency for the filter" IDSX_bandPassFilter_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\", \"lowFreq\", \"highFreq\") Returns the signal with frequencies outside of the frequency range removed" IDSX_bandPassFilter_description1 "\"Y\" Y values" IDSX_bandPassFilter_description2 "\"X\" X values" IDSX_bandPassFilter_description3 "\"lowFreq\" low cutoff frequency for filter" IDSX_bandPassFilter_description4 "\"highFreq\" high cutoff frequency for filter" IDSX_bandStopFilter_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\", \"lowFreq\", \"highFreq\") Returns the signal with frequencies inside of the frequency range removed" IDSX_bandStopFilter_description1 "\"Y\" Y values" IDSX_bandStopFilter_description2 "\"X\" X values" IDSX_bandStopFilter_description3 "\"lowFreq\" low cutoff frequency for filter" IDSX_bandStopFilter_description4 "\"highFreq\" high cutoff frequency for filter" IDSX_timedecayFilter_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\", \"decayConstant\") Returns the signal applying a time decay to the signal" IDSX_timedecayFilter_description1 "\"Y\" Y values" IDSX_timedecayFilter_description2 "\"X\" X values" IDSX_timedecayFilter_description3 "\"decayConstant\"Decay constant" IDSX_step_description "@(start, increment, num, first, skip)" IDSX_step_description1 "start: Start value" IDSX_step_description2 "increment: Increment value" IDSX_step_description3 "num: Number of values to generate" IDSX_step_description4 "first: Optional. First non-empty row" IDSX_step_description5 "skip: Optional. Rows to skip between each value" IDSX_step_description6 "Generates a column \"num\" rows long starting with \"start\" and incrementing by \"increment\". \"num\" can be a positive integer or a column name. Optional parameters: \"first\" is the first non-empty row and \"skip\" is the number of rows to skip between each value." IDSX_stepColumnBased_description "@(\"X\", start, increment, first, skip)" IDSX_stepColumnBased_description1 "\"X\": Column to base step on" IDSX_stepColumnBased_description2 "start: Start value" IDSX_stepColumnBased_description3 "increment: Increment value" IDSX_stepColumnBased_description4 "first: Optional. First non-empty row" IDSX_stepColumnBased_description5 "skip: Optional. Rows to skip between each value" IDSX_stepColumnBased_description7 "Generates a column based on non-empty values in column \"X\" starting with \"start\" and incrementing by \"increment\". \"first\" is the first non-empty row and \"skip\" is the number of rows to skip between each value." IDSX_interpolate_description "@(\"Y\", \"X\")" IDSX_interpolate_description1 "\"Y\": A column of real numbers to be interpolated" IDSX_interpolate_description2 "\"X\": Optional but recommended. A column of real numbers supplying the interpolated horizontal axis position. If no "X" is supplied, Logger Pro will attempt to find a base column. If no base column is available, the row number will be used." IDSX_interpolate_description3 "Generates a column where missing values are filled in using linear interpolation on existing values. This is useful in sparse data tables, such as analog and digital time-based data." IDSX_integer_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_integer_description1 "\"X\": Column to take integer values of" IDSX_integer_description2 "Generates a column of the integer parts of values in \"X\"." IDSX_AND_description "@(\"X\", \"Y\")" IDSX_AND_description1 "\"X\": First parameter to take \"AND\" of." IDSX_AND_description2 "\"Y\": Second parameter to take \"AND\" of." IDSX_AND_description3 "Returns true if and only if \"X\" and \"Y\" are true (where 0 ==> false and 1 ==> true)." IDSX_OR_description "@(\"X\", \"Y\")" IDSX_OR_description1 "\"X\": First parameter to take \"OR\" of." IDSX_OR_description2 "\"Y\": Second parameter to take \"OR\" of." IDSX_OR_description3 "Returns true if and only if \"X\" or \"Y\" is true (where 0 ==> false and 1 ==> true)." IDSX_NOT_description "@(\"X\")" IDSX_NOT_description1 "\"X\": parameter to take \"NOT\" of." IDSX_NOT_description2 "Returns true if and only if \"X\" is false (where 0 ==> false and 1 ==> true)." IDSX_XOR_description "@(\"X\", \"Y\")" IDSX_XOR_description1 "\"X\": First parameter to take \"XOR\" of." IDSX_XOR_description2 "\"Y\": Second parameter to take \"XOR\" of." IDSX_XOR_description3 "Returns true if and only if \"X\" or \"Y\" is true but not both (where 0 ==> false and 1 ==> true)." IDSX_ElectrophoresisInterpolate_description "@(\"Std. Dist\", \"Std. BP\", \"Dist\")" IDSX_ElectrophoresisInterpolate_description1 "\"Std. Dist\": Distances from the standard" IDSX_ElectrophoresisInterpolate_description2 "\"Std. BP\": Base Pair Counts from the standard" IDSX_ElectrophoresisInterpolate_description3 "\"Dist\": Distances to interpolate" IDSX_ElectrophoresisInterpolate_description4 "Returns a column of base pair counts based on the Electrophoresis curve fit for \"Std. Dist\" vs. \"Std. BP\" given \"Dist\". Will NOT work if curve fit has been deleted." IDSX_Value_description "@(n, \"X\")" IDSX_Value_description1 "n: Number of rows backwards (when n < 0) or forwards (n > 0) in column \"X\" to extract a value from." IDSX_Value_description2 "\"X\": Column to extract values from." IDSX_Value_description3 "Create a new column from another column by extracting offset values." IDSX_GreatCircleDistance_description "@(\"Lat\", \"Lon\")" IDSX_GreatCircleDistance_description1 "\"Lat\": Latitude of a series of points (in decimal degrees)." IDSX_GreatCircleDistance_description2 "\"Lon\": Longitude of a series of points (in decimal degrees)." IDSX_GreatCircleDistance_description3 "Create a new column that is the \"great circle\" distance (in km) between successive points on the surface of the earth (assuming radius of 6,378.135 km)." IDSX_StraightLineDistance_description "@(\"Lat\", \"Lon\", \"Alt\")" IDSX_StraightLineDistance_description1 "\"Lat\": Latitude of a series of points (in decimal degrees)." IDSX_StraightLineDistance_description2 "\"Lon\": Longitude of a series of points (in decimal degrees)." IDSX_StraightLineDistance_description3 "\"Alt\": Altitude of a series of points (in meters)." IDSX_StraightLineDistance_description4 "Create a new column that is the straight-line distance (in km) -- not the \"Great Circle\" distance -- between successive points on the surface of the earth (assuming radius of 6,378.135 km)." // GSPAM Include later IDSX_TTest_description "@(\"Population 1\", \"Population 2\", \"Tails\", \"Type\")" // GSPAM Include later IDSX_TTest_description1 "\"Population 1\": The first sample values" // GSPAM Include later IDSX_TTest_description2 "\"Population 2\": The second sample values" // GSPAM Include later IDSX_TTest_description3 "\"Tails\": Either 1 or 2 (1 ==> directional T value with mean1 - mean2, 2 ==> T uses the absolute value (mean1 - mean2)." // GSPAM Include later IDSX_TTest_description4 "\"Type\": Type: 1 ==> Paired, 2 ==> 2-sample equal varience, 3 ==> 2-sample unequal varience" // GSPAM Include later IDSX_TTest_description5 "We use this function to compare the means of two populations -- even if they are different sizes. The first value returned is the T value, the second is the degrees of freedom." IDSX_period_description "@(\"Data Column\", \"Time Column\", \"Min Percent\", \"Max Percent\", \"Time Interval\")" IDSX_period_description1 "\"Data Column\": the data on which to operate." IDSX_period_description2 "\"Time Column\": the time column" IDSX_period_description3 "\"Min Percent\": threshold used to detect valleys. A number from 0 to 100." IDSX_period_description4 "\"Max Percent\": threshold used to detect peaks. A number from 0 to 100." IDSX_period_description5 "\"Time Interval\"" IDSX_amplitude_description "@(\"Data Column\", \"Time Column\", \"Min Percent\", \"Max Percent\", \"Time Interval\")" IDSX_amplitude_description1 "\"Data Column\": the data on which to operate." IDSX_amplitude_description2 "\"Time Column\": the time column" IDSX_amplitude_description3 "\"Min Percent\": threshold used to detect valleys. A number from 0 to 100." IDSX_amplitude_description4 "\"Max Percent\": threshold used to detect peaks. A number from 0 to 100." IDSX_amplitude_description5 "\"Time Interval\"" // this never gets displayed -- it's here only so we know where the function descriptions end IDSX_last_function_description "@" IDSX_COMMA_PARAMETER_WARNING "Note: Since your system uses a comma for the decimal point, you must remember to separate numeric parameters with a \", \" (a comma and a space)." //Specifiers for File Size will probably never be translated but if needed, here they are. IDSX_FILE_SIZE_KB "%d KB" IDSX_FILE_SIZE_MB "%d MB" IDSX_FILE_SIZE_GB "%d GB" IDSX_FILE_SIZE_SUB "%d" // strings for use in creating the popup menus for point series manipulatins in video analys. IDSX_MENU_ADD_POINT_SERIES "Add Point Series" IDSX_MENU_ADD_COM_SERIES "Add Center of Mass Series..." IDSX_MENU_EDIT_COM_SERIES "Edit %d..." IDSX_MENU_EDIT_COM_SERIES_SUB "%d" IDSX_MENU_ADD_LANE "Add Lane" // undo/redo va IDSX_VA_ENABLE_VIDEO_ANALYSIS "Enable Video Analysis" IDSX_VA_ADD_POINT_SERIES_ACTION "Add Point Series" IDSX_VA_ADD_GEL_LANE "Add Lane" // Video Sync Window IDSX_VIDEOSYNC_INFO_MOVIE_AHEAD "Movie is ahead of graph by %n seconds." IDSX_VIDEOSYNC_INFO_MOVIE_BEHIND "Movie is behind graph by %n seconds." IDSX_VIDEOSYNC_INFO_MOVIE_SUB "%n" // Used in Battery Status Check if there's a device with low batteries IDSX_BAD_BATTERY_DISCONNECT "%s has very little battery power remaining. Data collection may not work correctly.\n\nDo you wish to continue? Answering "No" will disconnect." IDSX_BAD_BATTERY_DISCONNECT_SUB "%s" IDSX_BAD_BATTERY_IN_REMOTE_SETUP "This device has very little battery power remaining. Do you wish to continue remote setup?" // Equation Format strings IDSX_DEFAULT_EQ_VAR_SUB "x" IDSX_FUNCTIONFORM "f(%x)" IDSX_FUNCTIONFORM_VAR "%x" // General Application level strings // for page numbering, default page titles, etc. IDSX_PAGE_NUMBER "Page %n" IDSX_PAGE_NUMBER_SUB "%n" // Format constructions for Page title display (e.g. in toolbar combo box) IDSX_EMPTY_PAGE "Page %n" IDSX_NONEMPTY_PAGE "%n: %s" IDSX_PAGE_TITLE_SUB "%s" IDSX_ELLIPSIS "..." IDSX_PREFERENCES "Preferences" IDSX_SAMPLE_FOLDER "Sample Files" IDSX_OPEN_RECENT "Open Recent" // Product About Boxes IDSX_ABOUT_VERNIER "Vernier Software %&& Technology is the leader in educational data-collection technology. Since 1981, we have developed affordable, award-winning interfaces, sensors, software, and standards-based curriculum." IDSX_ABOUT_MARKETING "What sets us apart? We believe deeply in the importance of science and math education and providing educators with innovative, high-quality products at prices schools can afford." IDSX_ABOUT_MORE_INFO "To learn more about what Vernier has to offer, visit our web site." IDSX_COPYRIGHT_SHORT "Copyright %s %a-%y Vernier Software %&& Technology" // ™ is "trademark" character -- but it doesn't work in the dialog !?? IDSX_TI_COPYRIGHT "Portions of TI-Connect%t connectivity software %c 2009 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved." IDSX_ABOUT_OS_SPECIFIC_CREDITS_LINUX "Thanks to Robert Kesterson for the Stlini library." // Yes and No IDSX_YES "Yes" IDSX_NO "No" IDSX_OK "OK" IDSX_CANCEL "Cancel" IDSX_SCAN "Scan" // Table printing IDSX_TABLE_PRINT_N_PAGES "Printing all of the data in the table will require %n pages. Would you like to Continue?" IDSX_TABLE_PRINT_N_PAGES_APPROX "Printing all of the data in the table will require approximately %n pages. Would you like to Continue?" IDSX_TABLE_PRINT_N_PAGES_SUB "%n" IDSX_NO_DATA_FOR_TABLE "The table chosen for printing contains no data; please choose Print Data Table again when there is data to print." // Runtime-alterable menu items IDSX_UNDO "%&Undo %s" IDSX_REDO "%&Redo %s" IDSX_UNDO_REDO_SUB "%s" IDSX_CANT_UNDO "Can't Undo" IDSX_CANT_UNDO_LEVELS_0 "Undo Levels Set to 0" IDSX_CANT_REDO "Can't Redo" IDSX_CTRL_Z "\tCtrl+Z" IDSX_CTRL_Y "\tCtrl+Y" IDSX_MORE "More..." IDSX_LAST_DATASET "Can't Delete Last Data Set" // mainly for duplicate object names IDSX_COPY "Copy" IDSX_UNDO_XLINK "Group Graphs (X-Axes)" IDSX_UNDO_YLINK "Group Objects (Y-Axes)" IDSX_UNDO_UNLINK "Ungroup" // for axis popup menus IDSX_ALL "All of the Above" // Terminology should match what's used in the file preferences dialog IDSX_AUTOSAVE_FILE_PROGRESS_BAR "Auto Backup In Progress" // Warning in File settings dialog if user opens a file created with a newer application than the running app IDSX_NEW_FILE_WARNING "File built with application dated: %f\nCurrent application date: %a\n%w" IDSX_NEW_FILE_WARNING_APP_SUB "%a" IDSX_NEW_FILE_WARNING_FILE_SUB "%f" IDSX_NEW_FILE_WARNING_WARNING_SUB "%w" IDSX_NEW_FILE_BUILD_DATE "This file was created with a newer version of the application. Some features may need that version of the application." IDSX_NEWER_FILE_WARNING "This file was created with version %v of %a, \nwhich is newer than the installed version. \n\nThe file will open, but some features may not be supported. \n\nUpdate %a for full support." IDSX_NEWER_FILE_WARNING_APP "%a" IDSX_NEWER_FILE_WARNING_VER "%v" IDSX_NEW_FILE_WONT_WORK "This file was created with version %v of %a, \nwhich is newer than the installed version. \n\nYou must update %a to open this file." IDSX_NEW_FILE_WONT_WORK_APP "%a" IDSX_NEW_FILE_WONT_WORK_VER "%v" IDSX_FILE_FROM_DIFFERENT_APP "This file was created with a different application. \n\nThe file will open, but some features may not be supported." IDSX_FILE_FROM_LABQUEST_APP "This file was created by a Vernier LabQuest. \n\nThe file will open, but some features may not be supported." // Warning message if file open failed IDSX_FILE_OPEN_FAILED "Could not open file \"%s\" for reading." IDSX_FILE_OPEN_FAILED_NAME "%s" // Warning message if there is not a printer setup on Windows IDSX_NO_PRINTER "No printer is currently set up. See your operating system help for information on setting up a printer." // Dialog box titles IDSX_GRAPH_CARTESIAN_OPTIONS "Graph Options" IDSX_GRAPH_HISTOGRAM_OPTIONS "Histogram Options" IDSX_RECTANGLE_OPTIONS "Rectangle Options" IDSX_OVAL_OPTIONS "Oval Options" IDSX_GRAPH_FFT_OPTIONS "FFT Graph Options" IDSX_CHOOSE_PAGE "Go To Page" IDSX_CHOOSE_PAGE_INSTRUCT "Select the page to go to." IDSX_CHOOSE_TEXTFILE_TO_IMPORT "Choose a text file to import" // Autoscale combo box strings IDSX_AUTOSCALE_0 "Autoscale" IDSX_AUTOSCALE_1 "Autoscale From 0" IDSX_AUTOSCALE_2 "Manual" IDSX_AUTOSCALE_3 "Autoscale Larger" // used in code to tell how many strings IDSX_AUTOSCALE_LAST "" // Autoscale combo box strings with strip chart IDSX_AUTOSCALE_SC_0 "Autoscale" IDSX_AUTOSCALE_SC_1 "Autoscale From 0" IDSX_AUTOSCALE_SC_2 "Manual" IDSX_AUTOSCALE_SC_3 "Autoscale Larger" // the ID name must be this so we cna remove from Opus lite versions IDSX_AUTOSCALE_SC_STRIPCHART "Strip Chart" // used in code to tell how many strings IDSX_AUTOSCALE_SC_LAST "" // Common Colors (these must match the colors used in GTypes.h and GDrawing) IDSX_TRANSPARENT "transparent" IDSX_CUSTOM "custom" IDSX_PINK "pink" IDSX_DARKPINK "dark pink" IDSX_RED "red" IDSX_TOMATO "tomato" IDSX_BRICKRED "brick red" IDSX_DARKRED "dark red" IDSX_LIGHTGREEN "light green" IDSX_PALEGREEN "pale green" IDSX_TEAL "teal" IDSX_GREEN "green" IDSX_HUNTERGREEN "hunter green" IDSX_DARKGREEN "dark green" IDSX_SKYBLUE "sky blue" IDSX_STEELBLUE "steel blue" IDSX_LIGHTBLUE "light blue" IDSX_AZURE "azure" IDSX_ROYALBLUE "royal blue" IDSX_BLUE "blue" IDSX_DARKBLUE "dark blue" IDSX_COBALT "cobalt" IDSX_THISTLE "thistle" IDSX_LAVENDER "lavender" IDSX_VIOLET "violet" IDSX_PANSY "pansy" IDSX_PLUM "plum" IDSX_DARKPURPLE "dark purple" IDSX_GOLDENROD "goldenrod" IDSX_PEACH "peach" IDSX_BUTTERSCOTCH "butterscotch" IDSX_ORANGE "orange" IDSX_DARKORANGE "dark orange" IDSX_PUMPKIN "pumpkin" IDSX_BLUEZIRCON "blue zircon" IDSX_TANZANITE "tanzanite" IDSX_CORNFLOWER "cornflower" IDSX_MIDNIGHTBLUE "midnight blue" IDSX_INDIGO "indigo" IDSX_WHITE "white" IDSX_LIGHTGRAY "light gray" IDSX_GRAY "gray" IDSX_DARKGRAY "dark gray" IDSX_GRAPHITE "graphite" IDSX_BLACK "black" IDSX_CREAM "cream" IDSX_LEMON "lemon" IDSX_YELLOW "yellow" IDSX_BISQUE "bisque" IDSX_TAUPE "taupe" // Color dialog prompt strings IDSX_COLOR_PROMPT "Choose a new color:" IDSX_BACKGROUND_COLOR_PROMPT "Choose a new background color:" IDSX_LINE_COLOR_PROMPT "Choose a new line color:" IDSX_TEXT_COLOR_PROMPT "Choose a new text color:" IDSX_COLUMN_COLOR_PROMPT "Choose a new column color:" IDSX_EDGE_COLOR_PROMPT "Choose a new edge color:" IDSX_SAME_COLOR_ERROR "Text and Background colors should not be the same." // Point Protector Size Combo box IDSX_PP_SIZE_TEXT0 "Huge" IDSX_PP_SIZE_TEXT1 "Large" IDSX_PP_SIZE_TEXT2 "Medium" IDSX_PP_SIZE_TEXT3 "Small" IDSX_PP_SIZE_TEXT4 "Tiny" // to signal the end of the list IDSX_PP_SIZE_TEXT_LAST "" // Column option decimal places (and text annotation number of arrowheads) IDSX_AUTOMATIC "Automatic" IDSX_0 "0" // this is the first option for sig figs IDSX_1 "1" IDSX_2 "2" IDSX_3 "3" IDSX_4 "4" IDSX_5 "5" IDSX_6 "6" IDSX_7 "7" IDSX_8 "8" // This is the last for decimal places IDSX_MAX_PRECISION "9" // and this is last for arrowheads IDSX_10 "10" // Arrowhead pointer types IDSX_ARROWHEAD_POINTER_NONE "Line Only" IDSX_ARROWHEAD_POINTER_ARROWHEAD "Arrowhead" // to signify end of list IDSX_ARROWHEAD_POINTER_LAST "" // Column Options Dialogs, Point Protector Interval options for combo box. IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_AUTOMATIC "Auto" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_1 "1" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_2 "2" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_3 "3" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_4 "4" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_5 "5" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_8 "8" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_10 "10" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_15 "15" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_20 "20" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_30 "30" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_50 "50" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_100 "100" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_200 "200" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_300 "300" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_500 "500" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_1000 "1000" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_2000 "2000" IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_5000 "5000" // Not used; but must be here to mark the end of the list IDSX_PP_INTERVAL_LAST "--" // Line and edge thickness IDSX_HAIRLINE_THICKNESS "Hairline" IDSX_1PT_THICKNESS "1 pt." IDSX_2PT_THICKNESS "2 pt." IDSX_3PT_THICKNESS "3 pt." IDSX_4PT_THICKNESS "4 pt." IDSX_5PT_THICKNESS "5 pt." IDSX_6PT_THICKNESS "6 pt." // Error if html page not found IDSX_NOT_FOUND " Not Found" // Displayed in Mac dialog IDSX_NO_STARTUP_FILE "No Startup file has been chosen." // Cannot read a file because of a bad or unsupported (in the case of Linux) tag IDSX_BAD_FILE_PARSING "The file:\n%f\nis corrupted and cannot be read." IDSX_BAD_TAG_FILE_PARSING "The file:\n%f\nencountered a problem:\n%s." IDSX_BAD_FILE_PARSING_FILE_SUB "%f" IDSX_BAD_TAG_FILE_PARSING_TAG_SUB "%s" // Bad function format string (used in above bad tag error message) IDSX_BAD_FUNCTION_FORMAT_STRING "<%t>: %c" IDSX_BAD_FUNCTION_FORMAT_STRING_TAG_SUB "%t" IDSX_BAD_FUNCTION_FORMAT_STRING_CONTENT_SUB "%c" // Controls IDSX_DATABROWSER "Data Browser" IDSX_TOOLBAR "Toolbar" IDSX_HELP "Help" // replace OK button on propertysheets with Done (Windows) IDSX_DONE "Done" // replace OK button on Print Settings with "Print" (Windows) IDSX_PRINT "Print" // Data World IDSX_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER_ERROR "Names cannot contain the characters pipe (|) or double quote (\"). Please choose another name." IDSX_POINT_PROTECTOR "Please enter a value greater than 0" IDSX_DUPLICATE_NAME_ERROR "The name entered is already in use. Please choose another." IDSX_EMPTY_NAME_ERROR "An empty name was entered. A name must contain at least one character." IDSX_SHORT_NAME_TOO_LONG "The short name you have chosen is longer than the long name. Do you wish to continue anyway?" IDSX_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE_WARNING "Names must be unique. The name you entered will have characters appended to it to ensure uniqueness. Continue anyway?" IDSX_NO_ERROR_COLUMN "If you choose a non-constant error you must also choose a column." IDSX_DATA_SET "Data Set" IDSX_COLUMN "Column" IDSX_COLUMN_SHORT_NAME "C" IDSX_CALC_COLUMN "Calculated Column" IDSX_CALC_COLUMN_SHORT_NAME "CC" IDSX_DATA_OBJECT "DataObject" IDSX_DEFAULT_UNITS "" IDSX_MUST_CHECK_A_DATASET "You must select at least one data set to add the new column to." IDSX_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE_ERROR "\"%s\" is already being used. Please type another name." IDSX_NAMES_MUST_BE_UNIQUE_ERROR_SUB "%s" IDSX_CALC_COLUMN_EXACT_COLUMN_INSTRUCTIONS "Choose a specific column name for your formula. All calculated columns you create with this formula will refer to this specific column." IDSX_COLUMNNAME_WITH_UNITS "%s (%u)" IDSX_COLUMNNAME_WITH_UNITS_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_COLUMNNAME_WITH_UNITS_UNITS_SUB "%u" // Accessibility strings // Connected Sensors and Probes IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_INFO "JAWS Hotkey Quick Reference Cheat Sheet\nNote: Key strokes are to be completed and released one after the other, unless otherwise noted (a plus sign + indicates key strokes to be completed in succession, while continuing to hold the previous keys)\nConnected Sensors and Probes\nList of sensors LoggerPro has noticed - [ s s or Ctrl + Shift + s\nJAWS speaks the sensors in the order in which they were connected at the beginning of a data set\ni.e. Analog Channel 1 = Sensor 1 (ex. JAWS speaks, \"Temp. Probe\"); Analog Channel 2 = Sensor 2 (ex JAWS speaks, \"pH Probe\")\n\nSensor's current live reading - [ s # or Ctrl + Shift + #\nJAWS speaks the current data value being collected\ne.g. user inputs [ s 1 and then JAWS speaks, \"28.6 degrees C;\" user inputs [ s 2 and then JAWS speaks, \"4.3\"\n\nSensor list with current live reading - [ s l or Ctrl + Shift + l\nJAWS speaks the current data value being collected from all sensors in the order in which they were connected at the beginning of a data set\n\nRepeat announcement of one sensor's current live reading - [ s # # or Ctrl + Shift + # + #\nJAWS speaks the current data value being collected at a user defined interval\nUser initiates the key sequence and then inputs number of seconds between each announcement in the dialog box and presses Enter. JAWS speaks the data value of the sensor selected at the defined interval.\n\n\ne.g. User inputs [ s 2 2 then enters 5 in the dialog box and presses Enter. JAWS then speaks, \"4.3...(5 second pause)...4.3... (5 second pause)...4.1...(5 second pause)...4.0... (5 second pause)...4.0... (5 second pause)...3.9...\" and continues for 300 seconds (5 mins)\nTo turn off the repeat announcement function: User inputs [ s 2 2 and then presses Enter (Cancel button) or presses Esc while JAWS is announcing/ collecting data\n\nStart/ Stop data collection - press Spacebar\nLoggerPro will begin data collection in the current data set. Using default setting, data values will appear in a table on the left of the screen and in a simple line graph to the right of the table" IDSX_ACCESSIBILITY_SPEED_MUST_BE_GOOD_NUMBER "Playback speed must be a number between 0.001 and 46,000. Please retype." IDSX_BLV_SELECTING "Selecting %f to %t" IDSX_BLV_SELECTING_SUB_FROM "%f" IDSX_BLV_SELECTING_SUB_TO "%t" // TI Import Calculator strings IDSX_TI_ERROR_UPDATING_CATALOG "Error updating catalog, or nothing in catalog. Click the \"Help\" button to see troubleshooting guidelines." IDSX_TI_COULD_NOT_FIND_CALCULATOR "Could not find device. Click the \"Help\" button to see troubleshooting guidelines." IDSX_TI_COULD_NOT_FIND_CARS_CALCULATOR "Could not find device. Please make sure your calculator is turned on." IDSX_TI_COULD_NOT_FIND_LABPRO "Could not find LabPro. Click the \"Help\" button to see troubleshooting guidelines." IDSX_TI_COULD_NOT_GET_CATALOG "Could not get catalog. Click the \"Help\" button to see troubleshooting guidelines." IDSX_TI_COULD_NOT_GET_ITEM "Could not get item. Click the \"Help\" button to see troubleshooting guidelines." IDSX_TI_IMPORT_FAILED "Import failed while getting \"%s\". Check connections and try again. Click the \"Help\" button in the import dialog to see more troubleshooting guidelines." IDSX_TI_IMPORT_FAILED_SUB "%s" IDSX_UNKNOWN "Unknown" IDSX_REFRESHING_CATALOG "Refreshing Catalog. Please wait..." IDSX_WAITING_FOR_XMIT "Waiting for you to transmit data from your device..." IDSX_PREPARE_TO_WAIT "Press 'Wait for XMit' then transmit data from your device..." IDSX_READY_TO_IMPORT "Ready to import." IDSX_VARTYPE_REAL "real" IDSX_VARTYPE_LIST "list" IDSX_VARTYPE_MATRIX "matrix" IDSX_VARTYPE_CBLDATA "CBL data" IDSX_VARTYPE_ARCHIVE "Archive data" IDSX_VARTYPE_FUNCTION "function" IDSX_REFRESH_CATALOG "%&Refresh Catalog" IDSX_SCAN_FOR_CALCULATOR "%&Scan for Device" IDSX_SCAN_FOR_LABPRO "Scan for LabPro" IDSX_SCANNING_FOR_CALCULATOR "Scanning for device. Please wait..." IDSX_SCANNING_FOR_LABPRO "Scanning for LabPro. Please wait..." IDSX_TI_LIST_SEPARATOR "-------Lists--------" IDSX_TI_CBLDATA_SEPARATOR "-------CBLdata--------" IDSX_TI_ARCHIVE_SEPARATOR "-------Archive--------" IDSX_DESTROY_LISTS_WARNING "Importing saved experiments may erase the lists in your LabPro. Continue anyway?" IDSX_TI_GRAPH_LINK_USB_PORT_NAME "TI Connectivity Cable" IDSX_PRESS_SCAN "Choose a port (and a cable if serial), then press \"Scan for Device.\"" IDSX_PRESS_SCAN_MAC "Choose a port then press \"Scan for Device.\"" IDSX_PRESS_SCAN_LABPRO "Choose a port, then press \"Refresh Catalog.\"" IDSX_PORT_AND_NAME "%p: %n" IDSX_PORT_AND_NAME_SUB1 "%p" IDSX_PORT_AND_NAME_SUB2 "%n" IDSX_TI_PROGRESS_MAINTEXT "Data Import Progress" IDSX_TI_PREPARING_DATA_SET "Preparing data set..." IDSX_TI_IMPORTING_LIST "Importing LIST..." IDSX_TI_IMPORTING_CBLDATA "Importing CBLDATA..." IDSX_TI_IMPORTING_ARCHIVE "Importing archived data..." IDSX_TI_ADDING_DATA_TO_DATA_SET "Adding data to data set..." // preface the TI model in import dialog IDSX_MODEL "Model" // TI Import CBL and LabPro strings These strings are used to name lists coming back from CBL or LabPro IDSX_CBLLABPRO_TIME "Time" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_EVENTS "Events" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_CH1 "CH1" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_CH2 "CH2" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_CH3 "CH3" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_CH4 "CH4" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_DIG1 "DIG1" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_DIG2 "DIG2" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_SONIC "Distance" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_SONIC1 "Dist1" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_VEL1 "Vel1" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_ACC1 "Accel1" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_SONIC2 "Dist2" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_VEL2 "Vel2" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_ACC2 "Accel2" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_DIG1_DELTA_TIME "DIG1 Delta Time" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_DIG1_TIME "DIG1 Time" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_DIG2_DELTA_TIME "DIG2 Delta Time" IDSX_CBLLABPRO_DIG2_TIME "DIG2 Time" IDSX_CURRENT_LABPRO_FW_FILENAME "base-dm606270.hex" // Dialog box help IDSX_DATASET_INSTRUCTIONS "Check the existing data set(s) to which to add this column, and / or check the \"Add to New Data Set\" button and enter the name for a new Data Set." IDSX_DATASET_INSTRUCTIONS_CALCCOLUMN "Check the data set(s) to which you wish to add this column." // System Info IDSX_YOUR_NAME_HERE "Your name here" // Default text for new (editable) text boxes IDSX_DEFAULT_TEXT "" // Column IDSX_NEW_MANUAL_COLUMN "New Manual Column" IDSX_EDIT_MANUAL_COLUMN "Manual Column Options" IDSX_NEW_CALCULATED_COLUMN "New Calculated Column" IDSX_EDIT_CALCULATED_COLUMN "Calculated Column Options" IDSX_NUMBER_OF_CELLS "Number of cells: " IDSX_SELECT_A_COLUMN_INSTRUCTIONS "Select a column from the list below. Only one column may be chosen." // dialog title IDSX_SELECT_COLUMN "Select Column" IDSX_SELECT_COLUMNS_INSTRUCTIONS "Select columns from the list below. More than one column may be chosen." // dialog title IDSX_SELECT_COLUMNS "Select Columns" // Title and instructions when selecting from multiple columns on one graph for various helper objects IDSX_SELECT_CURVEFIT_COLUMN_TITLE "Select Column For Curve Fit" IDSX_SELECT_CURVEFIT_COLUMN_INSTRUCTIONS "Select one or more columns:" IDSX_SELECT_STATISTICS_COLUMNS "Select Column(s) For Statistics" IDSX_SELECT_STATISTICS_COLUMNS_INSTRUCTIONS "Select one or more columns:" IDSX_SELECT_INTEGRAL_COLUMNS "Select Column(s) For Integral" IDSX_SELECT_INTEGRAL_COLUMNS_INSTRUCTIONS "Select one or more columns:" IDSX_SELECT_LINEARFIT_COLUMNS "Select Column(s) For Linear Fit" IDSX_SELECT_LINEARFIT_COLUMNS_INSTRUCTIONS "Select one or more columns:" IDSX_SELECT_PEAKINTEGRATION_COLUMN_TITLE "Select Column for Peak Integration" IDSX_SELECT_PEAKINTEGRATION_COLUMN_INSTRUCTIONS "Select a column:" // EventMarker strings IDSX_EVENTMARKER_INITIAL_TEXT "" IDSX_EVENTMARKER_MARK_STRING "Mark" IDSX_EVENTMARKER_TAG_STRING "Tag" IDSX_EXPADDEVENTTAG "Tag Data" IDSX_DATAMARK_KEYPRESS "d" // Interpolation calculator IDSX_INTERPCALC_COLUMN "%s: %v %u" IDSX_INTERPCALC_COLUMN_DLG "%v" IDSX_INTERPCALC_COLUMN_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_INTERPCALC_COLUMN_VALUE_SUB "%v" IDSX_INTERPCALC_COLUMN_UNITS_SUB "%u" IDSX_INTERPCALC_DISPLAY "%n fit for %c" IDSX_INTERPCALC_DISPLAY_NAME_SUB "%n" IDSX_INTERPCALC_DISPLAY_COLUMN_SUB "%c" IDSX_INTERPCALC_DISPLAY_CUSTOM_FIT "Custom" IDSX_INETRPCALC_TITLE "Interpolation Calculator" // dispalyed in helper object when y-value is outside of x range IDSX_INTERPCALC_BAD_VALUE "Not found" // Combo box values for manual column type manual colum definition dialog // Default IDSX_MANUAL_COLUMN_TYPE_NUMERIC "Numeric" // Default for Time column only IDSX_MANUAL_COLUMN_TYPE_TIME_OF_DAY_DATE "Date" IDSX_MANUAL_COLUMN_TYPE_TIME_OF_DAY_DATE_AND_TIME "Date & Time" IDSX_MANUAL_COLUMN_TYPE_TIME_OF_DAY_TIME "Time of Day" IDSX_MANUAL_COLUMN_TYPE_TREAT_AS_TEXT "Treat As Text" //Time of Day Formats //Translation note: //The program replaces MM with the (numeric) month, DD with the day, YY with the year while leaving the rest of the string unchanged. //"Mon" will be replaced by one of the IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME strings which can be translated. IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE "MM/DD/YY" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_1 "Mon-DD-YY" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_2 "DD/MM/YY" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_3 "DD-Mon-YY" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_4 "YY/MM/DD" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_5 "YY-Mon-DD" //This must always be present to identify the last IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_LAST " " IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_AND_TIME "MM/DD/YY hh:mm" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_AND_TIME_1 "Mon-DD-YY hh:mm" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_AND_TIME_2 "DD/MM/YY hh:mm" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_AND_TIME_3 "DD-Mon-YY hh:mm" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_AND_TIME_4 "YY/MM/DD hh:mm" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_AND_TIME_5 "YY-Mon-DD hh:mm" //This must always be present to identify the last IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DATE_AND_TIME_LAST " " IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_TIME "hh:mm:ss" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_TIME_1 "hh:mm" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_TIME_2 "mm:ss" //This must always be present to identify the last IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_TIME_LAST " " // Time of day format sub IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_YEAR_SUB "YY" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_MONTH_SUB "MM" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_MONTH_ABBR_SUB "Mon" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DAY_SUB "DD" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_HOUR_SUB "hh" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_MINUTE_SUB "mm" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_SECOND_SUB "ss" //This must always be present to identify the last IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_SUB_LAST " " // Time of Day Delimiter "Space" must be checked before "colon" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DELIMITER "/" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DELIMITER_1 "-" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DELIMITER_2 " " IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DELIMITER_3 ":" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_DELIMITER_LAST " " //Time of day Removable Delimeters IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_REMOVABLE_DELIMITER "/" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_REMOVABLE_DELIMITER_1 "-" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_REMOVABLE_DELIMITER_LAST " " //Time of Day Strings IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_STORED_RUN "Stored runs will be hidden on graphs using Date or Time of Day." // used in DataSet Options dialog IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_FORMAT_COMPLETE_FORMAT "MM-DD-20YY hh:mm:ss" IDSX_TIME_OF_DAY_INVALID_YEAR "Logger Pro supports two-digit years between 1970 and 2035. Enter the last two digits of a year in this range." // Generate values in manual column // General terms (used for dialog control labels etc.) IDSX_END "End" IDSX_NUMTOGENERATE "Number to generate" IDSX_GENERATE_END "%&End:" IDSX_GENERATE_START "%&Start:" IDSX_GENERATE_FILL_WITH "%&Fill With:" IDSX_GENERATE_NUMBER "%&Number of Rows:" IDSX_GENERATE_END_MAC "End Value:" IDSX_GENERATE_START_MAC "Start Value:" IDSX_GENERATE_FILL_WITH_MAC "Fill With:" IDSX_GENERATE_NUMBER_MAC "Number of Rows:" // these generate names must be in order IDSX_GENERATE_TYPE "Numeric Values" IDSX_GENERATE_TYPE1 "Numeric Fill" IDSX_GENERATE_TYPE2 "Month Names" IDSX_GENERATE_TYPE3 "Short Month Names" IDSX_GENERATE_TYPE4 "Day Names" IDSX_GENERATE_TYPE5 "Short Day Names" IDSX_GENERATE_TYPE6 "Data Set Names" IDSX_GENERATE_TYPE7 "Column Names" // these month names must be in order! IDSX_MONTH_NAME "January" IDSX_MONTH_NAME1 "February" IDSX_MONTH_NAME2 "March" IDSX_MONTH_NAME3 "April" IDSX_MONTH_NAME4 "May" IDSX_MONTH_NAME5 "June" IDSX_MONTH_NAME6 "July" IDSX_MONTH_NAME7 "August" IDSX_MONTH_NAME8 "September" IDSX_MONTH_NAME9 "October" IDSX_MONTH_NAME10 "November" IDSX_MONTH_NAME11 "December" // these month names must be in order! IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME "Jan" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME1 "Feb" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME2 "Mar" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME3 "Apr" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME4 "May" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME5 "Jun" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME6 "Jul" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME7 "Aug" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME8 "Sep" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME9 "Oct" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME10 "Nov" IDSX_SHORT_MONTH_NAME11 "Dec" // These day names must be in order IDSX_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME "Sunday" IDSX_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME1 "Monday" IDSX_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME2 "Tuesday" IDSX_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME3 "Wednesday" IDSX_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME4 "Thursday" IDSX_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME5 "Friday" IDSX_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME6 "Saturday" // These day names must be in order IDSX_SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME "Sun" IDSX_SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME1 "Mon" IDSX_SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME2 "Tue" IDSX_SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME3 "Wed" IDSX_SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME4 "Thu" IDSX_SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME5 "Fri" IDSX_SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME6 "Sat" // Point protector styles -- these must be in this order (to match the enum) IDSX_PP_STYLE_NONE "None" IDSX_PP_STYLE_FILLED_CIRCLE "Filled Circle" IDSX_PP_STYLE_FILLED_SQUARE "Filled Square" IDSX_PP_STYLE_FILLED_TRIANGLE "Filled Triangle" IDSX_PP_STYLE_FILLED_DIAMOND "Filled Diamond" IDSX_PP_STYLE_FILLED_VRECT "Filled Vertical Rect" IDSX_PP_STYLE_FILLED_HRECT "Filled Horizontal Rect" IDSX_PP_STYLE_FILLED_INVERTTRIANGLE "Filled Inverted Triangle" IDSX_PP_STYLE_EMPTY_CIRCLE "Empty Circle" IDSX_PP_STYLE_EMPTY_SQUARE "Empty Square" IDSX_PP_STYLE_EMPTY_TRIANGLE "Empty Triangle" IDSX_PP_STYLE_EMPTY_DIAMOND "Empty Diamond" IDSX_PP_STYLE_EMPTY_VRECT "Empty Vertical Rect" IDSX_PP_STYLE_EMPTY_HRECT "Empty Horizontal Rect" IDSX_PP_STYLE_EMPTY_INVERTTRIANGLE "Empty Inverted Triangle" IDSX_PP_STYLE_EMPTY_PLUS_SIGN "Empty Plus Sign" IDSX_PP_STYLE_FILLED_PLUS_SIGN "Filled Plus Sign" // Calculated Column IDSX_SELECT_CALC_COLUMN "Select Column" IDSX_SELECT_CALC_CONSTANT "Select Parameter" IDSX_COLUMN_NAMES "Variables (Columns)" IDSX_CONSTANTS "Constants" IDSX_BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS "Built-In Functions" IDSX_USER_FUNCTIONS "User Defined Functions" IDSX_FUNCTIONS "Functions" IDSX_PARAMETERS "Parameters" IDSX_NO_EXISTING_COLUMNS "Calculated columns need other, existing, columns to act on. Import data or create new manual columns before trying to make a calculated column." IDSX_CALC_COLUMN_NAME_STEM "Calc. Column" IDSX_CALC_COLUMN_SHORT_NAME_STEM "CCol" // Used in "Variables (Columns)" menu in Calc Column dialog IDSX_EXACT_COLUMN_NAMES "Choose Specific Column..." IDSX_CHOOSE_DIALOG_TITLE "Choose Specific Column" // User Parameters // For menus IDSX_EDIT_CONSTANTS "Edit Parameters..." IDSX_CONSTANT_DISPLAY "%c = %v" IDSX_CONSTANT_DISPLAY_WITH_UNITS "%c = %v %u" IDSX_CONSTANT_DISPLAY_NAME_SUB "%c" IDSX_CONSTANT_DISPLAY_VALUE_SUB "%v" IDSX_CONSTANT_DISPLAY_UNITS_SUB "%u" // For GUIObject IDSX_GUICONSTANT_DISPLAY "%s%n: " IDSX_GUICONSTANT_DISPLAY_SELECT_SUB "%s" IDSX_GUICONSTANT_DISPLAY_NAME_SUB "%n" // Double right >> IDSX_GUICONSTANT_SELECTED "»" IDSX_GUICONSTANT_UNSELECTED " " IDSX_GUICONSTANT_HELPER_LABEL_CLICK "Click to select parameter" IDSX_GUICONSTANT_HELPER_LABEL_ADJUST "Use cursor keys to adjust value" IDSX_GUICONSTANT_HELPER_LABEL_EDIT "Click to edit the value" // User errors and warnings IDSX_ERROR "Error" IDSX_ASK_ABOUT_PAGE_DELETION "You are about to delete the current page. Are you sure that you want to delete the current page?" IDSX_ASK_ABOUT_FILE_NEW "Your changes have not been saved. Do you want to save the current document before creating a new one?" IDSX_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY "Not enough free memory to continue. Close all other open applications and try again." IDSX_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_TO_ADD "There was not enough free memory to add this object. We strongly suggest that you save all files and close all open applications." IDSX_ASK_TO_FIT_FOR_PAGE_VIEW "This action will force some objects to be resized to fit within page margins. Is this OK?" IDSX_TRIED_TO_ADD_SAME_NAME_COLUMN "A column in the data set you dragged to has the same name as a column you were dragging. The dragged column's name has been changed to insure uniqueness. The new name is: " IDSX_ERROR_ZERO_INCREMENT "The increment value must not be zero." IDSX_ERROR_INCREMENT_NAN "The increment value must be a number." IDSX_ERROR_START_NAN "The start value must be a number." IDSX_ERROR_END_NAN "The end value must be a number." IDSX_ERROR_NUMERICFILL_NAN "The numeric fill entry must be a number." IDSX_ERROR_START_SAME_AS_END "The start and the end cannot be the same." IDSX_WARNING_A_LOT_OF_CELLS "The start, end, and increment you have chosen would generate %n cells.\nThis may take a little time and use up quite a bit of memory.\nAre you sure you want to continue?" IDSX_WARNING_A_LOT_OF_CELLS_SUB "%n" IDSX_TOO_MANY_CELLS "The start, end, and increment you have chosen would generate %n cells -- too many for this application.\n Please enter different values." IDSX_TOO_MANY_CELLS_SUB "%n" IDSX_GENERATE_WILL_WIPEOUT_DATA "Choosing generate will erase the data currently in the column. Continue anyway?" IDSX_ERROR_NUMBER_NOT_POSITIVE "You must type a number larger than 0 or no cells will be generated." IDSX_BAD_RMAX "The Radius must be larger than 0." IDSX_NO_TAXIS_TO_DISPLAY "You have not chosen a Theta column. Nothing will be displayed. Continue anyway?" IDSX_NO_RAXIS_TO_DISPLAY "You have not chosen any Radius columns. Nothing will be displayed. Continue anyway?" IDSX_NO_XAXIS_TO_DISPLAY "You have not chosen an X column. Nothing will be displayed. Continue anyway?" IDSX_NO_YAXIS_TO_DISPLAY "You have not chosen any columns on Y-Axis. Nothing will be displayed on Y-Axis. Continue anyway?" IDSX_ATLEAST_ONE_TRACE_TO_DISPLAY "You have not chosen any columns on Right Y-Axis. Right Y-Axis will not be displayed. Continue anyway?" IDSX_SAME_TRACES "You cannot graph the same column on both Y axes." IDSX_NO_COLUMNS_TO_DISPLAY "You have chosen not to display any columns. Are you sure?" IDSX_BAD_AXISMINMAX "The Axis Min and Max cannot be the same." IDSX_BAD_AXISMIN "The Axis Min value is invalid." IDSX_BAD_AXISMAX "The Axis Max value is invalid." IDSX_BAD_STRIPCHART_WIDTH "The Strip Chart width is invalid." IDSX_WARNING_AXISMINMAX "The axis direction will be reversed. Do you want to continue?" IDSX_WARNING_PAGETITLE_TOO_LONG "The Page title is restricted to 128 characters. Please re-enter." IDSX_ERROR_NOT_FUNCTION "Error: X not sorted or duplicate values." IDSX_CLIPBOARD_ERROR "Clipboard Error" IDSX_NO_DATA_TO_DISPLAY "No data to display" IDSX_ERROR_EMPTY_FILE "The text file is empty." IDSX_ERROR_NO_TEXT_FILE "The text file cannot be found." IDSX_ERROR_MUST_SELECT_NAME "You must select at least one name (or cancel)." IDSX_ERROR_MUST_SELECT_ONE_NAME "You must select something (or cancel)" IDSX_WARNING_CANT_ADD_TO_LOCKED_PAGE "You must unlock this page before inserting new objects. Unlock page now?" IDSX_NEED_MORE_POINTS_FOR_INTEGRAL "Select additional points to perform integral." IDSX_NEED_MORE_POINTS_FOR_STATS "Select additional points to perform statistics." IDSX_BAD_COLUMN_DRAG "The following columns could not be added because they come from Data Sets without a column named \"%s\":" IDSX_BAD_COLUMN_DRAG_SUB "%s" IDSX_WARNING_SET_TO_FIXED "You have chosen to use a column for error values but you have chosen to interpret those values as percents. Are you sure? Choose \"Yes\" to interpret as percents; \"No\" to interpret as fixed values." IDSX_ERROR_IMPORTING_MBL "Logger Pro 2.x files cannot be opened or imported into Logger Pro 3.x. To recover your data you must first open the file in Logger Pro 2.x and use the \"Export as Text\" feature. That exported file can then be imported into this application." IDSX_BAD_SELECTED_REGION_FROM "Numeric value required for range." IDSX_BAD_SELECTED_REGION_TO "Numeric value required for range." IDSX_BAD_SELECTED_REGION_FROM_TO "Range too narrow to calculate FFT." IDSX_DEMO_CORRUPT "The demo installation may be corrupted. Please reinstall this software" IDSX_COLUMN_OPTION_ERROR_VALUE_BAD "Please retype the \"Error Constant\" to use." IDSX_SAME_TYPE_OF_COLUMNS_NEEDED "Please select columns of same data type when editing multiple columns" // Spacing for Graph Paper Lines IDSX_GRAPH_PAPER_WIDTH_SMALL "small" IDSX_GRAPH_PAPER_WIDTH_MEDIUM "medium" IDSX_GRAPH_PAPER_WIDTH_LARGE "large" // used in code to tell how many strings IDSX_GRAPH_PAPER_WIDTH_LAST "" // File I/O IDSX_SAVE_FILE "Do you want to save the current file before closing?" IDSX_SAVE_FILE_INFORMATION "If you don’t save, your changes will be lost." // same wording as Word/Excel IDSX_SAVE_CHANGES_TO "Do you want to save the changes you made to " IDSX_SAVE "Save" IDSX_DONT_SAVE "Don’t Save" IDSX_FILE_ERROR "This file cannot be opened due to incompatible file format. Do you want to try importing it as text?" IDSX_SAVE_FILE_UNMOUNTED_SERVER_ERROR "Could not save the file. The server or folder containing the file has been unmounted or deleted. Reconnect to the server and save the file again." IDSX_FILE_COHERENCE_FAILED "This file failed a coherence test. Please email bugs@vernier.com with the offending file attached. Thank you." IDSX_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME "Untitled" IDSX_SAVE_BEFORE_QUIT "Save this file before quitting?" IDSX_IMPORT_TEXT_FILE_EXTENSION "txt" IDSX_IMPORT_TEXT_FILE_FILTER "Text Files (*.txt;*.TEXT;*.dat)|*.txt;*.TEXT;*.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_EXPORT_TEXT_FILE_EXTENSION "txt" IDSX_EXPORT_TEXT_FILE_FILTER "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_EXPORT_CSV_FILE_EXTENSION "csv" IDSX_EXPORT_CSV_FILE_FILTER "InspireData (CSV) Files (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSION "bmp" IDSX_IMAGE_FILE_FILTER "Image Files (*.bmp;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif;*.pct)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif;*.pct|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_MOVIE_FILE_EXTENSION "mp4" IDSX_MOVIE_FILE_FILTER "Movie Files (*.avi;*.mpeg;*.mov)|*.avi;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.mp4;*.mov|AllFiles (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_FILTER "LabQuest Files (*.qmbl)|*.qmbl|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_EXTENSION "qmbl" IDSX_IMPORT_CSV_FILE_EXTENSION "csv" IDSX_IMPORT_CSV_FILE_FILTER "Comma Separated Values (CSV) Files (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" // for LabQuest Browser, create-folder dialog IDSX_NEW_FOLDER_TITLE "New Folder" // Error in File Browser (LQListFolderContents failed) IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR "Error communicating with %s. Cannot browse this device." IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_SUB "%s" IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_EXISTS "%s already exists. Save anyway?\n\nChoosing \"Yes\" will overwrite the file." IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE "%s is a \"read-only\" file. You cannot save to that name." IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_NOT_READABLE "%s is a file whose permissions are set to prevent reading. You cannot open this file." IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_NOT_DELETABLE "%s is a file whose permissions are set to prevent deletion. You cannot delete this file.\n" IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER_NOT_BROWSABLE "%s is a folder whose permissions are set to prevent browsing. You cannot open this folder." IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND "Folder %s does not exist. Please enter a legitimate folder or file name." IDSX_LABQUEST_FILE_BROWSER_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_LABQUEST_BROWSER_DELETING_FOLDERS "No files were chosen. You cannot delete folders." IDSX_FILE_CREATED_ON_LABQUEST "This file was saved on a LabQuest. Some features may not be available, or may not work exactly the same." // Message which is presented when a LQ2 running in Viewer mode is detected IDSX_LQ2_IN_VIEWER_MODE_WARNING "LabQuest 2 Not Ready to Connect\n\nThe configuration of the connected LabQuest 2 is incompatible with Logger Pro. To reconfigure the LabQuest 2 to work with Logger Pro:\n\n1. Select Connections from the Home screen and choose LabQuest Viewer settings.\n\n2. Deselect the Enable Viewer over USB checkbox." // Message which is presented when opening a LabQuest and dtecting that it's collecting data IDSX_LABQUEST_COLLECTING "The LabQuest is collecting data. Do you want %APP to take control?\n\nChoosing \"Yes\" will stop data collection and save the data to a \"Remote Collection\" file which can be retrieved by %APP.\nChoosing \"No\" will prevent %APP from connecting to the LabQuest." // Name that user might see during file save of remote setup file IDSX_LABQUEST_REMOTE_FILE_USER_NAME "LabQuest Remote Setup File" // Message to ask user if they want to keep remote data on device IDSX_LABQUEST_REMOTE_KEEP_OR_CLEAR_DATA_TITLE "Keep or Clear LabQuest Remote Data" IDSX_LABQUEST_REMOTE_KEEP_OR_CLEAR_DATA "Remote data have been transferred to the computer. Would you like to keep or clear the remote data on the LabQuest?" IDSX_LABQUEST_REMOTE_KEEP_DATA "Keep" IDSX_LABQUEST_REMOTE_CLEAR_DATA "Clear" IDSX_LQEXECUTE_RETURNED_FALSE "The attempt to execute this command failed. Perhaps the command or file doesn't exist?" IDSX_LQEXECUTE_CMD_ERROR "Executing the command returned an error: %n" IDSX_LQEXECUTE_CMD_ERROR_SUB "%n" IDSX_FILE_WRITE_FAILURE "An error has occurred while saving the file and the process cannot be completed. There may be insufficient disk space." // Video Analysis IDSX_VA_DATASET_NAME "VideoAnalysis" IDSX_VA_GEL_DATASET_NAME "Gel Standard" IDSX_VA_LANE_DATASET_NAME "Lane" IDSX_VA_DATASET_BASE_COLUMN_NAME "Time" IDSX_VA_DATASET_BASE_COLUMN_SHORTNAME "t" IDSX_VA_DATASET_X_COLUMN "X" IDSX_VA_DATASET_Y_COLUMN "Y" IDSX_VA_DATASET_GEL_Y_COLUMN "Distance" IDSX_VA_DATASET_GEL_Y_SHORT_COLUMN "D" IDSX_VA_BASEUNITS "s" IDSX_VA_DATASET_X_DERIVATIVE "X Velocity" IDSX_VA_DATASET_Y_DERIVATIVE "Y Velocity" // If you change the "velocity" keyword in IDSX_VA_DATASET_X_DERIVATIVE or IDSX_VA_DATASET_Y_DERIVATIVE, change this to match. IDSX_VA_DATASET_DERIVATIVE_COLUMN_MATCHING_NAME "Velocity" IDSX_VA_DATASET_XSHORT_DERIVATIVE "Vx" IDSX_VA_DATASET_YSHORT_DERIVATIVE "Vy" IDSX_VA_DATASET_DERIVATIVE_UNITS "%m/%s" IDSX_VA_DATASET_DERIVATIVE_UNITS_SUB1 "%m" IDSX_VA_DATASET_DERIVATIVE_UNITS_SUB2 "%s" IDSX_VA_DATASET_DERIVATIVE_EQU "%f(\"%c\")" IDSX_VA_DATASET_DERIVATIVE_EQU_SUB1 "%f" IDSX_VA_DATASET_DERIVATIVE_EQU_SUB2 "%c" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_STD_NAME "Standard Ladder" // Must contain IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_STD_NAME IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_STD_NAME_WITH_NUMBER "EA%c Standard Ladder" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_NAME "Lane %l" // Prefix ("EA%c") MUST be the same as xxx_STD_NAME_WITH_NUMBER IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_NAME_WITH_NUMBER "EA%c Lane %l" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_NUMBER_SUB "%c" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_LANE_SUB "%l" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_BP_NAME "base pairs" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_BP_SHORTNAME "bp" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_EQU "%f(\"%c\",\"%d\",\"%e\")" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_EQU_SUB1 "%f" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_EQU_SUB2 "%c" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_EQU_SUB3 "%d" IDSX_VA_DATASET_ELECTROPHORESIS_EQU_SUB4 "%e" IDSX_VA_ROTATION_ANGLE_NAME "VA_Angle" IDSX_VA_POINT_SERIES_MENU_NAME "Point Series %x:%y" IDSX_VA_POINT_SERIES_MENU_SUB_X "%x" IDSX_VA_POINT_SERIES_MENU_SUB_Y "%y" // Status strings for Gel Analysis IDSX_VA_GEL_ANALYSIS_STATUS1 "STEP 1: Set origin." IDSX_VA_GEL_ANALYSIS_STATUS2 "STEP 2: Set standard ladder." IDSX_VA_GEL_ANALYSIS_STATUS3 "STEP 2: Set standard ladder." IDSX_VA_GEL_ANALYSIS_STATUS4 "STEP 3: Add a new lane." IDSX_VA_GEL_ANALYSIS_STATUS5 "Initialization completed." // Graph object IDSX_X "X" IDSX_SHORT_X "x" IDSX_Y "Y" IDSX_SHORT_Y "y" IDSX_ONLY_ADDING_FIRST_COLUMN_TO_X "The X-axis can only hold one column. Only the first column selected will be added." IDSX_ONLY_ADDING_FIRST_COLUMN_TO_THETA "The Theta-axis can only hold one column. Only the first column selected will be added." IDSX_SLOPE "Slope: " IDSX_INTEGRAL_WITH_UNITS "Integral: %v %u*%w" IDSX_INTEGRAL_WITHOUT_UNITS "Integral: %v" IDSX_INTEGRAL_VALUE_SUB "%v" IDSX_INTEGRAL_BASEUNITS_SUB "%u" IDSX_INTEGRAL_TRACEUNITS_SUB "%w" IDSX_INTEGRAL_FOR "Integral for: %s" IDSX_STATISTICS_FOR "Statistics for: %s" IDSX_LINEAR_FIT_FOR "Linear Fit for: %s %w" IDSX_MANUAL_CURVE_FIT_FOR "Manual Fit for: %s %w" IDSX_AUTO_CURVE_FIT_FOR "Auto Fit for: %s %w" IDSX_HELPER_GCPEAKSUMMARY_FOR "Peaks for: %s" IDSX_HELPER_COLUMN_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_LEGEND "Legend: " IDSX_MEAN "mean: " IDSX_MEDIAN "median: " IDSX_SDEV "std. dev: " IDSX_MIN2 "min2: " IDSX_MAX2 "max2: " IDSX_MIN "min: " IDSX_MAX "max: " IDSX_AT " at " IDSX_EQUALS "= " IDSX_NUMPOINTS "samples: " IDSX_CURVE_FIT_CORRELATION "Correlation: " IDSX_CURVE_FIT_RMSE "RMSE: " IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_RMSE " RMSE: %v %u" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_RMSE_VALUE_SUB "%v" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_RMSE_UNITS_SUB "%u" IDSX_NO_VALUE "----" // Histogram and FFT Graph Object IDSX_BINAXIS_LABEL "Bins" IDSX_COUNTSAXIS_LABEL "Frequency" IDSX_BINSIZE_LABEL "Bin Size" IDSX_BIN_SIZE_CHANGE "Bin Size Change" IDSX_BIN "Bin" IDSX_HIST "Hist" IDSX_FREQUENCY "Frequency" // Leave space since this will be concatenated IDSX_FREQUENCY_UNITS " (Hz)" // truncation of above, for short name IDSX_FREQ "Freq" // for display in legend helper IDSX_PEAK_FREQUENCY " Peak Freq: %n-%x" IDSX_PEAK_FREQUENCY_MIN_SUB "%n" IDSX_PEAK_FREQUENCY_MAX_SUB "%x" // abbreviation for "counts", histogram unit IDSX_CTS "cts" IDSX_HZ "Hz" IDSX_CYCLESPER "cycles/" IDSX_MILLISECONDS "milliseconds" IDSX_MILLISECOND "millisecond" IDSX_MILLISECONDS_ABBREVIATION "ms" IDSX_SECONDS "seconds" IDSX_SECOND "second" IDSX_SECONDS_ABBREVIATION "s" IDSX_MINUTES "minutes" IDSX_MINUTE "minute" IDSX_MINUTES_ABBREVIATION "min" // for displays with size constraints IDSX_MINUTES_ABBREVIATION_SHORT "m" IDSX_HOURS "hours" IDSX_HOUR "hour" IDSX_HOURS_ABBREVIATION "h" IDSX_DAYS "days" IDSX_DAY "day" IDSX_DAYS_ABBREVIATION "d" IDSX_YEARS "years" IDSX_YEAR "year" IDSX_YEARS_ABBREVIATION "yr" IDSX_FFT_ASK_FOR_DIALOG "Dropping columns for an FFT requires a base column to be defined first. Would you like to open the FFT Options dialog for this purpose?" IDSX_FFT_NO_BASE_WARNING "The Following Columns did not come from a data set that had a base column named: %s. They could not be added to the FFT graph:" IDSX_FFT_NO_BASE_WARNING_SUB "%s" IDSX_BIN_SIZE_MUST_BE_POSITIVE "Bin Size must be a positive number. Please re-enter." IDSX_TOO_MANY_BINS "%n bins is too many bins. Choose a larger bin size or change the column you're trying to do a histogram of. The number of bins must be less than %m." IDSX_TOO_MANY_BINS_SUB1 "%n" IDSX_TOO_MANY_BINS_SUB2 "%m" IDSX_BIN_DIVIDE_MUST_BE_NUMBER "Bin Start must be a number. Please re-enter." IDSX_NO_HISTOGRAM_COLUMN "You have not chosen any columns. Nothing will be displayed. Continue anyway?" IDSX_FFT_NO_BASE_CHOSEN "You have not chosen a base column. Nothing will be displayed. Continue anyway?" IDSX_FFT_NO_FFT_CHOSEN "You have not chosen any FFT columns. Nothing will be displayed. Continue anyway?" IDSX_SAME_BASETRACENAMES "You have chosen the same base and FFT column. Nothing will be displayed. Continue anyway?" IDSX_FFT_AXIS_NAME "Amplitude" // Tick Styles IDSX_GRAPH_TICK_NONE "No Line" IDSX_GRAPH_TICK_SOLID "Solid" IDSX_GRAPH_TICK_DASHED "Dashed" IDSX_GRAPH_TICK_DOTTED "Dotted" IDSX_GRAPH_TICK_DASHDOTTED "DashDotted" IDSX_GRAPH_TICK_DASHDOTDOTTED "DashDotDotted" // used only to specify the end of the list of styles IDSX_GRAPH_TICK_LAST "" // Special user Parameter names to control Analog Out IDSX_FREQUENCY_CONSTANT "Frequency" IDSX_FREQUENCY_CONSTANT_UNITS "Hz" IDSX_AMPLITUDE_CONSTANT "Amplitude" IDSX_AMPLITUDE_CONSTANT_UNITS "V" // Special user Parameter names to control Analog Out IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT1 "Limit_1" IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT1_UNITS "" IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT2 "Limit_2" IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT2_UNITS "" IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT3 "Limit_3" IDSX_DCU_CONSTANT_LIMIT3_UNITS "" // Used for tick marks on text columns (where a tick may not correspond to an actual cell with text) IDSX_ROW "row-" IDSX_BAD_ROW "The value typed does not correspond to a valid row in your X column. Please retype." // Used in Crashtest dummy remote retrieval dialog IDSX_ON "On" IDSX_BROWSE_FOR_FILE "Browse for file" IDSX_BROWSE_FOR_FOLDER "Browse for default folder" IDSX_SELECT_A_FOLDER "Select a folder" IDSX_ERROR_BROWSING "Error while browsing for folder." // DataBrowser tool tips IDSX_DB_NEW_DATASET "New Data Set" IDSX_DB_NEW_MANUAL_COLUMN "New Manual Column" IDSX_DB_NEW_CALCULATED_COLUMN "New Calculated Column" IDSX_DB_DELETE "Delete" IDSX_DB_EXPAND_COLLAPSE "Expand/Collapse" IDSX_DB_SELECT_SAME_NAME "Select Same Name" // Application tool tips / long command strings IDSX_NEW_DOCUMENT_TOOLTIP "New" IDSX_OPEN_FILE_TOOLTIP "Open" IDSX_SAVE_DOCUMENT_TOOLTIP "Save" IDSX_PRINT_DOCUMENT_TOOLTIP "Print" IDSX_GO_TO_PAGE_TOOLTIP "Go to Page" IDSX_PREVIOUS_PAGE_TOOLTIP "Previous Page" IDSX_NEXT_PAGE_TOOLTIP "Next Page" IDSX_HIDESHOW_DATA_BROWSER_TOOLTIP "Show/Hide Data Browser" IDSX_TI_IMPORT_TOOLTIP "Import From TI Device" IDSX_EXAMINE_TOOLTIP "Examine" IDSX_TANGENT_TOOLTIP "Tangent" IDSX_INTEGRAL_TOOLTIP "Integral" IDSX_STATISTICS_TOOLTIP "Statistics" IDSX_REGRESSION_TOOLTIP "Linear Fit" IDSX_CURVEFIT_TOOLTIP "Curve Fit" IDSX_AUTOSCALE_TOOLTIP "Autoscale Graph" IDSX_ZOOMIN_TOOLTIP "Zoom In" IDSX_ZOOMOUT_TOOLTIP "Zoom Out" // Sort dialog title IDSX_SORT "Sort %s" IDSX_SORT_SUB "%s" IDSX_ALL_CALC_COLUMNS "All columns in this data set are calculated columns. Cannot sort based on a calculated column." IDSX_SAVING_FILE_PROGRESS "Saving file: %s." IDSX_SAVING_FILE_PROGRESS_SUB "%s" //------------------------------------------------- // Edit Undo and Redo strings... IDSX_UNDO_ADD_PHOTO_DISTANCE "Add Photo Distance" // APPLICATION MENU MESSAGES: // File menu: IDSX_FILEIMPORTTEXT "Import Text" IDSX_FILEIMPORTTI "Import From TI Device" IDSX_FILEIMPORTLABPRO "Import From LabPro" IDSX_FILEIMPORTLOGGERPRO "Import From Logger Pro File" IDSX_FILEPAGESETUP "Page Setup" IDSX_FILEPRINTOPTIONS "Print Options" IDSX_FILEPRINTPREVIEW "Print Preview" IDSX_FILEUSERPREFERENCES "User Preferences" IDSX_FILESETTINGS "File Settings" IDSX_FILEQUIT "Quit" // Edit menu: IDSX_EDITCUT "Cut" IDSX_EDITCOPY "Copy" IDSX_EDITPASTE "Paste" IDSX_CLEAR "Clear" IDSX_CLEARCELLS "C%&lear Cells" IDSX_EDITDELETE "Delete" IDSX_EDITDELETECELLS "D%&elete Cells" IDSX_EDITDELETECOLUMN "Delete Column" IDSX_EDITSELECTALL "Select All" IDSX_EDITDESELECTALL "Unselect All" IDSX_EDITDUPLICATE "Duplicate" IDSX_EDITSTRIKETHROUGH "StrikeThrough Data Cells" IDSX_EDITRESTORE "Restore Data Cells" // Data menu & related: IDSX_NEWDATASET "Create New Data Set" IDSX_NEWMANUALCOLUMNS "Create New Manual Column" IDSX_NEWCALCULATEDCOLUMN "Create New Calculated Column" IDSX_EDITCURRENTCOLUMN "Edit Column" IDSX_EDITCOLUMNS "Edit Columns" IDSX_CURRENTCOLUMNOPTIONS "Column Options" IDSX_DELETECURRENTCOLUMN "Delete Column" IDSX_SHOW_DATASET "Show Data Set" IDSX_HIDE_DATASET "Hide Data Set" IDSX_SORTDATASET "Sort Data Set" IDSX_EDITCURRENTDATASET "Edit Data Set" IDSX_CLEARALLDATA "Clear All Data" IDSX_INFO_READ_ONLY "read-only" IDSX_DELETE_DATASETS_OR_COLUMNS "Delete Data Set or Column" IDSX_DELETE_DATASETS "Delete Data Set(s)" IDSX_DELETE_COLUMNS "Delete Column(s)" IDSX_CHOOSE_SHOW_DATASET "Choose Data Sets to Show" IDSX_CHOOSE_HIDE_DATASET "Choose Data Sets to Hide" IDSX_CHOOSE_OPTIONS_DATASET "Choose Data Set to Edit" IDSX_CHOOSE_SORT_DATASET "Choose Data Set to Sort" IDSX_CHOOSE_DELETE_DATASET "Choose Data Sets to Delete" IDSX_CHOOSE_DELETE_COLUMN "Choose Columns to Delete" IDSX_CHOOSE_DELETE_COLUMN_INSTRUCTIONS "You may choose to delete as many columns as you like." IDSX_CHOOSE_OPTIONS_COLUMN "Choose Columns to Edit" IDSX_CHOOSE_OPTIONS_COLUMN_INSTRUCTIONS "You may choose to edit more than one column, but columns of different types (i.e. Manual, Calculated, or FFT/Histogram) will be edited separately." // Analyze menu: IDSX_EXAMINE "Examine" IDSX_TANGENT "Tangent" IDSX_LEGEND_UNDO_TEXT "Legend" IDSX_ZOOM "Zoom" IDSX_AUTOSCALE "Autoscale" IDSX_INTERPOLATE "Interpolate" IDSX_NEWHELPER "Insert Helper" IDSX_GCPEAKINTEGRATION "GC Peak Integration" // Insert Menu: IDSX_INSERT_GRAPHCARTESIAN "Insert Graph" IDSX_INSERT_GRAPHSTRIPCHART "Insert Strip Chart" IDSX_INSERT_GRAPHHISTOGRAM "Insert Histogram" IDSX_INSERT_GRAPHFFT "Insert FFT" IDSX_INSERT_TEXT "Insert Text" IDSX_INSERT_TEXTANNOTATION "Insert Text Annotation" IDSX_INSERT_TABLE "Insert Table" IDSX_INSERT_RECTANGLE "Insert Rectangle" IDSX_INSERT_QTPICTURE "Insert Picture" IDSX_INSERT_QTMOVIE "Insert Movie" IDSX_INSERT_QTMOVIEFROMVIDEOCAPTURE "Insert Movie From Capture" IDSX_INSERT_OVAL "Insert Oval" IDSX_INSERT_DIGITALMETER "Insert Digital Meter" IDSX_INSERT_THERMOMETER "Insert Thermometer" IDSX_INSERT_GAUGE "Insert Gauge" IDSX_INSERT_ANIMATEDMETER "Insert Animated Meter" IDSX_INSERT_CONSTANT "Insert Parameter Control" // Object menu & related: IDSX_ONGRAPHCARTESIANOPTIONS "Graph Options" IDSX_ONGRAPHXAXISOPTIONS "X-Axis Settings" IDSX_ONGRAPHYAXISOPTIONS "Y-Axis Settings" IDSX_ONGRAPHHISTOGRAMOPTIONS "Histogram Graph Options" IDSX_ONGRAPHFFTOPTIONS "FFT Graph Options" IDSX_ONLINEOPTIONS "Line Options" IDSX_ONOVALOPTIONS "Oval Options" IDSX_ONPAGEFOOTEROPTIONS "Page Footer Options" IDSX_ONRECTANGLEOPTIONS "Rectangle Options" IDSX_ONQTPICTUREOPTIONS "Picture Options" IDSX_ONQTMOVIEOPTIONS "Movie Options" IDSX_ONQTSYNCHRONIZATIONOPTIONS "Movie Synchronization Options" IDSX_ONTABLEOPTIONS "Table Options" IDSX_ONTEXTOPTIONS "Text Options" IDSX_ONTEXTANNOTATIONOPTIONS "Text Annotation Options" IDSX_NEWQTMOVIE "Create New Movie" IDSX_VAMOVIEADDPOINT "Add VA Point" IDSX_VAMOVIEDELETEPOINT "Delete VA Point" IDSX_VAMOVIEMOVEPOINT "Move VA Point" IDSX_VAMOVIEADDPOINTSERIES "Add VA Point Series" IDSX_VA_CREATE_CENTER_OF_MASS "Add Center of Mass Series" IDSX_VA_EDIT_CENTER_OF_MASS "Edit Center of Mass Series" IDSX_VA_DELETE_CENTER_OF_MASS "Delete Center of Mass Series" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_NEEDS_TWO_SERIES_WARNING "The Center of Mass Calculation requires at least 2 Point Series. Please select two or more Point Series from the list." IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_FORBIDS_INVALID_MASS "Invalid mass. Change masses to valid, positive values." IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_FORBIDS_NEGATIVE_MASS "Negative mass is not allowed in center of mass calculations. Change masses to positive values." IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_FORBIDS_ZERO_SUM_MASS "This calculation requires at least some mass. To be taken seriously, please ensure that at least one point series has a non-zero, positive mass." IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_DELETE_WARNING_TITLE "Delete" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_DELETE_WARNING "Are you sure you want to delete this Center of Mass series? Press \"Delete\" to delete this calculation and its result columns." IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_DELETE_WARNING_CONFIRM "Delete" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_DELETE_WARNING_CANCEL "Do Not Delete" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_LINKAGE_NAME "Center of Mass" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_LINKAGE_SHORTNAME "CoM" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_LINKAGE_NAME_SUB "%s %d" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_DERIVATIVE_NAME "%s Velocity" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_DERIVATIVE_SHORT_NAME "V %s" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_X_COLUMN_NAME_CUSTOM "%s X" IDSX_VA_CENTER_OF_MASS_Y_COLUMN_NAME_CUSTOM "%s Y" IDSX_VAMOVIESETSCALE "Set new VA Scale" IDSX_VAMOVIESETORIGIN "Set new VA Origin" IDSX_NEWMETER "Create New Digital Meter" IDSX_ONHELPEREXAMINEOPTIONS "Helper Examine Options" IDSX_ONHELPERLEGENDOPTIONS "Helper Legend Options" IDSX_ONHELPERPHOTODISTANCEOPTIONS "Helper Photo Distance" IDSX_ONHELPERLINEARFITOPTIONS "Helper Linear Fit Options" IDSX_ONHELPERCURVEFITOPTIONS "Helper Curve Fit Options" IDSX_ONHELPERSTATISTICSOPTIONS "Helper Statistics Options" IDSX_ONHELPEREVENTMARKEROPTIONS "Helper Marker Options" IDSX_ONHELPERINTEGRALOPTIONS "Helper Integral Options" IDSX_ONHELPERGCPEAKINTEGRALSUMMARYOPTIONS "Helper GC Peak Summary Options" IDSX_ONHELPERINTERPCALCOPTIONS "Helper Interpolation Calculator Options" IDSX_ONTHERMOMETEROPTIONS "Thermometer Options" IDSX_ONMETEROPTIONS "Digital Meter Options" IDSX_ONGAUGEOPTIONS "Gauge Options" IDSX_ONANIMATEDMETEROPTIONS "Animated Display Options" IDSX_ONSHOWHELPERS "Reveal Hidden Objects" IDSX_ONMATHCONSTANTSOPTIONS "Parameter Control Options" // Arrange menu: IDSX_LAYEROBJECTS "Layer Objects" IDSX_LINKOBJECTS "Link Objects (X-Axes)" IDSX_YLINKOBJECTS "Link Objects (Y-Axes)" IDSX_UNLINKOBJECTS "Unlink Objects" IDSX_AUTOARRANGE "Auto Arrange" IDSX_PAGE_MAKE_WIDTH_SAME "Make Width Same" IDSX_PAGE_MAKE_HEIGHT_SAME "Make Height Same" // Page menu: IDSX_PAGEOPTIONS "Page Options" IDSX_NEWPAGE "Create New Page" IDSX_DELETEPAGE "Delete Page" IDSX_NEXTPAGE "Next Page" IDSX_PREVIOUSPAGE "Previous Page" IDSX_GOTOPAGE "Go to Page" IDSX_GOTOSPECIFIEDPAGE "Go to Page" IDSX_GOTONAMEDPAGE "Go to Page" IDSX_USE_ENTIRE_WINDOW "Use Entire %&Window" IDSX_FULLSCREEN "Full Screen" // Toolbars: IDSX_EDITTOOLBARS "Edit Toolbars" IDSX_SHOWHIDEFILETOOLBAR "Show/Hide File Toolbar" IDSX_SHOWHIDEPAGETOOLBAR "Show/Hide Page Toolbar" IDSX_SHOWHIDEDATATOOLBAR "Show/Hide Data Toolbar" IDSX_SHOWHIDEANALYZETOOLBAR "Show/Hide Analyze Toolbar" IDSX_SHOWHIDEGRAPHTOOLBAR "Show/Hide Graph Toolbar" IDSX_SHOWHIDETEXTTOOLBAR "Show/Hide Text Toolbar" IDSX_SHOWHIDEHELPTOOLBAR "Show/Hide Help Toolbar" // Help: IDSX_HELPCONTENTS "Help Contents" IDSX_HELPINDEX "Help Index" IDSX_HELPTUTORIAL "Help Tutorial" IDSX_HELPSEARCH "Help Search" IDSX_HELPCURRENT "Help Current" // About: IDSX_ABOUTTHISAPP "About " IDSX_ABOUTVERNIERSOFTWARE "About Vernier Software & Technology..." // major then minor version number IDSX_JUNGO_VERSION "LabPro driver version: %m.%n" IDSX_JUNGO_VERSION_MAJOR_SUB "%m" IDSX_JUNGO_VERSION_MINOR_SUB "%n" IDSX_ABOUT_NGIO_LIB_VERSION_TEXT "NGIO Library Version: %v" IDSX_ABOUT_NGIO_LIB_VERSION_SUB "%v" IDSX_ABOUT_VSTANALYSIS_LIB_VERSION_TEXT "VSTAnalysis Library version: %v" IDSX_ABOUT_VSTANALYSIS_LIB_VERSION_SUB "%v" // Graph Match IDSX_GRAPHMATCH "Graph Match" //Temporary no movie or video capture message IDSX_NO_MOVIE_OR_VC_WARNING_TITLE "Video Features Warning" IDSX_NO_MOVIE_OR_VC_MSG "Video features have been removed from Logger Pro due to security issues with QuickTime from Apple." IDSX_QT_WARNING_VERNIER_MORE_INFO "More information" IDSX_QT_WARNING_VERNIER_LINK "http://www.vernier.com/til/3678/" ////////QuickTime Messages//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IDSX_QT_GENERIC_ERROR "Error loading movie: %p\n\nMovies require QuickTime 6.5 or later" IDSX_QT_MOVIEREQUIREMENTS "Movies require QuickTime 7.0 or later" ////////Movie and Picture loading messages///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //IDSX_QT_FILENOTFOUND="Image File Not Found." //replace below IDSX_IMAGE_FILENOTFOUND "Image File Not Found." IDSX_MOVIE_LOAD_FILE "Movie Load Error" //IDSX_QT_ERROR_MESSAGE="%s0\nError code: %s1\n\tFile: %s2\n\tMethod: %s3\n\tLine: %s4." //Three new messages for movies IDSX_MOVIE_LOAD_LONG_ADVICE_MESSAGE "%s0\nError code: %s1\n%s2." IDSX_MOVIE_LOAD_HEX_ADVICE_MESSAGE "%s0\nError code: %x1\n%s2." IDSX_MOVIE_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED "The movie format or codec is not supported" IDSX_MOVIE_CANTLOAD_UNSUPPORTED "Can't load unsupported movie format or codec:\n\n%p\n\nDouble-click to browse for a movie" //IDSX_QT_CANTFINDIMAGE="Can't find image: %p\n\nDouble-click to browse for a picture" //replace below IDSX_PICTURE_CANTFINDIMAGE "Can't find image: %p\n\nDouble-click to browse for a picture" //IDSX_QT_CANTFINDMOVIE="Can't find movie: %p\n\nDouble-click to browse for a movie" //replace below IDSX_MOVIE_CANTFINDMOVIE "Can't find movie: %p\n\nDouble-click to browse for a movie" //IDSX_QT_CANTFINDPATH_SUB="%p" //replace below IDSX_MOVIE_OR_PICTURE_CANTFINDPATH_SUB "%p" IDSX_QT_MOVIEMUTEXNAME "LoggerPro3-MovieMutex" IDSX_CANT_COPY_QT_FILE "Error trying to save the file:\n%s." IDSX_CANT_COPY_QT_FILE_SUB "%s" // Movie options dialog error messages IDSX_MOVIE_INVALID "The file you have chosen is not a valid movie file. Please choose a different file." IDSX_MOVIE_PLAYBACKRATE_BAD "Speed must be a number larger than 0. Please retype." IDSX_MOVIE_FPS_BAD "Frames per second must be larger than 0. Please re-enter the value." IDSX_MOVIE_FRAME_ADVANCE_BAD "The Frame Advance Interval must be at least 1 or greater. Change the value to continue." IDSX_MOVIE_FRAME_ADVANCE_TOO_BIG "Frame advance cannot exceed the number of frames in the movie. The movie contains %d frames." // For the top movie control IDSX_MOVIE_EXAMINE_POINT "(%x, %y)" IDSX_MOVIE_EXAMINE_POINT_SUB_X "%x" IDSX_MOVIE_EXAMINE_POINT_SUB_Y "%y" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_STOPCAPTURE "Stop Capture" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_STARTCAPTURE "Start Capture" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_INTIALIZE_CAMERA "Initialize Camera..." IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_START_STREAMING "Start" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_STOP_STREAMING "Stop" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_START_TIMELAPSE "Start Time Lapse" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_STOP_TIMELAPSE "Stop Time Lapse" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MOVIE_BASE_NAME "MovieCapture" IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_INFO2_START_CAPTURE "* Start Synchronized Capture with "Start Capture" Button" IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_INFO2_START_TIMELAPSE "* Start Synchronized Capture with "Start Timelapse" Button" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MOVIE_EXTENSION_WIN ".avi" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MOVIE_EXTENSION_MAC ".mov" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_TITLE "Video Capture" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_CAPTURE_STARTS_COLLECTION "Capture starts collection" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_INFO "Video Capture Information" IDSX_VIDOECAPTURE_STATUS "Status: %s" IDSX_VIDOECAPTURE_STATUS_SUB "%s" IDSX_VIDOECAPTURE_STATUS_WINDOWS "Status: %s (Resolution: %w x %h)" IDSX_VIDOECAPTURE_STATUS_WIDTH_SUB "%w" IDSX_VIDOECAPTURE_STATUS_HEIGHT_SUB "%h" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_STATUS_PLEASE_INIT "Camera Not Initialized" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_STATUS_INIT "Ready" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_STATUS_CAPTURE "Capturing" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_DURATION "Capture Duration: %s" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_DURATION_SUB "%s" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_DURATION_FOR_SYNC " (Capture Duration: %s)" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_DURATION_FOR_SYNC_SUB "%s" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_COLLECTION " (Synchronized with Data Collection)" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_ESTIMATED_FILE_SIZE "Estimated File Size: %s" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_ESTIMATED_FILE_SIZE_SUB "%s" IDSX_VIDEO_STATUS "%s\n\n%d\n\n%p" IDSX_VIDEO_STATUS_STATUS_SUB "%s" IDSX_VIDEO_STATUS_DURATION_SUB "%d" IDSX_VIDEO_STATUS_INFO_SUB "%i" IDSX_VIDEO_STATUS_ESTIMATED_FILE_SIZE_SUB "%p" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_CAMERA "Choose Camera" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_SOUND_SOURCE "Choose Sound Source" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_RESOLUTION "Choose Camera Resolution" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_RESOLUTION_INSTRUCTIONS "Choose a resolution for video capture. Larger resolutions require more disk space and are slower." IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_ERROR_RESOLUTION "Error getting native camera sizes" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_ERROR_SOUND "Error when setting the sound" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_ERROR_INITCAMERA "Error initializing camera" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_ERROR_FIND_CAMERA "Could not find a camera" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_ERROR_START_CAPTURE "Error starting video Capture" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MOVIE_IS_LONG_WARNING "Warning: The current settings will produce a video approximately %d. Would you like to continue?" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_MOVIE_IS_LONG_WARNING_SUB "%d" IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_BAD_DURATION "Error: The capture duration must be %d seconds or longer." IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_BAD_DURATION_SUB "%d" IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_BAD_CAPTURE_INTERVAL "Bad Capture Interval." IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_BAD_LATENCY "The adjustment to the video/data synchronization is not a valid number. Please type a number value." IDSX_DIRECTX_VERSION_ERROR "Video capture requires DirectX version 8.1 or greater please go to the URL below for more information or contact Vernier technical support." IDSX_DIRECTX_INFO_URL "http://www.vernier.com/tech/directx.html" IDSX_NO_DIRECTX_VERSION_INFO "The installed version of DirectX could not be determined. Video capture requires version 8.1 or greater, you may experience problems using video capture." IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_DATACOLLECTION_ERROR "The current data collection mode is not compatible with video capture. Only time-based data collections without trigger or repeat can be started from video capture. Please change your data collection settings or use the video capture options dialog to disable start collection on video capture." // Will be used as the base name for capturing bitmap snapshots IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_GRAB_IMAGE "Picture" // Width x height IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_X_Y "%w x %h" IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_X_Y_WIDTH_SUB "%w" IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_X_Y_HEIGHT_SUB "%h" IDSX_VIDOECAPTURE_MINIMUM_TIME_ERROR "The capture duration was less than %t seconds therefor the duration of this capture will be extended to %t seconds." IDSX_VIDOECAPTURE_MINIMUM_TIME_ERROR_SUB "%t" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_DIFFERENT_COMPRESSOR_SELECTED_WARNING "You have chosen a different compression method than the default. If you encounter unexpected or undesirable results, change the compression back to the default." IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_TROUBLE_STARTINGMOVIE "Could not start video capture. Please check hardware connections then choose \"Set Up Camera...\"." IDSX_VIDEO_CAPTURE_NOT_DURING_REPLAY "Cannot begin a Video Capture Synchronized with Data Collection while a collection is playing back. You may press Stop in the Replay window, or select Video Capture Only from the Options." IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_LATENCY_AHEAD "ahead of" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_LATENCY_BEHIND "behind" IDSX_VIDEOCAPTURE_HINTS "The Start button on the Video Capture dialog starts synchronized data collection and video capture. \n\nThe Collect button on the toolbar starts data collection only.\n\nWhen playing back a time-lapse video, increase the replay speed." IDSX_MOVIE_FRAME_COUNT "Frame: " IDSX_MOVIE_TIME "Time: " IDSX_MOVIE_POS "Pos: " IDSX_NO_DELETE_HISTOGRAM_FFT_DATASET "Data Sets created for Histograms or FFTs cannot directly be deleted. They will be removed when the Histogram or FFT graph is deleted." IDSX_NO_DELETE_HISTOGRAM_FFT_COLUMN "Columns in data sets created for Histograms or FFTs cannot directly be deleted. They will be removed when the Histogram or FFT graph is deleted." IDSX_NO_DELETE_LATEST_DATASSET "The \"Latest\" data set cannot be deleted." IDSX_TABLEEDITCELL "Edit Cell" IDSX_TABLEADDEDITCELL "Add Cell" IDSX_TABLECHANGECOLUMNWIDTH "Change Column Width" IDSX_TABLEDELETECOLUMNRANGE "Delete Cell Range" IDSX_TABLEDELETECOLUMN "Delete Cells" IDSX_TABLECLEARCOLUMNRANGE "Clear Table Cells" IDSX_TABLEEDITSPECIALKEY "Edit Special Key" IDSX_TABLETEXTEDITPASTE "Paste Text" IDSX_FITOBJECTSTOPAGE "Fit objects to Page" IDSX_OBJECTDELETED "Object Deleted" IDSX_MOVEORRESIZE "Move or Resize" IDSX_DRAGANDDROP "Drag and Drop" IDSX_ACCEPTCLIPDATA "Paste" IDSX_TEXTEDIT "Text Edit" // not user visible, just for indexing IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_ZERO "" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_TYPING "Typing" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_CUT "Cut" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_PASTE "Paste" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_CLEAR "Clear" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_DELETE "Delete" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_CHANGE_FONT "Change Font" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_CHANGE_COLOR "Change Color" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_CHANGE_SIZE "Change Size" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_CHANGE_STYLE "Change Style" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_ALIGN_LEFT "Align Left" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_ALIGN_CENTER "Align Center" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_ALIGN_RIGHT "Align Right" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_DROP "Drop" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_MOVE "Move" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_FONT_FEATURE "Font Feature" IDSX_TEXT_ACTION_FONT_VARIANT "Font Variant" // for displaying hidden datasets in the databrowser IDSX_HIDDEN " (hidden)" IDSX_DB_HEADER_NAME "Name" IDSX_DB_HEADER_UNITS "Units" IDSX_DB_HEADER_INFO "Info" // Debug IDSX_DEBUGTRACE "Debug Trace" IDSX_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION "Caught unhandled exception!" // Cartesian axis options dialog text lables IDSX_LEFT_LABEL "%&Left:" IDSX_RIGHT_LABEL "%&Right:" IDSX_MINIMUM_LABEL "%&Minimum:" IDSX_WIDTH_LABEL "%&Width:" // Object Alignment messages IDSX_ALIGNOBJECTS "Align Objects" IDSX_LOCKUNLOCK "Lock/Unlock" IDSX_DRAWPREDICTION "Draw Prediction" // Graph messages IDSX_GRAPHXMINCHANGE "Change Graph X Min" IDSX_GRAPHXMAXCHANGE "Change Graph X Max" IDSX_GRAPHAXISRANGECHANGE "Graph Axis Range Change" IDSX_GRAPHSELECTIONCHANGED "Graph Selection Changed" IDSX_HELPEROBJECTCLOSED "Close Helper Object" IDSX_GRAPHCHANGE "Graph Change" IDSX_GAUGECHANGE "Gauge Change" IDSX_THERMOMETERCHANGE "Thermometer Change" IDSX_DCUCHANGE "DCU Change" // Dialog titles for curve fit vs. model dialog IDSX_CURVE_FIT_DIALOG_TITLE "Curve Fit" IDSX_MODEL_DIALOG_TITLE "Model" // Dialog title for File Chooser dialog (used on Linux only) IDSX_CHOOSE_FILE_PROMPT "Please Choose a File" IDSX_SAVE_FILE_PROMPT "Please Choose Location to Save the File" // On Linux, some types aren't supported yet IDSX_PAGE_OBJECT_NOT_SUPPORTED "\"%s\" is not supported in this version of %APP. If you save this file, this object will be removed." IDSX_PAGE_OBJECT_NOT_SUPPORTED_SUB "%s" // Set delta instructions (dialog that pops up inside curve fit dialog) IDSX_SET_DELTA_INSTRUCTIONS "This delta controls the step size by which any coefficient is changed when using the up or down buttons." IDSX_SET_DELTA_COEFFICIENT "Coefficient %s:" IDSX_SET_DELTA_COEFFICIENT_SUB "%s" // Graph Titles and data set names IDSX_FFT "FFT" IDSX_HISTOGRAM_TITLE "Histogram" IDSX_STRIP_CHART "Strip Chart" // Animated Meter strings IDSX_FIXED_COMPONENT "Fixed Value" // Equation Name Strings IDSX_NAME_EQ1 "Proportional" IDSX_NAME_EQ2 "Linear" IDSX_NAME_EQ3 "Quadratic" IDSX_NAME_EQ4 "Cubic" IDSX_NAME_EQ5 "Quartic" IDSX_NAME_EQ6 "Quintic" IDSX_NAME_EQ7 "Power" IDSX_NAME_EQ8 "Variable Power" IDSX_NAME_EQ9 "Inverse" IDSX_NAME_EQ10 "Inverse Square" IDSX_NAME_EQ11 "Nth Inverse" IDSX_NAME_EQ12 "Natural Exponent" IDSX_NAME_EQ13 "Natural Logarithm" IDSX_NAME_EQ14 "Base-10 Exponent" IDSX_NAME_EQ15 "Base-10 Logarithm" IDSX_NAME_EQ16 "Inverse Exponent" IDSX_NAME_EQ17 "Sine" IDSX_NAME_EQ18 "Cosine Squared" IDSX_NAME_EQ19 "Normalized Gaussian" IDSX_NAME_EQ20 "Gaussian" IDSX_NAME_EQ21 "Cosine" IDSX_NAME_EQ22 "Damped Harmonic" // this does not get displayed -- it's just for loop processing IDSX_LAST_NAME_EQU "" // These must be in the same order and match the above strings IDSX_SHORT_EQ1 "Propor." IDSX_SHORT_EQ2 "Linear" IDSX_SHORT_EQ3 "Quad." IDSX_SHORT_EQ4 "Cubic" IDSX_SHORT_EQ5 "Quartic" IDSX_SHORT_EQ6 "Quintic" IDSX_SHORT_EQ7 "Power" IDSX_SHORT_EQ8 "Var. Pwr." IDSX_SHORT_EQ9 "Inverse" IDSX_SHORT_EQ10 "Inv. Sqr." IDSX_SHORT_EQ11 "Nth Inv." IDSX_SHORT_EQ12 "exp." IDSX_SHORT_EQ13 "ln" IDSX_SHORT_EQ14 "10^" IDSX_SHORT_EQ15 "log" IDSX_SHORT_EQ16 "Inv. epx." IDSX_SHORT_EQ17 "Sine" IDSX_SHORT_EQ18 "Cos Sq." IDSX_SHORT_EQ19 "NGauss" IDSX_SHORT_EQ20 "Gauss" IDSX_SHORT_EQ21 "Cosine" IDSX_FUNCTION_MODEL_DESCRIPTIONIDSX_SHORT_EQ21 "Cos" IDSX_SHORT_EQ22 "D. Harm." // this does not get displayed -- it's just for loop processing IDSX_LAST_SHORT_EQU "" // Param names for non-standard built-in functions IDSX_LINEAR_TAG_NAME1 " (Slope)" IDSX_LINEAR_TAG_NAME2 " (Y-Intercept)" IDSX_NORMGAUSSIAN_TAG_NAME1 " (Std Dev)" IDSX_NORMGAUSSIAN_TAG_NAME2 " (Mean)" // Curve fit (and linear fit) strings IDSX_DEGREE "D%&egree:" IDSX_POWER "Po%&wer:" IDSX_FIT "Fit" IDSX_NOT_ENOUGH_POINTS "Not enough points." IDSX_VERTICAL_LINE "Cannot fit to vertical line." // Unknown function IDSX_CUSTOM_FUNCTION "Custom Function" IDSX_ERROR_CALCULATING_FIT "Error Calculating Curve Fit" IDSX_BAD_FUNCTION "Cannot interpret this function string. Are you using an unknown function? Please retype." IDSX_SYNTAX_ERROR_IN_EXPRESSION "There is a syntax error in the calculation expression; you may need to retype it." IDSX_CIRCULAR_COLUMNS_IN_EXPRESSION "Using \"%s\" for a calculated column in data set \"%t\" caused a circular reference. Please retype your expression." IDSX_CIRCULAR_COLUMNS_IN_EXPRESSION_SUB1 "%s" IDSX_CIRCULAR_COLUMNS_IN_EXPRESSION_SUB2 "%t" IDSX_ERROR_IN_EXPRESSION_STRING "\"%s\" could not be resolved as either a column name, function, or user parameter. Please retype." IDSX_ERROR_IN_EXPRESSION_STRING_SUB1 "%s" IDSX_NULL_COLUMNS_IN_EXPRESSION "Error: a column name used in this column expression cannot be found. Input columns must be created before they can be used in calculation expressions." IDSX_ADD_NEW_DATASET "Add New Data Set..." // this is what displays in table cells when the number is not valid IDSX_NOT_A_NUMBER "" IDSX_Y_EQUALS "y = " // Custom defined function dialog IDSX_NON_DIFF_FUNCTION "Curve Fits cannot use the non-differentiable function %s. Please retype." IDSX_NON_DIFF_FUNCTION_SUB "%s" IDSX_NO_VARIABLE "Equation must be an equation in \"%x\"." IDSX_NO_VARIABLE_SUB "%x" IDSX_FUNCTION_FORM "f(%s)=" IDSX_FUNCTION_FORM_SUB "%s" IDSX_ANALYSIS_CIRCULAR_REF "The name \"%s\" caused a circular reference. Input columns cannot have the same name as the column you are editing." IDSX_ANALYSIS_CIRCULAR_REF_SUB "%s" // A bit of a hack -- assumes analysis IDSX_ANALYSIS_BAD_COLUMN_NAME "The equation does not have a valid column name as the first parameter. Please retype." IDSX_SPACE_EQUALS_SPACE " = " // Error strings for curve fits IDSX_CURVEFIT_DEFAULTSTATUS "Status: " IDSX_CURVEFIT_STATUS_WORKING "Status: Working" IDSX_CURVEFIT_ERROR_TOO_FEW_POINTS "Error: Please select additional points to perform curve fit." IDSX_CURVEFIT_ERROR_GENERIC "Error: Please check coefficients, data range and function type." IDSX_SIN_CURVEFIT_NYQUIST_FREQ_ERROR "The frequency for this sin fit is larger than 1/2 the sampling rate. While technically such a fit can have a small error, it is probably not the fit you had in mind.\n\nDo you wish to continue anyway?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_SET_DISTANCE_LENGTH "Could not find the proper equation to set distance or length with. You can manually edit the calculated column equation for the \"Distance\" column by double-clicking the header for that column in the table." // Time Offset // In CurveFit Helper Object IDSX_CURVEFIT_TIME_OFFSET "%x0: %v" // In Dialog IDSX_CURVEFIT_TIME_OFFSET_NO_VALUE "Time Offset" IDSX_CURVEFIT_TIME_OFFSET_VALUE "Time Offset %x0: %v %u" IDSX_CURVEFIT_TIME_OFFSET_VARIABLE "%x" IDSX_CURVEFIT_TIME_OFFSET_SUB "%v" IDSX_CURVEFIT_TIME_UNITS_SUB "%u" // Curve fit / Manual Curve Fit (model) Options Dialogs IDSX_CURVEFIT_OPTIONS_MANUAL_SHOW_ERROR_STRING "Show RMSE" IDSX_CURVEFIT_OPTIONS_AUTO_SHOW_ERROR_STRING "Show Standard Error" // When "x" or "t" is being replaced in an equation, use this to change it to "(x-x0)" or "(t-t0)" IDSX_TIME_OFFSET_T0 "0" // Error checking for calc column expression IDSX_UNMATCHED_QUOTE "Unmatched Quote: " IDSX_MISMATCHED_PAREN "Mismatched parentheses: " // is not a valid... IDSX_INVALID_COLUMN_NAME "\"%s\" is not a valid column name or constant. Please retype." IDSX_INVALID_COLUMN_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_TOO_MANY_COEFFICIENTS "Function has too many coefficients. The maximum number is 32." IDSX_EXPRESSION_IS_EMPTY "Please type an expression." IDSX_FUNCTION_SHOULD_NOT_HAVE_QUOTES "Custom curve fit functions should not have quotation marks." IDSX_FUNCTION_MISSING_COEFFICIENTS "Function is missing coefficients." IDSX_PARSE_TOKEN_ERROR "Error with token \"%s\" while parsing the equation. " IDSX_PARSE_TOKEN_ERROR_SUB "%s" IDSX_PARSE_TOKEN_ERROR_MISSING_ARG "Function cannot be parsed because there is an incorrect number of arguments in function, the function name is not recognized, or a column name referenced is not in the current data set." IDSX_PARSE_FUNCTION_SYNTAX "Syntax: " IDSX_PARSE_FUNCTION_ERROR "The error occurred while processing the function \"%s\"." IDSX_PARSE_FUNCTION_ERROR_SUB "%s" IDSX_NOTHING_TO_PARSE "No calculation will be performed. Please retype expression." IDSX_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_BE_REAL "The %n argument for \"%s\" should be a real number (not a column)." IDSX_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_BE_INTEGER "The %n argument for \"%s\" should be an integer whole number (not a column or real number)." IDSX_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_BE_POSITIVE_INTEGER "The %n argument for \"%s\" should be an integer whole number greater than zero (not a column or real number)." IDSX_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_BE_COLUMN "The %n argument for \"%s\" should be a column (not a real number)." IDSX_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_BE_POSITIVE "The %n argument for \"%s\" should be a number larger than zero." IDSX_ARGUMENT_CANNOT_BE_NEGATIVE "The %n argument for \"%s\" should be a number larger than or equal to zero." IDSX_ARGUMENT_CANNOT_BE_ZERO "The %n argument for \"%s\" cannot be zero." IDSX_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_BE_ZERO_OR_ONE "The %n argument for \"%s\" must be zero or one." IDSX_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_BE_ONE_OR_TWO "The %n argument for \"%s\" must be \"1\" or \"2\"." IDSX_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_BE_ONE_TWO_OR_THREE "The %n argument for \"%s\" must be \"1\", \"2\", or \"3\"." IDSX_BAD_COLUMN_NAME "The %n argument in \"%s\" must be a valid column name." // sub for which wrong argument IDSX_WRONG_ARGUMENT_NUMBER_SUB "%n" // sub for above wrong arguments IDSX_WRONG_ARGUMENT_SUB "%s" IDSX_EVALUATION_ERROR "Error evaluating expression. Please retype." // the following must be in increasing order IDSX_FIRST "first" // odd name to not conflict with time unit IDSX_SECOND_NUM "second" IDSX_THIRD "third" IDSX_FOURTH "fourth" IDSX_FIFTH "fifth" IDSX_SIXTH "sixth" IDSX_SEVENTH "seventh" IDSX_EIGHTH "eighth" IDSX_NINTH "ninth" // Meter Options (Gauge and Thermometer and Digital meter) IDSX_WARNING_BADMINMAX "Min must be smaller than Max. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_BADLEFTRIGHT "\"Left\" cannot be equal to \"Right\". Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_BAD_LOG_VALUE_LEFT "Log Gauges cannot have \"Left\" value less than 1.0. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_BAD_LOG_VALUE_RIGHT "Log Gauges cannot have \"Right\" value less than 1.0. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_INVALIDMIN "\"Left\" setting is invalid. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_INVALIDMAX "\"Right\" setting is invalid. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_INVALIDHMIN "\"Horizontal Min\" setting is invalid. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_INVALIDHMAX "\"Horizontal Max\" setting is invalid. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_INVALIDVMIN "\"Vertical Min\" setting is invalid. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_INVALIDVMAX "\"Vertical Max\" setting is invalid. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_INVALID_NUMBER "Please enter an integer for the interval." IDSX_THERMOMETER_WARNING_INVALIDMIN "\"Bottom\" setting is invalid. Please type a new value." IDSX_THERMOMETER_WARNING_INVALIDMAX "\"Top\" setting is invalid. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_BAD_LOG_VALUE_BOTTOM "Log Thermometers cannot have \"Bottom\" value less than 1.0. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_BAD_LOG_VALUE_TOP "Log Thermometers cannot have \"Top\" value less than 1.0. Please type a new value." IDSX_WARNING_BADTOPBOTTOM "\"Bottom\" cannot be equal to \"Top\". Please type a new value." // used in Windows file open dialog IDSX_OPEN_AS_TEMPLATE "Open as Template" IDSX_ERROR_FILE_COULD_NOT_BE_WRITTEN "%s is not a writable file or access is denied; please choose another name or location." IDSX_ERROR_FILE_COULD_NOT_BE_WRITTEN_SUB "%s" // Menu text for File:Settings For // append filename IDSX_FILE_SETTINGS_MENU_TEXT "Settings %&For " // Menu text for File:Print Graph(s) IDSX_PRINT_GRAPH_SINGLE "Print Graph..." IDSX_PRINT_GRAPH_MULTIPLE "Print Graphs..." // Mac-specific strings IDSX_NO_PORTS_FOUND "The list of available ports is currently empty. If you are using USB, please test the connection to the device and, if applicable, the power to the device or hub." IDSX_MAC_NO_SUPPORT_FOLDER_MSG "Folder Permissions Warning. Could not find a suitable Applications Support folder in which to store temporary items. This may result in some features not working correctly. Please contact your System Administrator or repair permissions on your drive." IDSX_MAC_FILESYSTEM_PERMISSIONS_REALLY_BAD "Could not create folder. The folder \"%s\" could not be created. Please contact your Network Administrator or perform repair permissions on your drive." // TODO - consolidate these URL error messages IDSX_OPEN_URL_ERROR "Unable to open the URL: \"$SUB\". You may attempt to enter the URL directly into your web browser." IDSX_OPEN_URL_ERROR_SUB "$SUB" // Windows URL not found error IDSX_URL_NOT_FOUND "%u not found. (Error: %e)." IDSX_URL_NOT_FOUND_URL_SUB "%u" IDSX_URL_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_SUB "%e" // Windows USB Driver Strings IDSX_WINDRIVER_FAILED_OPEN "USB Driver failed to open." IDSX_WINDRIVER_VER_BAD "Bad version of USB driver." IDSX_WINDRIVER_DEVICE_BAD "Could not open USB device." // Windows Help Menu (can't be in resources!) IDSX_HELP_MENU "%&Help" // MacOS Error Messages IDSX_NO_DEFAULT_PRINTER "No default printer has been set up. Please create a default printer and try printing again." IDSX_UNKNOWN_PRINTER_ERROR "An unknown error occurred while trying to print: %e" IDSX_UNKNOWN_PRINTER_ERROR_SUB "%e" // Draw Prediction IDSX_DRAW_PREDICTION "Draw Prediction" IDSX_PREDICTION_DATASET "Predictions" IDSX_PREDICTION_LONG_NAME "Prediction" IDSX_PREDICTION_SHORT_NAME "Pred." // Graph Matching IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_DATASET "Graph Matching" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH "Graph Match" IDSX_GENERATE_GRAPH_MATCH "Generate Graph Match" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_LONG_CALCULATION_WARNING "This graph may take a very long time to generate. Do you want to continue?" IDSX_MUST_CHECK_A_GRAPH_MATCH_GRAPH_TYPE "You must select at least one graph match graph type." IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_SECTIONS_AUTOMATIC "Automatic" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_SECTIONS_1 "1" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_SECTIONS_2 "2" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_SECTIONS_3 "3" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_SECTIONS_4 "4" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_SECTIONS_LAST "" // Start/Stop button (Replay) IDSX_START "Start" IDSX_STOP "Stop" IDSX_CANT_REPLAY_DATASET "The data set \"%d\" cannot be replayed because it is empty." IDSX_CANT_REPLAY_TEXT_DATASET "The data set \"%d\" cannot be replayed because it has no valid numeric data." IDSX_CANT_REPLAY_DATASET_SUB "%d" IDSX_REPLAY_PAUSE "%&Pause" IDSX_REPLAY_RESUME "%&Resume" // Time (For Column names etc.) IDSX_TIME "Time" IDSX_SHORT_TIME "t" // None (for movie synch dialog) IDSX_NONE "None" // Data IDSX_DATA "Data" IDSX_SHORT_DATA "D" // For windows help file name and location -- these should change if and only if the name and location of the file changes Change the help file name in the application specific file. IDSX_HELP_FOLDER_NAME "Help" // These should be MBL strings but are in common code IDSX_WAITING_FOR_TRIGGER_OR_DATA "Waiting for trigger or data..." IDSX_WAITING_FOR_KEYBOARD_TRIGGER "Waiting for keyboard trigger..." IDSX_WAITING_FOR_DATA "Waiting for data..." // title for most recent data set collected IDSX_LATEST "Latest" // For "Assert" (note mailto must escape linefeeds and commas etc. to conform to RFC 2368. // Spaces are escaped programatically. JK 05/22/06) IDSX_ASSERT_MESSAGE "Internal Application Error. " IDSX_ASSERT_INFO "In source file:\n %f\nfunction:\n%g\nline: %l\n\nTestingInfo:\n%i\n\nClick the button below to send the details to Vernier.\nThe program will now exit.\n" IDSX_ASSERT_TEMPLATE_NAME "BugReport.html" IDSX_ASSERT_DATA_FORMAT " Error at: %f\n Line: %l\n Application Version: %a\n Operating System: %o\n LabPro OS: %j\n Additional Testing Information: %i\n Stack Trace:\n%t \n Debug Trace: \n%d" IDSX_ASSERT_FILE_SUB "%f" IDSX_ASSERT_FUNCTION_SUB "%g" IDSX_ASSERT_LINE_SUB "%l" IDSX_ASSERT_APP_SUB "%a" IDSX_ASSERT_OS_SUB "%o" IDSX_ASSERT_JUNGO_SUB "%j" IDSX_ASSERT_TESTINGINFO_SUB "%i" IDSX_ASSERT_STACKTRACE_SUB "%t" IDSX_ASSERT_DEBUGTRACE_SUB "%d" IDSX_NON_FATAL_APP_ERROR_TITLE "Application Error" IDSX_NON_FATAL_APP_ERROR_EMAIL_VST "Send Error Report to Vernier" // This is replaced on Windows with "OK" and on Mac with "Done". Recommended that we deprecate IDSX_OK_DONE_SUB as it's only used 1 place. JK 20091208. IDSX_OK_DONE_SUB "%OK" IDSX_OK_REPLACEMENT "\"OK\"" IDSX_DONE_REPLACEMENT "\"Done\"" // For progress monitor IDSX_TIME_REMAINING "Time Remaining: About %t %u" IDSX_TIME_REMAINING_TIME_SUB "%t" IDSX_TIME_REMAINING_UNITS_SUB "%u" IDSX_TIME_REMAINING_LESS_THAN_5 "Time Remaining: Less than 5 seconds" IDSX_TIME_REMAINING_UNKNOWN "Time Remaining: Calculating..." IDSX_MAC_USB_CLASSICXCONFLICT_WARNING_PART1 "WARNING: your classic System Folder contains a copy of the LabProUSB extension for MacOS 9. If the Classic environment is running, this can interfere with proper USB communication under MacOS X.\r\r" IDSX_MAC_USB_CLASSICXCONFLICT_WARNING_PART2 "You will need to make sure the Classic environment is not running before trying to collect data. You can do this in the System Preferences application.\r\r" IDSX_MAC_USB_CLASSICXCONFLICT_WARNING_PART3 "You may also disable the classic LabProUSB driver by moving it to another location, such as System Folder:Extensions (Disabled).\r\r" IDSX_MAC_USB_CLASSICXCONFLICT_QUESTION "Would you like me to disable this extension for you?" IDSX_MAC_USB_REMOVECLASSICEXTENSIONFAILED "This application could not remove the LabProUSB extension; it may be in use." // Display in helper objects when collecting IDSX_WAITING "Waiting..." // Message in storage panel of calibration dialog (defined here so that "Done"/"OK" can be processed properly) IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORAGE_OKAY_DONE_SUB "%DONE_OK" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORAGE_INFO "Press %DONE_OK to write changes to sensor, or press \"Cancel\" to discard all changes." // Message in File New IDSX_STOP_COLLECTION_FILENEW "Cannot open new file while collecting data. Stop collecting?" IDSX_STOP_COLLECTION_FILEOPEN "Cannot open file while collecting data. Stop collecting?" IDSX_MAC_VOLUME_WARNING "The volume containing the file %f must be mounted before the file can be used." IDSX_MAC_VOLUME_WARNING_SUB "%f" IDSX_MAC_DISK_FULL_WARNING "Could not create file: the disk is full." IDSX_MAC_FILE_CREATE_ERROR "Could not create file: error code %e was returned by the system." IDSX_MAC_FILE_CREATE_ERROR_SUB "%e" // Tabbed text headers IDSX_GA_TABBED_TEXT_HEADER "Graphical Analysis Column Data:" IDSX_LP_TABBED_TEXT_HEADER "Logger Pro Column Data:" // File Open Progress Monitor IDSX_FILE_OPEN "Opening File %s:" IDSX_FILE_OPEN_SUB "%s" IDSX_FILE_OPEN_SUBSTRING "Reading Tag %s..." IDSX_FILE_OPEN_SUBSTRING_SUB "%s" // For log file message boxes IDSX_OPENING_LOGFILE "Opening Log File: %s." IDSX_CLOSING_LOGFILE "Closing Log File." IDSX_OPENING_LOGFILE_SUB "%s" // Axis Tooltips IDSX_AXIS_TOOLTIP_STRETCH_MIN_CONSTANT "Click and drag to stretch axis with min value held constant" IDSX_AXIS_TOOLTIP_SCROLL "Click and drag to scroll values" IDSX_AXIS_TOOLTIP_STRETCH_MAX_CONSTANT "Click and drag to stretch axis with max value held constant" IDSX_AXIS_TOOLTIP_EDIT_MIN "Click to edit the min value" IDSX_AXIS_TOOLTIP_EDIT_MAX "Click to edit the max value" // Graph Tool tips IDSX_GRAPH_TOOLTIP_X_LABEL "Click to choose X column" IDSX_GRAPH_TOOLTIP_Y_LABEL "Click to choose Y column" IDSX_GRAPH_TOOLTIP_MINBRACKET "Click and drag to reset min helper range" IDSX_GRAPH_TOOLTIP_MAXBRACKET "Click and drag to reset max helper range" IDSX_GRAPH_TOOLTIP_MINBRACKET_WITH_HELPER "Click and drag to reset min range for \"%s\"" IDSX_GRAPH_TOOLTIP_MAXBRACKET_WITH_HELPER "Click and drag to reset max range for \"%s\"" IDSX_GRAPH_TOOLTIP_BRACKET_WITH_HELPER_SUB "%s" // Movie Tool tips -- These must be in the same order as the buttons IDSX_MOVIE_PLAY "Play" IDSX_MOVIE_STOP "Stop" IDSX_MOVIE_REWIND "Rewind" IDSX_MOVIE_PREV "Previous frame" IDSX_MOVIE_NEXT "Next frame" IDSX_MOVIE_SLIDER "Choose frame" IDSX_MOVIE_SYNC "Sync movie to graph" IDSX_MOVIE_VA "Enable/Disable video analysis" // Video Analysis ToolTips -- These must be in the same order as the buttons IDSX_MOVIE_START_TOOLTIP "" IDSX_MOVIE_SELECT "Select Point" IDSX_MOVIE_ADDPOINTS "Add Point" IDSX_MOVIE_SETORIGIN "Set Origin" IDSX_MOVIE_SETSCALE "Set Scale" IDSX_MOVIE_PHOTODISTANCE "Photo Distance" IDSX_MOVIE_TOGGELACTIVEPT "Set Active Point" IDSX_MOVIE_SEPARATOR "" IDSX_MOVIE_TOGGLETRAILS "Toggle Trails" IDSX_MOVIE_SHOWAXIS "Show Origin" IDSX_MOVIE_SHOWSCALE "Show Scale" // Picture Analysis ToolTips -- These must be in the same order as the buttons IDSX_PICTURE_START_TOOLTIP "" IDSX_PICTURE_SELECT "Select Point" IDSX_PICTURE_ADDPOINTS "Add Point" IDSX_PICTURE_SETORIGIN "Set Origin" IDSX_PICTURE_SETSCALE "Set Scale" IDSX_PICTURE_PHOTODISTANCE "Photo Distance" IDSX_PICTURE_TOGGELACTIVEPT "Set Active Point" IDSX_PICTURE_SEPARATOR "" IDSX_PICTURE_SHOWAXIS "Show Origin" IDSX_PICTURE_SHOWSCALE "Show Scale" // Top Movie Controller ToolTips -- thsee must be in the same order as the buttons IDSX_MOVIE_FRAME_COUNT_TOOLTIP "Time" IDSX_MOVIE_EXAMINE_POSITION_TOOLTIP "Mouse Position" IDSX_MOVIE_TIME_TOOLTIP "Frame Number" IDSX_MOVIE_STATUS_TOOLTIP "Status" // Video Analysis Gel Tooltips IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_START_TOOLTIP "" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_SETORIGIN "Set Origin" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_SETSCALE "Set Scale" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_SET_STANDARD "Set Standard Ladder" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_ADD_LANE "Add Lane" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_SELECT "Select Point" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_PHOTODISTANCE "Photo Distance" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_SEPARATOR2 "" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_SHOWAXIS "Show Origin" IDSX_MOVIE_GEL_SHOWSCALE "Show Scale" // Table Tool Tips IDSX_TABLE_DATASETNAME "Double-click for Data Set options" IDSX_TABLE_COLUMNNAME "Double-click for Column options" IDSX_TABLE_COLUMNBORDER "Click and drag to change column width" IDSX_TABLE_ROWNUMBER "Click to select row" IDSX_TABLE_CELLINTERIOR "Edit cell" IDSX_TABLE_COLUMNNAME_EQUATION "Double-click for Column options. Equation = %e" IDSX_TABLE_COLUMNNAME_EQUATION_SUB "%e" IDSX_TABLE_MAX_BUTTON_TIP "Click to expand the Table view" IDSX_TABLE_RESTORE_BUTTON_TIP "Click to restore the normal Table size" IDSX_TABLE_MAX_BUTTON_DISABLED_TIP "Table view is already optimal" // Constant (Parameter) Tool Tips IDSX_CONSTANT_TOOLTIP_SPINUP "Increase value" IDSX_CONSTANT_TOOLTIP_SPINDOWN "Decrease value" IDSX_CONSTANT_CONSTANT "Parameter" IDSX_CONSTANT_VALUE "Value" // Message for "hiiden command" IDSX_CLEARING_AUTOCREATED_FLAG "Clearing Autocreation flags on all selected objects." // Information displayed in the movie synchronization dialog IDSX_SYNCMOVIE "The movie has been stopped at the time shown below as \"movie time\". To synchronize this movie with replay of collected data select the data set and enter the data set time point that corresponds to this movie time point." // Version error string -- the version number is stored in the file version.dat IDSX_VERSION_ERROR "Could not find the version file \"%s\". Please reinstall." IDSX_VERSION_ERROR_SUB "%s" //TI SilverLink error messages IDSX_SILVERLINK_ERROR_OPENFAIL "Windows failed to open TI SilverLink when commanded. The port may be in use by another application." IDSX_SILVERLINK_ERROR_SETUPFAIL "Windows failed to setup the TI SilverLink COM port when commanded. The port may be defective or it may be in use by another application." IDSX_SILVERLINK_ERROR_READ "The TI SilverLink failed on a ReadFile command." IDSX_SILVERLINK_ERROR_SEQUENCE "The TI SilverLink was issued a setup command out of sequence." IDSX_SILVERLINK_ERROR_READTIMEOUT "Time expired while waiting for data from the TI SilverLink." IDSX_SILVERLINK_ERROR_WRITE "The TI SilverLInk failed on a WriteFile command." // Most Recently Used File defaults -- the "\\" are replaced by system-specific separators (e.g. ":" on Mac) IDSX_MRU1 "Experiments\\Tutorials\\01 Getting Started.xmbl" IDSX_MRU2 "Experiments\\Tutorials\\02 Temperature Measurement.xmbl" IDSX_MRU3 "Experiments\\Tutorials\\03 Events With Entry.xmbl" IDSX_MRU4 "Experiments\\Tutorials\\04 Motion Measurement.xmbl" // This "-" is passed to the AddStrings popup code and, on Windows, is replaced with the longer separator below. On Mac,the replacement is done automatically IDSX_MENU_SEPARATOR "-" IDSX_MENU_SEPARATOR_STRING "------------" // THESE are the MenuItem Name strings for the new dynamic menus IDSX_MENU_FILE "%&File" IDSX_MENU_FILE_NEW "%&New" IDSX_MENU_FILE_OPEN "%&Open..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_OPEN_RECENT "Open Re%¢" // this string is actually set at runtime IDSX_MENU_FILE_OPEN_RECENT1 "Open Recent1 (dummy)" IDSX_MENU_FILE_CLOSE "Close" IDSX_MENU_FILE_SAVE "%&Save" IDSX_MENU_FILE_SAVEAS "Save %&As..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_REMOTE_SAVEAS "Remote Save As..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_REMOTE_SAVEAS_LAB_ARCHIVES "LabArchives..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_REMOTE_SAVEAS_GOOGLE_DRIVE "Google Drive..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_LABQUEST_BROWSER "LabQuest %&Browser" IDSX_MENU_FILE_LABQUEST_BROWSER_OPEN "%&Open..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_LABQUEST_BROWSER_SAVE "%&Save..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_LABQUEST_BROWSER_SAVEAS "Save %&As..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_LABQUEST_BROWSER_DELETE "%&Delete..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_LABQUEST_BROWSER_IMPORT "%&Import..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_IMPORT "%&Import From" IDSX_MENU_FILE_IMPORT_TI "%&TI Device..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_IMPORT_LABPRO "%&LabPro..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_IMPORT_TEXTFILE "Te%&xt File..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_IMPORT_CSV "%&CSV..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_IMPORT_DATAPRO "%&Data Pro..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_IMPORT_LOGGERPRO "Logger Pro %&File..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_IMPORT_VERNIERFILE "Vernier %&File..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_EXPORT "%&Export As" IDSX_MENU_FILE_EXPORT_TEXT "Te%&xt..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_EXPORT_GIS "%&GIS Format..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_EXPORT_GOOGLE_MAPS "Google %&Map..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_EXPORT_PLOTLY "Plotly" IDSX_MENU_FILE_EXPORT_CSV "%&CSV..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_PAGE_SETUP "Page Set%&up..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_PRINT_OPTIONS "Prin%&ting Options..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW "Print Pre%&view..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_PRINT "%&Print..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_PRINT_DATATABLE "Print %&Data Table... " IDSX_MENU_FILE_PRINT_GRAPH "Print %&Graph..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_PREFERENCES "P%&references..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_SETTINGS "Settings %&For ..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY "Accessibilit%&y" IDSX_MENU_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS "%&Settings..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY_START_AUDIO_GRAPHS "Start %&Audio Trace Graph" IDSX_MENU_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY_STOP_AUDIO_GRAPHS "Stop Audio Trace %&Graph" IDSX_MENU_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY_TIMER "%&Timer..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY_EMBOSS_GRAPH "%&Emboss Graph..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY_EMBOSSING_OPTIONS "Embossing %&Options..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_DATA_SERVICES "Data S%&haring..." IDSX_MENU_FILE_MRU1 "MRU1" IDSX_MENU_FILE_MRU2 "MRU2" IDSX_MENU_FILE_MRU3 "MRU3" IDSX_MENU_FILE_MRU4 "MRU4" IDSX_MENU_FILE_EXIT "E%&xit" IDSX_MENU_EDIT "%&Edit" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_UNDO "%&Undo" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_REDO "%&Redo" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_CUT "Cu%&t" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_COPY "%&Copy" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_DUPLICATE "%&Duplicate" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_PASTE "%&Paste" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_CLEAR_CELLS "C%&lear" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_DELETE "D%&elete" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_SELECT_ALL "%&Select All" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_SELECT_NEXT "Select %&Next" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_SELECT_PREVIOUS "Select Pre%&vious" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_STRIKE_THROUGH "Str%&ike Through Data Cells" IDSX_MENU_EDIT_RESTORE_DATA_CELLS "Rest%&ore Data Cells" IDSX_MENU_DATA "%&Data" IDSX_MENU_DATA_BROWSER "Data %&Browser" IDSX_MENU_DATA_NEW_DATASET "%&New Data Set" IDSX_MENU_DATA_SHOW_DATASET "%&Show Data Set" IDSX_MENU_DATA_SHOW_DATASET1 "DataSet1" IDSX_MENU_DATA_HIDE_DATASET "%&Hide Data Set" IDSX_MENU_DATA_HIDE_DATASET1 "DataSet1" IDSX_MENU_DATA_DATASET_OPTIONS "Data Set O%&ptions" // This string set at runtime IDSX_MENU_DATA_OPTIONS_DATASET1 "DataSet1" IDSX_MENU_DATA_SORT_DATASET "So%&rt Data Set" // This string set at runtime IDSX_MENU_DATA_SORT_DATASET1 "DataSet1" IDSX_MENU_DATA_DELETE_DATASET "%&Delete Data Set" IDSX_MENU_DATA_NO_DATASET "No Data Sets Can Be Deleted" IDSX_MENU_DATA_NEW_MANUAL_COLUMN "New %&Manual Column..." IDSX_MENU_DATA_NEW_CALC_COLUMN "New C%&alculated Column..." IDSX_MENU_DATA_EDIT_MATH_CONSTANTS "%&User Parameters..." IDSX_MENU_DATA_GRAPH_MATCH "%&Graph Matching" IDSX_MENU_DATA_COLUMN_OPTIONS "Column %&Options" IDSX_MENU_DATA_NO_COLUMNS "No Columns" IDSX_MENU_DATA_DELETE_COLUMN "Delete Co%&lumn" IDSX_MENU_DATA_NO_COLUMNS_TO_DELETE "No Columns To Delete" IDSX_MENU_DATA_CLEAR_ALL_DATA "Cl%&ear All Data" // Anaylze menu strings IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE "%&Analyze" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_REPLAY "Repl%&ay..." IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_REPLAY_LATEST "Repla%&y Latest" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_EXAMINE "%&Examine" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_INTERPOLATE "Inte%&rpolate" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_TANGENT "%&Tangent" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_INTEGRAL "I%&ntegral" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_INTEGRAL_ADVANCED "Pea%&k Integration..." IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_STATISTICS "%&Statistics" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_LINEAR_FIT "%&Linear Fit" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_CURVE_FIT "%&Curve Fit..." IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_MODEL "%&Model..." IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_INTERPCALC "Inter%&polation Calculator" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_LEGEND "Le%&gend" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_ZOOM_GRAPH_IN "Zoom Graph %&In" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_ZOOM_GRAPH_OUT "Zoom Graph %&Out" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_AUTOSCALE "A%&utoscale" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_AUTOSCALE_FROM_ZERO "Autoscale From %&0" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_DRAW_PREDICTION "%&Draw Prediction" IDSX_MENU_ANALYZE_GRAPH_MATCH "Grap%&h Match " // Insert menu strings IDSX_MENU_INSERT "%&Insert" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_GRAPH "%&Graph" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_ADD_GRAPHS "%&Additional Graphs" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_HISTOGRAM "%&Histogram" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_FFT "%&FFT Graph" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_STRIPCHART "%&Strip Chart" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_TABLE "%&Table" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_MOVIE "Mo%&vie..." IDSX_MENU_INSERT_PICTURE_POPUP "%&Picture" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_PICTURE "%&Picture Only..." IDSX_MENU_INSERT_PICTURE_STD_ANALYSIS "Picture with Photo %&Analysis..." IDSX_MENU_INSERT_METER "%&Meter" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_DIGITAL_METER "%&Digital Meter" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_THERM "%&Thermometer" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_GAUGE "%&Gauge" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_ANIMATED_METER "%&Animated Display" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_CONSTANT "Parameter %&Control" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_TEXT "Te%&xt" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_TEXT_ANNOTATION "Text A%&nnotation" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_RECTANGLE "%&Rectangle" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_OVAL "%&Oval" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_VIDEO_CAPTURE "Vi%&deo Capture..." IDSX_MENU_INSERT_GEL_POPUP "Gel Anal%&ysis" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_GEL_PHOTO "%&Take Photo..." IDSX_MENU_INSERT_GEL_FILE "From %&File..." // options menu items IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS "%&Options" IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_GRAPH "%&Graph Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_ADDITIONAL_GRAPH "A%&dditional Graph Options" IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_HISTOGRAM "%&Histogram Options... " IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_FFT "%&FFT Graph Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_STRIPCHART "%&Strip Chart Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_TABLE "T%&able Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_MOVIE "Mo%&vie Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_PICTURE "%&Picture Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_METER "%&Meter Options" IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_DIGITAL_METER "%&Digital Meter Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_THERMOMETER "%&Thermometer Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_GAUGE "%&Gauge Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_ANIMATEDMETER "%&Animated Display Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_CONSTANT "Parameter %&Control Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_TEXT "Te%&xt Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_TEXT_OPTIONS "Te%&xt Options..." IDSX_MENU_TEXT_STYLE "St%&yle" IDSX_MENU_BOLD_TEXT "%&Bold" IDSX_MENU_ITALIC_TEXT "%&Italic" IDSX_MENU_UNDERLINE_TEXT "%&Underline" IDSX_MENU_FONTCOLOR_TEXT "Text Colo%&r..." IDSX_MENU_FONTSIZE_TEXT "Te%&xt Size" //this string set at runtime IDSX_MENU_FONTSIZE_SIZE1 "Size 1" IDSX_MENU_FONTSIZE_BIGGER "%&Bigger" IDSX_MENU_FONTSIZE_SMALLER "%&Smaller" IDSX_MENU_INSERT_CHARACTER_TEXT "Insert Ch%&aracter" //this string set at runtime IDSX_MENU_INSERT_CHARACTER_CHARACTER1 "Character 1" IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_TEXT_ANNOTATION "Text A%&nnotation Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_RECTANGLE "%&Rectangle Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_OVAL "%&Oval Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_ADDITIONAL_OBJECTS "Addi%&tional Object Options" IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_EXAMINE "%&Examine Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_INTEGRAL "%&Integral Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_GCPEAKINTEGRALSUMMARY "GC Peak Integrals Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_STATISTICS "%&Statistics Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_LINEAR_FIT "%&Linear Fit Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_CURVE_FIT "%&Curve Fit Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_EVENT_MARKER "Data %&Mark Options.." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_EVENT_MARKER_GA "Data %&Tag Options.." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_LEGEND "Le%&gend Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_PHOTODISTANCE "Photo %&Distance Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_ARROWHEAD "P%&ointer Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_INTERPCALC "I%&nterpolation Calculator Options..." IDSX_MENU_OPTIONS_SHOW_HELPERS "%&Reveal Hidden Objects" // Page Menu Strings IDSX_MENU_PAGE "%&Page" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_PREVIOUS "%&Previous Page" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_NEXT "%&Next Page" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_GOTO_PAGE "Go %&To Page" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ONE "Page1" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ADD_PAGE "%&Add Page..." IDSX_MENU_PAGE_DELETE_PAGE "%&Delete Page" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_OPTIONS "Page %&Options..." IDSX_MENU_PAGE_GROUP_GRAPHS "%&Group Graphs (X-Axes)" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_GROUP_THERMOMETER "Group Objects with Common %&Y-Axes" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_UNGROUP_GRAPHS "%&Ungroup" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ALIGN_OBJECTS "Al%&ign Objects" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ALIGN_TOP "Align %&Top" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ALIGN_LEFT "Align %&Left" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ALIGN_RIGHT "Align %&Right" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ALIGN_BOTTOM "Align %&Bottom" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL "Align Hori%&zontal Centers" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_ALIGN_VERTICAL "Align %&Vertical Centers" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_SPACE_ACROSS "Space Evenly %&Across" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_SPACE_DOWN "Space Evenly %&Down" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_SAME_WIDTH "Make %&Width Same" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_SAME_HEIGHT "Make %&Height Same" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_LAYER_OBJECTS "La%&yer Objects" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_MOVE_FRONT "Move To %&Front" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_MOVE_FORWARD "Move F%&orward" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_MOVE_BACKWARD "Move B%&ackward" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_MOVE_BACK "Move To %&Back" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_LOCK_OBJECTS "Lo%&ck Objects" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_UNLOCK_OBJECTS "Unlock O%&bjects" IDSX_MENU_PAGE_AUTO_ARRANGE "Auto A%&rrange" // help menu strings IDSX_MENU_HELP "%&Help" IDSX_MENU_HELP_HELP "%APP %&Help..." IDSX_MENU_HELP_TIPS "%APP %&Tips..." IDSX_MENU_HELP_ABOUT "%&About %APP..." IDSX_MENU_HELP_ABOUT_VERNIER "About %&Vernier Software %&& Technology..." // debug menu strings IDSX_MENU_DEBUG "Debug" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_TRACE "Debug Trace" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_ASSERT "Debug Assert" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_TOGGLE_LOG "Open/Close Logfile" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_UNPROTECTED_PASTE "Unprotected Paste" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_FORCE_UPDATE "Force OS Update" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_TEST1 "Test 1" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_STATIONERY "Save As Stationery" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_CLEARAUTOCREATED "Clear Autocreated Flag" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_GET_LABPRO_4BEEP "Display LabPro Error from Status" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_FORCE_GRAPH_SIZE "Force Graph Size" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_JAWS "JAWS support (hidden list)" IDSX_MENU_DEBUG_LQ_TERMINAL "LQ Terminal" // some strings used in menus as place holders or default strings when no datasets or columns are available IDSX_MENU_NO_ITEM "None" // Right Mouse button context menus IDSX_RMB_TABLE "Table" IDSX_RMB_PAGE "%&Page" IDSX_RMB_OVAL "Oval" IDSX_RMB_RECTANGLE "Rectangle" IDSX_RMB_TEXT "Text" IDSX_RMB_CONSTANT "Parameter Control" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_LEGEND "Helper Legend" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_PHOTODISTANCE "Photo Distance" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_STATISTICS "Statistics" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_INTEGRAL "Integral" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_INTERPCALC "Interpolation Calculator" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_LINEARFIT "Linear Fit" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_CURVEFIT "Curve Fit" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_EXAMINE "Examine" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_EVENT_MARKER "Data Marker" IDSX_RMB_PICTURE "Picture" IDSX_RMB_METER "Digital Meter" IDSX_RMB_TEXT_ANNOTATION "Text Annotation" IDSX_RMB_MOVIE "Movie" IDSX_RMB_ARROWHEAD "Pointer" IDSX_RMB_GAUGE "Gauge" IDSX_RMB_THERMOMETER "Thermometer" IDSX_RMB_GRAPH_CARTESIAN "Cartesian Graph" IDSX_RMB_GRAPH_HISTOGRAM "Histogram Graph" IDSX_RMB_GRAPH_FFT "FFT Graph" IDSX_RMB_DATA_BROWSER "%&Data Browser" IDSX_RMB_DATA_BROWSER_DATASET "DataBrowser Data Set" IDSX_RMB_DATA_BROWSER_COLUMN "DataBrowser Column" IDSX_RMB_ANIMATEDMETER "Animated Display" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_GCPEAKSUMMARY "GC Peak Summary" IDSX_RMB_HELPER_GCPEAKINTEGRAL "GC Peak" IDSX_CONTEXT_HELP_STRING "Help" IDSX_TEMPTOOLTIP "Temp Tool Tip" //Labels For the Toolbar IDSX_TB_FILE_NEW_LABEL "New" IDSX_TB_FILE_OPEN_LABEL "Open" IDSX_TB_FILE_SAVE_LABEL "Save" IDSX_TB_FILE_PRINT_LABEL "Print" IDSX_TB_STORE_LATEST_LABEL "Store" IDSX_TB_PAGES_LABEL "Pages" IDSX_TB_AUTOSCALE_LABEL "Scale" IDSX_TB_EXAMINE_LABEL "Examine" IDSX_TB_STATISTICS_LABEL "Stats" IDSX_TB_PREDICTION_LABEL "Predict" IDSX_TB_SWITCH_LABEL "Switch" IDSX_TB_ZERO_LABEL "Zero" IDSX_TB_GRAPH_MATCH_LABEL "Match" IDSX_TB_COLLECT_LABEL "Collect" IDSX_TB_STOP_LABEL " Stop " IDSX_TB_PREV_PAGE_LABEL "Previous" IDSX_TB_NEXT_PAGE_LABEL "Next" IDSX_TB_DATA_BROWSER_LABEL "Data Browser" IDSX_TB_TI_IMPORT_LABEL "TI Import" IDSX_TB_ZOOM_IN_LABEL "Zoom In" IDSX_TB_ZOOM_OUT_LABEL "Zoom Out" IDSX_TB_TANGENT_LABEL "Tangent" IDSX_TB_INTEGRAL_LABEL "Integral Fit" IDSX_TB_LINEAR_FIT_LABEL "Linear Fit" IDSX_TB_CURVE_FIT_LABEL "Curve Fit" IDSX_TB_DATA_COLLECTION_LABEL "Data Collection" IDSX_TB_PULSE_LABEL "Pulse" IDSX_TB_KEEP_LABEL "Keep" IDSX_TB_ADD_DATA_MARKER_LABEL "Mark" // these string are Mac filenames and folder names and cannot be longer than 31 characters IDSX_APP_PREFERENCES "%APP Preferences" IDSX_STARTUP_FILENAME "startup.cmbl" IDSX_STARTUP_FILENAME_GA "startup.ga3" IDSX_DEFAULT_STARTUP_FOLDER "Experiments" IDSX_DEFAULT_VIDEO_CAPTURE_FOLDER "VideoCapture" // Logger Pro Demo message strings IDSX_DEMO_PERIODIC_WARNING "Thank you for trying %s. For purchase information see http://www.vernier.com." IDSX_DEMO_EXPIRED "The 30-day trial period has expired. To purchase Logger Pro see http://www.vernier.com." IDSX_DEMO "Demo Version" IDSX_DEMO_30DAY_TITLE "Logger Pro 30-Day Demonstration Version" IDSX_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_DIALOG_TITLE "Another instance of Logger Pro or Logger Lite is already running" IDSX_ANOTHER_INSTANCE "Logger Pro or Logger Lite is already running. Would you like to switch to the running application, or to start an additional copy? An additional copy may not be able to collect data." IDSX_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_USE_CURRENT "Switch to the running application" IDSX_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_LAUNCH_NEW "Start an additional copy" // File Filters WITHOUT AMBL & SMBL support IDSX_AMBL_TARGET_FILTER " *.ambl;" IDSX_AMBL_TARGET_FILTER_TIGHT "*.ambl;" IDSX_ALL_AMBL_TYPES " *.ambl; *.smbl;" IDSX_ALL_AMBL_TYPES_TIGHT "*.ambl;*.smbl;" // Base File Filters, as they exist in the translation data base // We leave these untouched so as not to trigger a recalibration // Instead we update to full GA4 support by adding all GA4 filters (*.ambl, *.smbl) // or we remove GA4 support by erasing *.ambl IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_OPEN_FILTER_LL "Logger Lite Files (*.gmbl; *.ambl; *.qmbl)|*.gmbl; *.ambl; *.qmbl||" IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_OPEN_FILTER_LP "Vernier Files (*.cmbl; *.xmbl; *.gmbl; *.ambl; *.qmbl; *.ga3)|*.cmbl;*.xmbl;*.gmbl;*.ambl;*.qmbl;*.ga3|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_OPEN_FILTER_GA "Graphical Analysis 3 Files (*.ga3)|*.ga3*||" IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_SAVE_FILTER_LL "Logger Lite Files (*.gmbl)|*.gmbl|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_SAVE_FILTER_LP "Logger Pro 3 Files (*.cmbl)|*.cmbl|Logger Lite Files (*.gmbl)|*.gmbl|LabQuest Files (*.qmbl)|*.qmbl|Graphical Analysis 3 Files (*.ga3)|*.ga3|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_SAVE_FILTER_GA "Graphical Analysis 3 Files (*.ga3)|*.ga3*|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" // Currently all Apps use same import filer duplicated here, allowing all types of Verner MBL files to be imported IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_IMPORT_FILTER_LP "Vernier MBL Files | *.cmbl;*.gmbl;*.ambl;*.qmbl;*.xmbl;*.ga3||" IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_IMPORT_FILTER_LL "Vernier MBL Files | *.cmbl;*.gmbl;*.ambl;*.qmbl;*.xmbl;*.ga3||" IDSX_NATIVE_FILE_IMPORT_FILTER_GA "Vernier MBL Files | *.cmbl;*.gmbl;*.ambl;*.qmbl;*.xmbl;*.ga3||" IDSX_COLLECTIONSETUP_TOOLTIP "Data Collection" IDSX_START_COLLECT_TOOLTIP "Start Collection" IDSX_STOP_COLLECT_TOOLTIP "Stop Collection" IDSX_KEEP_TOOLTIP "Keep Current Value" IDSX_ADD_DATA_MARKER_TOOLTIP "Add Data Marker" IDSX_SHOWSENSOR_TOOLTIP "Set Up Sensors" IDSX_ZERO_TOOLTIP "Set Zero Point" IDSX_GRAPH_MATCH_TOOLTIP "Generate Graph Match" IDSX_PULSE_TOOLTIP "Send Heat Pulse" IDSX_STORE_LATEST_RUN_TOOLTIP "Store Latest Run" IDSX_PREDICTION_TOOLTIP "Draw Prediction" IDSX_DEGREE_SWITCHER_TOOLTIP "Switch" IDSX_TB_SPECTROMETER_TOOLTIP "Configure Spectrometer" IDSX_SENSOR_SETUP "%s" IDSX_SENSOR_SETUP_SUB "%s" // Parenthesize a string (e.g. For displaying the sensor's units inside ()'s) IDSX_PARENTHESIZE_STRING "(%s)" IDSX_PARENTHESIZE_STRING_SUB "%s" // Spectrometers IDSX_SPECTROMETER "Spectrometer" // Spectrometer Full Spectrum mode base column IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAVELENGTH "Wavelength" // lower case lamda IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAVELENGTH_SHORT "λ" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAVELENGTH_UNITS "nm" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SELECT_WAVELENGTH "%w nm" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SELECT_WAVELENGTH_SUB "%w" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SELECTED_WAVELENGTHS_STORE_LATEST "Do you want to store the latest run before switching Collection Mode? (Answering \"No\" will erase data)" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SELECTED_WAVELENGTHS_STORE_LATEST2 "Do you want to store the latest run before changing Wavelength settings? (Answering \"No\" will erase data)" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_MODE_CHANGE_STORE_LATEST "Not all sensors support Full-Spectrum Mode. Do you want to store the latest run \nbefore switching the Collection Mode? (Answering \"No\" will erase data)" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_RESPONSE_TIME_WARNING "The current Sample Time and Number of Samples to Average settings for the spectrometer require a long time to collect a full spectrum, leading to apparent freezing of Logger Pro or the collection of poor data. For better data and a faster response time reduce one or both of those values. " IDSX_TB_SPECTROMETER_LABEL "Wave" // Used in column names for wavelength columns IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAVELENGTH_RANGE "%1-%2" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAVELENGTH_RANGE_SUB1 "%1" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAVELENGTH_RANGE_SUB2 "%2" // Warning message from select wavelengths dialog IDSX_LOTS_OF_WAVELENGTHS "You have selected %s wavelengths. The maximum number is %m." // Warning message from select wavelengths dialog IDSX_LOTS_OF_WAVELENGTHS_RANGES "You have selected %s wavelength ranges. The maximum number is %m." IDSX_LOTS_OF_WAVELENGTHS_SUB "%s" IDSX_LOTS_OF_WAVELENGTHS_MAX_SUB "%m" // Collection mode radio buttons in Select Wavenelgths dialog IDSX_SPECTROMETER_FULL_SPECTRUM_RADIO "%s vs Wavelength" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_FULL_SPECTRUM_RADIO_SUB "%s" // e.g. Abs vs Concentration IDSX_SPECTROMETER_EWE_RADIO "%s vs %c" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_EWE_RADIO_SUB "%s" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_EWE_RADIO_SUB1 "%c" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_TIME_BASED_RADIO "%s vs Time" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_TIME_BASED_RADIO_SUB "%s" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SAMPLEMODENAME_INDIVIDUAL "Individual Wavelengths" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SAMPLEMODENAME_BAND "Single %d nm Band" // column name values used in radio labels above IDSX_SPECTROMETER_ABS "Absorbance" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_T "% Transmittance" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_RI "Intensity" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_FL "Fluorescence" IDSX_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS_EVENT_COLUMN_NAME_EMPTY "Column name cannot be empty. Please type a name." IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SERIAL_NUMBER "Serial Number: %s" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SERIAL_NUMBER_SUB "%s" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_PRODUCT_NAME "Type: %s" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_PRODUCT_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CHANNEL_RAW "Uncalibrated Data" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CHANNEL_ABS "Absorbance" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CHANNEL_TRANS "Transmittance" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CHANNEL_INT "Intensity" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CHANNEL_FL1 "Fluorescence 405 nm" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CHANNEL_FL2 "Fluorescence 500 nm" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CHANNEL_FL "Fluorescence" // Spec Select Wavelengths Dialog title: IDSX_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS_DLG_TITLEBAR "Configure %t Data Collection" IDSX_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS_DLG_TITLEBAR_SUB "%t" // IDSX_SP IDSX_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS_CHECKBOX_CAPTION "%n Selected Wavelengths" IDSX_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS_CHECKBOX_CAPTION_SUB "%n" IDSX_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS_EVENT_COLUMN_NAME "Concentration" IDSX_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS_EVENT_COLUMN_SHORTNAME "Conc" IDSX_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS_EVENT_COLUMN_UNITS "mol/L" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_FULL_SPECTRUM "Full Spectrum" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_INTENSITY_CALIB_START "Place blank cuvette in the spectrometer" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_INTENSITY_CALIB_DONE_SIMPLE "Calibration Successful" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CALIBRATE_ONLINE "You cannot calibrate an offline Spectrometer source." // Ueed in calibration dialog IDSX_SPECTROMETER_CALIBRATIONS_BAD_COLLECTION "Could not collect values from device." // Ueed in calibration dialog IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WARMUP_COMPLETE "Warmup complete." IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAITING "Waiting %s seconds for lamp to warm up..." IDSX_SPECTROMETER_WAITING_SUB "%s" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DIAGNOSTIC "Scan integration time: %s ms peak: %p" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DIAGNOSTIC_JUST_SAMPLE_TIME "Scan integration time: %s ms" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DIAGNOSTIC_SAMPLE_TIME_SUB "%s" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DIAGNOSTIC_PEAK_SUB "%p" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DRIVER_VERSION "%v Driver: %d" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DRIVER_VERSION_OS_SUB "%v" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DRIVER_VERSION_DRIVER_SUB "%d" IDSX_CANT_CREATE_JVM "Error! Can't create the Java Runtime Engine. Check your installation." IDSX_SPECTROMETER_NO_INTEL_MAC "Logger Pro is unable to connect to Spectrometers on Intel based Macintoshes.\n\nThis will be fixed in a later release." IDSX_SPEC_CALIB_DLG_TITLE "Calibrate Spectrometer" IDSX_SPEC_CALIB_DLG_TITLE_RANGE "Range: %l to %h nm" IDSX_SPEC_CALIB_WAVELENGTH_RANGE "Calibrating on range: %l to %h nm" IDSX_SPEC_CALIB_WAVELENGTH_MIN_SUB "%l" IDSX_SPEC_CALIB_WAVELENGTH_MAX_SUB "%h" // Spectrometer Sensor Status Dialog strings IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_INTEGRATION_TIME "%&Sample Time [%y to %z] :" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_INTEGRATION_TIME_MIN_SUB "%y" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_INTEGRATION_TIME_MAX_SUB "%z" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_WAVE_SMOOTING "%&Wavelength Smoothing [%y to %z] :" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_WAVE_SMOOTING_MIN_SUB "%y" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_WAVE_SMOOTING_MAX_SUB "%z" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_NUM_SAMPLES "Samples to %&Average [%y to %z] :" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_NUM_SAMPLES_MIN_SUB "%y" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_NUM_SAMPLES_MAX_SUB "%z" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_WAVELENGTHS "Wavelength %&Range [%m to %n] :" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_WAVELENGTH_MIN_SUB "%m" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_DLG_WAVELENGTH_MAX_SUB "%n" // Data Services strings IDSX_DATASERVICES_START_SERVER "Start Server" IDSX_DATASERVICES_STOP_SERVER "Stop Server" IDSX_DATASERVICES_STATUS_STRING_NOT_RUNNING "Data Sharing is not running" IDSX_DATASERVICES_STATUS_STRING_RUNNING "Data Sharing is running" IDSX_DATASERVICES_STATUS_INFO "Host name: %h IP address: %i Port: %p" IDSX_DATASERVICES_STATUS_HOSTNAME_SUB "%h" IDSX_DATASERVICES_STATUS_IP_ADDRESS_SUB "%i" IDSX_DATASERVICES_STATUS_PORT_SUB "%p" IDSX_DS_COULD_NOT_START "Could not start Data Sharing. Please make sure your computer is connected to a network, and that the network settings are correct." IDSX_DS_BONJOUR_REGISTRY_ERROR "Data Sharing did not start because of a problem.\n\nTry these things to use Data Sharing\n\n- Install or reinstall Bonjour, which is part of the Logger Pro\n installer with custom options.\n- Reinstall Logger Pro." IDSX_DS_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE "Port Number is Too Large. Typical user port numbers should be between 1024 and 49151. Port numbers greater than 65535 are not allowed." IDSX_DS_BAD_PORT "Could not use that port number.\nTypical user port numbers should be between 1024 and 49151. Also note: some port numbers may already be is use by other programs." IDSX_DS_MANUAL_PORT_HINT "Press \"Apply\" when you have entered the desired port number. Typical user port numbers should be between 1024 and 49151." // GPS Garmin - used in interface and details windows IDSX_GPSGARMIN_SERIAL_NUMBER "%s" IDSX_GPSGARMIN_SERIAL_NUMBER_SUB "%s" IDSX_GPSGARMIN_COMMAND_FORMAT_LABEL "Command: " IDSX_GPSGARMIN_WAYPOINT_FORMAT_LABEL "Waypoints: " IDSX_GPSGARMIN_ROUTE_FORMAT_LABEL "Routes: " IDSX_GPSGARMIN_TRACK_FORMAT_LABEL "Tracks: " IDSX_GPSGARMIN_PVT_FORMAT_LABEL "PVT: " // GPS NMEA IDSX_GPS_NMEA_NAME "NMEA GPS Device" IDSX_GPSNMEA_GET_WAYPOINTS_STATUS "Collecting waypoints (%n so far)" IDSX_GPSNMEA_GET_WAYPOINTS_STATUS_NUMBER_SUB "%n" // GPS Shared by both Garmin and NMEA IDSX_GPS_GET_DATA_STATUS "Collecting %t (%n locations to go)" IDSX_GPS_GET_DATA_DONE "All %t collected." IDSX_GPS_GET_DATA_STATUS_NUMBER_SUB "%n" IDSX_GPS_GET_DATA_STATUS_TYPE_SUB "%t" IDSX_GPS_WAYPOINTS "waypoints" IDSX_GPS_ROUTES "routes" IDSX_GPS_TRACKS "tracks" IDSX_GPS_NO_DATA_FOR_DOWNLOAD "No data available for download from this GPS device." //*** GPS Alternate Units *** // -- UTM IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_EASTING_LONG "Easting" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_EASTING_SHORT "E" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_NORTHING_LONG "Northing" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_NORTHING_SHORT "N" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_COORDINATE_FORMAT "%U [%Z]" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_COORDINATE_FORMAT_ZONE_ONLY "[%Z]" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_FORMAT_SUB_METERS "%U" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_FORMAT_SUB_ZONE "%Z" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_UTM_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_FORMAT "" // -- Degrees + Minutes IDSX_GPS_UNIT_DM_FORMAT "%D°%M'" // Reserved for future use. IDSX_GPS_UNIT_DMS_FORMAT "%D°%M'%S\"" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_FORMAT_SUB_DEGREES "%D" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_FORMAT_SUB_MINUTES "%M" IDSX_GPS_UNIT_FORMAT_SUB_SECONDS "%S" // Bluetooth IDSX_STREAM_MANUAL_CONNECT_ENTRY "Scan for Wireless LabQuest Stream..." IDSX_STREAM_MANUAL_CONNECT_NATIVE_ENTRY "Scan for Wireless LabQuest Stream (OSPicker)..." IDSX_BLUETOOTH_MANUAL_CONNECT_ENTRY "Scan for WDSS Devices..." IDSX_BLUETOOTH_SMART_CONNECT_ENTRY "Scan for Go Wireless Device..." IDSX_SCAN_FOR_CRASHTESTDUMMY_DEVICES_TITLE "Open WDSS" IDSX_SCAN_FOR_WIRELESS_LABQUEST_DEVICES_TITLE "Connect Wireless LabQuest Stream" IDSX_SCAN_FOR_BLUETOOTH_DEVICES_INSTRUCTIONS "Select one or more devices to connect. If you do not see the device you want, move it closer to this computer, confirm that it is on, and click Rescan." IDSX_LAUNCH_BLUETOOTH_CONTROL_PANEL "Launch Bluetooth Settings Control Panel" IDSX_BLE_CONNECTION_FAILED_TITLE "Connect to Go Wireless Device failed" IDSX_BLE_CONNECTION_FAILED_TITLE_WITH_DEVICE_NAME "Connection to \"BLE_DEVICE_NAME_INSERT_HERE\" failed." IDSX_BLE_CONNECTION_FAILED_INSTRUCTIONS_A "Please click on the \"" IDSX_BLE_CONNECTION_FAILED_INSTRUCTIONS_B "\" button to check if the device is paired." IDSX_BLE_CHECKING_PAIRING_BUTTON_TEXT "Pair to Device" IDSX_BLE_CONNECTION_WINDOW_CLOSE_TEXT "Close message" // Crash Test Dummy // Used in remote retrieval IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_MEMORY_LEVEL "%a points available out of %t (%p%)" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_MEMORY_AVAILBYTES_SUB "%a" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_MEMORY_TOTALBYTES_SUB "%t" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_MEMORY_PERCENT_SUB "%p" // Used in remote setup AND interface window IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_LEVEL "Battery Level (%x)" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_LEVEL_SUB "%x" // USed with offline interfaces IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_LEVEL_N_A "n/a" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_STATE_GOOD "Good" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_STATE_LOW_WHILE_SAMPLING "Low" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_STATE_LOW_ALWAYS "Very Low" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_STATE_MISSING "Missing" // Used in interface window IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_OS_VERSION "OS Version: %v" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_OS_VERSION_SUB "%v" // Used in Edit Name dialog IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_EDIT_NAME_INFO "Enter the new name for your WDSS below.\n\nMake sure to label the device with the new name." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_WRITE_NVM_PROGRESS "Writing Non-Volatile Memory to %s." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_WRITE_NVM_PROGRESS_SUB "%s" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_ERROR_READING_NVM "Error reading Non-Volatile Memory on %s." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_ERROR_WRITING_NVM "Error writing Non-Volatile Memory on %s." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_ERROR_NVM_SUB "%s" IDSX_NO_DONGLE_WITH_MICROSOFT_STACK "Could not find a radio running either the Microsoft Bluetooth stack or the WIDCOMM Bluetooth stack. Either there is no radio, or there is a radio present but it is not using a compatible stack. Do you want to scan again?" IDSX_UNKNOWN_BLUETOOTH_STACK "Logger Pro requires either the Microsoft or Broadcomm bluetooth driver stack when connecting to a WDSS or Wireless LabQuest Stream. Neither driver was detected, so Bluetooth communication is disabled." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_NO_DEVICES_FOUND "No new WDSS devices were found.\nMake sure that the desired WDSS is in range and turned on.\nDo you want to scan again?" IDSX_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_NO_DEVICES_FOUND "No available Wireless LabQuest Streams were found.\n\nConfirm that your Wireless LabQuest Stream has been paired with this computer, is in range, and is turned on.\n\nDo you want to scan again?" IDSX_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_DROPPED_BLOB_ERROR "One or more data points were missed and data collection has stopped. Reduce the data rate and retry the experiment." IDSX_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_DROPPED_BLOB_ERROR_SUB "%d" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_RETRIEVE_TITLE "Retrieve WDSS Remote Data" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_MANAGE_MEMORY_TITLE "Manage WDSS Memory" IDSX_NO_BLUETOOTH_DRIVERS_PRESENT "Logger Pro requires use of the Microsoft Bluetooth driver. Either no driver is installed, or a driver from another manufacturer is installed." IDSX_XP_OR_LATER_REQUIRED "Logger Pro requires at least Windows XP SP2 for Bluetooth-based data collection.\nYour version of Windows does not meet minimum requirements." IDSX_MAC_10_3_REQUIRED "Logger Pro requires at least MacOS X 10.3 (preferably 10.3.9 or higher) for data collection with a Bluetooth device." IDSX_MAC_BLUETOOTH_UNAVAILABLE "Logger Pro is unable to use Bluetooth at this time. Make sure there is Bluetooth hardware available, and that Bluetooth is turned on (See Mac Help for more info)." IDSX_ERROR_ENUMERATING_RUNS "Error enumerating remote runs on device." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BUSY "%s is busy storing data. Please wait." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BUSY_SUB "%s" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_CLEANUP "%s is busy deleting data. Please wait." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_CLEANUP_SUB "%s" IDSX_BLE_BATTERY_LEVEL "Battery Level (percent)" IDSX_BLE_FIRMWARE_VERSION "Firmware Version" IDSX_BLE_HARDWARE_VERSION "Hardware Version" IDSX_BLE_MODEL_NUMBER "Model Number" IDSX_BLE_SERIAL_NUMBER "Serial Number" IDSX_BLE_SET_NAME_BUTTON "Set" IDSX_BLE_RENAME_MSG_TITLE "Hint on Renaming Go Wireless Device" IDSX_BLE_RENAME_HINTA "Name length must be greater than zero and less than" IDSX_BLE_RENAME_HINTB "Leading spaces are filtered out." IDSX_BLE_RENAME_FAILURE_TITLE "Renaming Go Wireless Device Failed" IDSX_BLE_RENAME_FAILURE_MSG "Device could not be renamed. Please try again." IDSX_BLE_SCANNING "Scanning for devices..." IDSX_BLE_CHOOSE_DEVICE "Choose Go Wireless Device" IDSX_BLE_CONNECT "Connect" IDSX_BLE_CONNECTING "Connecting to device" IDSX_BLE_CANCEL_CONNECTION_BTN_TEXT "Stop Connection" IDSX_BLE_USER_CANCELED_CONNECTION "User canceled connection attempt!" IDSX_BLE_TITLE_CANCELING_CONNECTION "User has canceled connection." IDSX_BLE_MESSAGE_CANCELING_CONNECTION "If already connected, device will be disconnected." IDSX_BLE_CALIBRATE_PH "Calibrate pH..." IDSX_BLE_PHC_BOX_TITLE "Calibrate pH on \"%%NAME%%\"" IDSX_BLE_PHC_REF_PH "Reference pH" IDSX_BLE_PHC_CORRES_MV "Corresponding mV" IDSX_BLE_PHC_CURRENT_MV "Current mV" IDSX_BLE_PHC_NEW_SLOPE "New Slope" IDSX_BLE_PHC_NEW_INTERCEPT "New Intercept" IDSX_BLE_PHC_LAST_CALIB "Last Calibration" IDSX_BLE_PHC_LAST_EQ "Last Equation" IDSX_BLE_PHC_LAST_SLOPE "Slope" IDSX_BLE_PHC_LAST_INTERCEPT "Intercept" IDSX_BLE_PHC_EQUATION "pH = m ⋅ voltage (mV) + b" IDSX_BLE_PHC_FACTORY "Factory" IDSX_BLE_PHC_BAD_VALUES "Calibration is not valid. Please check that voltages are not duplicated for different pH values." IDSX_BLE_PHC_CALIBRATION_GOOD "Click \"Save Calibration\" to save new calibration to the device." IDSX_BLE_PHC_REQUIRES_TWO_PTS "Calibration requires at least two points." IDSX_POLAR_HEARTRATE_NAME "Heart Rate Monitor" IDSX_BLE_BATTERY_WARNING_TITLE "Battery Level Warning" IDSX_BLE_BATTERY_WARNING_A "The battery level for" IDSX_BLE_BATTERY_WARNING_B "the connected Go Wireless device" IDSX_BLE_BATTERY_WARNING_C "is less than 15%" // Used in the scan dialog. Hacked into select names IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_SELECT_NAMES_HACK "Rescan" IDSX_RETRIEVE_ALL "Retrieve All" IDSX_RETRIEVE_NONE "Retrieve None" IDSX_DELETE_ALL "Delete All" IDSX_DELETE_NONE "Delete None" IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_1 "%A of %B points available (%C%). After deleting selected: %X points available (%Y%)." IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_2 "All %B points are available (100%)." IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_3 "%A of %B points available (%C%). Select data to Delete to increase points available." IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_SUB_POINTSAVAIL "%A" IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_SUB_TOTAL "%B" IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_SUB_TOTAL_PER "%C" IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_SUB_AFTER_DELETE "%X" IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_SUB_AFTER_DELETE_PER "%Y" // This is for describing some thousands of something. I.e. 100k or 12k or 3k. IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_K "%Nk" IDSX_CTD_MEMSTATUS_K_SUB "%N" // Crash Test Dummy Error messages IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_CANT_WRITE_REMOTE_HEADER "Cannot write header block for remote setup. Needed %n bytes, %a available. Please delete stored remote runs on the device or make column names shorter." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_CANT_WRITE_REMOTE_HEADER_NEEDED_SUB "%n" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_CANT_WRITE_REMOTE_HEADER_AVAIL_SUB "%a" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_REMOTE_RETRIEVE_MISMATCH "Error retrieving column information. We cannot retrieve remote data set up with a different version of %APP." // Remote information for WDSS IDSX_NOT_REMOTE_TRIGGERING "None" IDSX_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME "Trigger on: %s %d across %v\n%p" IDSX_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME_DIRECTION_SUB "%d" IDSX_INCREASING "increasing" IDSX_DECREASING "decreasing" IDSX_REMOTE_SENSOR_NAME_VALUE_SUB "%v" IDSX_REMOTE_SENSOR_PRETRIGGER_SUB "%p" IDSX_REMOTE_SENSOR_PRETRIGGER "Number of Pretrigger Points: %v" IDSX_REMOTE_SENSOR_PRETRIGGER_VALUE_SUB "%v" // Used for column names when importing data IDSX_LATITUDE "Latitude" IDSX_LATITUDE_SHORT "Lat" IDSX_LONGITUDE "Longitude" IDSX_LONGITUDE_SHORT "Lon" IDSX_ALTITUDE "Altitude" IDSX_ALTITUDE_SHORT "Alt" IDSX_WAYPOINT "Waypoint" IDSX_WAYPOINT_SHORT "Way" IDSX_LATITUDE_UNITS "°" IDSX_LONGITUDE_UNITS "°" IDSX_ALTITUDE_UNITS "m" IDSX_WAYPOINT_UNITS "" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_LAT_LONG "%n: %l %o" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_NUM_SUB "%n" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_LAT_SUB "%l" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_LONG_SUB "%o" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_COLUMN_DATA "\n%n: %v" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_COLUMN_DATA_NAME_SUB "%n" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_COLUMN_DATA_VALUE_SUB "%v" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_INFO_TEXT_SELECT "Select a particular entry to edit its annotation" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_INFO_TEXT_NOTHING_THERE "The columns chosen do not have any valid locations" // Default column name to find for drawing lines on google maps IDSX_SCALAR_ACCELERATION "Scalar Acceleration" // Google maps marker options (must match enum in source) IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_MARKER_STD "Standard Google Marker" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_MARKER_ROW "Row Number" IDSX_GOOGLE_MAPS_MARKER_VALUE "Value from column" // Interpolation Calculator (Interp Calc) IDSX_INVALID_INTERP_CALC "Invalid Interpolation Calculator" // Photo Distance IDSX_PHOTODISTANCE_DISPLAY "%n %u" IDSX_PHOTODISTANCE_DISPLAY_NUM_SUB "%n" IDSX_PHOTODISTANCE_DISPLAY_UNITS_SUB "%u" // Connect strings (for experiment connect menu) IDSX_CONNECT_LABPRO "LabPro USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_GPSGARMIN "GPS Garmin USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_SKIP "Go!Link USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_USBDIRECTTEMP "Go!Temp USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_CYCLOPS "Go!Motion USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_SENSORDAQ "SensorDAQ USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_SPECTROMETER "Spectrometer: %s" IDSX_CONNECT_SPECTROMETER_SUB "%s" IDSX_CONNECT_LABQUEST "LabQuest USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_LABQUEST_MINI "LabQuest Mini USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_LABQUEST2 "LabQuest 2 USB:" IDSX_CONNECT_LABQUEST_STREAM "LabQuest Stream USB:" // Used when listing the serial ports that a user can select IDSX_SERIAL_STRING "%p: %d" IDSX_SERIAL_STRING_PORT "%p" IDSX_SERIAL_STRING_DEVICE "%d" IDSX_OHAUS_MAC_PREFIX "USBHighSpeedSerialConverter" IDSX_USB_PORT_PREFIX "USB: " IDSX_OFFLINE "OffLine:" IDSX_USB_PORT_SUFFIX " (USB)" IDSX_USB "USB" IDSX_USB_DIRECT "USB Direct" IDSX_PREPEND_SOURCE_AND_CHANNEL "%s %c: %n" IDSX_PREPEND_SOURCE "%s %n" IDSX_PREPEND_SOURCE_SUB "%s" IDSX_PREPEND_CHANNEL_SUB "%c" IDSX_PREPEND_SENSOR_SUB "%n" IDSX_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION "%n: %p" IDSX_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION_NAME_SUB "%n" IDSX_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION_PORT_SUB "%p" IDSX_CHOOSE_SOURCE_FOR_SETUP_SENSORS "Choose Interface(s) to Setup Sensors" IDSX_CHOOSE_SOURCE_FOR_REMOTE_SETUP "Choose Interface to Setup For Remote" IDSX_CHOOSE_SENSOR_TO_CALIBRATE "Choose Sensor To Calibrate" IDSX_CHOOSE_PORTS_TO_CONNECT "Choose Port To Connect Interface" IDSX_CHOOSE_SOURCES_TO_DISCONNECT "Choose Interface(s) To Disconnect" // Used by LabPro when remote collection was started with "QuickStart" button IDSX_REMOTE_DATA_COLUMN_NAME "Remote Data" IDSX_REMOTE_DATA_COLUMN_SHORTNAME "data" IDSX_NO_AVERAGE_ON_REMOTE "This device does not support %s-second averaging during remote. Do you wish to continue remote setup?" IDSX_NO_AVERAGE_ON_REMOTE_SUB "%s" // Short channel names for LabPro IDSX_LABPRO_SHORT_NAMES_CH1 "CH1" IDSX_LABPRO_SHORT_NAMES_CH2 "CH2" IDSX_LABPRO_SHORT_NAMES_CH3 "CH3" IDSX_LABPRO_SHORT_NAMES_CH4 "CH4" IDSX_LABPRO_SHORT_NAMES_DIG1 "DIG1" IDSX_LABPRO_SHORT_NAMES_DIG2 "DIG2" // Full channel names for LabPro IDSX_LABPRO_FULL_NAMES_CH1 "CH 1" IDSX_LABPRO_FULL_NAMES_CH2 "CH 2" IDSX_LABPRO_FULL_NAMES_CH3 "CH 3" IDSX_LABPRO_FULL_NAMES_CH4 "CH 4" IDSX_LABPRO_FULL_NAMES_DIG1 "DIG/SONIC 1" IDSX_LABPRO_FULL_NAMES_DIG2 "DIG/SONIC 2" // Short channel names for LabQuest IDSX_LABQUEST_SHORT_NAMES_CH1 "CH1" IDSX_LABQUEST_SHORT_NAMES_CH2 "CH2" IDSX_LABQUEST_SHORT_NAMES_CH3 "CH3" IDSX_LABQUEST_SHORT_NAMES_CH4 "CH4" IDSX_LABQUEST_SHORT_NAMES_DIG1 "DIG1" IDSX_LABQUEST_SHORT_NAMES_DIG2 "DIG2" IDSX_LABQUEST_SHORT_NAMES_INT1 "INT1" // Full channel names for LabQuest IDSX_LABQUEST_FULL_NAMES_CH1 "CH 1" IDSX_LABQUEST_FULL_NAMES_CH2 "CH 2" IDSX_LABQUEST_FULL_NAMES_CH3 "CH 3" IDSX_LABQUEST_FULL_NAMES_CH4 "CH 4" IDSX_LABQUEST_FULL_NAMES_DIG1 "DIG/SONIC 1" IDSX_LABQUEST_FULL_NAMES_DIG2 "DIG/SONIC 2" IDSX_LABQUEST_FULL_NAMES_INTERNAL1 "INTERNAL 1" //Menu items IDSX_EXPERIMENT "E%&xperiment" IDSX_MBL_START_COLLECTION "Start %&Collection" IDSX_MBL_STOP_COLLECTION "Stop %&Collection" // appended in Windows menu IDSX_STARTSTOP_HOTKEY "\t" IDSX_MARKDATA_HOTKEY "\t" IDSX_SHOW_SENSORS_WINDOW "Show %&Sensors (LabPro)" IDSX_HIDE_SENSORS_WINDOW "Hide %&Sensors (LabPro)" // Data Collection Modes (Logger Pro) IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_MODE_TIME_BASED "Time Based" IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_MODE_EVENTS_WITH_ENTRY "Events With Entry" IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_MODE_SELECTED_EVENT "Selected Events" // Only valid if we have a dig sensor such as photogates or drop counter IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_MODE_DIGITAL_EVENT "Digital Events" // Only valid if we have an ocean optics source IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_MODE_FULL_SPECTRUM "Full Spectrum" // Only valid if we have a Mini GC IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_MODE_MINIGC "Gas Chromatograph" // For selected events and events with entry dialogs IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_AVERAGE_DATA "Use %s s Average (Introduces Delay After Keep)" IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_AVERAGE_DATA_SUB "%s" IDSX_AVERAGE_DATA_PROGRESS "Collecting sensor readings for averaging. Do not disturb the sensors." // Text for edit controls // e.g. samples/second IDSX_SAMPLES_PER_UNIT "sam%&ples/%s" IDSX_SAMPLES_PER_UNIT_SUB "%s" // e.g. seconds/sample IDSX_UNITS_PER_SAMPLE "%s/sampl%&e" IDSX_UNITS_PER_SAMPLE_SUB "%s" // Info text // Text must fit in data collection dialog (at bottom) IDSX_TOO_MANY_SAMPLES "Performance may suffer when collecting this many points." IDSX_OVERSAMPLING_RATE "(%nx)" IDSX_OVERSAMPLING_RATE_SUB "%n" IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_CAPTION "Data Collection" //for static control IDC_DATACOLLECT_TIME_SAMPLESCOLL_ST IDSX_DATA_COLLECT_SAMPLE_TO_BE_COLLECTED "Samples to be Collected:" IDSX_COLLECT "Collect" IDSX_KEEP "Keep" // used for collected data set names, e.g. "Run 1", "Run 2" IDSX_RUN "Run %n" IDSX_RUN_SUB "%n" IDSX_RESUME "Resume" IDSX_PULSE "Pulse" // for radiation monitor pause after keep IDSX_COLLECTION_PAUSED "Collection Paused" IDSX_STOP_COLLECTION "Stop Collection" IDSX_CONTINUE "Continue" IDSX_PAUSE_AFTER_COLLECT "Radiation event sampling is paused.\nIf necessary, reconfigure your lab equipment, then choose Continue to resume." IDSX_FASTSTART_MESSAGE "Press the \"Enter\" key, \"Return\" key, or the spacebar to immediately start data collection.\n\nClick the \"Cancel\" button to stop collection." IDSX_ANALOG_SENSOR_CATALOG_TITLE "Analog Sensors" IDSX_DIGITAL_SENSOR_CATALOG_TITLE "Digital Sensors" IDSX_CHANNELS "Channels:" IDSX_CHANNEL "Channel:" IDSX_SENSOR "Sensor:" IDSX_CURRENTCALIB "Current Calibration:" // Device status IDSX_MBLSTATUS_COLLECTING_DATA "%d is collecting on %p" IDSX_MBLSTATUS_DEVICE_CONNECTED "%d is connected on %p" IDSX_MBLSTATUS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND "%d not connected" IDSX_DEVICE_SUB "%d" IDSX_PORT_SUB "%p" IDSX_ZERO "%&Zero" IDSX_SENSOR_SETTINGS "Sensor Settings" // Calibration dialog strings IDSX_CALIBRATION_DIALOG_TITLE "Sensor Settings" IDSX_CALIBRATION_NEEDS_OPEN_NON_COLLECTING_SOURCE "Live calibration requires a connected interface that is not collecting data." IDSX_CALIBRATE_NOW "Calibrate Now" IDSX_CANNOT_CALIBRATE "Cannot Calibrate" IDSX_CANCEL_CALIBRATION "Cancel Calibration" IDSX_LINEAR_EQUATION_TYPE_INFO "This sensor's calibration equation type is linear (slope-intercept)." IDSX_CALIB_REVERSE_INFO " When the Reverse Direction option is in effect these constants are multiplied by -1.0." IDSX_SAVE_CALIBRATION "Save Calibration" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORE_ONSENSOR "Sensor (calibration stored on sensor)" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORE_LOCAL "Computer (calibration stored on this computer)" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORE_FILE "Experiment File (calibration stored with the current document)" IDSX_LIVE_CAL_IN_PROGRESS_WARNING "A live calibration is still in progress. Would you like to complete it?" IDSX_LIVE_CALIBRATION_NOT_SUPPORTED "Live calibration is not supported for this sensor." // used for default coefficient names in live cal dialog IDSX_K "K" IDSX_PROMPT_FOR_SWITCH_BEFORE_BURN "Select sensor switch setting." IDSX_PROMPT_FOR_SWITCH_BEFORE_BURN_INSTRUCT "Select the sensor switch setting you wish to write new sensor information to." IDSX_SELECT_DEFAULT_SMART_SENSOR_CALIBRATION "Select Default Calibration Page" IDSX_SELECT_DEFAULT_SMART_SENSOR_CALIBRATION_INSTRUCT "Select the default calibration page to be loaded the next time you choose \"File New\" or %APP is launched." IDSX_INVALID_CALIBRATION "An error occurred and the calibration could not be completed. No sensors have been changed." IDSX_CALIBRATION_ERROR_WRONG_NUM_POINTS "The number of calibration points was not correct. No sensors have been changed." IDSX_CALIBRATION_ERROR_NAN "One of the values entered is not a valid number. No sensors have been changed." IDSX_CALIBRATION_ERROR_EQUAL_VALUES "Voltages across calibration points should not be less than %s, and entered values should not be the same. No sensors have been changed." IDSX_CALIBRATION_ERROR_EQUAL_VALUES_SUB "%s" IDSX_CALIBRATION_ERROR_VOLTAGE_TOO_LOW "Voltage was too low to perform this calibration. No sensors have been changed." IDSX_CALIBRATION_ERROR_VOLTAGE_TOO_HIGH "Voltage was too high to perform this calibration. No sensors have been changed." IDSX_CALIBRATION_ERROR_NO_PTR "Cannot calibrate without a calibration pointer. No sensors have been changed." IDSX_MISSING_DEFAULT_SENSORMAP_BURN "The sensormap is missing default burn parameters for sensor %s. Please contact Vernier technical support." IDSX_MISSING_DEFAULT_SENSORMAP_BURN_SUB "%s" IDSX_CANNOT_BURN "Cannot write to the sensor. Possible reasons include a sensor mismatch, a non-writable sensor, or no sensor connected. Please check your setup." IDSX_BURN_SENSOR_MEMORY_TITLE "Writing Sensor Memory" IDSX_BURN_WRITE_BUTTON "Write" IDSX_BURN_SENSOR_MEMORY_WARNING "Warning: You are about to change information in your sensor. Configuration data stored on the sensor will be lost. Pressing \"Write\" will apply your changes to the sensor." IDSX_BURN_CORRUPTED_SENSOR_WARNING "Warning: You are about to change information in a sensor which is either corrupted or missing. Pressing \"Write\" will apply your changes to the sensor." IDSX_BURN_DIFFERENT_SENSOR_WARNING "Warning: You are about to send configuration data to a sensor which will cause the sensor to identify itself as a different kind of sensor. Pressing \"Write\" will apply your changes to the sensor." IDSX_BURNING_DDS_PROGRESS_TITLE "Writing calibration to sensor..." IDSX_BURNING_DDS_SENDINGDATA_STATUS "Sending data to sensor..." IDSX_BURNING_DDS_CHANGE_WARNING "WARNING: This sensor was configured as a %o sensor. You are going to configure it as a %n sensor!\n\nConfiguration data stored on the sensor will be lost. Answering \"Yes\" will write the %n factory default settings to your sensor. Do you wish to continue?" IDSX_BURNING_DDS_CHANGE_OLDTYPE_SUB "%o" IDSX_BURNING_DDS_CHANGE_NEWTYPE_SUB "%n" IDSX_BURNING_DDS_WARNING "Warning: You are about to send configuration data to a sensor which we cannot recognize. Do you wish to continue writing?" IDSX_COLLECTCONNECTIONERROR_DEMODE "No sensors compatible with digital events mode are connected. Add a compatible digital sensor or change the data collection mode." IDSX_COLLECTCONNECTIONERROR_EWEMODE "A digital sensor that is incompatible with Selected Events or Events With Entry mode is connected (e.g. a Photogate). Remove that sensor or change the data collection mode." IDSX_COLLECTCONNECTIONERROR_EWEMODE_LL "A digital sensor that is incompatible with Events With Entry mode is connected (e.g. a Photogate). Remove that sensor or change the data collection mode." IDSX_COLLECTCONNECTIONERROR_MULTIPLE_DIG "Digital sensors on multiple interfaces are not supported. Please move all of your digital sensors to one interface." IDSX_COLLECTCONNECTIONERROR_FULL_SPECTRUM "\nYou must have a spectrophotometer connected and set to Full Spectrum to collect in Full Spectrum mode." IDSX_COLLECTCONNECTIONERROR_GENERIC "No sensors compatible with collection are connected. Add a compatible sensor." IDSX_CANT_NRT_WITH_KEYBOARD_TRIGGER "Can't collect this quickly on a LabPro with keyboard triggering. Disable triggering, or set rate to 250 samples / second or slower." IDSX_COLLECTCONNECTIONERROR_TRIGGER_SOURCE_OFFLINE "Cannot collect because the triggering source (%s) is not on line." IDSX_COLLECTCONNECTIONERROR_TRIGGER_SOURCE_OFFLINE_SUB "%s" IDSX_NULL_TRIGGER_SOURCE "Cannot collect because the triggering source doesn't exist" IDSX_LATEST_DATA_SET_HIDDEN "You cannot collect data with the Latest data set hidden. It may have been hidden automatically during data import. Click OK to show the Latest data set." IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_TEXT "Sending data to Column: %C\n\nAuto-ID: %a\n\nTypical Sample Rate: %r Hz\nMax rate: %m Hz\n\nAverage Current Requirements: %c\n\nSerial Number: %s\nLot Code(ww yy): %w %y\nManufacturer ID: %i" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_COLUMN "%C" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_AUTOID "%a" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_TYPICAL_RATE "%r" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_MAXRATE "%m" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_HARDWARE_UNCERTAINTY "%h" // This is not a character string that gets replaced in INFO_TEXT -- it's actually a percent IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_HARDWARE_UNCERTAINTY_UNITS "%" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_AVE_CUR "%c" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_AVE_CUR_UNITS " mA" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER "%s" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_LOT_CODE_WW "%w" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_LOT_CODE_YY "%y" IDSX_SENSOR_INFO_MF_ID "%i" IDSX_NOT_APPLICABLE "(not applicable)" IDSX_NOT_APPLICABLE_ABBREV "n/a" // Controls in trigger dialog IDSX_PRETRIGGER_WARNING "All %n samples before trigger must be collected before triggering can occur." IDSX_PRETRIGGER_WARNING_SUB "%n" IDSX_TRIGGER_ENABLED "Triggering is enabled" IDSX_TRIGGER_DISABLED "Triggering is disabled" // used in IDC_DATACOLLECT_TRIG_POINTSBEFORE_ST IDSX_TRIGGER_SAMPLES_BEFORE_TRIGGER "Samples before Trigger." // Remote data detected dialog IDSX_REMOTE_DATA_DETECTED_NODELAY "%s: Selecting "No" erases the data in the device. \"Cancel\" disconnects without data loss.\n" IDSX_REMOTE_DATA_DETECTED_EXP "%s: You may choose \"Experiment --> Remote --> Retrieve\" later to retrieve the data.\n" IDSX_REMOTE_DATA_DETECTED_FILE_NEW "%s: You may choose \"File --> New\" later to retrieve the data.\n" IDSX_REMOTE_DATA_DETECTED_SUB "%s" // Retreive Remote Data dialog IDSX_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_DATA_MAKE_AVAILABLE "%s: %&Make data available for multiple retrievals." IDSX_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_DATA_DISABLE_SENSORS "%s: %&Disable attached sensors (File:New to re-enable)." IDSX_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_DATA_SUB "%s" // Remote setup dialog: IDSX_REMOTE_RATE "rate: %n samples/%t" IDSX_REMOTE_RATE_SUB1 "%n" IDSX_REMOTE_RATE_SUB2 "%t" IDSX_REMOTE_DURATION "duration: %n %t" IDSX_REMOTE_DURATION_SUB1 "%n" IDSX_REMOTE_DURATION_SUB2 "%t" IDSX_REMOTE_SAMPLESTOCOLLECT "samples to collect: %n" IDSX_REMOTE_SAMPLESTOCOLLECT_SUB "%n" IDSX_REMOTE_TOTALDATAPOINTS "total points to collect: %n" IDSX_REMOTE_TOTALDATAPOINTS_SUB "%n" IDSX_LABPROBATTERYSTATUS "LabPro Battery Status: %s" IDSX_LABPROBATTERYSTATUS_SUB "%s" IDSX_SENSORCURRENTREQUIREMENTS "Sensor Current Requirements: %v mA" IDSX_SENSORCURRENTREQUIREMENTS_SUB "%v" IDSX_WARMUPTIME "Required Warm Up: %s seconds" IDSX_WARMUPTIME_SUB "%s" IDSX_LONG_WARMUP_WARNING "%n requires warmup time. The LabPro will wait %s seconds after start is pressed before collecting data." IDSX_LONG_WARMUP_WARNING_NEWER "%n requires warmup time. The LabPro will be ready to collect data %s seconds after remote setup is complete. Sensor power will be applied immediately to stabilize the sensor and will remain on until data collection is complete." IDSX_REMOTE_DATASET_COMMENTS "Remote data from %s." IDSX_REMOTE_DATASET_COMMENTS_SUB "%s" IDSX_WARMUP_SENSOR_SUB "%n" IDSX_CYCLOPSBATTERYSTATUS "Go!Motion Battery Status: %s" IDSX_CYCLOPSBATTERYSTATUS_SUB "%s" IDSX_REMOTE_SETUP_ERROR "Could not set device up for remote data collection." IDSX_PUT_BATTERIES_IN_CYCLOPS_BEFORE_REMOTE_DATA_COLLECTION "Put batteries in Go!Motion before collecting remote data." IDSX_CANT_DO_REMOTE_TRIGGER "This device does not support triggering for remote data collection. If you proceed with remote setup, the trigger will be ignored." // Used for remote progress monitor IDSX_REMOTE_PROGRESS "Retrieving Remote Data from %s..." IDSX_REMOTE_PROGRESS_SUB "%s" // Used in Connect To Interface dialog IDSX_SCANNING_FOR_LQSTREAM_BLUETOOTH "Scanning for Wireless LabQuest Streams..." IDSX_CONNECTING_TO_LQSTREAM_BLUETOOTH "Connecting to LabQuest Stream: %p" IDSX_CONNECTING_TO_LQSTREAM_BLUETOOTH_PORT_SUB "%p" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_UNKNOWN "Could not connect to \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Make sure the device has power.\n 3. Reset the device by unplugging it (or removing batteries -- if it has batteries) then restoring power.\n 4. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_LABPRO "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Make sure the LabPro has power.\n 3. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable (if connecting on USB).\n 4. Reset the LabPro by unplugging it (or removing batteries) then plugging it back in.\n 5. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_SKIP "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.\n 3. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_USB_DIRECT_TEMP "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.\n 3. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_CYCLOPS "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.\n 3. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_OHAUSSCOUTPRO "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Make sure the Ohaus has power.\n 3. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.\n 4. Reset the Ohaus by turning it off and on.\n 5. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_SPECTROMETER "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.\n 3. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n 4. (Windows Users) If the Spectrometer Device listed under the Device Manager isn't installed properly, you may need to reinstall it.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_GPSGARMIN "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Make sure the GPS device has power.\n 3. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_SENSORDAQ "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.\n 3. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_LABQUEST "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.\n 3. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_BLUETOOTH "Could not connect to \"%d\". \n\n 1. Try cycling the power on the device.\n 2. Is your computer's Bluetooth on and enabled?\n 3. Is the device in range?\n 4. Has another computer connected to that device?\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_VGPS "Could not connect to \"%d\". Make sure the device's USB cable is plugged firmly into the computer." IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_WU "Could not connect \"%d\". \n\n 1. Double check all cable connections.\n 2. Make sure the Watts Up has power.\n 3. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.\n 4. Reset the Watts Up by unplugging it and plugging it back in.\n 5. Make sure that another executable isn't connected to the same device.\n\nDo you want to try to connect again?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_LQSTREAM_BLUETOOTH_MAC "Could not connect to Wireless LabQuest Stream %d.\nThe LabQuest Stream may not be paired with this computer or it may be out of range or turned off. To pair your LabQuest Stream, use System Preferences>Bluetooth.\n\nReattempt connection to LabQuest Stream: %d?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_LQSTREAM_BLUETOOTH_WIN "Could not connect to Wireless LabQuest Stream %d.\n\nThe LabQuest Stream may not be paired with this computer or it may be out of range or turned off. To pair your LabQuest Stream, use Windows Settings.\n\nReattempt connection to LabQuest Stream: %d?" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_LQSTREAM_SYSTEM_PANEL_BUTTON_MAC "Open Bluetooth Preferences" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_LQSTREAM_SYSTEM_PANEL_BUTTON_WIN "Open Bluetooth Control Panel" IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_DEVICE "%d" IDSX_CONNECT_OK "\"%d\" Successfully connected." IDSX_CONNECT_OK_DEVICE "%d" IDSX_COULDNOT_CONNECT_LABQUEST_AS_VOLUME "Could not connect to \"%d\" as a volume." IDSX_LQ_BROWSER_OPEN_TITLE "LabQuest Browser: Open" IDSX_LQ_BROWSER_SAVEAS_TITLE "LabQuest Browser: Save As" IDSX_LQ_BROWSER_DELETE_TITLE "LabQuest Browser: Delete" IDSX_LQ_BROWSER_IMPORT_TITLE "LabQuest Browser: Import" IDSX_LQ_BROWSER_INSTRUCTIONS "Choose a LabQuest to browse." IDSX_LQ_DLG_OPEN_TITLE "Open File From %s" IDSX_LQ_DLG_BROWSE_TITLE "Browse File On %s" IDSX_LQ_DLG_SAVEAS_TITLE "Save As on %s" IDSX_LQ_DLG_DELETE_TITLE "Delete File(s) on %s" IDSX_LQ_DLG_IMPORT_TITLE "Import File From %s" IDSX_LQ_CANT_DELETE "Can't delete %f on %s." IDSX_CANT_COPY_FROM_LQ "Can't copy %f from %s." IDSX_CANT_COPY_TO_LQ "Can't copy %f to %s.\n\nThe flash memory on the LabQuest may be full, or the device was disconnected during the write.\nMake sure the LabQuest is properly connected, and if there are files you can delete, do so." IDSX_LQ_FILE_SUB "%f" IDSX_LQ_SOURCE_SUB "%s" IDSX_LQ_FILE_OPEN "Open" IDSX_LQ_FILE_BROWSE "Browse" IDSX_LQ_FILE_SAVEAS "Save" IDSX_LQ_FILE_DELETE "Delete" IDSX_LQ_FILE_IMPORT "Import" // Terminal dialog string // Status Message in Terminal dialog IDSX_LQ_FILE_COPIED_OK "File copied successfully" IDSX_LQ_BROWSE_COMPUTER "Browse For File on Computer" // Zero sensors dialog IDSX_ZERO_SENSORS_TITLE "Zero Sensor Calibrations" IDSX_ZERO_SENSORS_INSTRUCTIONS "Select one or more sensors from the list below. The calibrations for these sensors will be adjusted so that the current input level yields 0." IDSX_ZERO_SENSORS_ERROR "An error occurred during the Zero operation. Some sensors may not have been successfully recalibrated." // Validate Data Collection Dialog IDSX_BAD_TRIGGER_CONSTANT_COMBO "Please choose a user parameter." IDSX_BAD_NUM_TRIGGER_VALUE "Trigger value must be a number." IDSX_BAD_NUM_PRETRIGGER "The pretrigger samples must be a number greater than or equal to 0. Please enter a new number." IDSX_MORE_PRETRIGGER_THAN_SAMPLES "The number of samples before the trigger cannot be greater or equal to the total number of samples collected (%n). Please enter a new number." IDSX_MORE_PRETRIGGER_THAN_SAMPLES_SUB "%n" IDSX_NON_POSITIVE_SAMPLE_RATE "The sample rate must be greater than zero. Please enter a new number." IDSX_NON_POSITIVE_EXP_LENGTH "The collection duration must be greater than zero. Please enter a new number." IDSX_DELTAT_EXCEEDS_LENGTH "Duration is less than the sampling rate. Please modify either the collection duration or time per sample (i.e. %sub_time/sample) so that the duration is greater than the sampling rate." IDSX_DELTAT_EXCEEDS_LENGTH_TIME_UNIT_SUB "%sub_time" IDSX_WAY_TOO_MANY_POINTS "You have entered a combination of sample rate and experiment duration which would generate too many points for %APP. Try lowering the sample rate or experiment duration." IDSX_DIGITAL_EVENTS_NUMPOINTS_ERROR "The number of digital events must be an integer larger than zero. Please retype." IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_EXCEEDS_SENSOR_MAX "The sample rate you have chosen exceeds the maximum rate for: %s. Please enter a rate no faster than %n samples/%u. " IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_EXCEEDS_SENSOR_WARNING "The rate exceeds %n samples/%u -- the maximum suggested for: %s.\n" IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_EXCEEDS_SENSOR_MAX_SENSOR_SUB "%s" IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_EXCEEDS_SENSOR_MAX_RATE_SUB "%n" IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_EXCEEDS_SENSOR_MAX_UNITS_SUB "%u" IDSX_COLUMN_NAME_USED "\"%s\" is already being used as a column name. Please choose a different name." IDSX_COLUMN_NAME_USED_SUB "%s" IDSX_EWE_COLUMN_NAME_DUPLICATE "\"%s\" is already being used as another Events With Entry column name. Please choose a different name." IDSX_EWE_COLUMN_NAME_DUPLICATE_SUB "%s" IDSX_FAST_START_TITLE "Keyboard Triggering Warning" IDSX_FAST_START_WARNING "Keyboard triggering can not be used with sample rates slower than 2 Hz.\n\nYou can continue with the current sample rate, but keyboard triggering will be turned off." IDSX_FAST_START_CONTINUE "Continue With Current Rate" IDSX_FAST_START_RESET "Reset Rate" IDSX_CONTINUOUS_WITH_NRT_COLLECTION "Continuous data collection cannot be done with a LabPro at rates faster than %r Hz." IDSX_CONTINUOUS_WITH_NRT_COLLECTION_RATE_SUB "%r" IDSX_SOURCE_TOO_FAST "%s can collect no faster than %r samples/%u.\n" IDSX_SOURCE_TOO_FAST_SOURCE "%s" IDSX_SOURCE_TOO_FAST_RATE "%r" IDSX_SOURCE_TOO_FAST_UNITS "%u" IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_ACTUAL_VALUE_DIFFERENT "%s cannot collect at the exact rate specified, and will instead collect at %r samples/%u.\n" IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_ACTUAL_VALUE_DIFFERENT_SOURCE_SUB "%s" IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_ACTUAL_VALUE_DIFFERENT_RATE_SUB "%r" IDSX_SAMPLE_RATE_ACTUAL_VALUE_DIFFERENT_UNITS_SUB "%u" IDSX_TRIGGERING_ON_MULTIPLE_SOURCES "At rates faster than %r Hz, triggering will only work with a single LabPro.\n" IDSX_TRIGGERING_ON_MULTIPLE_SOURCES_RATE "%r" IDSX_TRIGGERING_WARNING "Suggested sample rate is 2 samples/second or faster." IDSX_CONTINUOUS_NUM_SAMPLES_TEXT "<%s" IDSX_CONTINUOUS_NUM_SAMPLES_TEXT_SUB "%s" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_RATE_PARAM "%r" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_POINTS_PARAM "%p" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_POINTS_UNITS_PARAM "%u" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_TOO_MANY_HIGHSPEED_POINTS "The most points you may collect with a data rate greater than %r pts/%u is %p.\n" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_TOO_FAST_TRIGGERING_ONE "The fastest data rate you may collect at when triggering with one sensor is %r pts/%u.\n" IDSX_LABQUEST_BLUETOOTH_TOO_FAST_TRIGGERING_MANY "The fastest data rate you may collect at when triggering with multiple sensors is %r pts/%u.\n" // Crash Test Dummy (Remote Setup) IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_REMOTE_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS "Clicking OK will set up your Wireless Dynamics Sensor System for remote data collection. The WDSS does not then have to be near the computer.\n\nWhen you are ready to collect data, press the Start/Stop button on the WDSS. A green LED will flash to show that data collection is in progress. Press Start/Stop to end data collection early, if desired. You may collect multiple runs by pressing Start/Stop again.\n\nTo retrieve the data, choose Experiment --> Remote --> Retrieve Wireless --> %n, and follow the instructions." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_REMOTE_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS_NAME_SUB "%n" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_STATUS "Battery Level: %b" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_BATTERY_STATUS_SUB "%b" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_COLLECTION_TOO_FAST "This device cannot take data as quickly as you have requested. The fastest rate possible is %s Hz. Note that WDSS devices can collect data no faster than 500 Hz when more than 3 sensors are enabled." IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_COLLECTION_TOO_FAST_SUB "%s" IDSX_CANT_REMOTE_TRIGGER_ALTIMETER "Cannot set a remote trigger on the altimeter." // Firmware Updater Message, Error and Status strings // Dialog title IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_UPDATE_FIRMWARE "Updating Device Operating System" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_UPDATE_TYPE_FIRMWARE "Updating %s Operating System" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_UPDATE_TYPE_FIRMWARE_SUB "%s" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_SUCCESS "The %s OS has been successfully upgraded." IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_SUCCESS_SUB "%s" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_FAILED "The %t OS failed to update properly." IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_FAILED_SUB "%t" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_UPDATE_BEGIN "Beginning Update." IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_STATUS_ERROR_WRITING ": Error Writing to the Device" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_BYTES_REMAINING ": %b bytes remaining" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_BYTES_REMAINING_BYTES "%b" IDSX_UPDATE_FIRMWARE_MSG_HEADER "You may cancel to continue without upgrading, or select the devices that you would like to update and hit OK to upgrade.\nBefore starting, ensure that your computer will not sleep, hibernate, or activate its screen saver. \nDO NOT UNPLUG any devices until complete." IDSX_UPDATE_FIRMWARE_MSG "%s Currently %f; %a is available. Will take 1 minute or less." IDSX_UPDATE_FIRMWARE_MSG2 "%s Currently %f; Upgrade required to connect. Will take 1 minute or less." IDSX_UPDATE_FIRMWARE_MSG_SOURCE "%s" IDSX_UPDATE_FIRMWARE_MSG_ONDEVICE "%f" IDSX_UPDATE_FIRMWARE_MSG_LATEST "%a" IDSX_UPDATE_FIRMWARE_MSG_REQUIRED "%r" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_UPDATE_READING_FILE "Reading LabPro OS data file" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_UPDATE_CK_READING_FILE "Reading Spectrometer OS data file" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_UPDATE_LQ_READING_FILE "Reading LabQuest OS data file" IDSX_WARNING_CANT_UPDATE_LQMINI_MULTIPLE_SOURCES "The LabQuest Mini can be updated only if it is the sole device connected. Disconnect all other devices. " IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_DLG_MSG "The software on \"$$NAME\" is out of date. We strongly recommend that you update the software on your LabQuest. This update takes about ten minutes. The update contains new features and stability improvements.\n\nYou may use the LabQuest without updating, but with risk of data loss. Please update as soon as possible.\n\nPress "Quit and Update" to quit Logger Pro and run the Updater program. Press "Disconnect" to disconnect the LabQuest. Press "Continue Anyway" to use LabQuest without updating.\n\nYou will see this dialog each time Logger Pro detects an out-of-date LabQuest." IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_DLG_ALT_MSG "The software on \"$$NAME\" is out of date. Some features will be disabled, and unexpected behavior may result. Update LabQuest software at www.vernier.com/labquest/updates." IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_DLG_SUB_NAME "$$NAME" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_DLG_SUB_VERS "$$REQ_VERS" IDSX_LQ_UNCALIBRATED_SN "" IDSX_LQ_SN_NOT_FOUND_SN "00-00-000000" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_COULD_NOT_LAUNCH_UPDATER "$$APP could not locate and launch the LabQuest Updater $$VERS application. If you cannot find this program on your system, you may need to reinstall your software." IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_APP_SUB "$$APP" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_VERS_SUB "$$VERS" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_USER_CONTINUE "Continue Anyway" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_USER_DISCONNECT "Disconnect" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_USER_QUIT_AND_UPDATE "Quit and Update" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_USER_INFO "Get Latest LabQuest Update" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_USER_CONTINUE_ALT "Continue" IDSX_LQ_UPDATE_INFO_URL "http://www.vernier.com/labquest/updates/" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_DATAMATE_FAILED "DataMate installation failed." IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_UPDATE_DATAMATE "Updating DataMate Program" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_WAITING_FOR_DATAMATE "Waiting for DataMate" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_CHECKING_DATAMATE "Checking DataMate version on device" IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_SERIAL_MSG "Finishing..." IDSX_FIRMWAREUPDATER_VERIFY_STATUS "Verifying update." IDSX_FORCE_FIRMWARE_TITLE "Force Firmware Update" IDSX_FORCE_FIRMWARE_MESSAGE "Select the device on which to force a firmware update." IDSX_FORCE_FIRMWARE_ERROR "Logger Pro couldn't find any devices ready for a firmware update.\n\nMake sure the target Device is connected to the computer and is not currently being used by Logger Pro." IDSX_NO_FIRMWARE_FILE_FOUND "Cannot find required file \"%s\". Your installation may be corrupted. Please reinstall this software." IDSX_NO_FIRMWARE_FILE_FOUND_SUB "%s" IDSX_FIRMWARE_FILE_CHECKSUM_ERROR "A checksum error occurred on update file \"%s\".\nYour installation may be corrupted. Please reinstall this software." IDSX_FIRMWARE_FILE_CHECKSUM_ERROR_SUB "%s" IDSX_FIRMWARE_FILE_INVALID_DATA "The update file \"%s\" contains invalid data.\nYour installation may be corrupted. Please reinstall this software." IDSX_FIRMWARE_FILE_INVALID_DATA_SUB "%s" // Sensor info - storage for calibration: IDSX_CALIBSTORAGE_SMARTSENSOR "Sensor (SmartSense)" IDSX_CALIBSTORAGE_SENSORMAP "Local machine database" IDSX_CALIBSTORAGE_DOCUMENT "Document (%n)" IDSX_CALIBSTORAGE_DOCUMENT_SUB "%n" IDSX_CALIBSTORAGE_UNKNOWN "None (calibration not saved)" // Connection IDSX_CONNECTION_NO_PORTS_AVAILABLE "No USB devices or serial ports were found on the system. If you are using USB, you may need to check the connections and power to the device." // For Calibration menu IDSX_OUTPUT_ONLY "Output Only" // For digital columns // used for live readout IDSX_BLOCKED_STATE_UNKNOWN "?" IDSX_BLOCKED "Blocked" IDSX_SHORT_BLOCKED "B" IDSX_UNBLOCKED "Unblocked" IDSX_SHORT_UNBLOCKED "Ub" IDSX_EVENT_TIME "Event Time" IDSX_SHORT_EVENT_TIME "ETime" // For Selected Events IDSX_ROW_INDEX "Event Number" IDSX_SHORT_ROW "Event" IDSX_ROW_UNITS "" // For Events with Entry 1st column only IDSX_EWE1_NAME "Entry" IDSX_EWE1_SHORT "Entry" IDSX_EWE1_UNITS "" IDSX_EWE_DEFAULT_INFO_TEXT "Sensor value(s) recorded. Type corresponding entry or entries." IDSX_EWE_GELANALYSIS_INFO_TEXT "Enter the number of base pairs that correspond to the selected band." //meant to be appended to following two strings IDSX_EWE_DATATYPE_CONFLICT_WARNING "Correct the entry to continue. To enter non-numeric values, cancel and change the column Data Type to a non-numeric option." //Please keep space at end of string IDSX_EWE_DATETIME_TYPE_CONFLICT "The entry for a data, date & time, or time of day column must be a data or time in the specified format. " //Please keep space at end of string IDSX_EWE_NUMERIC_TYPE_CONFLICT "The entry for a numeric column must be a number. " IDSX_EWE_DATATYPE_CORRECT_ENTRY_ADVICE "Correct the entry to continue." IDSX_NO_PORT_WARNING "No available devices or ports were found on the system. If you are using USB, please plug in the device." IDSX_SENSOR_CONFLICT_TITLE "Sensor Confirmation" IDSX_EMPTY_FILE_CONFLICT "The file was saved with no sensors set up, but you have sensors currently attached. If you don't wish to collect data using this file, choose \"Use File As Is\"." IDSX_SETUP_USING_SENSORS "Set Up Connected Sensors" IDSX_USE_FILE_ASIS "Use File As Is" IDSX_LOCATE_SENSORS_INFO "The file you have opened was saved with sensors connected. At least one of these sensors was not automatically detected. To continue using this file you must do one of:\n\n 1) Connect autoID sensors\n 2) Connect a non-autoID sensor, confirm interface, channel, and sensor type, and click \"Connect\"\n 3) Click \"Continue Without Data Collection\"\n\nWhen sensors are connected, automatically or manually, they will be removed from the list. When all sensors have been connected, this dialog will close automatically." IDSX_LOCATE_SENSORS_INFO_SMALLSCREEN "The file you have opened was saved with sensors connected. At least one of these sensors was not automatically detected. To continue using this file you must complete the following Sensor Confirmation dialog by:\n\n 1) Connect autoID sensors\n 2) Connect a non-autoID sensor, confirm interface, channel, and sensor type, and click \"Connect\"\n 3) Click \"Continue Without Data Collection\"\n\nWhen sensors are connected, automatically or manually, they will be removed from the list. When all sensors have been connected, the Sensor Confirmation dialog will close automatically." IDSX_LOCATE_SENSORS_FOUND "Active Sensors:\n" IDSX_LOCATE_SENSORS_NO_SOURCE_AVAILABLE "No Interface Available" IDSX_SENSOR_RANGE_CONFLICT "The %s sensor connected to %t does not appear to have the correct range setting for this experiment. Please adjust the switch from %n to %o then click OK.\n\nIf you would like instead to use the current sensor setting and change this experiment, click the \"Use Sensor Setting\" button." IDSX_SENSOR_RANGE_SENSOR_SUB "%s" IDSX_SENSOR_RANGE_SOURCE_SUB "%t" IDSX_SENSOR_RANGE_OLDRANGE_SUB "%o" IDSX_SENSOR_RANGE_NEWRANGE_SUB "%n" IDSX_USE_SENSOR_SETTING "Use Sensor Setting" IDSX_CHANGE_SENSOR_SETTING "Change Sensor Setting" IDSX_OHAUS_NUMBERED "Ohaus %n" IDSX_OHAUS_NUMBERED_SUB "%n" IDSX_OHAUS_UNIT_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE "Measurement will be incorrect because the unit was not found on the balance. Please enable the unit through the Ohaus menu." IDSX_CANT_DELETE_LATEST_DATASET "The Latest data set cannot be deleted." IDSX_CANT_DELETE_SENSOR_COLUMN "The selected column is part of your sensor setup and cannot be deleted." // Remote Setup Dialog IDSX_LABPRO_REMOTE_TOO_FAST "The data rate is too high for remote collection. Use a rate of 10,000 Hz or less." IDSX_CYCLOPS_REMOTE_TOO_FAST "The data rate is too high for remote collection. Use a rate of 50 Hz or less." IDSX_NO_REMOTE_SENSORS_CONNECTED "At least one sensor that supports remote collection must be connected before doing remote setup." IDSX_TOO_MANY_REMOTE_POINTS "You are trying to collect %t points. This device can only store %m points during remote collection. Please reduce the data rate or experiment duration." IDSX_TOO_MANY_REMOTE_POINTS_CYCLOPS "You are trying to collect %t points. The Go!Motion can only store %m points during remote collection. Please reduce the data rate or experiment duration." IDSX_TOO_MANY_REMOTE_POINTS_TOTAL "%t" IDSX_TOO_MANY_REMOTE_POINTS_MAX "%m" IDSX_COLLECT_NOT_TIME_BASED_OR_SELECTED_EVENTS "This collection mode is not supported for remote collection. Please go to Experiment --> Data Collection... and choose either Time Based Collection or Selected Events (without time column)." IDSX_COLLECT_NOT_TIME_BASED "This collection mode is not supported for remote collection. Please go to Experiment --> Data Collection... and choose Time Based Collection." IDSX_LABPRO_REMOTE_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS1 "Please review the collection settings and read all the instructions in this window. If the settings are correct, press \"OK\"." IDSX_LABPRO_REMOTE_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS2 "The yellow LED on LabPro will turn on to indicate that LabPro is ready to collect remote data." IDSX_LABPRO_REMOTE_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS3 "Press the \"START/STOP\" button on LabPro to start data collection. Pressing \"START/STOP\" again will stop data collection early." IDSX_LABPRO_REMOTE_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS4 "Press the \"START/STOP\" button on LabPro each time you wish to collect a row of data." IDSX_LABPRO_REMOTE_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS2_NEWER "After any sensor warmup time, the yellow LED on LabPro will stay on to indicate that LabPro is ready to collect remote data." IDSX_CYCLOPS_REMOTE_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS1 "Please review the collection settings and read all the instructions in this window. If the settings are correct, press \"OK\"." IDSX_DEVICE_IS_STILL_ONLINE_REMOTE_SETUP "Please disconnect %s from the computer to continue with remote setup." IDSX_DEVICE_IS_STILL_ONLINE_PROTECT_REMOTE_DATA "In order to protect remote data, please disconnect %s from the computer." IDSX_DEVICE_IS_STILL_ONLINE_SUB "%s" IDSX_REMOTE_STORE_LATEST "Retrieving remote data may erase the latest data set. Do you want to store the latest data set before retrieval?" IDSX_TOO_MANY_CRASHTESTDUMMY_REMOTERUNS "This device can only store %s runs. Cannot store more." IDSX_TOO_MANY_CRASHTESTDUMMY_REMOTERUNS_MAX_SUB "%s" IDSX_CRASHTESTDUMMY_REMOTE_ERROR "Error retrieving remote data." // Remote Retrieval messages IDSX_COULD_NOT_CONNECT_FOR_REMOTE "Could not connect to %s for remote retrieval or interface reports no points are available. Please check all cables and try again." IDSX_BAD_NUM_REMOTE_BLOCKS "Error. Expected %e blocks of remote data but only got %f on %s. " IDSX_BAD_NUM_REMOTE_BLOCKS_EXPECTED "%e" IDSX_BAD_NUM_REMOTE_BLOCKS_FOUND "%f" IDSX_REMOTE_TIMEOUT "Timeout while trying to retrieve remote data on %s. Please check power and cables and try again. " IDSX_NO_REMOTE_POINTS "No remote points were found on %s. Check power and cables or redo remote collection. " IDSX_REMOTE_SOURCE "%s" IDSX_NO_ACTIVE_DATA "Unable to retrieve remote data. Please check power and cables, or rerun remote data collection and try again." // Note, this name must match the name below (IDSX_LABPRO_REMOTE) IDSX_DATASET_DOESNT_MATCH "This document's data set does not match the available remote data. Data will be retrieved into a data set called \"Remote Data\"." IDSX_LABPRO_REMOTE "Remote Data" IDSX_DONT_SUPPORT_KELVINS "NOTE: Remote collection does not support Kelvin for the stainless-steel temperature sensor. The channel is being set up for degrees centigrade." IDSX_NO_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION "---" IDSX_REMOTE_UNSUPPORTED "Unsupported" IDSX_COULD_NOT_GET_ARCHIVED_NAMES "Could not get archived column names for remote retrieval from %s. Either the connection failed, or remote setup was done with a different version of %APP." // Options when starting collection with existing data IDSX_WIPEOUT_WARNING_TITLE "Erase Data?" IDSX_WIPEOUT_WARNING "Starting collection will erase the latest data. What would you like to do?" IDSX_STORE_AND_CONTINUE "%&Store Latest" IDSX_ERASE_AND_CONTINUE "%&Erase Latest" // Warm fuzzy for connecting users IDSX_CONNECTOK "Connection to LabPro successfully established." // UNDO strings for MBL Messages IDSX_STORELATESTRUN "Store Latest Run" IDSX_CLEARLATESTRUN "Clear Latest Run" IDSX_STARTCOLLECTION "Collect" IDSX_RETRIEVEREMOTEDATA "Retrieve Remote Data" // Prompt in swicth sensor dialog // Dialog title IDSX_PROMPT_FOR_SWITCH "Sensor Range" IDSX_PROMPT_FOR_SWITCH_INSTRUCT "Choose a new switch setting for your sensor." // Math constants IDSX_MATH_CONSTANTS_CHANGED "Edit User Parameters" // for display of value with non-empty units in parameter control object IDSX_MATH_CONSTANT_VALUE "%v %u" IDSX_MATH_CONSTANT_VALUE_SUB "%v" IDSX_MATH_CONSTANT_UNITS_SUB "%u" // Function coefficients IDSX_COEFFICIENT_CHANGED "Edit Coefficient" IDSX_SLOPE_CHANGED "Drag Slope" IDSX_INTERCEPT_CHANGED "Drag Y Intercept" // Changing color family for sensors in prefs dialog IDSX_COLUMN_COLORS_REDONE "Color Family Choice" IDSX_CHANGE_UNITS "Switch Units" //Log Graphs Warnings //Log Axis Warnings IDSX_BAD_LOGAXISMINMAX "Data values less than or equal to zero cannot be plotted on a logarithmic axis" IDSX_BAD_LOGAXISCOLUMN "Log axis can plot only columns with numerical datatypes" IDSX_BAD_LOG_AUTOSCALE "Log axis cannot autoscale from zero" // Message for the About LabPro dialog box IDSX_ABOUT_LABPRO "OS Version: %v\nBattery Status: %b" IDSX_ABOUT_LABPRO_VERSION "%v" IDSX_ABOUT_LABPRO_B "%b" IDSX_BATTERY_OK "OK" IDSX_BATTERY_LOW "Low" IDSX_BATTERY_REALLY_LOW "Very Low" // Strings to show in LQ interface window for battery status IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_STATUS_OK "OK" IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_STATUS_LOW "Low" // If source can't respond for some reason (? should never happen) IDSX_LABQUEST_BATTERY_STATUS_UNKNOWN "Unknown" // Message for USB Direct Temp IDSX_ABOUT_USB_DIRECT_TEMP "OS Version: %v\nSerial#: %s" IDSX_ABOUT_USB_DIRECT_TEMP_VERSION "%v" IDSX_ABOUT_USB_DIRECT_TEMP_SERIALNUMBER "%s" // Message for SKIP IDSX_ABOUT_SKIP "OS Version: %v\nSerial#: %s" IDSX_ABOUT_SKIP_VERSION "%v" IDSX_ABOUT_SKIP_SERIALNUMBER "%s" IDSX_ABOUT_MINIGC "OS Version: %v" IDSX_ABOUT_MINIGC_VERSION "%v" // Message for Ohaus IDSX_ABOUT_OHAUSSCOUTPRO "OS Version: %v" IDSX_ABOUT_OHAUSSCOUTPRO_VERSION "%v" // Message for Spectrometer IDSX_ABOUT_SPECTROMETER "OS Version: %v" IDSX_ABOUT_SPECTROMETER_VERSION "%v" // Message for GPSGarmin IDSX_ABOUT_GPSGARMIN "OS Version: %v" IDSX_ABOUT_GPSGARMIN_VERSION "%v" // Message for SensorDAQ IDSX_ABOUT_SENSORDAQ "OS Version: %v\nNI-DAQ Version: %n" IDSX_ABOUT_SENSORDAQ_VERSION "%v" IDSX_ABOUT_SENSORDAQ_NIDAQ_VERSION "%n" // Message for LabQuest IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST "LabQuest %sw\n\nDAQ OS: %v\nBattery Status: %b\nSerial Number: \n\t%sn" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_SW_VERSION_SUB "%sw" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_VERSION_SUB "%v" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_BATTERY_SUB "%b" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_SN_SUB "%sn" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_NGIO_VERSION "NGIO Library Version: %n" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_NGIO_VERSION_SUB "%n" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_STREAM_NAME_SUB "%Nm" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_MINI "LabQuest Mini\n\nDAQ OS: %v\nSerial Number:\n\t%sn" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_STREAM "%Nm\n\nDAQ OS: %v\nBattery Status: %b\nSerial Number: \n\t%sn" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_VSTANALYSIS_VERSION "VSTAnalysis Library Version: %v" IDSX_ABOUT_LABQUEST_VSTANALYSIS_VERSION_SUB "%v" // LQ max rate with more than one sensor IDSX_LABQUEST_MAX_RATE_WITH_MULTIPLE_SENSORS_RATE_SUB "%r" IDSX_LABQUEST_MAX_RATE_WITH_MULTIPLE_SENSORS_UNITS_SUB "%u" IDSX_LABQUEST_MAX_RATE_WITH_MULTIPLE_SENSORS "The fastest data rate you may collect at with multiple sensors is %r pts/%u.\n" // Format for Wireless LabQuest Stream display names e.g. "LabQuest Stream: 123456 (requires pairing)" IDSX_STREAM_DISPLAY_NAME_TEXT "%i%p" IDSX_STREAM_DISPLAY_NAME_ID_SUB "%i" IDSX_STREAM_DISPLAY_NAME_DEVICE_REQ_PAIRING_SUB "%p" IDSX_STREAM_DISPLAY_NAME_DEVICE_REQUIRES_PAIRING_TEXT " (requires pairing)" IDSX_STREAM_DISPLAY_NAME_DEVICE_WITH_USER_NAME_USER_SUB "%n" IDSX_STREAM_DISPLAY_NAME_DEVICE_WITH_USER_NAME_SERIAL_SUB "%i" IDSX_STREAM_DISPLAY_NAME_DEVICE_WITH_USER_NAME "%n (%i)" //Messages for MiniGC IDSX_MINIGC_STATUS_NOT_READY "GC Not Ready" IDSX_MINIGC_STATUS_READY "Ready to Inject" IDSX_MINIGC_INFO_NOT_READY "Do not inject until GC is ready." IDSX_MINIGC_INFO_READY "Inject and click Collect simultaneously." IDSX_MINIGC_STOP_COLLECTION_WARNING_TITLE "Stop Collection Warning" IDSX_MINIGC_STOP_COLLECTION_WARNING "Are you sure? If you made an injection, the sample needs to have had time to clear the column. Click Stop to stop data collection or Continue Collection to continue." IDSX_MINIGC_STOP "Stop" IDSX_MINIGC_CANCEL "Continue Collection" IDSX_MINIGC_STANDARD_SENSITIVITY "Standard" IDSX_MINIGC_HIGH_SENSITIVITY "High" IDSX_MINIGC_GRAPH_COLUMN_TEMP "Temperature" IDSX_MINIGC_GRAPH_COLUMN_TIME "Time" IDSX_MINIGC_GRAPH_COLUMN_UNITS "min" IDSX_MINIGC_SETUP_MSG "Vernier Mini GC Gas Chromatograph" // Message for generic device IDSX_ABOUT_VERSION "OS Version: %v" IDSX_ABOUT_VERSION_SUB "%v" // For Go!Motion Remote columns IDSX_TIME_COLUMN_NAME "Time" IDSX_TIME_COLUMN_SHORTNAME "t" IDSX_TIME_COLUMN_UNITS "s" // These equation explanation strings should be in the same order as EMBLCalibrationType in GMBLCommon.h IDSX_CALEQUATION_NONE "" IDSX_CALEQUATION_LINEAR "This sensor is calibrated using a linear relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = Slope * voltage + Intercept" IDSX_CALEQUATION_QUAD "This sensor is calibrated using a quadratic relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = K0 + K1 * voltage + K2 * voltage^2" IDSX_CALEQUATION_POWER "This sensor is calibrated using a power relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = Coefficient * voltage^Power" IDSX_CALEQUATION_MODPOWER "This sensor is calibrated using a modified power relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = Coefficient * Base^voltage" IDSX_CALEQUATION_LOG "This sensor is calibrated using a logarithmic relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = K0 + K1 * log(voltage)" IDSX_CALEQUATION_MODLOG "This sensor is calibrated using a modified logarithmic relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = K0 + K1 * log(1 / voltage)" IDSX_CALEQUATION_EXP "This sensor is calibrated using an exponential relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = K0 * e^(K1 * voltage)" IDSX_CALEQUATION_MODEXP "This sensor is calibrated using a modified exponential relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = K0 * e^(K1 / voltage)" IDSX_CALEQUATION_GEOMETRIC "This sensor is calibrated using a geometric relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = K0 * voltage^(K1 * voltage)" IDSX_CALEQUATION_MODGEOMETRIC "This sensor is calibrated using a geometric relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = K0 * voltage^(K1 / voltage)" IDSX_CALEQUATION_RECIPROCALLOG "This sensor is calibrated using a reciprocal logarithmic relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nReported Reading = 1 / (K0 + K1 * ln(K2 * voltage))" IDSX_CALEQUATION_STEINHARTHART "This sensor is calibrated using a Steinhart-Hart relationship between the voltage level and the reported readings:\n\nKelvins = 1 / (K0 + K1 * ln(1000 * voltage) + K2 * ln(1000 * voltage)^3)\nNote that the units for this sensor have to be °C, °F or K." IDSX_CALEQUATION_MOTION "Motion" IDSX_CALEQUATION_ROTARY "This sensor measures the rotation of a wheel either as a distance traveled or in rotations. The diameter parameter refers to the diameter of the wheel used to measure distance." IDSX_CALEQUATION_HEATPULSER "This sensor turns a digital output on for a number of seconds, the duration parameter is the number of seconds per pulse." IDSX_CALEQUATION_DROP_COUNTER "Drop Counter" IDSX_CALEQUATION_SPECTROMETER "Spectrometer" IDSX_CALEQUATION_ALTITUDE "This sensor is calibrated using the following relationship between voltage and altitude (in meters):\n\nReported Reading = (5 - log((K0 + K1*voltage)/1000)) / 15500" IDSX_LOW_BATTERY_FOR_UPDATE "LabPro battery level is low. Connect your LabPro to external power before continuing." IDSX_STORE_LATEST_RUN "Switching collection modes may erase some data in the latest data set. Do you want to store the latest?" // For user feedback in extend collection menu IDSX_EXTEND_COLLECTION "Ex%&tend Collection %s" IDSX_EXTEND_COLLECTION_SUB "%s" IDSX_EXTEND_COLLECTION_HOT_KEY "\tCtrl+T" // Error message if cannot find sensormap.xml IDSX_NO_SENSORMAP "Cannot open support files:\n %m\nContinuing without a sensor map." IDSX_NO_SENSORMAP_MAINFILE_SUB "%m" IDSX_PLEASE_CONNECT_LABPRO "Please connect your LabPro now." IDSX_CANT_CHANGE_COLLECT_SETTINGS "Settings can not be changed during collection" IDSX_DISCONNECT_NOW "If you would like to retrieve this data again to another computer, the LabPro should be disconnected. Do you want to disconnect now?" IDSX_COLLECTION_INTERRUPTED "Warning: Collection did not finish because the system went to sleep." // This MUST match the first part of the calibration user names in sensormap.xml for RMS sensor IDSX_USER_NAME_ROTARY_ANGULAR_CALIBRATIONS "Rotary Motion Angular" // These strings are used in the Calibration equation dialog -- they must stay in this order IDSX_CALEQUATION_LINEAR_LABEL1 "Intercept:" IDSX_CALEQUATION_LINEAR_LABEL2 "Slope:" IDSX_CALEQUATION_POWER_LABEL1 "Coefficient:" IDSX_CALEQUATION_POWER_LABEL2 "Power:" IDSX_CALEQUATION_MODPOWER_LABEL1 "Coefficent:" IDSX_CALEQUATION_MODPOWER_LABEL2 "Base:" IDSX_ROTARY_COUNTERPERREV_LABEL "Counts/rotation:" IDSX_ROTARY_DIAMETER_LABEL "Diameter:" // Used for looping over the following menu items IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_START "" // NOTE that any items that DO appear in a sensor menu will appear in the order they are listed here: IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_CALIBRATE "Calibrate..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_SENSOR_INFO "Sensor Info..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_ZERO "Zero" IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_REVERSE "Reverse Direction" // separator IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_5 "-" IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_CHOOSE_SENSOR "Choose Sensor" // separator IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_8 "-" IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_REMOVE_SENSOR "Remove Sensor" // separator IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_10 "-" IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_RADIATION_INTERVAL "Count Interval..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_SET_DISTANCE "Set Distance or Length..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_PHOTOGATE_HELP "Photogate Help..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_MD_SET_OFFSET "Set Offset..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_MD_SET_TEMP "Set Temperature..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_RMS_SET_X4 "X4 Mode" IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_RESET_ON_COLLECT "Reset (Zero) On Collect" // OK that both analog out and digital out use the same hot letter -- they can never be on the same channel! IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_ANALOG_OUT "Analog Out..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_DIGITAL_OUT "Digital Out..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_CHANGE_SENSOR_RANGE "Change Sensor Range..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_SPECTROMETER_SELECT_WAVELENGTHS "Configure Collection..." IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_SPECTROMETER_SUPPORT_WEBSITE "Go to Support Web Page" IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_CURRENT_CALIBRATIONS "Current Calibrations:" IDSX_SENSOR_MENU_CURRENT_UNITS "Current Units:" // only used to tell the end of the list IDSX_LAST_SENSOR_MENU "" // Used in triggering to edit user parameters IDSX_EDIT_CONSTANTS_COMBO "User Parameters..." // Used in below menu itmes to extract a number IDSX_SPECIAL_VPG_CHAR "@" // Used in Set Distance dialog. The number after the menu item tells the dialog not to enable the edit control (and what value to set -- in meters) // must be first IDSX_VPG_MENU_VERNIER_PICKET_FENCE "Vernier Picket Fence@0.05" IDSX_VPG_MENU_CART_PICKET_FENCE "Cart Picket Fence@0.01" IDSX_VPG_MENU_BAR_TAPE "Bar Tape@0.01524" IDSX_VPG_MENU_10_SPOKE_OUTSIDE "Ultra Pulley (10 Spoke) Outside Edge@0.016" IDSX_VPG_MENU_10_SPOKE_INSIDE "Ultra Pulley (10 Spoke) In Groove@0.015" IDSX_VPG_MENU_3_SPOKE_OUTSIDE "Ultra Pulley (3 Spoke) Outside Edge@0.052" IDSX_VPG_MENU_3_SPOKE_INSIDE "Ultra Pulley (3 Spoke) In Groove@0.048" IDSX_VPG_MENU_USER_DEFINED "User Defined@0.06" // must be last IDSX_VPG_MENU_LAST "" IDSX_VPG_MENU_LENGTH "Length of Object" IDSX_VPG_MENU_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_GATES "Distance Between Gates" IDSX_BAD_SET_DISTANCE "The distance/length must be a number larger than 0" // Analog wave forms (Must match enum declared in GTypes.h) IDSX_ANALOG_WAVE1 "Off" IDSX_ANALOG_WAVE2 "DC Output" IDSX_ANALOG_WAVE3 "Ramp Up" IDSX_ANALOG_WAVE4 "Ramp Down" IDSX_ANALOG_WAVE5 "Triangle " IDSX_ANALOG_WAVE6 "Square" IDSX_ANALOG_WAVE7 "Sine" // DCU Strings // releational strings IDSX_DCU_RELATIONAL_LESS_THAN_EQUAL "≤" IDSX_DCU_RELATIONAL_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL "≥" IDSX_DCU_PARAM_VALUE_MANUAL "" // Boolean IDSX_DCU_BOOLEAN_AND "AND" IDSX_DCU_BOOLEAN_OR "OR" IDSX_DCU_BOOLEAN_UNTIL "UNTIL" // DCU Line triggering strings (and bit patterns after the '@') IDSX_SPECIAL_DCU_CHAR "@" IDSX_DCU_1 "Line 1@1" IDSX_DCU_2 "Line 2@2" IDSX_DCU_3 "Lines 1 and 2@3" IDSX_DCU_4 "Line 3@4" IDSX_DCU_5 "Lines 1 and 3@5" IDSX_DCU_6 "Lines 2 and 3@6" IDSX_DCU_7 "Lines 1, 2, and 3@7" IDSX_DCU_8 "Line 4@8" IDSX_DCU_9 "Lines 1 and 4@9" IDSX_DCU_10 "Lines 2 and 4@10" IDSX_DCU_11 "Lines 1, 2, and 4@11" IDSX_DCU_13 "Line 5@13" IDSX_DCU_14 "Line 6@14" IDSX_DCU_15 "Lines 5 and 6@15" // not used except in code to tell the end of the DCU list IDSX_LAST_DCU_VALUE "" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_FREQRANGE "Hz (%l - %h)" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_FREQRANGE_LOW "%l" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_FREQRANGE_HIGH "%h" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_VOLTRANGE "Volts (%l - %h)" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_VOLTRANGE_LOW "%l" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_VOLTRANGE_HIGH "%h" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_BAD_FREQ "The value you have typed for \"Frequency\" is not a valid number. Please retype." IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_FREQ_TOO_SMALL "The value you have typed for \"Frequency\" is too small. Please re-enter a number no less than %n." IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_FREQ_TOO_SMALL_SUB "%n" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_FREQ_TOO_BIG "The value you have typed for \"Frequency\" is too large. Please re-enter a number no larger than %n." IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_FREQ_TOO_BIG_SUB "%n" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_BAD_AMPLITUDE "The value you have typed for \"Amplitude\" is not a valid number. Please retype." IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_AMPLITUDE_TOO_SMALL "The value you have typed for \"Amplitude\" is too small. Please re-enter a number no less than %n." IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_AMPLITUDE_TOO_SMALL_SUB "%n" IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_AMPLITUDE_TOO_BIG "The value you have typed for \"Amplitude\" is too large. Please re-enter a number no larger than %n." IDSX_ANALOG_OUT_AMPLITUDE_TOO_BIG_SUB "%n" //Help file name. IDSX_HELP_FILE_NAME_LL "LoggerLiteHelp.chm::" IDSX_HELP_FILE_NAME_LP "LoggerProHelp.chm::" IDSX_HELP_FILE_NAME_GA "GraphicalAnalysisHelp.chm::" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_DDS_MEMORY_MAP_VERSION "DDS Memory Map Version:\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_PRODUCT_ID "Product ID:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_SERIAL_NUM "Serial #:\t\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_LOT_CODE "Lot Code(ww yy):\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_MFR_ID "Manufacturer ID:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_LONG_NAME "Long Name:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_SHORT_NAME "Short Name:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_UNCERTAINTY "Uncertainty:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_NUM_SIG_FIGS "Num Sig. Figures:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_PRECISION "Precision:\t\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_AVERAGE_CURRENT "Average Current:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_AVERAGING "Averaging:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_MIN_SAMPLE_PERIOD "Min Sample Period:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_TYPICAL_SAMPLE_PERIOD "Typical Sample Period:\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_NUM_SAMPLES "Num Samples:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_WARM_UP_TIME "Warm Up Time:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_EXPERIMENT_TYPE "Experiment Type:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_INTERFACE_OP "Interface Op:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_EQUATION_TYPE "Equation Type:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_Y_MINIMUM "Y Minimum:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_Y_MAXIMUM "Y Maximum:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_NUM_TICKS "Num Ticks:\t\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_NUM_VALID_CALIB_PAGES "Num Valid Calib. Pages:\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_ACTIVE_CALIB_PAGE_INDEX "Active Calib. Page Index:\t" IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_CALIB_LABEL "Calib. " IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_CALIB_K0 ": K0 = " IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_CALIB_K1 "; K1 = " IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_CALIB_K2 "; K2 = " IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_CALIB_UNITS "; Units = " IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_PARM_CALIB_BAD_EQN "One of the numbers you have entered is invalid. Please retype." IDSX_SMART_SENSOR_CALIB_TEMP_UNITS_BAD "This temperature sensor may only be calibrated with units of K(Kelvin), °C(Celsius), or °F(Fahrenheit)." // For the set temp dialog -- do not change this order! IDSX_CELSIUS "Celsius" IDSX_FARENHEIT "Fahrenheit" // instructions used in the Drop Counter Calibration dialog IDSX_CALIBDROP_0 "To measure the number of drops per mL:" IDSX_CALIBDROP_1 "1. Click Start." IDSX_CALIBDROP_2 "2. Add approximately 10 mL of titrant dropwise to a graduated cylinder." IDSX_CALIBDROP_3 "3. Record the precise volume in the volume edit box." IDSX_CALIBDROP_4 "4. Click \"OK\"." IDSX_DROPS "Drops: %s" IDSX_DROPSPERML "Drops/mL: %s" IDSX_DROPS_SUB "%s" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORAGE_DESC_SMART1 "" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORAGE_DESC_SMARTSUB "%n" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORAGE_DESC_SENSOR_MAP "" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORAGE_DESC_DOC "" IDSX_CALIBRATION_STORAGE_DESC_UNSAVED "" // Strings for the burn smart sensor dialog IDSX_SENSOR_BURN_WARNING "This action will cause calibration settings to be written to the memory chip on the selected sensor. These calibration settings will then be available when the sensor is used with other computers." IDSX_ADD_PAGE "Add Page %n" IDSX_ADD_PAGE_SUB "%n" IDSX_PREVIOUS_DEFAULT "The Default Page setting controls which calibration the sensor returns by default.\n" IDSX_PREVIOUS_DEFAULT_MORE "The previous Default was %n." IDSX_PREVIOUS_DEFAULT_MORE_SUB "%n" IDSX_PAGE_NAME "Page %n %u" IDSX_PAGE_NAME_INDEX_SUB "%n" IDSX_PAGE_NAME_UNITS_SUB "%u" // strings for CollectHandlerDigitalRT::CheckConfigForCollect() IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_RAD "%s can't collect Digital Events with a Radiation Monitor.\n" IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_EWE "%s can't collect data from Photogates or Drop Counters in Events with Entry mode.\n" IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_SELECTED_EVENTS "%s can't collect data from Photogates or Drop Counters in Selected Events mode.\n" IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PG "%s can't collect data from more than one Photogate or Drop Counter in Digital Events mode.\n" IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_ANALOG_DIGITAL_TOO_FAST "%s cannot collect data from a Digital Probe (e.g. Photogate or Drop Counter) and a different type of probe at more than %n Hz.\n" IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_DIGITAL_ONLY_TOO_FAST "%s cannot collect data from a Digital Sensor (e.g. Radiation) at more than %n samples/second.\n" IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_DIGITAL_ONLY_TOO_SLOW "%s cannot collect data from a Radiation Monitor or similar sensor when the sample time is longer than %n seconds.\n" IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_CONTINUOUS_NOT_ALLOWED "Continuous data collection is not allowed with the digital sensor(s) you have attached.\n" IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_TIME_BASED_BAD_SYNC "%s cannot collect with Photogates or Drop Counters when %q is also collecting (time synchronization issues).\n" IDSX_DIGITALRT_SOURCE_SUB "%s" IDSX_DIGITALRT_SECOND_SOURCE_SUB "%q" IDSX_DIGRT_MAX_RATE_SUB "%n" IDSX_DIGRT_MIN_RATE_SUB "%n" // Strings for CheckConfigForCollect in base class IDSX_DIGRT_ERROR_NO_DIGIN_PROBE "%s has no sensor that supports Digital Events (e.g. a Photogate or Drop Counter).\n" IDSX_FULLSPECTRUM_ERROR "%s does not support Full Spectrum Collection mode (only spectrometers support that mode).\n" IDSX_CHECK_CONFIG_COLLECT_SOURCE_SUB "%s" // String for CheckConfigForCollect in Spectrometer collect handler IDSX_SPECTROMETER_NEEDS_CALIBRATION "Calibration required on %s. Choose Experiment --> Calibrate.\n" IDSX_SPECTROMETER_SOURCE_SUB "%s" IDSX_NOT_FULLSPECTRUM_ERROR "%s is configured to use Full Spectrum Collection mode.\nTo run in another mode, go to the \"Configure Spectrometer\" dialog.\n" IDSX_NOT_FULLSPECTRUM_SUB "%s" IDSX_NO_SELECTEDEVENTS_ERROR "%s does not support Selected Events Collection mode.\n" IDSX_NO_SELECTEDEVENTS_SUB "%s" // Strings to check Spectrometer units -- MUST MATCH SENSORMAP PrettyUnits!!! IDSX_ABSORBANCE_PRETTY_UNITS "" IDSX_TRANSMITTANCE_PRETTY_UNITS "%" // Menu item in remove interfaces IDSX_REMOVE_INTERFACE_ALL "Remove All" // Menu items for showing/Hiding all interfaces (Can't use "%&" because these menus end up being owner draw) IDSX_SHOW_INTERFACE_ALL "Show All Interfaces" IDSX_HIDE_INTERFACE_ALL "Hide All Interfaces" IDSX_AUTO_DETECT_SENSORS "Auto Detect Sensors" // For Sensor Conflict dialog IDSX_SENSOR_CONFLICT_INFO "Some sensors saved in the file did not match sensors found on interfaces. Please double check all cables and connect any missing sensors." IDSX_SENSOR_CONFLICT_HIGHLIGHT_INFO "Please choose the channel where Highlighted Sensors can be found." IDSX_SENSOR_SAVED_IN "%c on %s" IDSX_SENSOR_SAVED_IN_CHANNEL "%c" IDSX_SENSOR_SAVED_IN_SOURCE "%s" IDSX_NOT_SAVED_IN_FILE "Not saved in file" IDSX_CHANNEL_SOURCE "%c on %s" IDSX_CHANNEL_SOURCE_CHANNEL "%c" IDSX_CHANNEL_SOURCE_SOURCE "%s" IDSX_SENSOR_CONFLICT_RED "You must set a valid channel for highlighted sensors." IDSX_SELECT_CHANNEL "Select channel" // TEMP SPORT FOR MENU STRINGS ( is this supposed to be temp spot for menu Items not sport?) IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT "E%&xperiment" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_COLLECT "%&Collect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_STORE_LATEST_RUN "Store %&Latest Run" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CLEAR_LATEST_RUN "Clear Latest %&Run" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_DATA_MARK "Mark Data" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_DATA_TAG "Tag Data" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_KEEP "%&Keep" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_EXTEND_COLLECTION "Ex%&tend Collection" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_INTERFACE "Connect %&Interface" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_SKIP "Go! %&Link" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_SKIP0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_CYCLOPS "Go! %&Motion" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_CYCLOPS0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_GOTEMP "Go! %&Temp" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_GOTEMP0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_GPS "%&GPS" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_GPS0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABPRO "Lab%&Pro" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABPRO0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_OHAUS "%&Ohaus" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_OHAUS0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_WATTSUP "Watts %&Up" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_WATTSUP0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_SPECTROMETER "%&Spectrometer" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_SPECTROMETER0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_WDSS "%&WDSS" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_WDSS0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_GO_WIRELESS "%&Go Wireless..." IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_SENSORDAQ "S%&ensorDAQ" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_SENSORDAQ0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABQUEST "Lab%&Quest" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABQUEST0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABQUEST_MINI "LabQuest Min%&i" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABQUEST_MINI0 "Nothing to connect" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABQUEST_STREAMBT "Wireless LabQuest Stream" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABQUEST_STREAMBT0 "Scan for Wireless LabQuest Stream" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CONNECT_LABQUEST_STREAMBT1 "Scan for Wireless LabQuest Stream" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_NO_PORTS_AVAILABLE "No Ports Available" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_REMOVE_INTERFACE "R%&emove Interface" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_NO_INTERFACES_CONNECTED "No Interfaces Connected" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_SETUP_SENSORS "Set Up %&Sensors" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_NO_SENSOR_CONNECTED "No Interfaces Connected" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_OFFLINE_SETUP "Add %&Offline Interface" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_SKIP "Add Go! %&Link" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_CYCLOPS "Add Go! %&Motion" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_USB_DIRECT "Add Go! %&Temp" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_GPSGARMIN "Add %&GPS" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_LABPRO "Add %&LabPro" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_OHAUS_PRO "Add %&Ohaus Balance" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_SPECTROMETER "Add %&Spectrometer" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_WDSS "Add %&Wireless Dynamics Sensor System" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_WU "Add Watts %&Up" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_SENSORDAQ "Add SensorD%&AQ" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_LABQUEST "Add Lab%&Quest" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ADD_LABQUEST_MINI "Add LabQuest Min%&i" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_DATA_COLLECTION "%&Data Collection..." IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_REMOTE "Re%&mote" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_REMOTE_SETUP "%&Setup" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_NO_REMOTE "No Interfaces Connected" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_CYCLOPS "Retrieve %&Go!Motion" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_CYCLOPS0 "Nothing to retrieve" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_GPS "Retrieve GP%&S" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_GPS0 "Nothing to retrieve" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_LABPRO "Retrieve Lab%&Pro" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_LABPRO0 "Nothing to retrieve" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_LABQUEST "Retrieve Lab%&Quest" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_LABQUEST0 "Nothing to retrieve" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_WDSS "Retrieve %&Wireless (WDSS)" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_RETRIEVE_REMOTE_WDSS0 "Nothing to retrieve" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CHANGE_UNITS "C%&hange Units" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_NO_CHANGE_UNITS "No Sensors Have Units Conversions" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CALIBRATE "C%&alibrate" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_NO_CALIBRATE "No Sensors To Calibrate" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_ZERO "%&Zero..." IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_LIVE_READOUTS "Li%&ve Readouts" // This string is used when no thermometers are present (menu item will be disabled) IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_SWITCH "Switch to..." IDSX_TOOLBAR_STORE_LATEST "Store" IDSX_TOOLBAR_PAGES "Pages" IDSX_TOOLBAR_AUTOSCALE "Autoscale" IDSX_TOOLBAR_PREDICTION "Prediction" IDSX_TOOLBAR_SWITCH "Switch" // Strings for handling sleep/wakeup issues IDSX_SLEEP_COLLECTION_WAS_INTERRUPTED "Collection was interrupted because the computer went to sleep." IDSX_SLEEP_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_WAS_INTERRUPTED "LabPro OS update was interrupted because the computer went to sleep. Devices may be in a bad state. Try reconnecting devices then running the application to force the LabPro OS update to complete." IDSX_SLEEP_STORED_LATEST "When the computer went to sleep, the connected sensors were different than when the computer woke up, hence the latest data set had to change. All columns that could not be restored to the latest data set when the computer went to sleep were stored in a new data set named %d." IDSX_SLEEP_DATASET_NAME "%d" IDSX_NEW_SLEEP_DATASET "Recovered" // Used in switch menu IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_SWITCH_TO_CELSIUS "Switch to Celsius" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_SWITCH_TO_FAHRENHEIT "Switch to Fahrenheit" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CHANGE_UNITS_GPS_ENTRY "All GPS Latitude/Longitude" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CHANGE_UNITS_GPS_DD "Degrees" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CHANGE_UNITS_GPS_DM "Degrees + Minutes" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CHANGE_UNITS_GPS_UTM "UTM" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CHANGE_UNITS_GPS_UNDO "Change GPS Units" IDSX_MENU_EXPERIMENT_CHANGE_UNITS_SPEC_MODE "Select Spectrometer Mode..." // Message to display in undo after inserting a character. IDSX_INSERT_CHARACTER "Insert Character" // degree symbol IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY01 "° " IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY02 "@25@Greek Lower" // greek small alpha IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY03 "α " // greek small beta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY04 "β " // greek small gamma IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY05 "γ " // greek small delta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY06 "δ " // greek small epsilon IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY07 "ε " // greek small zeta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY08 "ζ " // greek small eta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY09 "η " // greek small theta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY10 "θ " // greek small iota IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY11 "ι " // greek small kappa IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY12 "κ " // greek small lamda IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY13 "λ " // greek small mu IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY14 "µ " // greek small nu IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY15 "ν " // greek small xi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY16 "ξ " // greek small omicron IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY17 "ο " // greek small Pi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY18 "π " // greek small rho IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY19 "ρ " // greek small final sigma IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY20 "ς " // greek small sigma IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY21 "σ " // greek small tau IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY22 "τ " // greek small uplsilon IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY23 "υ " // greek small phi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY24 "φ " // greek small chi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY25 "χ " // greek small psi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY26 "ψ " // greek small omega IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY27 "ω " IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY28 "@24@Greek Upper" // greek capital alpha IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY29 "Α " // greek capital beta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY30 "Β " // greek capital gamma IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY31 "Γ " // greek capital delta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY32 "Δ " // greek capital epsilon IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY33 "Ε " // greek capital zeta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY34 "Ζ " // greek capital eta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY35 "Η " // greek capital theta IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY36 "Θ " // greek capital iota IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY37 "Ι " // greek capital kappa IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY38 "Κ " // greek capital lamda IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY39 "Λ " // greek capital mu IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY40 "Μ " // greek capital nu IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY41 "Ν " // greek capital xi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY42 "Ξ " // greek capital omicron IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY43 "Ο " // greek capital Pi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY44 "Π " // greek capital rho IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY45 "Ρ " // greek capital sigma IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY46 "Σ " // greek capital tau IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY47 "Τ " // greek capital uplsilon IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY48 "Υ " // greek capital phi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY49 "Φ " // greek capital chi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY50 "Χ " // greek capital psi IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY51 "Ψ " // greek capital omega IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY52 "Ω " IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY53 "@10@Subscript" // subscript zero IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY54 "0" // subscript one IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY55 "1" // subscript two IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY56 "2" // subscript three IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY57 "3" // subscript four IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY58 "4" // subscript five IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY59 "5" // subscript six IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY60 "6" // subscript seven IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY61 "7" // subscript eight IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY62 "8" // subscript nine IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY63 "9" IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY64 "@12@Superscript" // superscript zero IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY65 "0" // superscript one IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY66 "1" // superscript two IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY67 "2" // superscript three IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY68 "3" // superscript four IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY69 "4" // superscript five IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY70 "5" // superscript six IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY71 "6" // superscript seven IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY72 "7" // superscript eight IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY73 "8" // superscript nine IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY74 "9" // superscript plus sign IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY75 "+" // superscript minus sign IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY76 "-" // not visible to user -- just controls the loop IDSX_INSERT_SYMBOL_DISPLAY_LAST "" // Used in the "Samples to be collected" message when continuous data collection is selected IDSX_INFINITY "∞" // Used to make sure RTL languages correctly position numeric text IDSX_LTR_DIRECTIONAL_CHARACTER "‎" // Livereadout string // Ask user if they want to stop collecting when quitting IDSX_QUIT_WHILE_COLLECTING "You are collecting data. Do you want to stop collecting and quit?" // Live Readout string IDSX_LIVEREADOUT "%n = %v %u" IDSX_LIVEREADOUT_NAME_SUB "%n" IDSX_LIVEREADOUT_VALUE_SUB "%v" IDSX_LIVEREADOUT_UNITS_SUB "%u" // Default strings for text object in Logger Lite IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT "Logger Lite is looking for sensors..." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_NO_SOURCES "No sensors were found.\nEither connect a Go! device, LabQuest, LabPro, or open a file." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_GO_LINK "A Go!Link was found, but no sensor has been detected.\nEither connect an auto-ID sensor or go to the Experiment menu and set up your sensor manually." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_LABPRO "A LabPro was found, but no sensor has been detected.\nEither connect an auto-ID sensor or go to the Experiment menu and set up your sensor manually." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_LABQUEST "A LabQuest was found, but no sensor has been detected.\nEither connect an auto-ID sensor or go to the Experiment menu and set up your sensor manually." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_LABQUEST2 "A LabQuest 2 was found, but no sensor has been detected.\nEither connect an auto-ID sensor or go to the Experiment menu and set up your sensor manually." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_GO_LINK_AND_LP "A Go!Link and a LabPro were found, but no sensor has been detected.\nEither connect an auto-ID sensor or go to the Experiment menu and set up your sensor manually." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_GO_LINK_AND_LQ "A Go!Link and a LabQuest were found, but no sensor has been detected.\nEither connect an auto-ID sensor or go to the Experiment menu and set up your sensor manually." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_LP_AND_LQ "A LabPro and a LabQuest were found, but no sensor has been detected.\nEither connect an auto-ID sensor or go to the Experiment menu and set up your sensor manually." IDSX_DEFAULT_LL_TEXT_LP_GO_LINK_AND_LQ "A LabPro, a Go!Link, and a LabQuest were found, but no sensor has been detected.\nEither connect an auto-ID sensor or go to the Experiment menu and set up your sensor manually." // Message when bringing up sensor conflict and no sensors are detected in LoggerLite IDSX_NO_SENSORS_FOUND "No Sensors Found" IDSX_NO_SENSORS_FOUND_WHADDA_WANT "Logger Lite did not find any sensors. What would you like to do?" IDSX_NO_SENSORS_FOUND_USE_FILE "Use File Without Sensors" IDSX_NO_SENSORS_FOUND_SETUP_SENSORS "Setup Sensors" IDSX_UNSUPPORTED_SENSOR_FOR_LOGGERLITE "The sensor %e is not supported in LoggerLite. Please install LoggerPro to correctly collect data using this sensor" // Message when trying to connect a sensor to a source that doesn't support it (e.g. CO2 on Skip) IDSX_SENSOR_NOT_SUPPORTED "%s does not support %e.\nPlease unplug the sensor before continuing." IDSX_SENSOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_SOURCE "%s" IDSX_SENSOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_SENSOR "%e" IDSX_ABOUT_LL_DESCRIPTION "Logger Lite%t offers simple functionality for those new to data collection. If you are looking for more advanced features for data collection and analysis, visit the Vernier web site to learn more about our award-winning software, Logger Pro%t." IDSX_ABOUT_LL_TAG_LINE "Measure. Analyze. Learn." IDSX_ABOUT_LP_DESCRIPTION "Logger Pro%t is the premier data-collection software from Vernier Software %&& Technology. It combines real-time graphing capabilities, powerful analytical tools, video analysis, and many other features into one easy-to-use program." IDSX_ABOUT_GA_DESCRIPTION "Graphical Analysis%t is the basic graphing and analysis software from Vernier Software %&& Technology. It combines graphing, curve fitting, and other powerful analytical tools into one easy-to-use program." // Used to set how long livereadouts are... IDSX_NUM_POINTS_IN_LIVEREADOUTS "20" // Quick-View Maximize Button text on data table: MUST BE VERY SHORT! 4 characters maximum. IDSX_TABLE_MAX_BUTTON "Max" IDSX_TABLE_RESTORE_BUTTON "Rest" // Auto-Save Recovery message strings: IDSX_RECOVERED_DATA_TITLE "Auto-Recovery File Found" IDSX_RECOVERED_DATA_MSG "%APP quit unexpectedly the last time you used it. An Auto-Recovery file has been found. Would you like to open this file?" IDSX_CANT_ACCESS_FILE "Cannot access file %s. Error code %e." IDSX_CANT_ACCESS_FILE_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_CANT_ACCESS_FILE_ERROR_SUB "%e" // Dialog Button text IDSX_AUTOSAVE_OPEN "Open File" IDSX_AUTOSAVE_DELETE "Delete File" // Error messages when trying to connect a skip IDSX_NO_DEVICE_CONNECTED "No device connected." IDSX_SKIP_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS_FAILURE_WARNING "WARNING: cannot acquire exclusive access to a Go! device because another application has opened the device. Would you like to open this device anyway?\nThis may cause errors when our application communicates with the device." //Data Set Options IDSX_PREDICTION_SOURCE "Prediction" IDSX_CURVEFIT_SOURCE "CurveFit" IDSX_VIDEOANALYSIS_SOURCE "VideoAnalysis" IDSX_FFT_SOURCE "FFT" IDSX_HISTOGRAM_SOURCE "Histogram" // User Parameters IDSX_CONSTANT_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY "Parameter names cannot be empty. Please retype." IDSX_CONSTANT_NAME_BAD "\"%s\" is not a valid name. Parameters must start with an alphabetic character (a-y, A-Y) and subsequent characters can only be alphabetic or digits. In addition, names of the form: \"zn\" where n is an integer are used for the internal representation and are not valid. No spaces, commas, quotes, etc. are allowed. Please retype." IDSX_CONSTANT_NAME_BAD_SUB "%s" IDSX_CONSTANT_VALUE_BAD "One of the values is not a number. Please retype." IDSX_CONSTANT_INCREMENT_BAD "One of the increments is not valid. Increments must be positive numbers. Please retype." IDSX_CONSTANT_CONTROL_VALUE_BAD "The parameter value is not a number. Please retype." IDSX_CONSTANT_CONTROL_INCREMENT_BAD "The parameter increment is not valid. Increments must be positive numbers. Please retype." IDSX_CONSTANT_DUPLICATE_NAME "\"%s\" is duplicated. Parameter names must be unique." IDSX_CONSTANT_DUPLICATE_NAME_SUB "%s" IDSX_ENTERED_VALUE_NOT_A_NUMBER "An entered value is not a valid number. Please retype." // Used to show COM Ports on Windows 98 and NT4 IDSX_COM1 "COM1" IDSX_COM2 "COM2" IDSX_COM3 "COM3" IDSX_COM4 "COM4" // Used to tell the end of the list IDSX_LAST_COM "" IDSX_BAD_USER_PARAMETER "You must enter a numeric value for a parameter." IDSX_BAD_USER_INCREMENT "You must enter a positive numeric value for an increment." // Headers for sub menus in Calculated Column Function menu IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_ANALYSIS "analysis" IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_BLOODPRESSURE "blood pressure" IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_BOOLEAN "boolean" IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_CALCULUS "calculus" IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_DIGITAL_FILTERING "digital filtering" IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_PHOTOGATE "photogate" IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_STATISTICS "statistics" IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_TRIGONOMETRIC "trigonometric" IDSX_FUNCTION_MENU_HEADER_ROTARY_MOTION "rotary motion" // Displayed in the assert dialog IDSX_WINDOWS "Windows" // Errors when opening menus.xml IDSX_CANT_OPEN_MENUS_FILE "Can't open menu support file." IDSX_ERROR_PARSING_MENUS_FILE "Error parsing menu support file." // Can't open file error messages IDSX_CANT_DELETE_DATASET "Cannot delete data set: %s" IDSX_CANT_DELETE_DATASET_SUB "%s" // Linux strings // used in font button (beginning space is important) IDSX_LINUX_BOLD " bold" IDSX_LINUX_ITALIC " italic" IDSX_LINUX_UNDERLINE " underline" IDSX_LINUX_FONT_INDETERMINATE "Indeterminate" // Messages for Font related problems IDSX_FONT_NOT_INSTALLED "Logger Pro could not locate the Windows system font \"%FONT\". The display of graphs and data may be adversely affected. Please re-install this font from your operating system install disk(s)." IDSX_FONT_NOT_INSTALLED_SUB "%FONT" // Message for installing a missing vstusb / ldusb driver file IDSX_LINUX_MISSING_DRIVERS_PREINSTALLED "Your kernel (%s) has been updated since this application installer package was created. Some hardware (%h) cannot be used until you upgrade the driver. Would you like to install an upgraded driver?\n\n(You will be asked every time you start until the driver is upgraded)" IDSX_LINUX_MISSING_DRIVERS_WEB "Your kernel (%s) has been updated since this application installer package was created. Some hardware (%h) cannot be used until you upgrade the driver. Would you like to search vernier.com for the appropriate driver and install it?\n\n(You will be asked this every time you start until the driver is upgraded)" IDSX_LINUX_MISSING_DRIVERS_KERNEL_SUB "%s" IDSX_LINUX_CANT_GET_VSTUSB "We couldn't find the correct version of the kernel module file we need to support LabPro and LabQuest. You can try updating Linux (System > Administration > Update Manager). Your kernel version may be out of date. Make sure you have an internet connection, and try again.\n\nSource to the module exists at %s. View the file InstallNotes.txt there for instructions." IDSX_LINUX_CANT_GET_LDUSB "We couldn't find the correct version of the kernel module file we need to support Go! Devices and Vernier Spectrometers. You can try updating Linux (System > Administration > Update Manager). Your kernel version may be out of date. Make sure you have an internet connection, and try again.\n\nSource to the module exists at %s. View the file InstallNotes.txt there for instructions." IDSX_LINUX_CANT_GET_DRIVERS_SUB "%s" IDSX_LINUX_DISCONNECT_HW "Please disconnect and reconnect hardware (%h) devices from your computer." IDSX_LINUX_MISSING_DRIVERS_HW_SUB "%h" IDSX_LINUX_VSTUSB_HW "LabPro, LabQuest, Ocean Optics Spectrometer" IDSX_LINUX_LDUSB_HW "Go! Devices, Vernier Spectrometers" // List of disallowed characters for filenames // i.e. \ / : * ? " < > | IDSX_DISALLOWED_FILENAME_CHARACTERS "\\/:*?\"<>|" IDSX_DISALLOWED_REMOTE_SAVE_FILENAME_CHARS "\\/:*?\"<>| " IDSX_DISALLOWED_REMOTE_SAVE_FILENAME_REPLACEMENT_CHAR "_" // Sensor Range description in interface window IDSX_SENSOR_NAME_WITH_RANGE "%s (%r)" IDSX_SENSOR_NAME_WITH_RANGE_SENSOR_SUB "%s" IDSX_SENSOR_NAME_WITH_RANGE_RANGE_SUB "%r" // Strings to allow control for how the full name of a column is composed IDSX_COLUMN_FULL_NAME "%d|%c" IDSX_COLUMN_FULL_NAME_SPACES "%d | %c" IDSX_COLUMN_FULL_NAME_DATASET_SUB "%d" IDSX_COLUMN_FULL_NAME_COLUMN_SUB "%c" // Warning message for custom fit strings that aren't properly narrow IDSX_CUSTOM_FIT_UNICODE "\"%s\" is not a valid custom fit equation. All characters must be strictly ascii (non-unicode)." IDSX_CUSTOM_FIT_UNICODE_SUB "%s" // // Watts Up description strings: // IDSX_WU_DESC "Watts up? %M\nMemory: %B bytes.\nHardware version: %V1\nFirmware version: %V2\n(%T)" IDSX_WU_NO_DEVICE_CONNECTED_INFO_TXT "Watts up? Offline\nMemory: N/A.\nHardware version: N/A\nFirmware version: N/A\n" IDSX_WU_SUB_MODEL "%M" IDSX_WU_SUB_MEM "%B" IDSX_WU_SUB_HW_VERS "%V1" IDSX_WU_SUB_FW_VERS "%V2" IDSX_WU_SUB_TIMESTAMP "%T" IDSX_WU_MODEL_STD "Standard" IDSX_WU_MODEL_PRO "PRO" IDSX_WU_MODEL_ES "PRO ES" IDSX_WU_MODEL_DOT_NET ".NET" IDSX_WU_VERS "%X.%Y" IDSX_WU_SUB_MAJ_VERS "%X" IDSX_WU_SUB_MIN_VERS "%Y" IDSX_WU_CURRENCY_US_DOLLARS "$ (US Dollars)" IDSX_WU_CURRENCY_EUROS "€ (Euros)" // Watts Up Remote Setting Dialog IDSX_WU_RS_INFO "Watts Up will begin collecting data immediately, using the settings shown on the right.\n\nYou may re-start the collection at any time by clearing the device's memory: hold down the SELECT button for several seconds when you first plug in the device's power." IDSX_WU_RS_INTERVAL_PREFIX "Collect 1 reading every" IDSX_WU_RS_INTERVAL_POSTFIX "second(s)." IDSX_WU_RS_FULL_MEM_LABEL "When device memory becomes full:" IDSX_WU_RS_CHANNEL_BOX_NAME "Select Channels for Remote Collection" IDSX_WU_RS_SETTINGS_BOX_NAME "Collection Settings" IDSX_WU_RS_FULL_MEM_STOP "Stop Collecting" IDSX_WU_RS_FULL_MEM_OVERWRITE "Overwrite Earlier Data" IDSX_WU_RS_FULL_MEM_AUTOCONDENSE "Auto Condense" IDSX_WU_RS_SETTINGS_SUMMARY "%S1\n%S2 total bytes available.\nCollecting on %S3 channel(s)." IDSX_WU_RS_DURATION_SUMMARY_STOP "Collect %S1 readings total (%S2 hours) and stop." IDSX_WU_RS_DURATION_SUMMARY_OVERWRITE "Collect %S1 readings before overwriting older data. Will keep the last %S2 hours of data." IDSX_WU_RS_DURATION_SUMMARY_AUTOCONDENSE "Collect indefinitely: at %S1 readings (%S2 hours) half the readings will be discarded and collection interval will be doubled, and so forth." IDSX_WU_RS_OKAY_BUTTON_TITLE "Begin Internal Logging" IDSX_WU_REMOTE_SETUP_FAIL "The Watts Up device has been disconnected, or is not responding. Unplug and plug in the device, and try this again." IDSX_WU_REMOTE_SETUP_NO_CHANNELS_SELECTED "You must select at least one channel from the list. Watts Up can't collect NO data during remote collection, because, you know, like, what's the point?" IDSX_WU_ONE_CHANNEL_WARNING "Watts Up requires one channel to be enabled at all times. Please enable channels before disabling the ones you don't want." IDSX_WU_RR_ERR "The retrieval of Watts Up data failed. Please check the cables to the device." IDSX_WU_RR_PROGRESS_TEXT "Retrieving remote data from Watts Up" IDSX_WU_RR_PROGRESS_STATUS "%S1% Complete." IDSX_WU_SUB_1 "%S1" IDSX_WU_SUB_2 "%S2" IDSX_WU_SUB_3 "%S3" IDSX_LQ_FGEN_WF_SINE "Sine" IDSX_LQ_FGEN_WF_SQUARE "Square" IDSX_LQ_FGEN_WF_TRIANGLE "Triangle" IDSX_LQ_FGEN_WF_RAMPUP "Ramp Up" IDSX_LQ_FGEN_WF_RAMPDOWN "Ramp Down" IDSX_LQ_FGEN_WF_DC_MODE "DC Mode" // Ignore this in this language -- the resource file has the right text IDSX_DATACOLLECT_DIGITAL_STOP_RB "" IDSX_SENSORMAP_NO_LONGER_SOLD "(No longer sold)" //code will append wavelength IDSX_SPECTROMETER_ABSORBANCE_AT "Absorbance at" //code will append wavelength IDSX_SPECTROMETER_TRANSMITTANCE_AT "Transmittance at" //code will append wavelength IDSX_SPECTROMETER_INTENSITY_AT "Intensity at" // used as printf format string IDSX_GCPEAKINTEGRATION_DEFAULT_COMPOUND_NAME "Peak %d" IDSX_GCPEAKINTEGRATION_SUMMARY_COLUMNNAME_PEAKNUM "#" IDSX_GCPEAKINTEGRATION_SUMMARY_COLUMNNAME_COMPOUNDNAME "Compound" IDSX_GCPEAKINTEGRATION_SUMMARY_COLUMNNAME_RETENTIONTIME "Retention Time (min)" IDSX_GCPEAKINTEGRATION_SUMMARY_COLUMNNAME_AREA "Area" IDSX_GCPEAKINTEGRATION_SUMMARY_COLUMNNAME_PERCENTAREA "% Area" IDSX_LQ_FILE_CORRUPTION_WARNING "Logger Pro detected a corruption in the file \"%s\". The data in the file will be preserved, but sensor associations may be lost.\n\nIt is recommended that you upgrade your LabQuest to the latest available software." // Some SENSORMAP strings that are looked up by key IDSX_SENSORMAP_FAMILY_CO2 "CO2" IDSX_SENSORMAP_FAMILY_TEMPERATURE "Temperature" IDSX_SENSORMAP_FAMILY_THERMOCOUPLE "Thermocouple" IDSX_SENSORMAP_FAMILY_INTERNAL_TEMPERATURE "InternalTemperature" IDSX_SENSORMAP_CAL_USER_NAME_TRANSMITTANCE "Transmittance" IDSX_SENSORMAP_USB_MD_COLUMN_NAME "Position" IDSX_SENSORMAP_GPS_LONG_COLUMN_NAME "Longitude" IDSX_SENSORMAP_GPS_LAT_COLUMN_NAME "Latitude" IDSX_SENSORMAP_GPS_ALT_COLUMN_NAME "Altitude" IDSX_SENSORMAP_GPS_DIRECTION_COLUMN_NAME "Direction" IDSX_SENSORMAP_GPS_SPEED_COLUMN_NAME "Ground Speed" IDSX_SENSORMAP_GPS_LAT_SNAME_BASE "Lat" IDSX_SENSORMAP_GPS_LONG_SNAME_BASE "Long" // Used in Spectrometer config dialogue IDSX_SENSORMAP_UNITS_ABSORBANCE "Absorbance" IDSX_SENSORMAP_UNITS_INTENSITY "Intensity" // Used in Linux interface window dialogs IDSX_INTERFACE_DLG_TITLE_LABQUEST "LabQuest" IDSX_INTERFACE_DLG_TITLE_LABQUEST_MINI "LabQuest Mini" IDSX_FILE_HAS_UNSUPPORTED_SOURCES "An unsupported device was referenced.\nThe only valid devices are Go!Temp, Go!Link, Go!Motion, LabPro, LabQuest; and LabQuest Mini." // Mac Lion IDSX_MAC_LION_FULLSCREEN "Enter Full Screen" IDSX_MAC_LION_EXIT_FULLSCREEN "Exit Full Screen" // End Localizable Strings ////////////////////////////////////////